defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hi Friend!
In today’s episode I have MORE Podcast to Profit student wins for ya. From massive podcast growth to ranking on the charts – these women did WERK. Be sure to stay on until the end when we share the funniest moment of this P2P round. #awkward
I love letting you have an inside sneak peek of the way God works inside this program. How he brings these women to a new level of potential that only He can. How he shows up BIG for their dreams and guides them in bringing life to their kingdom work. I am so HERE. FOR. IT.
I pray this finds you right on time.
We currently have 4 spots left for P2P. Is one yours?
P.S. LAST CALL!!!!! FOUR SPOTS LEFT! Are you ready to take your podcast from meh to makin’ it big?! Ready to scale into a full time profit-house using podcasting? Wanna build my EXACT business model?! Podcast to Profit is kicking off shortly and there are only a few spots left. HURRY and get your application in, here!
Okay, ladies, we have another round of the amazing podcast to profit graduates sitting here with me right now. I’m so excited. Like you guys heard what happened in the last round of women, those crazy tactical outcomes. I mean, this group is no different and I think you’re going to be blown away with everyone’s results and their insights, and maybe even surprised with some of the crazy wins that they experienced through this program.
So again, I just want to encourage you that if, when you’re finished listening to this episode, you feel that holy spirit tug you feel like this could be right for you, please come apply. We are almost full. There are over 20 applications at this point, but not everyone will end up finishing the registration.
So if you want to get that application in right away, you can still make it. This is going to be the last round of Podcast to Profit in 2021. So 3, 2, 1, get it. Okay. Let’s start with Jeanette.
Hello. How are you?
I’m so good. Tell everybody what your podcast is called and who it’s for.
Yes. So my podcast is Sisters of Christ Podcast and it’s for Christian women who are looking to deepen their relationship with God and walk in their identity.
So here for that, that is so good. Talk to me a little bit about why did you decide to take the plunge and do this program Podcast to Profit?
I had started my podcast. I’d been listening to you for about a year, I think at this point. So before I even had the podcast and I was brand new to podcasting and I knew that I wanted to have more accountability and I also wanted to know what to do, because I felt like I was just kind of randomly posting episodes and whatever, and there was no real direction or clarity.
So I really wanted that. And I’ve been listening to you for so long. And I had heard the episode just like this, like with the P2P people and I was so amazed at how clear everyone was and how like certain they were on what they were doing and their next step. So I was like, oh, I want that.
I’m doing it. What a full circle moment. You’re listening the success stories and now you’re part of them.
I was just thinking of that too. I was like, God. So cool.
He is so good. So talk to me about what happened for you in the program. Was it worth it? What were those tactical outcomes?
Wow. I mean, absolutely it was worth it. The time like the financial investment, everything, it was worth it because it’s like, I looked at the numbers before I hopped on. So I actually tripled my downloads per episode, which is amazing. I couldn’t have done it without you. And just like the SEO training.
I also got super clear on who the podcast is for like my ideal woman, my ideal audience, not just like, oh, Christian women, like very specific, what are her pain points like and how I can actually show up and serve her. So that was a really big mindset shift for me.
Also learning to sell on the podcast, like having a clear map forward on how I’m going to do that. I’m going to create different offerings at different points in my journey. So that was amazing to have
Yeah. That’s so huge. Three X in your downloads in just 90 days. That is incredible. So what was your funniest or most memorable moment through the program?
Funniest or most memorable? I think I told you this on our last call, but I’ll say it again. And I think this is important is because one day I wanted, we like showed up for a call and all I wanted to do was just cry that day because I was over it. As someone who was like starting out their podcast, illness starting stages I just felt like, oh, I don’t have any listeners. I don’t have any of this. I don’t have any of that.
Just kind of looking at all the, what I didn’t have versus what I did have and like where I’m going. And you just gave me the most like motivating talk. Like everyone starts there, keep going, you can do it. And I was like, kind of snapped me out of a place that I think all of us get into as we’re growing our podcast is like, oh my gosh, I can’t do it when really, you know, just a few weeks. It’s like my downloads tripled.
That’s so good. Yeah. I think that’s really the power of being in community, you know, and having that live component to this program. Like I get to know you guys, I know you and I understand where you’re all at and I can speak directly to where you are. And then you having that support system, not just the accountability, which is great.
