defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
This is a guest episode with a Podcast To Profit (P2P) graduate Juliana Page from the God’s Vibes podcast. She shares all about how she gained 5 high ticket clients and 29K in only 90 days.
Juliana is a best-selling author and master certified life coach. She has been immersed in coaching, ministering, leadership, success conditioning and personal development fields, and has been for some time.
When Juliana entered Podcast To Profit, she had been podcasting for 2 years. She didn’t realize that her podcast could be the growth catalyst to getting more coaching clients, selling more books and getting speaking engagements.
In 3 short months, she saw some crazy results and I can’t wait to share with you how she achieved them.
What Is Your Podcast Called and What Do You Do?
Juliana: The podcast is called God’s Vibes. It draws all who have confusion about God, a broken relationship with God, is evolving on their journey with God – basically all things God. The podcast’s goal is to move women of faith from self-sabotage to self-mastery. Only God can fill that gap in the journey. So it could involve trauma therapy one day, and emotional intelligence the next.
I coach and I run a community off social media called Courage Co. I also write and produce books.
Stef: When you entered P2P, I checked out your website and I was impressed. Your branding was on point, you were an author and a speaker.
How Did You Find Me and What Made You Want to Join?
Juliana: I found you online. God kept dropping podcasting in my heart. I had no idea what podcasting entailed. So I prayed for someone who knew what they were doing and God revealed you. I did the program of yours – Podcast Pro University. I found that empowering. Every detail was mapped out, step by step.
I podcasted for 2 years and came across your material again. I felt I had to talk to you. 20 minutes later, I was doing a complete re-brand. From that conversation, I felt God wanted me to refine everything in my business. I had never connected business to podcasting. Gaining high ticket clients and revenue through my podcast wasn’t even a thought. My podcast was just a means of sending positive messages into the world.
What Made You Say Yes To The Program?
Stef: Specifically, was there any resistance or fears you had? Or any thoughts you had before you joined? Or were you confident in your decision?
Juliana: I was more sold into totally doing it and I was convinced because of things that would have formally given me fears. Real life happened. I had two sources of income that were removed right before I invested. When that happens, God is already there. So I chose to trust Him realizing it was the enemy trying to get me to freak out. I felt there was too much connected to this to not show up. I knew there was blessing, anointing and obedience on it.
Fears were there. But I knew what God’s voice was and what you do in moments like that. Instead of shrink, you go bigger.
Stef: Another thing in that is sacrifice. You probably thought now would be a good time to save money with those income sources gone. But you chose to make a huge step of faith and invested in my coaching program instead.
What Were The 3 Months Of The Program Like?
Stef: Specifically, what was hard about it and what was great about it?
Juliana: I believe we are changed by peoples stories. The way that people get coached every week is really powerful because it’s expanding on things you might not have thought about. How others are tweaking and honing in on things which helps you refine things.
A lot of what happened for me in the program was a bunch of little adjustments over time. You gave me the gift of being able to go through the content. To go through weekly to identify what I needed to tighten up, re-evaluate, put more intention, and determine what’s not aligned.
I also loved having the pods too. Being with other ladies and seeing what their process was and how you could support or get extra feedback was awesome. I didn’t realize that was part of the program but it was great as it led to connections.
A hard part was the time commitment. I thought it was a weekly thing. But there were office hours, you’re connected with your pod, and the time required to do the work and then share the work with others. I was doing what was in the program. So it was a challenge, but doable.
Stef: If you are not good with time management, you will be after this program. I’m pleased you mentioned the spotlight coaching. You’re getting the one-on-one coaching with the spotlight time, but you also get to learn from others too.
And the pods are a place where you get extra help from others.
So, Was it Worth It?
Juliana: 100% I would suggest to others to go into it expecting to be God’s next success story. I was convinced that this was going to work and I would get more than my money’s worth. If you keep believing that, you see more and more evidence of that. And that was my story. It started with changing the podcast title. I then went through over 200 episode titles and changed them. I used all the key words.
Something I had never done was make an offer on the podcast. That moved me into a whole lot of receiving which I was not used to. I was used to giving. What this has done for me is it has unlocked the flow. I’m receiving as well as giving and people’s lives are getting changed on an epic level.
How Did You Gain 5 High Ticket Clients?
Juliana: There was a point where I made an offer on my podcast for more one on one coaching, 25 people reached out and I ended up signing 5 high ticket clients. And these are people from around the world. I would have never been able to connect with a client of mine from Papa New Guinea.
I then re-launched my mastermind at the beginning of the program and I had 235 people apply for that. So, I went from having no one apply when I first launched, to that. We have just launched again for a third time which has been awesome.
Stef: Did P2P help you to do a launch and how to set up all of the mastermind program pieces to steward and shepherd all those leads and turn those into sales?
Juliana: Yes. There is tonnes of life experience that goes before after years of nothing happening. That’s also God saying can I trust you with people and with what matters to me – the hearts of other people? I found that in you. We had a similar story as you knew the God piece.
