hurry! APPLY NOW!

Ready for your podcast to grow faster so you can get consistent clients?

So… You started your podcast, now what?

Ready for your podcast to make consistent income?


ready for leads to come to you?

want to add seo and
keywords that drive traffic?

sales FEEL overwhelming or scary?

want to create a course that
sells on auto-pilot?

Want to scale your business TO help more people?

Knew the exact formula to consistently
get clients from your podcast

Were creating sustainable, predictable income to support your family

Knew the exact steps to build a coaching offer or course that would sell on repeat

Felt comfortable with marketing and sales because you had a simple formula to follow

Didn’t have to go at it alone and had a sisterhood of Christian podcasters who would support you and keep you accountable every step of the way

Had Stefanie by your side, giving you coaching and feedback on your podcast, offers, marketing strategy, and more...

Imagine if you...

Podcast to Profit 


Are you ready to go all in on your podcast so you can make money while glorifying God in your work?
This program will give you the specific steps of how to build a business from your podcast that will make sales (in less time)! No more confusion. No more wasting money. No more showing up everywhere hoping for a break.

It's time to simplify so you can scale in a sustainable way. 

Create a coaching or course offer & know how to launch it

With Podcast to Profit, you will be able to:

Land juicy podcast interviews

Sell without the hustle or
relying on awkward DMs

Know what to work on in your
business without the confusion

Use SEO strategy to grow your show

Get live coaching, feedback, and strategy designed specifically for
a profitable podcast business model

May Be The Answer You’ve Been Praying For

Group Coaching Program

saying about the Program

What students are

Shana & Vanessa

“Doubled our monthly revenue to $15k in 6 months!”

Student Testimonies

wins from Our podcast to profit students

Emily Spigelmire

“From 0 downloads to 25K in 6 months of P2P!”

Teresa Davis

"I had a 31% conversion from the waitlist
on the course I created in P2P!"

Bekah Yawn

“From 0 downloads to 25K in 6 months of P2P!”

Jackie Butler

"made over $10,000 in course sales in a few months of P2P!"

Having a podcast that is profitable

It’s time to uplevel your show.

In the past 6 years, I created a top 20 podcast, am almost at 2 Million downloads, and run a seven-figure business. I’ve helped over 2000+ collective students do the same, so I know it's possible for you...

Join me in Podcast to Profit. A live, 6-month group coaching group coaching program for Faith-led podcasters.
Get marketing strategy, accountability, coaching, and a community of faith-fueled, go-getter Christian entrepreneurs on a mission. 
You will experience massive momentum and growth… which leads to profit.

Are you ready?

It’s possible!
I know because I’ve done it myself!

is going to be easier than you think!

Are you ready for your podcast downloads to explode? 

Want to create an offer that
your listeners can’t resist? 

Ready to improve your
visibility & get more leads? 

Want to use podcast SEO to grow your show the easy way without spending countless hours on social media?

Podcast to Profit Group Coaching Program

What You’ll Get Inside

and scaling bonuses galore...

PRIVATE COMmUnity for help


website and email marketing


Spotlight coaching with stef

operations and organization

live launch & EVERGREEN SALES training








Rachael Groll

My first year of podcasting I had 1,000 downloads total and was ready to give up. However, the Lord interrupted those thoughts and told me to treat my podcast like I would a church. With that instruction, I decided to take the leap and pay for PPU. Right afterwards, I took P2P, and I haven't looked back since. Within 6 months, I have had over 265,000 downloads and I just signed with a large podcast network. There is no way I would be where I am today without Stef's encouragement, guidance, and support.

Hearing Jesus

"I took P2P, and I haven't looked back since. Within 6 months, I have had over 265,000 downloads"

Jessika Brown

Stefanie Gass and her God-inspired method has been the catalyst that brought my dreams to life! She taught me how to build a sustainable business that reach the kind of women I know God intended for me to serve by using my talents, podcasting, and prayer. In under 2 years I have built a business that provides extra income for my family with consistent $5K months and 120K downloads all while working full time elsewhere and being a present mama and wife!

Fuel Her Awesome

"In under 2 years I have built a business that provides extra income for my family with consistent $5K months"

Brittany Wilson

I can’t go on enough about P2P!! When I started P2P I had about 3,000 downloads; Yesterday was my 5 month anniversary of podcasting and today I hit 20,000 downloads! This is entirely without showing up on social! During P2P I started ranking in the US and a handful of other countries and I haven’t fallen off the US charts since! I got my first coaching clients, have my course mapped out and ready to launch, and I know so many incredible next steps I can take for my business when I have the time! I could not feel more equipped to continue expanding my business and the continued growth of my podcast is unbelievable! I could not be more grateful!!