Like you guys were all constantly showing up with your homework, but the community part, like the come cry with me part, you know, like the let’s like give each other a hug part. Like that’s just, it’s so special to have that in business. And it’s really hard to find that, to find strong Christian women, faith-led women who are also like growing and rising up into their businesses and into their purpose work. So,
Yeah. And I was just going to say like, like you said, the encouragement, not only to keep going, but you also encourage me to like, trust God more. That is so important. And like, so key.
Oh, thank you for sharing Jeanette. You guys, if you are interested in really growing in your spiritual growth journey and hearing from God more in your life, more tangibly, please go check out the Sisters of Christ Podcast with Jeannette. I know that it will bless you. Okay. Let’s move to Christine. You guys. Let me just tell you something about Christine real quick. This girl, she’s amazing.
She has been waking up with us in the middle of the night. Every time I run this program, I have to have my token Australian or someone from Guam or somebody from somewhere where they’re waking up in the middle of the night for this program. And this time it was Christine. And I don’t think she missed one day. So hi Christine.
Hi! I’m so glad to be here. Yes. Good morning to you.
Good morning. Tell everybody what your podcast is and who it’s for.
My podcast is The Mil Spouse Mastermind Show. And it’s a podcast for military spouses all about how to thrive, how we get unstuck and pursue lives of purpose, regardless of our circumstances.
So good. Do you guys see how clear they are? Like what is your show and who is it for every single one of these women can answer that question. I mean, worth its weight in gold. Tell me a little bit about why you decided to do podcasts to profit.
Well, so I had been blogging sporadically for a while about my life as a military spouse. And earlier this year I decided I’m going to go all in. I’m going to start a podcast. And if I’m going to do a podcast, I want to make sure I’m doing it right. And that I am putting all the pieces in place in the right order so that I’m not wasting time on things I don’t need to do.
So I knew that I just needed that support and that accountability. And I was like, I need to do this to get me where I want to go.
Yeah. And I mean, you are over there with your girls in the middle of the night, husband’s in the military, you made this investment in yourself and you showed up every single week. Was it worth it? What happened during P2P for you?
It was absolutely worth it. I looked the other day and I have triple the total number of downloads that I had when I started the course. So that’s awesome. But I think the big wins for me are feeling like I have this plan. I know what I need to be spending all my time on so that I’m not wasting time that I could be spending with my family focused on the things that really matter.
And then the big piece for me was really having that course outline that I put together because I had all of these concepts in my head, but I had never taken the time to put it down on paper and say, what does this look like? What is this framework? And how can I move forward to create income and monetize the podcast on the road? And so just getting that course outline together was huge for me.
And I love that we came together. It’s not like, oh, yay, Christine, like good luck. Like we came together and we scrubbed your course. You know, we were like looking at every single little piece of that course. I challenged you in some areas to get more tactical, which you did.
And so it’s really that brainstorming, that working together that allows like these incredible products to be born. You know, when you have one mind, that’s great. But when you put 20 minds together, along with my team who is helping you and all the other women’s feedback, your products become really so impactful and you don’t have to go back and ever redo it because you’re doing it right from the very beginning.
The other piece of that makes me think of is the fact that you also know how to sell it, you know, coming out of the P2P, you have a sales pitch, you’ve got this sales page template, you know how to price this product out, you know how to sell it on your show. Like you’re fully equipped.
Absolutely. I love it because I could spend forever, recovering perfectionist. So I’m like, is this right? Is this right? But just having somebody to bounce ideas off of and say, Hey, is this the right direction? And, and get that feedback was so important.
Amazing. What was your funniest or most memorable moment?
I mean, I have to say the most memorable, memorable part of this whole thing is just waking up in the middle of the night and, you know, knowing that it is absolutely worth it. And, you know, that was my biggest hesitation jumping in, I was like, can I do this wake up in the middle of the night, but it’s totally been worth it. And I will never forget all of these late night slash early mornings.
Oh my gosh. I know. And I remember I saw on your stories one day or something like your coffee grinder broke and then she had to show up with no coffee, you guys. And she was still here for it. So congrats on your three, X-ing your downloads. Congrats on your course. And I’m just, just congratulations for showing up for yourself and for investing in you and for letting God bring you here. Cause I’m so excited to see what He does.
Okay guys. And if you are a mil spouse, please go and check out The Mil Spouse Mastermind Show. She is really going to help you focus and hone in on what that purpose is for you as this military spouse, who’s always on the move. She has so much valuable content go and do yourself a favor and check that out. Okay, let’s go to Mari. Hello, my friend,
Hello, Stefanie!