The program does take you through that, but that doesn’t negate all of the experience of learning how to do those things before. Like failing with offers, learning how to communicate, continuing to show up, not getting responses, getting hateful responses. All of that had been behind that.
Success Doesn’t Happen Overnight, But It Will Happen
Stef: It’s not an overnight success. It never is. You had a podcast for years before coming in and refining it. You had quite a few super fans before we refined. I want people to know that just because you set up everything foundationally correctly, it doesn’t mean you have explosive success. It means you are setting up the runway to take off in God’s timing. Heaven’s timeline sometimes takes years.
This is possible when you partner a God-centred business with big action and the ‘how to’ that you can trust and lean into. It’s like a puzzle and you have to have all of the pieces.
Juliana: The program blessed me to be able to map out what I was going to be doing now with the podcast in relation to my business. Now I know the direction I need to take. I know what to do to gain high ticket clients. You know what to do, and it’s just plug-and-play.
What Happened With The Podcast?
Juliana: I had growth of 13, 500 downloads in 3 months.
Stef: That is amazing! And now the program is 6 months long. So imagine being able to pour more fuel onto it.
Tell us About the Community and the Revenue
Juliana: The community is called Courage Co and it is off social media. In the beginning of the program I had around 250 people in there and I now have over 1, 000.
We started launching life groups for people who had been through the mastermind or people in the community to serve these people better.
In those 3 months alone, revenue was $29, 000.
Stef: Talk about ROI.
Juliana: We don’t grow and get blessed when we hang on. We grow when we let go and trust.
Stef: That’s a word right there. I need a t-shirt with that on it.
These results have ben mind-blowing for you, and I can’t wait to see where you are in a couple of years and where God takes you. The people you serve are so blessed by you and I am so proud of you. Gaining 5 high ticket clients and making 29K in revenue is such an achievement.
You and I are similar in that it wasn’t overnight success. It was a journey. Everything is seemingly overnight success but that’s a lie. It’s a lot of work and heart and some small seasons of hustle and the rest of it is faith and trust.
What Would You Say To Someone Who is thinking about joining Podcast to Profit, but they are on the fence?
Juliana: I would say that you never fail when you invest in yourself. And if you are thinking about it, is that you thinking about it, or is it God leading you? Often we pray and pray and want answers but sometimes He has one right in front of you.
I would say you will not regret your decision. You will get what you invested for. Stef knows what she is doing and has been in the game for a while. Her heart is to serve and she is tracking with God. Isn’t that reassurance that on the journey somebody gets it and you don’t have to figure out all those pieces in the middle by yourself.
On the other side of this is what is it costing me not to? What is it costing you to keep doubting yourself and that you can get by without investing in yourself? If I was to be honest, it never works when you don’t invest in yourself, but it works every time you do. And when you sacrifice there is so much greater out ahead of you than what you are actually laying down.
I would say get off the fence and go for it.
Wrapping It All Up
Stef: You are amazing Juliana. You’re inspiring and God-centred with so much wisdom to share.
Thank you for sharing your wins and your story and some truths about what it’s really like in the program.
Where can people hear more from you?
Juliana: They can find God’s Vibes which is my podcast. Or connect with me on my website
What Profit To Podcast Offers
Friend, I want to share a bit more about Podcast to Profit with you. You might be wondering if this could be the group coaching program for you. Let me share with you what this is.
This is a 6 month group coaching program for Christian women.
Ideally you have your podcast launched or you are super close to having your podcast ready to go.
The program will teach you how to grow your podcast using podcast SEO, fixing the foundational pieces of your show so that it will get you an audience and your show will create leads into your business.
Together we will figure out what your offer should be. Whether it’s coaching or creating a course. We will get that cleaned up and planned out and create it.
It delivers how to sell. I believe that it doesn’t matter what kind of great offer you have. If you don’t know how to accurately sell, how to audit your own sales funnel and set everything up for success, you’re not going to make money in your online business.
But Wait, There’s More
In the program you will have everything you need. A back office that shows you what to do, training tutorials, templates, everything I ask you to do, I show you how to do. You will have lots of support and office hours with my team and co working pods with my other students and bi-weekly spotlight power coaching with me where I help you with strategy and ensure you are never stuck, or if you are stuck, that you don’t stay there.
I want to help you walk to other side of making your podcast profitable.
If this sounds like you, go to Read over the sales page, pray and see if this is for you. If it is, I want you to apply. If you are accepted you will be added in and able to begin right away. You will be added into the calls and have 6 months from the day you get started to complete everything. To walk along beside us, get the know how, to have each and every step and to know what to do next in order to create a business from your podcast that makes money, income and impact for the kingdom of God.
If you don’t have a podcast yet, you can still apply. Click the button that says ‘I don’t have a podcast’. We will happily bundle my podcasting course with the group coaching program to ensure your success.
I can’t wait to help you, mentor you, encourage you, shepherd you, and to show you how to put this thing into practice and make it a huge success story.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
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Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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