defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
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Have you ever wanted to turn your podcast into a profitable business? If so, then Stefanie Gass’s 6 Month Group Coaching Program, Podcast to Profit (P2P) may be the right choice for you. In this program, you’ll learn how to rank on the charts, grow your audience, craft a coaching or course offer from scratch, and even sell it using live launch and podcast pitching. But don’t just take our word for it – read on to hear five podcast success stories from graduates of the Podcast to Profit program who are now reaping the rewards of their hard work.
Read these amazing Podcast to Profit Student Testimonies!
*This post contains affiliate links. This means that I get a small percentage of sales at no additional cost to you.
5 Success Stories to Inspire You to Unlock Your Podcasting Potential
I am so excited for you to read about these amazing God-led brands my students have created and to learn about the calling God had on their lives. They are sharing what it’s really like to be part of my group program, Podcast to Profit. This program helps you grow your show, get ranked on the charts, and ultimately make money from your podcast!
So grab a hot cup of coffee and get comfy while you read all about my students’ experience inside this program so you can hear what it’s like from an insider perspective and prayerfully consider joining. We are also going to talk tactically about what Podcast to Profit was like for them.
From 3,000 to 15,000 Downloads in 2.5 Months – Lauren’s Podcast Success
Stef: First up is Lauren White from the Intentional Edit Podcast. She helps busy moms simplify everything in life and at home by creating routines, maximizing systems, and decluttering. Lauren, why did you join Podcast to Profit?
Lauren: I didn’t have a podcast yet but it had been on my mind for about 2 years. It always seemed to get pushed aside. I started my business as a professional organizer but felt like I had to choose between making money or having a podcast because I didn’t know how to monetize the podcast. When I found you Stef, I must have binged around 100 episodes in the space of three weeks. There was so much good information!
I wanted to take Podcast Pro University (PPU) so I signed up, and in less than 30 days I had launched my podcast. I knew I was going to do P2P, but I thought it would be a year later, not two months later. One night I went to bed thinking about whether I was going to do this or not, and the next morning God showed me that you were my person, so I signed up for P2P that day.
Stef: I love this so much! I hear from so many Podcast to Profit students that there’s a God confirmation that they should sign up. Through that obedience, there is so much beauty that comes out of that!
Stef: So share with us your tactical wins from P2P. Did you find podcast success?
Lauren: It was absolutely worth it. If you have the time to put into all the steps and homework, there’s no way you can’t have success with P2P. Talking with other people in the program, everyone had different struggles at different times, but everyone had a breakthrough at some point.
I launched my podcast and had over 1,000 downloads in my first month. In 2.5 months I went from 3,000 downloads to 15,000 downloads. That’s 253% growth.
Stef: That’s huge growth! And you also ranked in the top 50 in your category, correct?
Lauren: Yes! I ranked in the top 50 globally, and even number 1 in a couple of countries!
Stef: I am so proud of you for coming out swinging and being where you are already. This is such a testament to listening to God’s lead but also taking massive action.
Paola’s Podcast Success as Her Downloads Tripled.
Stef: Next up we have Paola Soares from the But First, She Failed Podcast. She helps women overcome failure to gain clarity and confidence in their careers and businesses. Paola, how long did it take us to get clear on that TSO statement?
Paola: It’s so funny you say that Stef because just today I was still tweaking it. You say that we are constantly tweaking it and it’s true! It took us weeks, and I think I didn’t have that breakthrough until the end of P2P.
Stef: That’s so important for people to see because so many people hesitate to even join Podcast Pro University because they don’t know what they’re doing, but that’s the point! You join these programs because you don’t know the things and then I get to help you! I work on all the things with the Podcast to Profit students and we flesh them out together.
Paola: That was such an incredible moment for me in P2P, when I finally had that breakthrough. You helped me see the missing piece and I have never felt more relieved!
Stef: I love that! So tell us why you decided to join Podcast to Profit.
Paola: I actually had two God moments. I was getting really frustrated. My podcast did really well when it launched but then it plateaued, and I was doing all the things and getting really burned out. I was traveling for business one day and my husband texted me with a link to your podcast, and I spent the whole day listening. I think I cried because I felt so seen, I felt like you were speaking directly to my soul in that moment. You mentioned P2P and I was so excited.
Fast forward a couple of months, life happened and I got distracted. I was still burned out and I had taken a small hiatus from the podcast. One weekend I went to lunch with a friend and she mentioned to me she wanted to start a podcast and was taking PPU. I was like “are you serious?” I was so inspired and felt God was telling me I needed to do P2P now so I could have that podcast success. I really felt God directing my steps, it was a miracle.
Stef: Wow. And something you have in common with Laura is that you binged my podcast. Take note, people will binge your podcast too, and know that you are their person. They listened over and over before they decided to work with me. So Paola, was P2P worth it?
Paola: The value you give the Podcast to Profit students far outweighs any cost. Everything you taught us was worth so much value, the amount that we paid doesn’t even make sense. I gained so much clarity and knew exactly how I was going to serve my listeners! And with just the changes that you taught us for SEO, my podcast tripled in size. I am consistently on the top charts in the USA and other countries too.
Stef: That’s amazing! I’m so happy you got that clarity and podcast success, and now it’s all up from here because that clarity is the catapult for your success.