Tell us or what your podcast is and who it’s for.
My podcast is Chicapreneur Podcast, and I help Christian chicapreneurs by providing tools and strategies on how to start and manage a podcast. Amazing! A girl after my own heart. Right guys. So tell me, Mari, tell me about why you decided to join a Podcast to Profit. Was it an immediate decision? Did it take you a long time to decide to jump in? Like, what was that like for you?
Well, the main reason was to have the systems and to basically organize my myself. When I started following you, I just decided to do so because I wanted to help others. But then along the journey, I felt the nudge from the holy spirit that I was to start my own podcast.
So who better to help me get all the, like Christine said, all the pieces in place, then I was already, I had already taken PPU and I had already taken the another workshop with you. So I decided to join Podcast to Profit to streamline and come out on the other side a little bit more organized and offer a better service.
What was your outcomes? What were the breakthroughs that you experienced through this program?
Yes, that definitely did happen. Not only did we, that I have a great community, great support with you and Ronica and the girls in our pods. Also, I came out after 90 days with podcast management clients. So I added clients to, yes, thank you.
New clients. Yes. That’s amazing. And the support and that community that you’re looking for and that clarity. And I think people like, you know, we went back and forth on, are you really teaching podcasting or are you really teaching people podcast management and really being able to differentiate where you should positioned instead of where you can be positioned, you know, like we can choose all the things like we can do everything ladies, but we shouldn’t be doing everything.
We need to pick the thing, we need to niche in. And we need to discover what we do differently than someone else and really go there. And so, you know, Mari and I really worked on that and she really came out with this realization that she needed to niche more into the podcast management space, which is amazing. So last thing, what was the most memorable or funny moment for you?
I’d say the most memorable moment is just from start to finish the community, the accountability, just having to not wanting to be the only one, not doing the homework, being on time with everything. And you know, I’m not where I need to be, but I know that I’ll get there and the hard work dedication, then I know that I made friends for life and it’s been, it’s been awesome.
And the messages from God and the holy spirit and just having you pray over us every time we did a session. So it was a wonderful and amazing. Thank you.
You’re welcome. Thanks for sharing Mari. And you guys, you heard that in the last one as well, where we really talked about this power of community. And again, you just heard her say, I made lifelong friends. You know, that’s the beauty of this program. It’s not just a fully passive course.
Like you are meeting real humans from all across the world, quite literally, that become friends with you that are on this journey with you, that understand the process of creating a podcast and monetizing it. You can ask questions of each other.
You can get feedback and everyone is growing a business on a foundation with God, which is, I think the coolest part ever is finding other amazing driven business women who are doing it for the glory of Him. Like I just can’t. It’s so good. So good. Okay. Last but not least is Jocelyn. Jocelyn, tell everyone your podcast and who it’s for.
Hello. My podcast is called Meliora Mentor with Joslyn Hillam and Mellie and meliora means better in Latin it’s for latter-day mothers who want to improve their mindset in pregnancy and motherhood. It is for women who wanted to enjoy bearing God’s children were, but it’s been harder than they thought it would be. And it’s tough with their mind during that season of life.
So amazing. And you did this all the while… with all the children?
Yes. I have four kids. So it was yes,
Totally made at work, which I love about you. So why did you decide to do P2P? What was happening for you? What was that decision making like?
So it was a hard decision because of the financial investment. Actually, I went back and forth like seventy-five times and I am pretty scrappy. So I was like, you know what? I really could do this myself, but I know it will take longer. And then I was like, why am I wasting the time to take longer?
Why don’t I learn what Stefanie has already learned and implemented to start actually learning the, earning the profit. And when I kind of had that mindset shift, like I could do this faster if I paid for help, I spent half of my savings to do it. So yeah, that’s where I decided to go. And that’s why I decided to do.
That’s a big moment. You’re like, I’m going to vomit. I’m going to push the button. I’m going to play. I can only imagine. And I’ve been there too. You know, I’ve invested in myself when we had no money in the bank account either and you never do, right? Like you never just have money laying around to invest in yourself.
And it’s the last thing that we feel good about doing, because, well, shouldn’t we go on a family vacation or shouldn’t we pay down some debt, but I will tell you what you guys have heard here is every single woman has talked about these results, these tactical outcomes and wins that have happened from this investment in themselves.
