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Are you resistant to rest? Do you struggle to understand how YOU can tangibly and truly experience Godly rest? If you have ever wanted your life to feel more peaceful, light, and rested, this is for you! In today’s blog, I share with you my formula for finding and experiencing God’s supernatural rest. All you have to do is lean in.
Find Godly Rest Using This Simple 3-Step Formula
Firstly, Godly rest is available to everyone and has been since the beginning of time. God, Himself rested.
“By the seventh day, God had finished the work He’d been doing; so on the seventh day, He rested from all His work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done.” – Genesis 2:2-3
I think that we have this preconceived notion that resting is laziness or that it is bad. But it’s not! Resting is biblical. We also can get confused by physical rest, like, I’m going to go take a bath or sit down and veg out on my phone, and think that rest has to be this physical, tangible small thing that happens sometimes. While this can be true, we have to widen our horizons and expand our vision from physical rest to God’s rest. Divine rest, supernatural rest.
I quantify Godly rest in my life by whether or not I’m living in God’s peace. Being able to find rest or experience it even in the busy or hard things I’m walking through, even while I’m grieving.
In Hebrews, there is this story where the Israelites have wandered into the wilderness, and they never experienced God’s rest or supernatural peace. Here they are, coming into this promised land, being promised God’s rest, yet they never got there. And they never got there because they didn’t have the formula down.
I know what life is like: running a business, keeping a home, family, and all the limiting beliefs and self-doubt alongside all of the distractions and fiery darts that come our way. With all these things going on, thinking that we can just be in this peacefulness, operating in this constant peacefulness, seems unobtainable. But it really is obtainable! And there are only three simple things we need to do in order to obtain it.
So, with the formula, you can’t just have one of these things. You need to have a combination of all three.
Step 1 to finding Godly rest is obedience.
We have to actually DO what God says, and we also have to be disciplined in getting into the word and renewing our minds, capturing our thoughts, and taking them captive in our prayer life. We have to be obedient and disciplined.
This one can be the hardest because other things are taking precedence right now. But, the truth is, there is no other rest. It’s all a facade and a deception, except God’s rest. And Godly rest only comes from God, so to experience it, we have to be in partnership with Him.
If this is where you need to make a change, great! Now you know what to do. It might look like starting 15 minutes earlier each morning, getting into the word, and praying. And now you are beginning that act of obedience. It is a decision you must make to change something in your life – to give up something to experience something better.
So often, things we do out of obedience or discipline don’t feel comfortable, convenient, or even good in the moment, but they always produce fruitful results. Over time obedience starts to produce fruitful results. The decisions we make in the moment are critical to the result we are after. If the result that we are after is supernatural rest, we cannot skimp on obedience and discipline.
Step 2 for finding Godly rest is big audacious faith.
Speaking about the Israelites who wandered about in the wilderness because they fell short of reaching the promised land and Godly rest. Hebrews 4:2 says, “The word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard.”
So they heard this promise; they heard about all of this amazingness that the promised land had to offer, but they had no faith to see it through. They decided that their way must be better, that Egypt must have been better. They should just go back. This land and promise are just too far off in the distance. Does God really mean what He says? Is He really going to produce the things that He’s promised?
They had no faith. And because they had no faith, the promise and the rest were gone. We have to lean into things unseen. We have to keep believing. If we have obedience and discipline but don’t have big, God-centered faith, we aren’t going to be walking out in peace because we’ll be worried, anxious, clutching, and striving. Because you think you are the only one who can make something happen, there is only one way to show up. You are constantly going to be chasing. This can impact how you show up in your business, health, relationships, and parenting; every area can be impacted by this and disrupt supernatural rest because you have to have faith to have the third component, trust.
Step 3 for finding Godly rest is trust.
Faith and trust can be synonymous and sometimes interchangeable. But for me, big audacious faith is the belief, seeing the promises of God and going for them, whereas trust is actually surrendering to it. It’s the full out; I’m just going to walk this out in absolute and utter surrender, knowing that you’ve got this.
So, you’ve got to partner three things, obedience, faith, and trust. When you do that daily, you’ll experience this supernatural rest and peace in your life. There is no other way to experience Godly rest but by fully trusting, obeying, and leaning in. Allowing God to lead you in your actions, in how you show up in your business for profit and impact, in how you speak to your family, and in how you speak to yourself. All of this comes back full circle to believing in God’s promises and that you are qualified to do it because He’s chosen you.
Do an inventory of your life.
I encourage you to do an inventory right now of the three pieces of this formula. Which one are you missing?
Which one are you lacking in just ever so slightly?
Which one needs your focus?
Which one needs your yes right now?
Is it your obedience? Are you turning to God on a daily basis? Is it those disciplines that you really need to strengthen?
Do you lack in faith? Faith that God has a promise for you? That God is taking you to these places, He has for your life?
Or is it trust? Trust that He’s going to get you there. Trust that He has your business, kids, and the hard things you are walking through.
Which of those do you need to work on? Then, surrender them to Him because He has a beautiful peacefulness for you. Peace not only in the “it’s time to take a moment for myself” but also in the midst of your chaos. Everlasting peace is available every hour, every minute, and every second of your day, no matter what you are walking through.
If you don’t know how or are unsure, the first step is to approach God and ask. Matthew 11:28-30 says, “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Have you come to Him yet? Have you poured in and dug into His word and learned from Him? Then you will find rest for your souls.
Implement this formula to experience Godly rest.
Are you weary and burdened? It’s time to come to God and experience His rest. His perfect, everlasting rest. Which area of your life are you going to work on first? Is it obedience and the discipline in digging into His word? Maybe you need to grow your big audacious faith. Or perhaps, it’s time to strengthen your trust in God and surrender to His perfect plan. Whatever it is, you can be confident that He will be right beside you the whole way. You just have to lean in.
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