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Do you feel like there’s always MORE you need to do? That the NEXT THING is constantly tugging at you? Feel like you need to hustle harder? Overwhelmed with your lack of progress and no matter how hard you PUSH yourself, you feel stuck? Frustrated with your income, your business, your mom-guilt, and your kids?
You might be dealing with the common known lies of SELF and DISTRACTION. The lie that if you hustle harder you’ll get farther.
Spoiler: no, you’re not made for MORE. You’re made for less. Less busy, mess, overwhelm, competition, and scrolling.
In the third episode of the Truth Seeker series, you will learn how my client and friend, Heather Shriver Burns, lets go of MORE and obediently laid down both her eight-figure business and social media when she heard God ask her to.
Learn why she listened when everything inside her was screaming that it didn’t make sense, and how her life today is more peaceful and purposeful because of it.
We walk you through how to identify these worldly lies of ‘MORE’ and replace them with a mindset for Christ. See how to create a kingdom blueprint to begin seeking deeper purpose in your life and business, that is GOD’S WAY, instead of your way.
I pray this blesses you.
Hey friends. Welcome to the third episode of the truth seeker series. Today, I am joined by my client, my friend, my sister from another mister, Heather Shriver Burns. She is such an incredible light. You guys are going to absolutely love her.
Heather runs the brand, the Garden of Favor. She’s a mama and a wife, and just an amazing light in the world. She offers women mindset shifts and kingdom blueprints for going deeper in their walk with Christ. I knew she was going to be the right gal to bring on today for us to take a deeper dive into worldly lies versus Godly truth.
Heather and I really discussed how you can begin to reveal who God’s calling you to be in your business and your purpose. Because we were both deceived when it came to just lies about money and success. The industry that we were both in is just really tricky and can be very deceitful. So we talk about that and we also talk about how to broaden your intimacy with Christ. So you can begin to really hear Him and delve into that truth. I know you guys are going to love this episode.
Ya girl is not a lawyer. Thank goodness because you guys would be in big trouble if I was a lawyer. While I can slay on some business and we can talk about some Jesus up in here, the legal stuff has me just blacking out. I hear you guys. You’ve been asking me all these questions about legal trademark contracts. Oh my. I knew I had to find you guys, someone that I personally trusted to help you.
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Plus I get Andrea’s monthly in the Facebook group where I can ask her all of my questions. It’s crazy. Legal made easy. So if you need help with contracts and I think all of you probably do. Let me tell you what, the Contract Vault will arm you with the protection that you need. Plus it’s crazy inexpensive. I mean, crazy inexpensive. Go to thecontractvault.com and use my coupon code, Stef Gass, to save 20% off.
You are going to love this and you’re going to love the price point even more. Thanks, Andrea, for hooking up my girls. Oh my gosh.
Heather, I’m so excited to be chatting with you today, girlfriend, welcome to the show.
Thank you for having me. I’m so excited to be here.
I just can’t with you, like you guys, since I’ve been working with Heather, she’s just this incredible light. She challenges me in new ways because her faith is just rock solid. She’s digging super deep right now into helping women kind of go into this deeper transformation with their relationships with Christ. It really begins with their mindset. I’m so excited that I get to be her coach and mentor through that process. But it’s funny because she’s even teaching me. So you’re just a blessing.
Well, I feel the same about you. Our connection was all God. I needed you in my life. I’m so grateful for you as well.
I agree. So good. Start us off, Heather. I want to hear your story because what we’re talking about this month is called the truth seeker series. As you know, and I’m walking the girls through kind of opening our eyes for the very first time into identifying worldly truth in our lives and businesses. Then, oh, no, I feel like I’m being, smothered and smashed, and the world is crumbling around me. I’m stuck in fear.
Hey wait, no, we don’t have to sit in that fearful space because God has got us and moving and transitioning into God’s way for our businesses and our lives. So I think let’s start with your story and then we’ll kind of just navigate through what that looked like for you.
Yes. So much. I grew up in a home that really, I got to see a workaholic. I mean, I love my parents. They are amazing. They love the Lord. They’re so good, but I saw that model behavior. I think getting into every profession I did, I saw this work, this hustle, you have to work harder from morning till night. That kind of a thing.