"In 5 months I hit 20,000 downloads!"

Shana & Vanessa

We have spent money on programs before and not seen the return. P2P was worth every penny and we didn't even get to do everything that was available. There is a dollar for dollar return on this program for sure. Another possible concern was that it was another course with a lot of talk but not a lot of tactics. P2P is broken down, every step of the way, into bite-size, tangible actions you can take as quickly or as slowly as you want to. Also, you have multiple ways to keep from getting stuck (FB group, spotlight and office hours). 

Fnancial Coaching for Women podcast

There is a dollar for dollar return on this program

Tracy Hoth

Started a podcast using PPU in 2 months and as of today (less than 6 months) have 134 reviews and over 12.5K downloads. I created a brand new course following your model (so professional - my best work) and I sold 18 the very first launch (some members coming straight from my podcast!). A new client binge-listened to my podcast and hired me in less than a week for 1:1 coaching. IT WORKS!

The Organized Coach

I sold 18 courses in my very first launch by following your model!

Jeannie Baldomero

My podcast has grown to 47,747 Downloads in the 9 months of P2P! I created and launched a brand new course, and my business revenue has doubled month over month since pitching on my podcast.
Accountability everywhere!! Office hours, spotlight, community group (the coaches were on top of it and wonderful!!) and in coworking pods.

I rebranded through the market research, my website page is GORGEOUS!! simplified and all about serving my avatar, I have a clear offering I am confident to sell, my FB community is full of moms who want to be there and not invited to join, my email list has grown, and I am already seeing conversion. I myself have been transformed and refueled to serve Moms of Teen Girls.


 My business revenue has doubled month over month since pitching on my podcast!

Emily Spigelmire

Since launching our podcast this year, we have ranked 151 in the U.S. in the Relationships category and are in the top 5% of all podcasts globally. We are in 64 countries and have over 24,000 downloads.

We launched our coaching program a few weeks ago and have booked 4 clients.

I know I wouldn't have had the same level of excellence in my product that I do now because of the P2P program.

Beyond Broken Vows

We are ranked 151 in the US, have over
25K downloads, and have booked 4 clients!

I’m so glad you asked

Podcast to Profit?

Step 3
Step 2
step 1
Step 6
Step 5
Step 4

This Program will take you through 6 Steps of growth and monetization strategy

You can move as quickly or SLOWLY as you need to. take up to 6 months to complete the program.

In step 1 we will focus on what matters MOST when it comes to growing a fulfilling, fruitful business. Being partnered with God in His will for our work.

Build a God-Centered Business

  • Mind your Mind
  • Position God as your CEO
  • Business Meetings with God
  • God-Led Decision Making
step 1

In step 2, you will learn how to make podcasting work to actually grow a niche, targeted audience. The foundation you build in step 2 is how you will get new listeners, increase your downloads, and ultimately grow your business!

Grow Your Audience

  • Niche Down to Grow Up
  • Know Your Ideal Person
  • Optimize Your Podcast
  • Podcast SEO
  • Keyword Rich Titles
  • Result Producing Content
  • Get Organized and Consistent
  • Track your Metrics
Step 2

In step 4, you will create your signature offer. You will know which offer is going to work best for your niche and audience. You will then be able to follow a step-by-step framework on how to craft your coaching offer or course.

Create Your Offer

  • Decide on Your Offer
  • Plan Your Coaching Offer
  • Build your Coaching Offer
  • Plan Your Course 
  • Build Your Course
  • Set Up Your Sales Page
Step 4

In step 3, you will learn how to build trust with your audience by nurturing and helping them grow. You will learn to use community and email marketing to create rapport and connection that will ultimately convert.

Build Trust With Your Audience

  • Set Up Your Community
  • Nurture Your Community
  • Set Up a Simple Website
  • Build Your Email List
  • Nurture Your Email List
  • Cultivate Leads
Step 3

In Step 5, you will learn how to sell your offer. You will learn the power of direct podcast pitching along with urgency offer marketing. You will get clarity on how to sell and when to sell so that you can be confident in making money.

Sell Your Offer

  • 12 Month Sales Schedule
  • Sell on Your Podcast
  • Sell Using Live Launch
  • Sell Using a Flash Sale
  • Sell in your Community 
  • Sell in Your Emails
Step 5

In Step 6, you will learn how to scale what you've built. You will learn how a freebie can work to convert cold traffic, easy ways to repurpose like blog 101, and pinterest. You will learn how to get spot on other shows and more.

Scale Your Business Bonuses

  • Legal 101
  • Freebie Framework
  • Blogging 101
  • Pinterest Marketing
  • Podcast Guesting
  • Financial Basics
Step 6

When you join us in Podcast to Profit, over the course of 6 months, you will get training tutorials, live spotlight coaching, team support, and so much more.

