defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Patience is a virtue. Tricky but true. One of the things I have noticed recently is how there is a desire and hunger to get to the end goal. For example, I really need to make money from home or I really want to leave this job or I want to rank on the charts or I really want to finish this course even though I only started my podcast yesterday.
The urgency and desire are in your heart to get or finish this thing. I see that as I am that person. I am part of overachievers anonymous. Patience is hard for me when it comes to my business.
What The Old Testament Shows Us About Trusting God
Patience is a virtue and it is biblical. Patience is all really tied to trusting God. For me, this has become clear as I have sat in the book of Leviticus. I’m learning about how Old Testament law was symbolism and foreshadowing for how much humanity fails to uphold the holiness of God without Jesus Christ. And how in the Old Testament, with each tiny sin, the people had to repent and offer sacrifices.
Today there is still a sacrifice and we still need to repent. Those tiny sins become bigger and more contagious that affect others. We still need to atone for them. But thankfully, through the blood of Christ, we are already forgiven and that sacrifice has been made.
While digging through the Old Testament, this is teaching me about the tiny sins that we don’t even know we are making. For example, impatience, comparison, judgment or even worry. These can be sin because we are not trusting God enough. We want to control it, covet it and idolize it.
I have some verses and heart work for you friend. Patience is a recurring theme especially as we focus on growth and starting something. It’s difficult to stay in that patient trust in Him, believing that God’s timing is perfect and prevails. And that all we have to do is show up and trust in it and continue to do the work every single day that God asks us to do.
3 Verses To Help with Patience and Trusting in God
God Promises That Everything is Made Beautiful in Its Time
Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that He has made everything beautiful in its time. This verse is clearly stating that whatever we are working on, when it is God-centered, God called and God created, it will be something beautiful in its time.
God is promising us that beautiful things take time. Beautiful things need that space and room to grow, flourish, be pruned, sometimes rebuilt, and refined. There are pieces of the growth process in order to make something beautiful. God is reminding us that it’s going to take time.
We need to rest, knowing that the beauty is coming and we need to trust in Him that whenever that timing might look like, God knows what He is doing. And also, He knows when we are ready. I truly believe that if God had handed me the business I have now, 3 years ago that would have been really detrimental to me. I wasn’t in the right head space, I did not have enough experience, and I didn’t have the right structure in place to support the growth. And I didn’t have the spiritual maturity that I now have to be able to weather some of the storms that come when you hit certain levels.
God’s Plan is Bigger Than Ours
Trust that God has a plan and it is so much bigger than not giving you what you want. Sometimes we aren’t ready even though we think we are. Even when it feels that if I just had blank, that would make everything good. I know that it’s hard to trust that He has all of the pieces laid out in His perfect timing, but He knows each and every day of your life forever.
If I could have gone back to talk to myself in 2019 when I was scribbling in my journal about not having success and things not working, I would have told myself that patience is a virtue and to relax because you’re not actually ready. And in the meantime, I could have worked on trusting in the Lord, on my spiritual growth, and focusing on making my podcast the best show it could be without worrying about what was going to come next.
Maybe you are sitting in a position where you are where I was 3 years ago. You’re like I want it, need it and I don’t understand why I don’t have it right now. You’re doing everything right and wondering why nothing is happening. What kind of wise council could you give yourself if you were the 5 years from now version of you? Maybe sit in that and bring it to the Lord and let Him help remind you and guide you through the process of patience. It is not easy, but it will always be better when you do it His way. And honestly, it will never work if we force it.
Wait for the Lord
Psalm 27:14 says wait for the Lord, be strong and let your heart take courage. Wait for the Lord.
Wait for the Lord is said twice! This verse is asking us to wait on God, to be strong, and have courage in that waiting process. For me, this looks like waiting on God because I haven’t gotten confirmation on something, waiting to take action, or I’m taking action but there is no fruit yet because God is doing something in the sowing.
There is not always fruit and success that you can see. Often God is working behind the scenes. And we have to continue trusting that it’s not even about us, that it’s so much bigger than us. That it’s about the Kingdom, about the church as a whole, about leading people in whatever it is you are equipped to teach. Whatever your mission is about, your business, your podcast, your parenting, etc. This is about the mission/ calling you have and the people you are supposed to help. So we just have to wait on the Lord. It’s as simple as that.
The first verse is reminding us that this is going to take time. The second one is saying wait on the Lord and while you wait, be strong and let your heart take courage. As we wait, it’s not easy. The waiting is not peaceful and is often difficult. It comes with a loss of willpower, the internal dialogue and the inner critic, and spiritual warfare. The waiting comes with all the other obstacles you are going to have to overcome otherwise God wouldn’t have said be strong, let your heart take courage. We will need the courage in the waiting.