I really didn’t know any different. But even prior to becoming an entrepreneur, I still had this pattern of, I felt like I had to work for something I had to work harder for something. Lazy was, you don’t want to be lazy. Right? So through my career professionally, I was a teacher. Then I got into the corporate world was a corporate executive and did a bunch of things in sales there. I had the hustle mentality. To make more, you got to work harder, right? That’s just what you do.
Then I became an entrepreneur, once I became a mom, and really was craving a flexible career. Didn’t want to give up my career, but I knew I needed flexibility. I took that same hustle mentality into the entrepreneur space. As you know, when you are your own boss and nobody’s telling you what to do, and you’re creating your own goals and your own things, it for me spiraled out of control. For me, it was, I had this long list of these things that I was willing to sacrifice, because I thought, well, in order to get here, I have to do this.
I have to give up that and all of these things, but what God has showed me over time, that there are also things that, you will have to sacrifice some things, but there are also some things that are sacred.
In order to experience God’s favor and His blessings, you don’t have to hustle harder for it. God is looking for our heart, not our hustle. Yes, there’s work in doing His will. We have to do our things to our best ability, but from what the world really speaks to us and tries to convince us is that, we were talking about this the other day, that the devil is always whispering, “You can have more.”
Where God, finally, once I was able to drown out the noise of that whisper, and I heard this other voice saying, you can have more and it sounded different, but I couldn’t really distinguish what is the difference here? Why, I’ve heard that before. I can have more, but it was the Holy spirit who was speaking to my heart saying, you can have more of what I have for you. It will be even better than what you have experienced from what you thought.
Right? Yeah. I know. I felt those same two whispers, but what’s funny is I don’t think that we realized the whispers were the world’s way at first. When you were in network marketing and you had this huge, successful business, similar to me, like our stories are really similar. What did that feel like? Because don’t you feel like it’s tricky.
It was a rat race.
Yeah. Talk to me about that.
A rat race. I felt like I could never get ahead. Even though I was experiencing favor, and I was, again, the cars, the trips, the money, the title, the quote, unquote popularity, all the things, the stages, I got all that. As I achieved those things, worldly success, I was more miserable and I was sobbing and crying.
There has to be more like there has to be more to my life. There has to be more to my purpose while I can like these products or I can stand for this company and all those things, I still felt unfulfilled.
Again, I think so much in business we can think what we’re chasing after is success of the world. It’s that success that we can get. So, it’s sexy. It is what we think we want. It is that, like you said, it’s hard to distinguish between the two, because in all honesty, I was giving God the glory. I was saying, God you are so good. Thank you, Jesus, for blessing us and all the things. I was giving honor. So it wasn’t as if I didn’t recognize where my gifts were coming from, but at the end of the day I was chasing the wrong thing.
Do you feel like when we were having these crazy months in network marketing, I struggle with that, because I’m like, what was all of that? I know it’s directly from God, but there was also this piece for me that I feel like is this actually a piece from the enemy, because it was such a distractor of me. Like pulling me more into Stefanie there’s another rank. Oh, but look more money. Almost like a carrot that the enemy was using me to pull me away from God.
That’s good. I kind of had an aha moment that I referred to often as standing on top of the mountain. I literally had a checklist of everything that I felt most women in network marketing were chasing after and had this overwhelming sense of guilt.
One thinking you would never want to do what I did to get here. Never like the mom guilt, the wife guilt, the friend guilt, all the guilt that I had for it. Yeah, it worked. I love that you say that someone’s like that carrot dangling because I think a lot, especially in the network marketing space, we talk about financial freedom. I was going after that freedom.
I literally had this epiphany, not that long ago because I still am around a lot of women who are in network marketing is a lot of the women I coach. I listened to and I love it because I think it drips our toes into an entrepreneurial space. But what I realized that every month, even making salaries. I made way more in one month than I made in my teaching in a year. I remember feeling that this is so amazing and would thank God. But in the same breath of thanking God and saying, you are so good, are you going to do it again?
Actually as much as the you can have more and you can continue this. If you keep doing this, you could have more and you can continue to have these things. I never had freedom like that term financial freedom, I actually had more to lose.