When you join us in Podcast to Profit, over the course of 6
months, you will get training tutorials, live spotlight
coaching, team support, and so much more.

What’s Inside


You will have access to the course + materials for 6 months along
with live group coaching with me and office hours with my team!

Worried about the tech? No problem. There are also step-by-step tech tutorials giving you examples and guidance on HOW to complete each step.
You also get support from the team and students inside the FB Group.

build a coaching
or course Offer

Live launch &
urgency offers

sales and marketing training

team support & accountabilty

scale and get visibility

grow your podcast

glorify god in your work

grow your audience

plug-and-play templates

matthew 19:26

With God all the things are possible.

Podcast to Profit Applications!

APPLY FOR This group coaching program, BELOW


Bi-weekly live Spotlight Coaching Thurs at 9:30AM MST
Meet with my team during Office Hours Tuesdays at 12PM MST and Thursdays at 6PM MST.

Because Podcast to Profit is focused on creating massive growth and momentum in a 6-month period, please do not apply unless you’re ready to dig in and do the work.

Go-getters are always welcome!

If you want to experience real success, be prepared to commit at least 3-5 hours per week to the program.

I promise, it’ll be worth it!


Video trainings, LIVE spotlight power group coaching, collaboration, and business transformation! 90-Min bi-weekly power coaching time! 

Serious applicants, only.

We are now accepting

Brianne Bell

The Passive Income Nurse

In less than 1 year my podcast has grown to 25,000 downloads without social media. My show is a top 2% podcast globally. 

Faith Hanan

Simple SEO and Marketing

I ranked #47 for Marketing in the US, got 5 new coaching clients, and am highly ranked for my SEO and keywords!

Brooke Jefferson

The Purposeful Photographer Podcast

I am now a top 0.5% podcast with over 600,000 downloads! I experienced a very profitable launch during P2P and had 11 new students join my program

Camie Wilkey

Bibles, Babies, and Business

My downloads doubled during Podcast to Profit! I have much more clarity about who I serve and rebranded my business.

Lauren White

The Intentional Edit Podcast

 I am a top 50 Home and Garden show in the US and a top 5% global podcast! My show grew to 15K DOWNLOADS which is 263% growth!

Laura Malone

The Christian Life Coach Collective

My impressions on Pinterest are up over 4000% in the last month because I started adding podcast episode pins to Pinterest with the spot on SEO!

Erika Diaz Castro

her renewed strength

I have a 1.5% globally ranked podcast 27K downloads and an established coaching business (in just 15 months) thanks to Stef and P2P!

Kara Walker

Money and Mental Peace

As a P2P Alumni, my downloads increased 80% in LESS THAN HALF THE TIME, and I gained 15 clients, a 1% conversion rate!

Tracy Hoth

The Organized Coach

My podcast has over 12.5K downloads, 134 reviews! I've created a course following your model and made 18 SALES in my first launch! Stef's programs work!

Lesley McShane

Redesigning Midlife

I hit 100,000 downloads in 1 year after going through Podcast to Profit!

This is for you if:

You are ready to get clients organically without posting
on social media

you want to stop working so hard for such a small return (or none at all)

You wish you had a course selling consistently to produce a steady income

You wish you had a sisterhood of supportive Christian women to walk beside you on your business journey

This is not for you if:

You don’t want your show to produce consistent income

You love spending hours on social media generating leads and closing deals in DMs

You already havE strategic podcast SEO and keywords

You don’t need help with accountability or strategy

You’re rocking 1:1 sales and are making bank already

you need a roadmap with the exact steps to follow for making your podcast profitable

Save Huge!

pay in full

$4,997 /
one time
Most Affordable

Payment plan

$497 /
12 months

6-month access into my student membership group ($1,500 VALUE)

6-months of Office Hours with my amazing coaches ($2,500 Value)

email, podcast, and other plug and play Templates ($2,500 Value)

6-months of Access to spotlight coaching with ME ($10,200 value)

6-Month Access to my Back Office Business Blueprint Tutorials ($5,500 Value)

Special bonus trainings on Legal, back office Organization, Pinterest, tailwind, email marketing, and systemizing your biz. #OrganizationGoals ($5,500 Value)

Access to Pinterest , Blog, & other marketing or sales bonus tutorials ($3,500 Value)

feel confident & clear

on how to grow your online business?

Are you ready to

We have booked SIX clients DIRECTLY from our podcast!!

The Ideal Balance podcast

Shana & Vanessa

I hit 1,000 downloads in my first month, have 100 5-star reviews, am ranking in 20 countries and have 3 coaching clients lined up after joining P2P! 

