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Do you wonder if this podcasting thing really works? Or maybe you’re thinking of starting a podcast and wondering how long it takes to earn consistent income. Whether you have a podcast, are starting a podcast, or are just curious, today’s interview will be a treat! Today’s blog is an excerpt from an interview I did with Jessika Brown of Fuel Her Awesome on her journey from a full-time clinic-based dietitian to an entrepreneur running an online business and podcast.
The Journey to 120k Downloads and 5-10k in Consistent Income with Jessika Brown
Today I’d like to introduce you to Jess. Jess is a dear friend of mine and my personal health coach. Not only has Jess coached me with my health, but I’ve also coached Jess with starting a podcast and launching her online business.
Who is Jess? How did we meet, and what do you do?
Jess: Like most women you work with, Stef, I’m a mom, a wife, and a Jesus freak. We first reconnected through my professional role as a dietitian. And while working with you, you opened up all these new ideas on how I could serve on a greater scale. You showed me how I could serve more women, and that’s really what I’m doing now.
I’m super grateful to you! I call you a life changer. And I mean it! You changed my life and how I am able to show up to serve people within my own superpowers.
My professional background is as a dietitian specializing in sports and eating disorders. That’s because of my personal experience and my passions. But, where I really come together is in helping women who struggle with eating normally. Like, how you learn to eat normally while doing all these other things.
I’m a mom and wife and juggling all these other balls in the air. While health is something we want to be a priority, it isn’t always and we don’t feel like we can or have the capacity to do that. So where I come in is, helping women figure out how to plug that into their life in a productive and non-neurotic way.
What were your resistances or fear to podcasting when I started suggesting you start one?
Well, I’m going to go way back. I was actually one of the first people to buy Podcast Pro Univesity. And one of the things I love about working with you, Stef, is that it is so clear God is part of the process because He put that idea of starting a podcast in your heart, and you shared that with me, and I had never thought about starting a podcast. At that point, the idea of podcasting was, Oh, it’s amazing that people do that, but I could never do something like that. And then you brought it up to me, and the Holy Spirit was like, “Yes, do it, Jess.” So I did.
Although honestly, when I bought it, I had no intention of starting one. I was like, I love that she believes in me, I love this idea, and I’d love to learn more about it. Still, the idea of starting one was incredibly overwhelming to me.
For me, some of the biggest roadblocks were the functionality – how do you even do that? I think we glorify it; you have to have a sponsor and a platform and x, y & z to get started. But I didn’t have those things, so I thought, I can’t do that. Who am I? I don’t have that, nor do I understand how.
Those were two of the biggest obstacles along with time. I was so busy already; I had a full-time job that I liked, I felt a calling to be there, and I was a mom. When was I going to find time to record a podcast?
What was the first year like for you?
Yeah, it was a roller coaster. I launched it, and my first week got 600 downloads which I was blown away with. I thought if I get, say, 50, great! The way I looked at it, if I could get 20 people in my living room and talk about this, that would be amazing!
In my first week, I dropped 3 episodes and got 600 downloads, and I was on a high! This was amazing! I was excited, and this high lasted for about six months. It felt good. Even when the downloads came and went, it felt like I was serving, and it was new. People I was talking to and clients I was working with were saying, I listened to that podcast, and it really helped me. So I was seeing the fruit of serving on this higher level. About six months in, I started going, this is beautiful, but I’m not making a lot of money, and I’m putting a lot of time into this. There was no consistent income from the podcast yet.
The passion side of me loved this, but at the same time, I knew the reality of time is money. And looking to provide for my family, I also have to consider that. I think at that point, I started to get a little burnt out, and the call to you started with, Stef, I’d like to quit. Maybe I should just put a pin in it and start again next year. And you, Stef, really encouraged me, “Jess, show up every week. Stay committed.”
I am super grateful to have you in my corner Stef because you talk me through those lows. And I’ll say, you’re right; every time I keep pushing, the opportunity comes, and it was worth it.
What kept you going and stopped you from completely just giving in, even though you had this doubt?
Probably it was a combination of a few things. Number one, I definitely felt like the stirring was God-breathed. I knew I didn’t show up to do a podcast because I wanted attention or fame, or followers. I knew at the core of this was a stirring in my heart to serve at a high capacity. So I felt really, really strong about that, and knowing that changes everything.
It helps me weather some of the emotions. Because when I’m feeling like it isn’t working or I’m a failure or imposter syndrome is coming in, that’s when I go back to the, Okay, God, you called me here, and I’m here for a reason, and if you ever don’t want me here, you’re going to let me know, and I’m good with that, wherever He takes me.
And honestly, I’m a words of affirmation person, so when I would get little DM’s from people going, Hey Jess, I loved your podcast, and it really helped me get through this season, or I’m hydrating more. Really little things like that just reminded me that this work matters and kept me going.
I will also say, Stef, I have been so blessed with incredible clients, and even in those times when I was like, this isn’t at the scale I want it to be. I’m not hitting the numbers. Those one-on-one interactions are so powerful to me – the work you’re doing is truly changing lives.
And I’m sure you also felt this. You know, it’s so encouraging. It gets you to show up even if the consistent income might not be there or the downloads might not be there. You’re still impacting that one life.
So how long have you been podcasting now, and how many downloads? Are you seeing that consistent income yet?
I’ve been podcasting not even two years. Almost two years.What’s really cool is, and so ironic, I think it was in August I called you. I’d cut my hours at my other job, and I was really focusing more on this realm, and it just wasn’t going. So I called you in August, and I said, when do I just put a pin in it? And you said, “keep going, Jess, you’re almost there”. It’s so funny; just after that, things started to pick up.
So, I’ve just passed 120k downloads, dropping just one episode per week. But the really cool thing is, just starting in August, my downloads jumped. They were sitting real steady at like 5,000 per month. Maybe a little growth here or there, but now I’m hitting closer to 10k – it was a big jump!
The numbers with moola are also very exciting. As I was telling you, the courses weren’t working and weren’t working, but here we are after some tweaks and changes. A year and a half later, my revenue has been consistently sitting at 5k per month, and now I’m looking at some 10k months, which has been insane to me! It’s crazy to see that consistent income in my business.
Yeah, I’m super grateful to be where I am today and feel so, so blessed by it but at the same time, so many tweaks went into my course. I’ve redone it two and a half times, and I’m working through fixing it again. I’m super proud of these metrics, and they’re life-changing, and I feel so blessed by them, and at the same time, they’re not what get’s me up in the morning to do this. What gets me up is I love it so much. I’m so here for the actual journey of it, and this is what I tell people with food, right; you’ve got to fall in love with the journey, not the outcome.
Wow! If that was not a word, I don’t know what was. Podcasting is a journey; like Jess said, you’ve got to fall in love with the journey, not just the outcome. As Jess has shown today, if you don’t give up and keep going, you can have an amazing business in such a short time – it took her less than two years! You just have to show up consistently, be willing to do the work, and be flexible to continue to optimize your show and courses as you get to know your avatar better and better. It is possible to have consistent income from your podcast. You just have to do it.
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