So I was more anxious. Then I was working harder because I didn’t want to give that up. Yeah, I love that you say that perhaps those months. You know, I always say, God gave me exactly what I wanted, because he’s so good. But he showed me what I wanted isn’t what he wanted for me. That what he has for me is so much better than what I wanted for myself.
I’m with you there. It’s so funny that you say it was like, yes, glory to God, but are you going to do it again? I think that’s exactly the difference if you were to look at where I’m operating from today, like the space that I’m operating from. In network marketing, like my best month ever was like $18,000 a month. It was so exciting. I remember I was a Christian, you know, put the little check box there, but I didn’t have true relationship with God at that time.
I was like this is so awesome. We were in Vegas and my friends were like dinner is on you. You had this crazy month. Immediately a fear crept in of like I can’t pay for people’s dinner because there’s this lack mindset of no, this could all be gone. I have to do it again. I have to work just this hard again to make sure. It was like this big moment for me of seeing there’s never going to be a dollar amount that I feel stable at.
That was five years ago. Today I’ve made so much more than those months and I’m going, awesome. Whatever flows in next month, if it’s a dollar, I am so excited about that dollar bill because it’s going to be multiplied in Jesus name. He’s going to give me everything I need. He’s going to help me learn how to grow cherry tomatoes if I need to do that and homestead because your girl kills every plant on the planet earth.
I’m coming from a different headspace about money. It’s weird because now I’m making more money and there’s no lack mindset. There’s nothing. There’s not this feeling of more and need. I just want to know, like when did that mindset shift happen for you?
You know what’s interesting Stef because you’re in a different position, and I think this is just part of my testimony. The pride side of me is like, don’t tell them this. Right? But the other side of me of who I’m really learning who God is, I have to share this. My biggest month in network marketing was like over $40,000. I’m not making any ways near today.
However, I am so much more joyful, more peaceful, more in alignment with what I’m doing, and how I’m serving. Even though I’m not making that money that gave me anxiety to make that kind of money. I’m making a lot less than that today. However, I still feel so much better.
Again, I think what we’re getting to the root of is that money is not what we’re chasing after. While we can be entrepreneurs, and that’s what we maybe tend to think. We can set goals and God wants to bless us because we can do amazing things with money. But joy is what we really should be seeking after. The only way we’re going to find joy is in Jesus.
Yeah. Matthew 6:21 says for where your treasure is there, your heart will also be. And that is so true, right? Because when our heart was in money, rank, and recognition, that’s where our treasure was. So that’s where our heart was, right. Heather, it wasn’t with our kids. It wasn’t with our spouses, showing up for Christ, and not even for ourselves. We were, I know I was, this slave to the idol of money, success recognition.
Once that was broken and now my treasures in Christ, that’s where my heart is. Every other aspect of my life is surreal. I literally feel like it’s surreal. Including finances, favor, and provision. So I can say that, but the girls listening are going easy for you to say, I can’t pay the bills. I’m not making any money in this business. What say you Heather about that?
Oh man. Yeah. So the hardest question God asked me. So in 2018, I’ll share a little bit of my story. In 2018, I lost my eight figure network, marketing business. The thing that brought my husband home that got us our dream car. That, you know, allowed us to literally live life the way we wanted to. I lost that business about 27 weeks pregnant with my third child. At the time, I was the only one working.
So, you know, for those of you who think, oh my gosh, either I’m not paying the bills or I don’t know where the money is going to come from next week or next month. I I’ve been there.
So while I, again, that mentality of hustle and the workaholic was rearing its ugly head to say, you have to hustle your way back. You have to get your way back. Then the pride side of me was like, well, I’m going to show these people I can do this again. You know?
So I started building another network marketing business and build that. But all that to say last summer in 2019 and the Lord asked me to lay it down. I’m like, huh? He asked me to rest. First of all. I literally like, it was not in my vocabulary. I didn’t understand what rest was. So I would do it for a day thinking about, okay, I did what you said, you know? He kept whispering, no, I want you to rest. I’m like, I did, okay. I’ll do it for a weekend. I’ll start really taking my Sabbath seriously. Right.