Mom Wife Career Life podcast

Kerri Patt

I was able to build out a workflow so that I know exactly what I need to be working on every single day.

Habits & Home Show

Lisa Lizotte

Before P2P I had a handful of people interested but I wasn't sure what to do with them except to wing it at coaching…after P2P, I got my first sale!

the eczema kids podcast

Andra McHugh

Podcast grew 130% in downloads, gained 4 paying clients, re-branded, created A new fb group and I am having so much fun!

Bold & Blended Stepmoms

Jen Rogers

In 90 days my podcast grew from 10k to 20k downloads and is now globally ranked in the top 2.5% and top 5 for all things midlife!

The Midlife Makeover Show

Wendy Valentine

P2P has been the sole resource to create a top 1.5% show with over 115K downloads in all 50 States and over 50 countries

The Grace Fueled Wife Podcast

Beatriz Vargas

I doubled my investment (10K!) and made 34 sales in just 3 months without posting on Instagram!

Passive Profits on Etsy

Jackie Butler

I grew past 17K downloads, made 20 course sales, and doubled my superfan number because of Podcast to Profit!

For the Love of Hormones

Bekah Yawn

In 5 years I've grown a podcast to #20 in the Entrepreneurship category. Gotten millions of downloads, and went from the profit-struggle-bus to a million dollar business. 

I didn't pay to play. I didn't run FB ads until I had passed 400K in annual revenue. I didn't figure out some fancy funnel.

I trusted God and said YES to a business model that I didn’t understand. Putting service above sales. I showed up in obedience and stayed consistent. Putting my Lola first and focusing on solving her problems for FREE. 

Then, I figured out exactly what she needed and created specific offers that would help her. I paired that with organic growth strategies, stellar niche messaging, and a passive income strategy that I know - is like no other.

I'm here to teach you everything I’ve learned so you can walk in my footsteps. My wish is for you to have my exact business model. I’m here to guide you through IMPLEMENTATION of each strategy inside this group coaching program. Add weekly accountability, a sprinkle of tough love, and a lot faith… your life is about to change, forever. It’s time to step out and go from called to chosen. 

Hi Friend!

I want you to have organic, long-game, needle moving SUCCESS. I want your podcast to go next level. I want you to start profiting from your efforts. If I can do this - so can you.

You were born for a time such as this.

I’m Stef Gass

A: This is a 6-month full immersion mastermind program. There are 12 weeks of trainings unlocked in your back office followed by bi-weekly spotlight group- coaching sessions to go over your homework and answer your questions. Each week you can also hop into office hours with our coaches for additional support. This program isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s for those who are ready to go from a hobby to a business. Creating real programs and planning to profit!

Q: How long is this course?

A: The videos are recorded and created specifically for each week. They are dripped to you over the course of the program. The bi-weekly coaching is 100% live! You also get office hours with Stef’s coaches and access to the student community on FB where you can ask questions and get support from Stef’s team and prior P2P grads. You will also get 6-month access to Stef's Back Office Blueprint with all the tech, templates, and tutorials that your heart could possibly desire!

Q: Is this live?

A: Friend, P2P is for you if you are DONE playing small and are 100% committed to doing the work to scale your podcast into a thriving, profitable business, once and for all. You want to do it by partnering with God so that you can pursue his plan for your life. You need a step-by-step plan, implementation, and accountability to get you to the other side. And, last but not least you are ready to get big-time visibility, create your course or offer, and learn to love sales! P.S. You love to laugh (and cry) because we have SO much fun in this program and the connections you make are life-long.

Q: How do I know P2P is for me?

A: Absolutely! This is a live, group coaching mastermind program. You get bi-weekly spotlight group coaching calls with Stef! Everyone is able to pre-submit questions and we take turns rotating people. You will learn a TON even if your question isn't answered live that round. You also get access to two office hours per week with Stefanie's incredible coaches. They know the method inside and out and are a fantastic support option for those that need some extra help. 

Q: Do we get any 1:1 or group coaching with this course?

A: In all honesty - this program is worth well over $20,000. The tactical growth strategies and business transformation I have seen blows my mind. I have students who have built 6 and 7 figure businesses from the podcast to profit business model. Students who have had 2K, 11K, and 75K launches using my workshop strategy. Many who have ranked top 10 (and even #1) in their category and have gone on to be featured on other top ranked shows. Basically, this investment will most likely change your life. Show up, invest in you, be coachable, do the work, and stay partnered with God. The rest is gravy baby. This program is worth it’s weight in gold. Trust me.

Q: Shoot me straight. Is this course worth the investment?

Q: Do you offer refunds?

A: No. If you do the work, you will have results. 

Write us and ask away!

Still unsure?