Becoming a Top 3% Podcast and Outlining Her Course – Kara’s Story
Stef: Next we’ve got Kara Walker from the Money and Mental Peace Podcast. She shares scholarships and school hacks to help Christian college girls graduate debt free. How did you find me and why did you join Podcast to Profit?
Kara: I found you through Chelsi Jo! (If you sign up, use code STEF100 to save $100).
Stef: Now you’re super good with money and saving, did you ever have a moment where you thought “should I make this investment”? Talk us through the mindset work!
Kara: Of course. For a while I thought about just figuring it out on my own. I had the money to invest, but I am not a spender. I didn’t have that God moment like Lauren and Paola had, but I remember praying “I’m going to do this God, if this is a ‘no’, please stop me.”
Stef: I love that! God is so faithful like that! So what was P2P like for you?
Kara: It was totally worth it. I actually studied marketing in college and I say that I learned 5% from college, 10% from having my own business, and 85% from Stef. You have this amazing back office with all the steps for what to be doing at different amounts of downloads, it was easy.
Stef: The back office truly has been a labor of love. But I had all these big concepts and I broke them down based on where you are so you know exactly what to focus on at each stage to get podcast success. Kara, what are your tactical wins from P2P?
Kara: I started my podcast at the beginning of P2P and within 4 months I was a top 3% podcast in the entire world. I have been consistently ranking very high in several countries in Africa. P2P also gave me the outline for my course, The Debt Free College Blueprint.
Stef: Look at those marketing skills that you learned! You’re just talking naturally about your course. That’s the whole point of podcasting! You’re talking about a topic and then you mention you have a solution. Podcasting makes sales and marketing way easier than you’ve ever been led to believe.
Getting Super Clear on His Avatar – Luis’ Podcast Success Story
Stef: We almost always have one guy that goes through Podcast to Profit, and here he is! Luis Sosa is the host of Nine to Five Dive. He helps mid-career professionals reach financial independence and retire early. Luis, how did you find me? Because you’re not exactly my avatar!
Luis: I found you through listening to Cathy Heller’s Podcast. I think you were talking about how to find clarity and that’s exactly what I needed to hear at that point in my life. I wasn’t happy at work and knew there had to be something else. That led me to your podcast and I got hooked. Your episodes were so tactical, and not full of fluff like so many other podcasts were. I Joined P2P because I needed someone to show me the shortcuts.
Stef: It’s so funny that you mention you found me on Cathy’s podcast because she has a huge show, so how did I secure a spot on that show? One of the things I teach you in Podcast to Profit is podcast pitching. That’s how Luis came to work with me. He heard me on another show, came over to my show, got hooked and binged the content, then signed up to work with me. Your people will do that too.
So Luis, what happened in P2P? What was your podcast success and those tactical wins you experienced?
Luis: I had around 500 downloads when I first started and within 90 days, it grew to 2,500 downloads. I ranked in 10 countries and I was top 100 for the investing category. I was also able to have some amazing guests on the podcast because of the work we did. You helped me get super clear on who my avatar is, what they want, and what content resonates with them the most. I’m going to coach 1:1 with people so I can get to know them really well before I package that up into a course.
Stef: I love this. For you it was all about simplifying and validating your idea first.
Jennifer’s Journey From Overwhelm to Freedom
Stef: Last up is Jennifer Zumbiel from the Families that Stick Togather™ Podcast. She helps moms create intentional moments and strengthen their family and faith by using the small moments she already has. So cool. Tell us how you came to join P2P Jennifer!
Jennifer: I started my products in Spring 2018 and I found Stef in Summer 2019. I was not planning to start a podcast, but everyone who finds Stef ends up starting a podcast! So, I started my podcast in 2020 and took PPU to help me get it going. The first few years in business I was all over the place. I spent so long paralyzed, wishing “can’t someone just tell me what all the pieces are and how to put them together.” I cried when I got the email saying I had been accepted because I knew this was the start of building my confidence and saving my business.
Stef: Wow, that is so powerful Jennifer! And do you remember, you came to me in the middle of P2P and asked me if this business was even viable? And I said “yes it is. You’re going to make this happen. This product is changing lives. You are not giving up!” Jennifer, was it worth it? What were your wins coming out of P2P?
Jennifer: I think I left every single call in tears because I needed Jesus to be the center of who was leading me, and you live that so well. I feel like I have boundaries in my business now. Before, everything was so overwhelming to me, and now I have the most freedom I have ever had to go and do what God is calling me to do. I’ve truly experienced podcast success because of you.
Feeling Inspired by These Podcast Success Stories?
You’ve just heard 5 completely different stories from these amazing Podcast to Profit students. I hope you are encouraged by the fact that each one of them has such a different business, and yet they all have podcast success stories to share with you. This program can work for you no matter where you are at in your business journey.
Joining Stefanie Gass’s 6 Month Group Coaching Program, Podcast to Profit is one of the best decisions any aspiring podcaster can make if they want their dreams of becoming successful online entrepreneurs to become a reality. Not only will you have access to top-notch coaching by one of the leading voices in podcasting and online marketing – but you will also have access to resources such as rankings optimization tips, live launch strategies, and proper pitch techniques which will help propel your online business further than ever before! Don’t wait another minute – apply today so you too can unlock your full potential and experience podcast success!
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
Have you ever wondered how much money a podcast with just a thousand downloads can make? It’s probably more than you think, but not in the method you think.
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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