Then it became a week. Then I was sitting out on the balcony on vacation last summer before my kids got off spending quiet time with the Lord. I heard him again, say, I want you to rest. It hit me that rest was surrendering to him and to doing it his way. While I was juggling at the time, another network marketing business and two other businesses; a boutique and a little bit of my coaching as well. He asked me to lay it all down.
That was like, what do you mean? How am I going to lay that down when this is paying the bills, right? Get off social media, stop trying to hustle. I want to show you that I’m your provider. I don’t ever have to want to have to ask permission from a husband or a man to get something. So I made that agreement with myself. I will never ask a mate for permission. God humbled me and said, well, no, I don’t need you to ask a man for permission, but I need you to be working with me. I am your provider. You’re not your provider. And I had this conception of the, I was my provider.
So for those of you who are just feeling that it’s not enough, the hardest question God asked me, it gives me chills thinking about it. He asked me on a walk. I know exactly where I was and the words, “Am I enough?” And I’m like, wait, what? Well, of course you’re enough.
He’s like, no. Am I enough? Not the big business, the big platform, the nice car, the whatever. Literally, if you strip away every single thing in your life, Heather, am I enough for you? That was a hard question for him to ask me. It was even harder for me to respond back and say, no. God, I’m living my life that you’re not enough.
So, that’s been my journey the last really year of praying, God, I want you to be my everything. I want you to be my all. Even if it doesn’t look like enough in this world, I know that you’re enough. That is a daily surrender, a daily acknowledgement, a daily thing that in my mind I have to really ask myself, is God enough? I can honestly say now, if you were to ask me that question, I would say, yes Lord, you are enough. Everything else is a bonus.
Yup. Oh, that is so beautiful. Am I enough for you? So you guys as you’re listening to this right now. I want you to turn it inward for a minute. I want you to just pray and think about God. What have I been putting before you in front of you? Have I been chasing worldly idols? Like money or success or the next rank or getting this business off the ground so ferociously that I have forgotten that it is all from you.
It’s hard because the world will show us that hustle is good by giving us $40,000 months at the expense though, of everything else. I think Heather, there are, at least for me, there were huge warning signs that what I was receiving wasn’t specifically God’s favor for me. It was worldly favor. I believe because of the way that my life was starting to crumble, like the anxiety attacks, putting my kids first, and all the guilt.
All these things were happening that shouldn’t have been happening at all if God was blessing my journey. If he was saying, yes, Stefanie, go farther, go harder in this business. We’re not just saying network marketing. This can happen in any industry. If that had been God’s way, like right now, God is asking me to do the work I’m doing. Everything’s in place.
My husband and I are closer than ever. There’s no mom guilt. I feel so good. I wake up, nothing feels like work. This feels like the best moment of my life. Like chatting with Heather. This is my job. What? But back then there were these warning signs. Did you experience that for those girls thinking about like, well, how do I know if I’m chasing after worldly goals and success and I’m being tricked or deceived? Because sometimes we don’t know. What are those like signs maybe that you experienced and that they can be looking out for?
Yeah. Now that you’re asking me that I’m thinking back, oh my gosh. I missed them. He certainly was. So it’s really, it’s super simple guys. It’s super simple. Are you stressing more than you’re grateful for what you do have? Are you chasing after the next thing because what you have is not enough? Because we know that where the Spirit of the Lord is there’s freedom. There is peace.
So today it’s like, you’re literally flowing in God’s plans for your life. So it feels good. I’m flowing in what God has for me. While that can look different for all of us, but we should have peace about where we are because his yoke is easy and his burden is light.
If we’re constantly stressed, if we have anxiety, like you talking about anxiety and panic attacks. I actually, my body responded to the stress that I was under. I ended up getting an autoimmune disease and I thought it was dying from cancer. My body was responding really negatively to the amount of stress that I had. God would never call us to do something that would stress us out. If we feel stress, anxiety, panic, lack, and that scarcity, this is just, or it’s going to go away. All of those things. That’s not of God. Those are warning signs.
Perhaps you’re not necessarily, I don’t want to discourage anyone to think, you’re doing everything wrong. But I always think about an airplane, right? When our hearts are one degree off, just like an airplane. If it’s one degree off, you will literally end up in the wrong place. When our hearts are simply one degree off, we will end up in the place that God wants to take us.
So peace and stress. They’re super simple. I mean, that’s it. I think about that, gosh, I didn’t have peace at all.
