defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Have you ever wondered what you’re supposed to be doing with your life? Know you have God-given gifts and you’re trying to answer the call of God but aren’t sure exactly how to do that? Have you ever wondered what’s the point of doing all this? If so, you need to read this blog! Today’s blog has been taken from my interview with Cathy Heller on her show Don’t Keep Your Day Job. This was such a beautiful and encouraging conversation (and such a big moment for me to be on one of my dream podcasts!). You’re sure to be blessed.
How to Answer the Call of God and Clarify Your God-Given Gifts
I first truly sought God’s calling when my life fell apart after my network marketing days. I felt like a failure, and I’d made a complete mess of my life. My job was gone, the money was gone, and my enormous success had become a failure. But in that moment, I realized something was wrong, and I needed to align with God’s calling for my life.
So, I got out a piece of paper and asked God who He was calling me to be. I wrote down everything in all the different categories of my life that I thought God was asking me to work on. He wanted me to be energetic, healthy, talking to Him all day, doing what He wanted me to do, stop chasing money, and instead chase encouraging and lifting other women up.
And then, I just did one thing. I invested in the gym that I couldn’t afford so I would go, I swapped the Doritos for veggie chips, and I started listening and doing what God asked of me. It’s about trusting the process and being willing to pivot and step out in faith, and provision and opportunity have come. Over the last three years, I’ve become the woman on the paper. It feels like a dream and a blessing, but it felt impossible three years ago.
Everybody Has God-Given Gifts and a Calling for Their Lives
Lots of people feel like they don’t have a calling or that they’re not here for a reason. But that is not true! We are not qualified to judge our callings. Who’s to say your calling isn’t big enough or good enough? We aren’t all called to big audacious things, but each of us has this special thing that we’re doing that creates a collective. The Bible promises that we can experience heaven on earth and that we do that by aligning with the thing that lights us up.
Instead of comparing your calling with someone else’s, it’s about stepping into the thing that lights your fire, what you’re passionate about. I believe we all have a special gift from birth. The gift is so natural to who you are that you don’t recognize it. It’s the thing that you’re doing day in and day out. Whether you know it or not.
You can often recognize it as the thing people ask you about all the time. Can you help me with this thing? Everybody’s calling is so different. You must recognize that you are so important to the big picture of everything, and you do have a call.
The second piece of advice for finding your calling or gifts is to stop overthinking. Stop overthinking the process, how you’ll make money, and what job it might be. A lot of the time, it’s a skill set that’s your calling, not a particular job. The how is often beyond us.
Trust the Process When You Answer the Call of God
Are you willing to be chosen? Are you willing to say what is my calling? Use me; I’m ready. Get out of your own way to be chosen, and then trust the process enough to be shown. Let God show you; here’s what I need you to do.
It’s also a journey. I was working so hard to build this company, but I didn’t really understand it at the beginning. I didn’t know what to teach or what courses to sell, but I had to start somewhere. So I kept praying and taking the next step. Yes, there was resistance, and yes, I had to work hard, but eventually, God told me to do the podcast. Once again, I had no idea how it would work, but I did it anyway.
A year and a half later, the podcast brought me to clarity coaching, my community grew to 100,000 people, and my revenue exploded. Everything fell into place. Today there is zero resistance, but it was a journey. You have to be willing to go through the journey of taking messy steps to figure out what your calling is.
Questions to Ask Yourself to Help Find Your Calling
Firstly, you need to recognize that you do have your calling inside of you. But, it often takes a lot of journaling and seeking God to get it out. Some questions to work through are:
What do you think lights you up?
What makes you mad? (this can be a big identifier)
What are you passionate about?
What do people ask you for all the time? (That’s a big identifier of at least the area)
Then start there. Trust and start; move your feet. Do something in that one area. Eventually, you get to a place where you realize I’m just going to do me, and there’s no resistance.
It’s a Messy Road to Working Out Our God-Given Gifts
We have to follow the tug God has placed on our lives, regardless of whether we feel equipped to do it. It’s very easy to say, Stef, I’m not qualified. But, you’re not speaking to people up there; you’re talking to someone five years behind you.
You get to choose. Are you going to get stuck in the limiting beliefs of why you can’t do your call? Or, are you going to move those limiting beliefs out of the way and step aside and say, you know what? I’m willing to look dumb and fail, for people to say she won’t make a good coach. But who cares if we mess up? That’s the point.
Why are we here if we’re not willing to mess up to make something beautiful at the end of the journey? Just try, take the step, and then create the lessons we can learn and lean on to improve. You’ve got to be willing to get out of your own way.
Be Willing to Answer the Call of God and Let God Use You
The next step is to be willing to let God use you. You have to say; I’m willing to do the work for you. God, use me, whatever you need me to do to help these women overcome their fear, move forward, and do their mission work. Please take control. I’m ready. Surprise me.
It’s completely terrifying to say that, but when you do, incredible miracles start happening in your life.
It’s false humility to say, I can’t do that, just because something is big or scary. That’s making the thing about us when our calling and lives aren’t meant to be about us. Rather, we should be willing to be available to help. It’s not our responsibility to worry about what we are called to do.
God qualifies the called. I know you’ve heard that before, but it’s true! God chooses people who seem unqualified to make a point. Are you willing to step up and trust in faith? When you say, yes, I am, watch the magic unfold. I’ve seen it so many times. I feel every day, these miracles just come. Sometimes you just have to do the work and say, I trust it, right? Because there are moments where you’ll say, it’s too big, too scary, and I’m not ready, I don’t know how. But, guess what! That’s the enemy telling you that you can’t. The calling is so much bigger than that.