How We Get Courage in the Waiting
What do we do to do this? You get in the word, get into a prayer life that is super intentional, daily, vulnerable, and God led. You journal, seek wise counsel, and get yoked with a group of people that have your back from a biblical perspective. And you pour in.
You pray for your heart and mind every morning and pray these scriptures over yourself. For example, Lord, help me wait on you. Help me to wear Psalm 27:14 over my life. Help me to be strong. Grow my strength, amplify my strength. Equip me so that my heart will be courageous as I wait on you.
Just take scripture and wear it in your prayer life.
Don’t Be Anxious, Instead Pray
Philippians 4:6 encourages us not to worry about anything but pray about it. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. God is saying don’t be anxious either.
You are going to deal with stuff as He’s telling you to be strong and courageous. But we don’t need to be anxious about it. Don’t worry about it. For everything that comes your way, He wants you to pray and petition Him. (Petition meaning a formal, written request or present a formal request to an authority with respect to a particular cause)
So it’s your request (either written or verbal) to God. And then with thanksgiving. For example, Lord, I give thanks for this waiting. I give thanks for this opposition because that means I am getting closer to what you are crafting that is beautiful in my life.
Again, present your requests to Him. Sit with Him, be with Him, and grow in that close relationship with Him. All that is is asking. God is holy and we come with reverence. But He is also your counselor, your friend, and your Father. We can go to Him in all seasons with all things.
Wrapping It All Up
Patience is a virtue and patience is biblical. Leaning on God’s word is going to help you weather the waiting.
We know that what we are called to do is going to be beautiful but it is going to take time. We are going to need to wait on Him with strength and courage.
And lastly, in order to get through that waiting, we are to pray and petition with thanksgiving.
I know that you can get through the seasons of growth and the seasons of pushing through even though you want it to happen sooner. That we can trust in Him, believe in the plan that He has for us, and keep on walking.
I pray that this blesses you and that all of the above scriptures would be an anointing, a fresh wind, and a word over you, your life and your business, your mind, and your heart. That you would be refreshed to keep on showing up and doing the good works that God has called for you.
If you want to walk this out with me, head on over and prayerfully consider working with us. Whether that be through starting your podcast in Podcast Pro University or in growing your business with God at the center, making that podcast into something that is profitable for the kingdom of God and your family at Podcast to Profit Mastermind.
I hope this encourages you and blesses you and challenges you and helps you become the best most God-centered version of yourself as a business owner, mom, friend, wife, sister, and everything else that you are.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
Myles, thank you so much for sharing how simplification has blessed you.
Do you wish you could cut through all the fluff and find the ONE thing that you want to build your business on?
Stef shares 4 steps to simplify what you do so you can finally launch your business with confidence and clarity in this episode:
“What sets this list apart is its ability to break down complex concepts into digestible insights. It’s an educational resource that doesn’t overwhelm.”
Hey friend, simplicity is a key strategy to building your business. We have found it helps with sustainability in those beginning stages.
Since you enjoyed this content so much, we believe you will enjoy this episode where Stef shares 5 bible verses about trusting God’s direction and growing in your faith.
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
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Wow, this is exactly what I needed!
Cnnaus, we are so happy to hear this!
-Stef Gass + Team
Simplifying complex concepts. Thanks for this! 🛡️
Myles, thank you so much for sharing how simplification has blessed you.
Do you wish you could cut through all the fluff and find the ONE thing that you want to build your business on?
Stef shares 4 steps to simplify what you do so you can finally launch your business with confidence and clarity in this episode:
561 | Struggling to Simplify What You Do So You Can Finally Launch Your Business? Try This.
-Stef Gass + Team
“What sets this list apart is its ability to break down complex concepts into digestible insights. It’s an educational resource that doesn’t overwhelm.”
Hey friend, simplicity is a key strategy to building your business. We have found it helps with sustainability in those beginning stages.
Since you enjoyed this content so much, we believe you will enjoy this episode where Stef shares 5 bible verses about trusting God’s direction and growing in your faith.
516 | 5 Bible Verses About Trusting God’s Direction and Growing in Your Faith
You may also enjoy this Free workshop:
Stef Gass + Team
I love how this blog covers a variety of topics, making it appeal to a diverse audience There is something for everyone here!
Thank you for sharing Allyson! What is your favorite thing that has been shared in the blog?
I like the efforts you have put in this, regards for all the great content.
Thank you so much, Jaqueline, for your encouragement! Which verse encouraged you the most in this blog?
Your writing is so relatable and down-to-earth It’s like having a conversation with a good friend Thank you for always being real with your readers
We are so happy to hear this, spedice! This is incredibly encouraging because authenticity is a high value around here.
We would love to help you “Clarify Your Calling” with this awesome workshop from one friend to another 😉
– Stef Gass + Team
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