Oh, I love that 1% analogy that visualization of like is my heart right? For me, I’m constantly in prayer, Heather, and like constantly discerning. While I’m in the flow, it does not mean that my path is extraordinarily clear. There are choices that happen every day. You guys, where I’m like, Lord reveal to me, if this is the truth, right? Reveal to me, if this is the way. I’m yours, so you need to move me. I’m not sure about this choice.
The funny thing is every time I get quiet, I pray, I get off social every weekend. You guys know, I will say that until the cows come home until you guys listen to me about how transformational that is. Then I get in scripture, I hear an answer every time.
I know Heather you’ve had the same experiences because the next question I know that’s coming up is I do feel like something’s out of alignment. I do feel like I’m not trusting God’s plan for my life. I’m afraid to either leave the job or leave the network marketing thing. That’s not fueling me anymore. What do I do?
Heather, this is where you shine so beautifully. What do they do? When, you know, at that moment of I’m here for it, I’m ready to walk with God, I’m ready to do business with God as the head of every choice. God providing me the favor and money. But how?
Yeah. That’s so good because what you were talking, I just think of and again, a lot of us, especially at whether you have known the Lord your whole life or not forever, just a short amount of time. Right? We can sometimes hear these what start to sound like cliches. We know that he’s our daily bread, he’s our living water. Right?
But literally there’s a reason why God’s word says he’s our daily bread. Because, like you said Stef, you still have to, and I still have to, even though we need his direction every single day. Sometimes every hour. You know, when we’re making these big decisions or whether it’s family, business, whatever, we should always be seeking the heart of the Father. So then we understand what he wants for us.
I’m always asking, search me. It goes back to super simple, what you’re saying, okay, for those of you who are ready. You’re like this is speaking to me. I feel like I’ve gotten these signs that I’m not doing business in life God’s way. It’s real simple. Unfortunately I think we all really overcomplicate it.
It is carving out intentional time, quiet time, to read God’s word and to pray. Praying is two way street. Right? So praying is yes. Talking to God. But the other part of that I never grasped until later on in life is that it’s also hearing God’s voice. Reading God’s word. I don’t know about you Stef, but for me, for most of my life, I was really discouraged and frustrated.
Even growing up in a Christian home, I went to church Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night. That was our thing. We were always in church. I knew all the books of the Bible, but when I would sit down to actually read it, I was really confused and discouraged. Am I supposed to learn from this? Shouldn’t this be easier?
If any of you are at that place right now, now that I’ve told you that the trick really is there’s no trick. It’s intimacy with the Lord. He wants nothing more from you than a relationship. It’s not a checklist. That’s where we get religion confused with relationship. God wants nothing more than an intimate relationship with you. I love the verses Daniel 2:22 and Jeremiah 33:3, they both basically say the same thing. Come to me and I will tell you secret things that you do not know.
So you’re sitting there thinking, I just don’t know how this is going to happen. I don’t know what you have for me. I think we both work with a lot of women who are seeking after their calling and their purpose. I’ve been there, right. That’s actually the week that God asked me, well, am I enough? If I don’t give you your calling, but I don’t give you your purpose, am I enough? Looks a lot like getting quiet to hear his still small voice.
We’re told that over and over that he has a still small voice, but yet we’re so we’re so bombarded with loud noises. Whether it’s social media or, you know, other people in our lives, what we’re listening to, but it’s real simple. We have to get quiet and spend intentional time with the Lord.
I always equate it to dating. You know, if you’re married or you’re in a relationship, you crave time with that person. Especially in the beginning, because you can’t wait to learn more about them. You can’t wait to tell them more about who you are and discover your connection in that covenant. You’re wanting to create a covenant with this person, right? You want to get married. That’s the end goal.
God is really no different. When we spend time with him and get quiet with him, that’s when he starts to reveal to us the path that he has for us. I often refer to those as blueprints for our lives. Specifically for your life. He has specific plans for you. We all were created on purpose for a purpose, but we’re not going to get that by what the world tells us.