The ROI of investing in yourself is infinite. So that ROI does not end right now today when they’re finished, they just finished Podcast to Profit. They’re already seeing the fruit of that return one year from today. If they don’t give up, if they keep pouring into the board, I taught them to do, and they continue to do this, this work without getting distracted, that ROI is going to be tenfold for every single one of these women.
And so investing in yourself, it’s just a must. Right. And especially if you’re feeling holy spirit, tell you where to invest. So good. Okay. Jocelyn, what, so was it worth it? Here you go, you put half of your life savings out. Like you’re doing this program. Whatwere the outcomes for you? What did you experience?
Yeah, so far it’s been worth it. I actually got clarity in who my Lola was, and she is a latter-day saint mother, specifically in pregnancy. I had hard pregnancies and I was able to niche it down, and the pregnancy is what I needed to focus on. And I think through it, finding that through you helping me clarify that like 700 people found my page, my pregnancy page, that I … were led there by God.
Like there’s no other way because I wasn’t advertising. I wasn’t doing anything else, but 700 people in one month found that page. And so it was just confirmation that taking this program and clarifying who my Lola was, was so important. And that was, yeah, that was a huge breakthrough.
So big of a breakthrough 700 women that you can impact, you can serve, you can guide, you can help and you can mentor and all of you have a paid offer.
Yeah. Every single one of you have that you are offering which is so cool in 30 short days. Right? So going from clarity to growing those downloads, to ranking, to creating those offers, blow up a Facebook page, like all of the wins. Last but not least. I’m so glad you went last. Tell us what the funniest or most memorable moment was during this program.
So as I’ve already mentioned, I kind of niched down to pregnancy and we were talking about pregnancy a little bit. And the ultra ultrasound wand came up in topic of conversation. Stefanie had no idea what the ultrasound was, ultrasound wand was or where it went. And we kind of had a funny laugh in moment about that. It was a good one.
It was not just a slight laugh. Like I was red and sweating and the girls were dying, laughing because I could not believe where they told me this pregnancy one goes. So I am like, if you guys I’m seriously still in disbelief, I’m like, what states do y’all live in? Because that did not happen to me. It was a funny moment. Oh, funny.
It’s so funny. And that’s like, that’s just another cool part about this program is it’s totally authentic. It’s totally real. No one is afraid to be themselves. Nobody’s fancy pants. Like we all showed up in our PJ’s. We were like, everyone’s down to earth is so much fun. We were laughing.
We cried, we laughed, I think all, all the time, probably all of us and everything in between. So it just shows that that fun aspect of growing your business doesn’t have to be dry, boring, or excruciating. Right. It can be fun and exciting and ridiculous and silly and successful all at the same time. So, yeah.
And I would say, if you’re on the fence, do it, it will be worth the investment and meeting the pod sisters. I know a lot of people have mentioned that, but the pod sisters really is a huge win and having those friendships cause we’re going to continue our group meeting as well. And that is just so awesome that I have other people I know who are podcasting that can help me when I run against roadblocks. So do it.
Do it! Thank you, Joslyn!
Thank you, Stefanie!
You’re welcome, love. I’m so excited for you, girls. Keep on digging in, keep on growing, keep on doing this work that you’ve been called to do. And if you are listening right now and you’re thinking about making the leap into Podcast to Profit do it, you know, what is the worst that can happen? That’s always my question to myself is if God positioned me here and he’s leading me to say yes to something who am I to say no to that?
And what’s the worst that can happen? You know, you make this investment in yourself and it doesn’t work out for you. Well, guess what? You have an amazing pot of sisters who are there to encourage you, inspire you, walk with you. Your podcast is growing. Every single woman in here had massive growth in their show. Every one that you heard between last call and this call that is a for sure, 100% going to happen.
Many of them ranked top 100, top 50 all of them have either a paid offer or they’re finishing our paid offer every single one of them. And you heard so many times where they said the way that God moved through their businesses, through their lives, through this program and in between each and every one of them beautifully and amazingly weaving them together as lifelong friends, that happened too.
So if that’s the worst that can happen, I would definitely say that is a yes and amen for me. So if this is on your heart, please, this is literally your last opportunity. This is your last chance to get into the final round of Podcast to Profit for 2021. It is podcast to profit 3, 2, 1. I’ll meet you there. Let’s do this. It’s your time, girl! Let’s grow!
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Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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