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Hey Friend!
Does your content feel stale? Are you constantly struggling to come up with new content for your show? Or, are you looking for a fun, quick strategy to create new content? If either of these is you, then you are in for a treat! In today’s blog, I share with you the strategy I use to refresh and fine-tune my content. Grab your notebook and pen; it’s time to brainstorm!
5-Step Quick and Easy Content Strategy Development Refresh for Podcasters!
Firstly, it’s important to have clarity on who you are serving and talking to. If you aren’t extremely clear on who your person is and how you help them, go check out my Free Clarity Workshop, where I walk you through how to find clarity. This will make creating content and answering these questions so much easier!
When you know what you do with 100% clarity and who you serve down to the minute detail, you can serve that person at a higher capacity. You know what they need and what they want. And, your content will actually convert.
Use these five questions as prompts for creating fresh and exciting content for your listener. You can also use these prompts anywhere else you show up, including blogging, YouTube, and social media.
I recommend starting this brainstorming on a piece of paper, so grab a notebook and pen and brain dump along with me. I’ve got some tips on what to do with this information at the end, so if you’re a tech person, hang tight and don’t stress.
1. What Is Your Avatar’s Top Problem?
Step one is to write down your avatar’s number one problem. Then, write down ten easy solutions to solve or navigate this problem. Each one of these solutions is a new episode or piece of content.
For example, if your avatar is a photographer and their number one problem is that they aren’t booked out, your solutions might be something like:
Create a referral program
Do mini sessions
Run a promo or flash sale
Spruce up your website and do a new marketing plan
Collaborate with other photographers to create a cool co-photography offer
Start a YouTube channel to expand your reach outside your current demographic
Offer new services that aren’t in your specific realm. E.g., Offer day before bridal party shoots for weddings
Different ways you expand your offer.
Essentially, you want to offer your avatar easy wins to help them overcome their biggest problem.
2. What Are the Top Three Excuses Your Person Has?
Next, write down your avatar’s top three (or more!) excuses. If you are new and don’t have a person yet, think about your top three excuses or pain points when you were in their shoes.
Our photograph’s top three excuses might be:
The market is too saturated
I’m too busy to do marketing
I don’t have the best equipment
If you can come up with more, great, keep going! Each one of these is a new episode topic. Great ways to address these topics are by offering solutions or simply calling out excuses.
3. What Does Your Person Desperately Want?
The third step is to write down a list of everything your person desperately wants. This includes the dreams, visions, and goals in their heart.
For example, our photographer wants:
A 6-figure business
The best equipment
Dream clients
A team
To build their business around their kids
This list can go on and on; we all have so many dreams and desires. Each dream on this list is another episode or piece of content. Also, you want to think about how you can title things in such a way that you talk to these desires. For example, How I went from five to six figures in my photography business in less than 24 months. Or, Landing a destination wedding on your dream board? How to make it a reality. These titles help our listeners click on the content because they know it will talk to one of their dreams.
4. What Matters Most to Your Person? What Is the #1 Priority in Their Life?
Next, we want to look deeper into our person, who they are at the core or root of their being versus what they do. For example, my person is probably a mom or at least married; she wants to start or grow an online business, BUT at the root of who she is, she is led by faith, she is partnered with God, and she wants to build her business God’s way. These things are deeply important to her, along with having boundaries and time. So, I’m also going to create content around these things.
These bonus episodes might look like:
Three Secrets to Scaling a Passive Income Business Online
The Number One Way I Partner With God in My Business on a Daily Basis
How to Get Your Kids Excited About Mom’s Entrepreneurship Dream
Adding bonus episodes like these are a valuable way to talk to the core of your person. Write down their morals, values, maybe their demographic, and anything else which is deeply important to your person.
5. What Is Your Listener Most Afraid Of?
The final bucket of content is what your listener is most afraid of. Write down, what are the fears which are keeping your avatar stuck. For the photographer, these might look like this:
I’m afraid I’m going to fail
I’m afraid I’m not as good as the next photographer
I’m afraid my work isn’t professional enough
I’m afraid I can’t scale because my kids are at home and I don’t want to leave them behind
I’m afraid of success
A podcast title for fear #4 might look like: How to Scale Your Photography Business Without Leaving Your Kids Behind. Let’s bring those fears into the light. Until you can help them face their fears, they will stay stuck. They will never hire you, work with you, or buy from you if they are sitting in their fears. You want to knock out all their fears and limiting beliefs about who they are in the content you create by looking at these pain points and providing solutions to them.
Bonus Content Strategy Development Tips:
Congratulations! You have 20+ podcast topics brainstormed!
So what to do next? Now it’s time to order these ideas, add titles and flesh them out. You can do this on paper, or I love to do this on Asana, Trello, or MindMeister, which will allow you to move the episode ideas around.
Personally, I have all the ideas in the content buckets in Asana, so I can move them around depending on what I feel like talking about. Then I copy the title to my big Excel spreadsheet, which has all my podcast episodes planned out.
I constantly redo this exercise because it gives me a fresh vision of my person. I recommend repeating this exercise every couple of months as you get to know your person deeper. Doing this will allow you to keep your content fresh, create better content, and fine-tune it to solve your avatar’s problems. Which is fundamental for growing your show.
Implement Your Content Strategy Development Plan and Publish Those Podcast Episodes
Planning content doesn’t have to be scary or hard. All it requires is for you to know your person well and how you serve them. A simple exercise like this is great because it answers your person’s number one question and allows them to feel seen and heard. And when they feel seen and heard, they begin to trust you, allowing you to grow and scale your show.
What are your biggest challenges when it comes to growing your show? When creating content for your online business, what are your pain points, fears, and dreams? Let us know in the comments below. We love to hear from you!
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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