So if we’re pinning lots of really fun, sexy quotes from Pinterest. We’re really trying to figure out what the world’s ways are to find success, and we’re missing out on God’s perfect design for each of us because we’re not willing to get quiet. Let’s be honest, it’s uncomfortable to get quiet. It can be, like I said, trying to read God’s word can sometimes be discouraging because you don’t understand like what you’re reading from it.
But I know for me, it took a mindset shift. It took intentional time and not the what I refer to as the $5 fill up. I was living off the $5 fill up. I was loving Jesus Calling or I was loving the YouVersion Bible app for my five minute fill up. It wasn’t sustaining me throughout the day.
So now my quiet time looks a whole heck of a lot different because it’s long. It’s a lot longer than five minutes.
So just like any other relationship, if you want to get to know someone better, you’ve got to spend more time with him.
All of that such pure gold, seriously. I love that plan. I love the analogy of dating. Then when you’re new with someone, like my new man, he’s so fierce. He’s so fine. I want to just talk to him. I’m on the phone all day long. We’re going to dinner. I’m just staring at him. Now, you know, I’m like staring at him like he needs to brush his teeth. You know, like we’ve been married for eight years.
But here’s the thing, I love him more deeply today. It’s actually our anniversary today, which is so crazy. I love him more today than I did when I saw him 10 years ago.
I saw him, Heather and I was like, I’m gonna marry that guy. I instant messaged my friend in her cubicle, and I was like, I’m gonna marry him, whoever that is. She’s all that’s our auditor. I was like, well, I don’t care. I’m going to marry him. Look, thank you, God. It happened.
But my point of that story is to paint the visual of you’ve got to grab onto something that you want with both of your hands with white knuckle ferocity and dig in because what you focus on grows. So what are you focusing on, right?
If you want to make that man yours, you better grab him with white knuckle ferocity, dig into the word, get yourself out of the way. That’s what I just heard Heather say so beautifully with so many great examples of how she did it. But she had to get herself, her ego, our plans for our lives, all the big vision. The world loves to normalize noise. They are normalizing Instagram, 24/7. They are normalizing so much noise in your brain on purpose.
Why? Because it’s a fallen world. The enemy wants to keep you too busy to hear from Christ. What’s your choice. You get to pick. Here’s our tough love, right? Heather, here we go. It’s like, you get to choose. We can’t be the ones to you guys make that choice to let go of the worldly ways.
Why are you still clutching to the noise? To the busy, to the, not enough. if you can just be freed from that. What do you have to say on that?
Yeah. When you were talking, first of all, we are like soul sisters. This is crazy. I also said, I’m going to stay here and hang out with my future husband for like first week we met. So we’re pretty bold. Huh? When we know we know it’s our men. But I, when you were talking, I thought, you know what? Love is messy. I think sometimes when we have everything should be super easy. Yes, I mean, there is that whole, his yoke is easy. His burden is light.
But the journey in your relationship physically here on earth with your husband, I’m sure you’ve been just like my husband and I, we’ve been through ups and downs. Right? We’ve gone through things together. We’ve grown together, right? We don’t just go through it. We grow through it.
That’s the same journey with the Lord. You’re going to go through things on earth because we live in a fallen world, right? The world is trying to tell us and trying to distract us and feed us the lies that you’re going to be satisfied once you get this. Then you get it or you chase it forever and you’re like, oh man, love is messy.
I think that our relationship with the Lord might be a little messy. It’s not because of him. It’s because of the things he wants to work out of us. To help us to see life, his way, to help us to do life, his way. To do business his way, to do marriage his way, to do mothering his way. All the things that we, the hats that we wear, there’s a way to do it God’s way. It’s so much better.
But if you don’t intentionally drown out the noise, like Stef takes off social, I do the same thing. I learned that the hard way, and I didn’t take a Sabbath. I have a whole story about how many Sabbaths I owe God.
But the reason that he wants us to rest, I was thinking of Psalm 23, God walked me through a long study of that. The Lord is my shepherd. You know, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, but it’s to restore us. Even in that noise that the world is constantly bombarding us with really lies, no matter how you slice it, it’s lies from the enemy to make you think something different.
But in order for you to hear God’s voice, you got to lay down. You have to rest. You have to be able to hear his voice so that then he can restore you. Because let’s be honest, every single one of us as, as daughters of the King have a purpose. Part of our purpose is to pour into other people. But if we’re pouring from that empty cup, right, we’re not going to have anything to pour out. That’s part of resting and getting quiet and spending intentional time with the Lord every single day so that your cup overflows.
