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Hey Friend!
Welcome back to Day 3 of the Spiritual Gifts Workshop where we look at how to use your gifts. In this blog, we’ll be taking a look at the steps you need to take so you can embrace your gifts fully to the glory of God.
Make sure you go back and read Part 1 and 2 of this workshop series for the full training on Spiritual Gifts!
Use Your Gifts So You Can Glorify God in Your Business
Hopefully, by now, you have gone through the quiz to determine what your spiritual gifts are. You may have found you have a whole bunch of gifts your rank highly in, or just one that stands out. We are all different. It’s all about how God has you positioned to grow and expand in the giftings He has given you. There doesn’t have to be a title for your gifts, but it does help.
Once you know what your gifts are, I have a few steps to guide you on how to put your gifts into practice!
1. Look at How Your Giftings Are Used in the Bible.
To do this is simple. You just google ‘Examples of exhortation in the bible stories.’ or ‘Examples of giving in the bible.’ We are meant to learn from others in the bible.
2. Pray Over Your Gifts.
These gifts are to be fostered to flourish in your life. Pray something like this:
Father, open my heart to receive my gifts. Give me clarity on what my gifts are and how you want me to use them. Foster the gift and allow it to bloom into something purposeful for your calling.
You need to take action and play with the gift. Moving in the giftings is uncomfortable but you won’t grow unless you take action. We are in spiritual growth training. We need to armor up and go to school, do the work, take the tests, and continue to show up for it to get the grades to get to the ultimate university of all time. It’s all about the training.
3. Use Your Spiritual Gift in Whatever You Do.
Just because you have a gift for something, doesn’t mean that is your work. For example, if you have the gift of pastoring that does not mean you head on over to seminary school and then plant a church. You can pastor right here, right now, with what you’ve got. God qualifies the called. You do not need to be qualified.
An example of using your gifts is if you are a student with the gift of evangelism. Find 5 minutes to grab a coffee with someone and talk to them about God.
Or if you have the gift of giving, you can give of your time. Try different and unique ways of implementing the gift. Maybe your giving has been financial until this point. How else can you give? Of your time or your attention. You could give away free coaching to someone you are called to help instead of wasting time on social media.
The sacrifices you might make using your gifts are for God’s glory. Sacrifices of what you and I want to be doing are sacrifices for the Kingdom. And how incredible if we use that sacrificed time to pour into our giftings.
Using your giftings doesn’t have to be outrageous because it’s between you and God. Pray and ask God, how do you want me to use my gift today? Holy Spirit, show me an opportunity to use my gift today. If you are opening those doors in prayer, and asking God to lead you in that, He is not going to turn you away.
There is always a way for you to explore your gift in whatever your job might be and in your personal life. It’s about stretching yourself. For example, I am a natural leader in my work. As my boys are getting older, I am stretching in new ways and learning to be a leader for my boys. It’s new, it’s different, and I am learning.
4. Use Your Spiritual Giftings in New and Unique Ways.
How do you use your gifts? Or better yet. Are you using them? Are you intentionally praying over them? Are you implementing them no matter what you do? And where are you seeing weak spots? Where do you see that you are being called to use the gift but you are not?
For example, Are you a school teacher that has the gift of teaching? Why not try teaching Sunday School as well?
It takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at your craft. What if it takes 3 different ways of exploring your gifts and all of these hours and practice and mentorship and prayer and failures to become an expert in your gift? I don’t think there is a point in time when your gift is tapped. You can continue to blow the lid off your gift. I think there is always next-level growth. Just like there is in all realms of your life, there is always the next level.
So how do we stretch? We have to try them out in new unique, different ways, in different scenarios and different situations. As I mentioned I am a natural leader in my business. I’m having to work on leading my sons by using new and different ways of teaching, leading, and using wisdom.
5. Find Godly Counsel to Guide You.
Who is that person to you? It could be a pastor, spouse, Godly friend, or coach. A person you could get some help from in growing in your gift. It’s really important to have people in your corner. And if you don’t have these people to help you use your gift, you’re going to have to find them.
Pray over it. So often we turn to ourselves to figure stuff out. If you pray over this, God will give it to you. It may not be in your timing, but it will happen. I’ve prayed for people to join my team and He’s handed them to me. I’ve prayed for friendships, the coaches, the church, the books, and the answers in my parenting – I’m always deep in prayer. It’s important that we do that with our gifts. He will show you how to step into it, stretch it, grow, and evolve.
6. You Have to Be Open to Growth.
We have to be open to the discomfort. When you go to the gym and start working out, you’re a newbie. You don’t know the form, or how much weight to put on, you wear the wrong outfit. This takes practice. You then get into it, and you start to feel sore. You forget to take your protein after your workout. So you start researching and get a trainer. This helps you. Now when you get in the gym you are intentional. You are getting more comfortable. You’re not afraid to help someone else out. Your muscles are growing. You feel better. That’s a process.
Working it out from the awkward beginning to you feeling the fruits of pushing through the pain – it’s worth it. But when you are on Day 3 at the gym, it doesn’t feel worth it. 6 months later and you look better, feel better, and are a mentor.
This is the same process in any area of your life. We have got to be uncomfortable to grow. We’ve got to push through the awkwardness to see the fruit. In order to be the trainer, you must get the training.
Embrace the Growth Process as You Learn to Use Your Gifts
Why are we so averse to the growth process? I am 9 years into this entrepreneurship journey. There were a lot of failures. A lot of mindset work, distractions from the enemy. There was also a lot of stretching and growing. Often I would block my own growth because I was afraid of it. I didn’t want to feel uncomfortable, to spend money on myself, to do things the right way instead of wanting to do it the fast way. It set me back.
Are you here to have your gift go from seed to blossom in your life? You might not feel ready or sure. You’re never supposed to be sure. The test is what becomes the testimony, If there is no test, there is no testimony. At the end of all of this, I want a testimony. I wanna say that I tried and I failed. But I tried. That I helped someone out. I wanna say that I opened my mouth even though I wasn’t sure. That I stood on that stage and blessed someone in that audience. For me to say these things, I have to experience them.
Take the Next Steps in Learning How to Use Your Gifts
Finish the book. And if you need further help partnering your gifts with your calling, join Clarify Your Calling. The course is a 30-day course taking you through all of this and so much more. We go from gifts to clarity to identity in Christ, utilizing the gifts, building a brand, and everything in between.
Be sure to go back to the first two parts of this Spiritual Gifts Workshop series!
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
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I'm Stef Gass.
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