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Hey Friend!
Do you want to scale your show and explode your podcast download numbers? Or is it time for massive growth in revenue for your online business? Or maybe you love a good success story. If any of these are you, you are in the right place! Today’s blog has been taken from an interview I did with two of my students from the fall 2022 cohort of Podcast to Proft (P2P). We dive into how over the space of 3 short months, they have seen massive growth in their revenue and downloads, their favorite parts of the program, and their thoughts on whether or not you should join the next session!
See How My Students Have Doubled Their Podcast Download Numbers and Had Massive Growth in Revenue
First, I’d like to introduce Faith Hanan of Simple SEO and Marketing. She helps Christian entrepreneurs scale their businesses using SEO, keywords, and blogging. Secondly, I’d like you to meet Wendy Valentine of The Midlife Makeover Show. Wendy helps midlifers discover what’s next and take courageous action.
What made you find me, and what made you want to join Podcast to Profit?
It was the beginning of 2022, and the Lord reminded me it was time to start a podcast this year. I don’t trust easily, so I was asking the Lord, “can I trust this gal? Can I do this step-by-step Stef’s way?” And the Holy Spirit said, “Yes, this is what I have for you. Trust her and do it”.
I’m not normally the sort of person who likes to do things step-by-step; I’ll duct tape them together. But I was like, alright, Lord, we’re doing it. So I bought CYC and Podcast Pro University and did everything exactly like you said. Once I’d rocked through that, I knew P2P was the next step.
Wendy:I was actually waiting for it to start. Everything was going really well in my business, but it was time to regroup and revamp. It had been six months into the podcast, and the foundation was built, but I wanted to take it to the next level. And I knew P2P would allow me to do that.
The week it started, I’d just hit 10,000 downloads six months after launching the podcast.
Were there any fears or roadblocks to joining Podcast to Profit? It’s a big investment!
Faith: Honestly, no. I already knew what the Holy Spirit was telling me to do, and I trust the Lord wholeheartedly. So, I said alright. I just did it. I knew it was good and that it was of God.
The only thing I was like, “Are you sure God” was the timing because it was a super busy season for my family. So I was unsure, but I said, Lord, you know. I’ve been in business for years, and I’ve done piecemealing things together, but in just the three months I’d had my podcast before jumping into P2P, I’d seen increased conversions and leads using podcasting. So I knew I couldn’t fart around for the next year piecing it together myself. I knew I wanted to get in, get it right and get it done so I could see that massive growth that I knew God had for me.
Wendy:I knew that it was the answer. It was worth every penny, then some. We already had such a great relationship, and I knew you would get me to that next level. I knew whatever I needed, there were even things I didn’t know I needed, but the program gave that to me anyway. I learned so much more that I didn’t even expect.
What was the program (Podcast to Profit) like? What was your favorite part?
Faith: I think my favorite part was the power coaching. I really loved the step-by-step and that the program was self-paced-ish, as in you did the work on your own, and then you got the power coaching. While I submitted every question I had, I also loved hearing you coach other people, and there was so much I learned by listening and taking note of how it applied to me.
Wendy: It was definitely intense, but I was okay with that. I feel like the comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there, right? So, I had to get a little uncomfortable. Yes, there were times when I had to get up at 4 in the morning just to get my homework done because it was important to me and important to my audience. I feel like I’m serving my audience better if I’m doing everything that I can to create an awesome podcast for them.
It was very intense, but I loved the connection. Sometimes I think when you are a podcaster, you feel like you are on an island. So it was nice to connect with other podcasters. And there was so much support it was insane! Between my pod or within the entire group on Facebook, there was so much! You couldn’t be left alone. If you have a question, someone has an answer for you.
So was it worth it? What were your tactical outcomes?
Faith: So, hands down, I’d do it again in a heartbeat!
I started my podcast on June 1st and started Podcast to Profit on August 25th. My downloads from June 1st to August 25th were 540, and I thought that was pretty good! But then, at the end of P2P, I crossed 4,000 downloads and I’m set to cross 5,000 downloads this week or next. Just the growth has been exponential!
My email list segment for business and SEO almost doubled.
I already had a business, but I’ve booked 5 new coaching clients and had 3 discovery calls.
I ranked 47 in marketing in the US.
Top 2.5% globally
I’m showing up in the top five or at least the top two pages for every single one of the keywords I’m going for.
And I know where I’m going. I no longer have to question if I should do this or this. I don’t get stuck scrolling social media, falling into the freebie trap. And then wondering if I should talk about this or this. Instead, it’s “No Faith. Does this answer her question of, will this help her scale her business using SEO? If yes, record it. If no, bye.”
Wendy: Oh my gosh! I started with 10,000 downloads and finished with 20,000 downloads. I know, it’s crazy! But it was all the things I’ve implemented from the program. If you said it, I did it.
Also, think about how many lives you are changing. I’m not somebody who’s like my ego’s so boosted by the numbers; I’m just thinking about the people. I’m reaching more people, and that’s what it’s about!
So, besides the downloads, one thing that I wasn’t doing before was Pinterest. Within 48 hours of starting Pinterest, I had over 7,000 impressions!
I also started a Facebook group and business page, and over the last 30 days, I’ve had 75,000 impressions on those pages.
(Wendy is also a top 2.5% podcast and ranked top 5 in many of her categories.)
Since the program, I have had huge companies contact me wanting to sponsor the show. One of them ended up paying around $3,000 for the sponsorship of just one episode.
And my biggest win of all, (which was an absolute dream of mine): I was contacted by someone who found me through the podcast, to publish a book. Overall, my income had increased by over 11k through courses, sponsorships, and part of the book deal.
What would you say to anyone on the fence about joining Podcast to Profit?
Faith:If you are serious about growing a profitable business, that isn’t going to take all of the different methods that the world wants to tell you it takes. Then put your money where your mouth is, block off time in your calendar and make this happen.
Tell your family this is a sprint season because it is. But the payoff is tenfold when you invest your time, energy, and heart into this program. I’m only just beginning to see the payoff. It was so worth it; I’d do it again in a heartbeat!
Wendy: There is a quote that comes to mind, “Leap, and the net will appear.” You just have to trust that you take that leap, and Stefanie provides that net there, right?! She’s going to catch you. She provides so much that there’s no way you can’t succeed at it. It’s impossible. Even if you just did half of the program, it would grow so much! And it’s so fun to see!
You’re in this group where everyone is succeeding at the same time. It’s just such a beautiful thing to see. It’s definitely worth it! So worth it!
I hope you enjoyed this interview as much as I did! Podcast to Profit is my 90-day immersion mastermind for podcasters wanting to scale and monetize their show. As you’ve seen, it can have such amazing impact and growth and transform businesses. If you want to find out more about Podcast to Profit, you can find out here. If you want to find out more about Wendy or Faith, please go check out their shows, Wendy at The Midlife Makeover Show and Faith at Simple SEO and Marketing.
Growing your podcast is one of the best boosts you can give your business. And, as you’ve seen with these two extraordinary ladies, with the right help, it doesn’t have to be hard. You can scale your show to phenomenal heights and make incredible impact and income!
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
Is podcasting right for you? You’re about to find out. I was going through our weekly market research report that one of my interns pulled together for us and found that you have many podcasting questions.
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I'm Stef Gass.
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