I’ve been saying this mantra the last month or so: head to toe overflow. I really would love to pray that over this community, head to toe overflow. The Holy spirit wants to fill us up from head to toe so that we can overflow into the communities and to the business and our families that we’re not empty. We’re not coming up empty and stressed out, but that we have an abundance of what God has for us. The fruit of the spirit to literally pour out to other people.
Oh, so good. So amazing. If you had to say one last thing to these women, Heather, about seeking deeper truth over their purpose, their calling, what God’s trying to show them and work through them right now, like one final piece of advice that they can just run with, what do you think that would be?
Oh man. So good. The only place you’re going to find satisfaction is in Jesus and Jesus alone. We talked to him about the financial freedom. The only place you’re going to find true freedom and true success and true fulfillment. You can put whatever word you want to put in that blank that you’re really seeking after it’s in him. It’s in Jesus Christ and him alone. Until he is enough for you, you’re going to experience that stress and not flowing and not feeling like you are in flow with your purpose and your calling.
So I know this is again, we overcomplicate it, but it’s really simple. Create intentional time to spend with your father. He loves you so much. He wants nothing more than for you to curl up in his lap and spend some time with him so that he can tell you all the things that he has for you and that he wants for you over what the world has to say.
I promise you, it is a million times better than what you have been programmed to think or that you’ve thought over time. So really it’s just really simple. Read your Bible, pray and get quiet enough so that you can hear his voice amongst the noise that we are all really bombarded with.
I double down on all of that advice. It reminds me of Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Which makes me think of the final tip, which is trust. As you begin to hear and you feel the tug and you start taking the steps.
Heather heard, lay it down. Excuse me, or did you just say lay down my crazy successful businesses and be quiet? He actually instructed her also to get off of Instagram completely, which she obediently did. Are you going to trust what you receive when you do open that door? Because when you do trust it, it’s not going to be comfortable. It’s not going to be easy, but when you do it and you lean into it, God’s plans are bigger than yours.
I can vouch for that. Heather can vouch for that. We are just encouraged coming here to encourage you guys today, to trust and to feel into what God’s plans are for you. Then to just act in obedience when it doesn’t make sense when the money isn’t there yet, when you don’t know if you’re qualified. When Bobby Joe, the next door neighbor is making fun of you. Okay?
Keep walking because that’s when you’re going to find that ultimate space of peace in your life, that place of enough, that place of fulfillment. So, Heather, thank you for being here. I’m grateful for you, sister. I love you.
I love you. Yeah, I’m all over here. Yes and amening everything you’re saying. Yes, yes. Don’t make those mistakes that we made and do it the hard way.
Yeah. Seriously, you guys, it’s so funny because they look at me, you know, and I’m like, oh yeah, easy for you to say Stef and you’re doing so great. I’m like ladies, I had eight years of hot mess express all the way up, all the way down. Selling things to make enough money to pay the bills.
If I would have just partnered with God in my business eight years ago and let go of self and ego, you know, but I didn’t know. I didn’t have a podcast like this that I was listening to. I didn’t have someone showing me that there was an easier way.
So if we can do anything, I hope that it’s bringing to you guys that curiosity to start exploring and challenging what we say. You don’t have to believe us. Just start praying and getting deeper in your relationship with Christ. See what doors open and then come back and get in our dams and let us know.
Heather, where does everybody come and find you now that they’ve met you and I’m sure they’re in love as much as I’m in love with you. They say where do I get me some more Heather?
Yes. Well, like you said, God asked me to get off of Insta. So I do have a handle there, but for now I’m off there. It’s Garden of Favor over there. Then Facebook is really where you can connect with me. That’s where I do all my stuff on Facebook. I have a community it’s called Garden of Favor, mindset, strategy, and kingdom blueprints for Christian female entrepreneurs. You will be able to connect with me on my own podcast, Garden of Favor, thanks to you Stef. I am super pumped about that and that God is doing.
Then my email coachheathershriverburns@gmail.com.
Amazing. Alright, love. We’ll see you guys next time and thanks for joining us.
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