When You Answer the Call of God for Your Life, It’s a Journey, Not an End Result.
What I find is that when people think they have a business problem or a marketing problem, it’s actually a courage problem. They are afraid of the pain. Nobody wants to be rejected or feel stupid. It’s such a shame because we miss out on the gifts that are ours.
There is no final destination here. It isn’t about, whether I now have hit the thing, made x amount of money, or stood on a stage in front of people. If you make it about these things, you’re going to be let down. You’re going to have an expectation hangover because the magic is not in the end, the final destination. The magic is in the here and now. It’s in today, the next step, the failure, and even when you think everything is crumbling down around you.
It’s that beautiful mess because inside of the mess is a complete transformation of who you were meant to be. The lessons you are meant to get. It’s the belief in yourself and the courage to try something else on top of it. The new belief in how proud you can be of yourself for even taking that step.
So the journey is the final destination. It’s right now. If you are not willing to live right now, then what are you doing here? Why are you thinking about all of the big things if you are afraid of experiencing the big things? If you’re afraid of not being able to do it right.
There is no right way to do anything here, and you will fail before you fly every time, every single time. You’ve got to be brave, and you have to take the step and try and try again. You have to keep going, and you have to know, that this is a miracle. Find the miracle in every single day. They’re all around you. Every little hour has some type of miracle. Remember them, write them down.
God Is Waiting for You to Use Your God-Given Gifts
You have a calling that God is waiting for you to walk in. Don’t let yourself get caught up in the comparison game, your calling is unique to you and a vital piece in someone else’s life. Go out, serve, and trust God with the results. He won’t let you down. Remember, life is a journey and the magic is when we walk out God’s path for us right now.
What are you struggling with the most, discovering your calling or having the courage to live it out? Let us know in the comments below, we love to hear from you and pray for you!
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This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
I struggle with both – knowing for sure what my calling is AND waking it out. I think I have some idea of one of my callings, if it’s possible to have more than one. I get tripped up because there’s a second business – a product business – I felt I was called to start, and I did.
However, I fell for the enemy’s whispers and started to focus on the sales and financial success. This led to the most unbearable stress I’ve experienced. In 10 years time, the best year I had the business did $60k, and then did $30k in 2020 but then I was forced to change how I’d have to manufacture my bestseller and I felt like I failed God. I felt like I myself was a failure and that I had failed God. Not only did this cause me to be depressed, but it also led me to slowly let that business decline.
Even 2 years later, I still have a handful of women buying my other products and continuing to ask when my bestseller will be bank in stock. I feel ashamed that I let God down, and I’ve repented that I focused on the wrong thing instead of focusing on obedience.
I’ve cried to God several times and asked Him to tell me what He wants me to do – close that business or give it another try – and I still don’t have a clear direction, still can’t hear a clear answer from the Lord. I’ve told God that I don’t want to do that business the same way I did before, that if He’s not in it that I don’t want to do it. I can’t physically, mentally or financially bear it to be like it was before. But I still don’t have a clear answer.
That business is in an industry that goes against God at seemingly every turn. I’ve come to kind of understand that God wants His people to take territory for His kingdom in such industries but I still don’t have a clear answer from God. So hear I sit. I don’t know what to do.
Thank you for this honest share Lynnieb.
There is no condemnation in the Kingdom of God beloved, simply conviction. We love your heart for Jesus and He has heard your cries.
Here is an incredible 7-step Spiritual Battle Plan Stef created just for Jesus loving friends like you to hear from God and trust Him:
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
I struggle with both – knowing for sure what my calling is AND waking it out. I think I have some idea of one of my callings, if it’s possible to have more than one. I get tripped up because there’s a second business – a product business – I felt I was called to start, and I did.
However, I fell for the enemy’s whispers and started to focus on the sales and financial success. This led to the most unbearable stress I’ve experienced. In 10 years time, the best year I had the business did $60k, and then did $30k in 2020 but then I was forced to change how I’d have to manufacture my bestseller and I felt like I failed God. I felt like I myself was a failure and that I had failed God. Not only did this cause me to be depressed, but it also led me to slowly let that business decline.
Even 2 years later, I still have a handful of women buying my other products and continuing to ask when my bestseller will be bank in stock. I feel ashamed that I let God down, and I’ve repented that I focused on the wrong thing instead of focusing on obedience.
I’ve cried to God several times and asked Him to tell me what He wants me to do – close that business or give it another try – and I still don’t have a clear direction, still can’t hear a clear answer from the Lord. I’ve told God that I don’t want to do that business the same way I did before, that if He’s not in it that I don’t want to do it. I can’t physically, mentally or financially bear it to be like it was before. But I still don’t have a clear answer.
That business is in an industry that goes against God at seemingly every turn. I’ve come to kind of understand that God wants His people to take territory for His kingdom in such industries but I still don’t have a clear answer from God. So hear I sit. I don’t know what to do.
Thank you for this honest share Lynnieb.
There is no condemnation in the Kingdom of God beloved, simply conviction. We love your heart for Jesus and He has heard your cries.
Stef has an amazing FREE Clarity Workshop. This would be a fantastic next step for you friend.
Here is an incredible 7-step Spiritual Battle Plan Stef created just for Jesus loving friends like you to hear from God and trust Him:
-Stef Gass + Team
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