Learn to make income with a podcast

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Profitable Podcast Bootcamp

Welcome to The Stefanie Gass Blog

Start or Grow a Successful Online Business as a Christian Entrepreneur

Check out the latest

Binge-worthy podcast episodes and show notes from the podcast


Learn how to pre-plan your content so that your podcast episodes have an authentic call to action that strategically points to your offer, coaching, or courses! CTA’s made easy!

call to action
February 1, 2022

How to Create Strategic, Authentic Call to Actions (CTAs)


10 Podcasting Stats That Prove Podcasting is Better Than Reels, Tiktok, and Stories! Swap Views and Likes for PROFIT.

Podcasting Stats
January 27, 2022

10 Stats On How Podcasting Wins Over Reels, Tiktok, & Stories!


For online entrepreneurs who are ready to get your contacts off of social media and onto a list that YOU OWN. Build an email list that can nurture your listeners is LIFE.

build an email list
January 24, 2022

5 Steps to Start & Build an Email List Using Podcasting


What to focus on as you go from 100K-500K downloads on your show. This is the perfect time to focus on building a team, biz basics, building and growing, and becoming the director of growth in your organization! Success awaits!

Podcast Downloads
January 14, 2022

Focusing on Growth Between 100 K and 500K Podcast Downloads


Can I go from airing a new podcast episode every week to bi-weekly? Will it hurt my show?” Find out how often to drop a new podcast episode!

January 12, 2022

Should I Air a New Podcast Episode Weekly or Bi-Weekly?


What to focus on as you go from 10K-100K downloads on your show! I explain why this is the perfect time to focus on the 4 M’s! From Marketing to Monetizing as Christian Entrepreneurs.

podcast profitable
January 10, 2022

Want a Profitable Podcast? The 4 M’s Between 10-100K


I Started My Podcast, Now What? From 0-10,000 Podcast Downloads + The 4 C’s. FOCUS ON FOUNDATIONS AND FUNDAMENTALS!

Started my podcast
January 6, 2022

I Started My Podcast, Now What? From 0-10,000 Podcast Downloads


How to Launch a Podcast in 30 Days. A 4-Week Framework taking you from planning to promoting your show. Building an evergreen platform is a MUST, and there’s no better time than the present to start a podcast!

launch a podcast
December 28, 2021

Launch a Podcast in 30 Days! 4 Week Framework For Your Show!


Want to achieve more, better? It’s time to move the needle in your business, home, and life. What systems to use? What are the things that keep you focused and locked in? How do you stay organized while managing a business and kids – while working from home? Top Productivity Hacks!

top productivity hacks
December 27, 2021

TOP Productivity Hacks for High Achievement as a WAHM


In today’s quick tip Tuesday I’m answering the question, “when should I monetize my podcast? And how?”. I actually give you a SPECIFIC POINT in time to KNOW when it’s time to create ‘the thing’ and how it can best be presented to your audience for maximum impact and impact.

monetize a podcast
December 21, 2021

When & How to Monetize Your Podcast!


In today’s show, I walk you through my full 2021 recap. I share with you my goals, tell you if I hit them or not, what worked in 2021, what didn’t work, what was hard, and then I share what is CHANGING for next year. What new goals have I set and what my new word of the year is.

word of the year
December 16, 2021

Stef’s 2021 Full Year-End Recap. Word of the Year and numbers.


What types of coaching should I be doing in my paid program vs. with my high ticket clients vs. on my podcast? This is such a great question and I actually broke it down into 3 specific types of coaching with 3 different outcomes! How to differentiate your coaching between the different spaces in your online business.

December 7, 2021

What Types of Coaching Should I Do With My Clients?

Learn How to Consistently
Make Income With a Podcast
For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs

Profitable Podcast Bootcamp

Take this quiz
and find out!

Should You
Start a Podcast?

Step by step plan to
start your online business

Complete Business Blueprint

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Podcast Launch Checklist

Steps to start and launch a podcast from start to finish

Spiritual Battle Plan

From Psalm chapter 18

defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare

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Find out everything your need to feature Stef—bio, photos, and details—ready to inspire and educate your audience

Find out more about working for Team Stef as
an intern! We open our internship twice a year.

Contact us with questions, concerns,
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.

I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!

Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you
can start your online business with confidence.

Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.

Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step
you're on and and learn which course is right for you!

Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple
steps to go from idea to successful podcast.

Let's work together!


Clarify Your Calling
Free Workshop

Watch this workshop and get
clear on your calling so you can start
an online business! Hop on this quick,
35 minute free training and map out
your next steps!

Podcast for Growth
Free Workshop

Watch this workshop and learn how
podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
