defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
I’m excited to bring this to you because a member of my student community left me a comment: “Stef, I’m struggling with consistency. I’m having the hardest time being consistent and showing up.”
I thought about what the difference makers were for me, even in recent months, that were creating so much consistency and why I felt so different in my own business. I came up with three things that helped me immensely, and almost immediately. These three things could transform everything for you if you are struggling with consistency. I pray this will help you and blow your mind.
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Three Things for Immediate Results When You’re Struggling with Consistency
About 3-6 months ago, I was having this moment in my business where I felt confused. I would feel like I had so much to do and then I would sit down and wouldn’t know what to do. I would do one weird thing, then some more weird things, and my to-do list would grow. It was working, in that, the business was growing, but I was working a lot more than I wanted to be working. Everybody on my team seemed kind of stressed.
I was verbalizing this with my friend, Chelsi Jo. She told me, “It’s not that you’re doing something wrong, it’s the systems that you’re not using. You don’t have the right system to support you. If you would switch to my operating system, your life would be transformed. There’s no reason you should be confused when you sit down to work and no reason you shouldn’t be able to find something. There’s no reason you should feel scattered or frustrated because you don’t know what’s happening in your business or you don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing. You need an operating system.”
I was actually mortified and embarrassed to tell her I didn’t even know what that was. What do you mean by operating system? I have Asana! We have all this stuff I’ve already built for three years. She told me that was just a tool. Having an operating system built inside of the tool that supports you is what you need. It doesn’t matter if it’s in Asana, Meister Task, Monday, Trello, or wherever. You have to build an operating system that’s going o support you in your business. I didn’t know what that was. I didn’t know how to do it.
1.If you’re struggling with consistency, You need an operating system
In one of our blogs last week, Chelsi trained us on an operating system she built for her company. She explained that you have this cockpit so-to-speak for your daily-weekly-monthly stuff. It should be color-coded and tagged. It should go from this step to this step to this step. Projects live in a specific place.
Then, separate from your daily stuff, are your larger workflows and projects. It doesn’t matter where you set this up, whether it’s Asana or MeisterTask, or wherever, but it’s the process, method, and system that need to be set up. For me, it was rebuilding my company from the ground up – what am I even doing? What needs to be done? How many hours do I spend in this company? How many hours does each team member spend? What is everybody doing? What are their tasks? How do I break down a job into roles?
It was a completely different way of looking at my company, my business, and myself. It was difficult because I didn’t want to admit that I had not been doing this work well. That’s hard, but I heard something today in my alumni call – a monthly call with my graduates from Podcast to Profit – somebody said, “If you don’t have a coach that triggers you, you don’t have a good coach.” Amen!
This was triggering to me, so this means she’s on to something. If you haven’t been mad at me before, I have not done a good job as your coach or mentor.
Build consistency using an operating systemand streamlined process
We have to grow through things that are uncomfortable because we’re not great at them yet, and we need to learn to be okay with that. Stop taking yourself so seriously. Stop taking your business so seriously. It’s okay to not be doing great at everything.
One problem that needed to be fixed in order to transform my consistency was an operating system. I was schooled in how to do this. Lydia, my online business manager, came and we sat together for three days and built this baby. Now when I sit down to work, I know what I’m doing. I know what everyone is doing and know how many hours it takes to run this company. I now know what overhead we had that we didn’t need and that’s been eliminated and also know where each person goes to do their tasks. My life is absolutely transformed by Chelsi’s operating system. In Systemize Your Biz, you get everything you need to build your own operating system. (If you use code STEF100 you can save yourself $100!)
2. If you’re struggling with consistency, You Need to Utilize Time Blocks
This is another one of Chelsi Jo’s secret sauces! Inside Systemize Your Life, also mentioned in Systemize Your Biz, she teaches that you can’t be consistent when you multitask. The problem is that I can do a whole lot of things, but not do them all well. How often do you forget things? I used to say, “I forgot” all the time. If you’re saying “I forgot,” it’s because you’re not effectively time-blocking. You’re not scheduling the blocks you need in your planner and in your operating system/workflows in order to work on only one thing and one thing well.
The time block is a chunk of time, say from 2-4 pm, where you open your operating system and know exactly what you’re supposed to do. You’re going to pull from that and it is all you’re going to be doing for the next two hours. Do you know how effective and efficient you would be in your business if you knew exactly what you were doing at a specific time of the day every single day?
This is not a dream. It’s a thing that I am living out. Chelsi’s living it out, and Polly’s living it out. It’s possible for you to live out. Yes, it takes work, but if you take our courses, they will transform how you operate your business. We recommend taking them in this order:
3. If you’re struggling with consistency, You Need Clarity on What to Do
Another reason you’re not consistent is that you don’t know what to do. You don’t know the steps and don’t know exactly what makes sense. Also, you don’t know what has ROI and don’t know what’s a high-payoff activity and what’s just junk or a distraction.
It’s because you’re following too many people, listening to too many things, and you’re taking advice from people who haven’t done the thing you’re trying to do. You may be following coaches who are living a life you don’t actually want to live.
Stop that! It’s noise. Get rid of it. Get laser-focused on the people you trust who have already gotten to where you want to go and follow in their footsteps. Nothing more; nothing less. If you’re struggling with consistency, you need clarity on the steps to get where you want to go. All that is is following the plan; following the framework.
Struggling with consistency and excuses
Remember when I said if you don’t have a coach that triggers you, she’s not a good coach? I’m about to trigger you right now because I’m going to tell you that you are making excuses for why you can’t be consistent because you haven’t done the work – or you’re doing too much work – to try to get to a place you don’t even want to go!
What is this life you’re trying to create? Are you really trying to create a life where you spend 5-15 hours a week on social media with absolutely no results? Are you actually trying to create a life where you’re always behind at home; where you feel you can’t be present with your family because you’re so busy with a to-do list?
Do you want to create a life where you’re constantly confused in your own business with the chaotic systems you set up and where you can’t operate from anywhere because you’re living off 37 to-do lists and 14 Post-It notes that you already lost? Let’s stop this madness! I understand. I was you – I am you!
To recap, if you’re struggling with consistency, you need
An operating system
To use time blocks
To get clear on what you’re doing
Hear me. Your life can be easier, more simple, more free, less confusing, and 100% more consistent, but you have to step up, invest in yourself, find who and what it is for you, then go all in. Do the hard work to get to where you want to go. Don’t look around; get rid of the noise. Stop asking the wrong people for advice. Get in the place God is calling you to be and don’t look up. This is possible for you. I just pray that I’m the coach to help you get there. Me, Chelsi, and Polly. Today’s the day.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I'm Stef Gass.
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