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Today I have an awesome student success story, testimony, and how her podcast ranked… plus an inside sneak peek into Podcast To Profit (P2P), from my student, Molly Benell, from the One Income Family Podcast.
She’s sharing how this program helped her rank top 102 in the “How-To” category in the USA. This is really amazing to be able to have her podcast rank in the top 100 in the US. She started with 1,000 downloads, and five months later had grown at a rate of 542%.
Plus, Molly continued that growth and her downloads grew to over 200 more downloads each and every month. Molly now has clarity since her podcast ranked and after seeing the downloads grow. She’s seen the fruit and the success of all of that work and intentionality as she walked through the program, Podcast To Profit. Continue to read if growing your future podcast or growing your existing podcast is on your heart in this season right now.
Clarity On Her Podcast Helped Molly’s Downloads Grow
Interview with Molly:
Stef: Hi Molly, welcome!
Molly: Thanks for having me.
Stef: Tell everyone what your podcast is called and what you do.
Molly: My podcast is The One Income Family Podcast. I help with financial strategies so you can stick to your budget.
Stef: How good does it feel to have that one powerful, punchy one-liner that is finally so clear?
Molly: It feels amazing!
Before It was unclear and now that it’s more clear, people are definitely coming to the podcast more.
The Long Journey That Brought Her to Podcast to Profit
Stef: Tell everybody a little about your journey with me. Were you in the previous courses or did you hop straight into Podcast To Profit?
Molly: My journey is a long one. It started back in 2020 when I had my first daughter. One time I took a course with Micala Quinn to become a VA. And then I found your podcast because she said that there were some amazing groups to join and network in. I saw yours, Stef, The Mompreneur Mastermind (now known as Online Business For Christian Women) So I joined. I didn’t get into it much but then in 2021 I was pregnant with my 2nd daughter. Stef, you had the group with Chelsi Jo and Polly Payne and I joined the group bundle with Clarify Your Calling (CYC) and Podcast Pro University (PPU). I got it done as quickly as I could so I could launch my podcast before I had my daughter.
After my c-section I went stagnant and I had a hard time keeping up with everything. I had intentions of joining P2P but I didn’t want to join until I could fund it with my own business money. Then one day, all of a sudden, out of the blue, God said you’re going to join this! I thought, “No”, I don’t have the money for this right now. Ok, I will take the first step and apply and see if I get in or not. After I applied I got in. Then came the decision on whether or not I was actually going to do it or not. I knew God was telling me to do it and then I finally got into it. I am so glad I did because it has fully transformed my business and my life.
Is It Resistance or God Tugging You in the Direction He Has Planned for You?
Stef: Talk to me about the resistance you had. You felt this tug of the Lord. You heard Him pretty clearly. “I want you to take this next step”. What goes on in this resistance period of us trying to not listen to God, whether that’s because of (A) the money or (B) the timing? How did you overcome those fears and the roadblocks that you were experiencing even though God was giving you the blessing to move forward?
Molly: I don’t know if I necessarily got over it. I just had to take action because I knew I needed to be obedient and do it. Up until I finally paid and gave in and just did the entire thing, I was resistant and told my husband, “You have to make sure I do this, or I just won’t do it.” He was a little anxious about the money, too. We had the money but we had plans for the money elsewhere. I just finally said ok, I’m going to do this even though there is resistance in me. I knew it was going to be good and it has been fruitful for me in many ways.
Making Big Decisions Is Necessary to Grow Your Online Business and Get Your Podcast Ranked
Stef: For your brand being a One-income Family and you are teaching budgeting and discerning over where to put your investment, that’s a really big decision for you to pull from something else that it has been allocated to. Now you have decided to invest in yourself and your own business that you believe in and that God has breathed on and do this thing even though you have no idea what the outcome will be. That’s why we experience favor. We are willing to take those big leaps of faith we know are God-ordained.
That is not easy to do.
Before we get into what the program was like for you, Molly, where was your podcast at during this point? Was your podcast ranked? You launched the show. Did you feel like the podcast was growing and working, and how did you feel about the brand? Was it really clear? Where was that when you came in?
Molly: It was kind of clear. I took CYC. It really opened my eyes to things. It was as if was fighting God with what to do. I didn’t want to do money even though money comes really easy to me – it’s the thing I should be doing. I just didn’t want to be the one to tell others what to do with their money. Typically, I don’t like it when other people tell me what to do with their money and I didn’t want to do it to other people.
When I first started my podcast it was originally Mom is Partnering with God. I was talking about partnering with God. It wasn’t getting out there. I had about 1,000 downloads in the year. I had 25 episodes. It wasn’t terrible. I had episodes pre-recorded all the way until July. It was growing off of that. I came into P2P with exactly 1,000 downloads. Downloads grew, kind of, but I didn’t have a clear direction. I didn’t know what I needed to do. I knew God wanted me to do something with finances but I went the easy route and slowly allowed God to help me figure it out.
Launch Your Podcast Before Joining Podcast to Profit and Then Watch Your Downloads Grow
Stef: This is such a perfect point to come into P2P. You’re thinking:
I’ve got a thing and I’ve done it.
I’m starting to get some data and information.
I did the hardest thing which was getting out of my own way to start.”
There’s a reason we have people launch their show before coming in. It weeds out people who are unwilling to do the hard start of starting. Podcast to Profit is not easy, it’s for people who are really serious about intentionally growing a business that’s going to be successful.
Step one of that is “Are you going to launch a show or not”?
I love that you did it and you did it with the information that you had. You started somewhere. That’s step one of any successful business – starting from somewhere. I have somewhat of a direction and I’m not exactly sure if it’s right. That is the perfect point to come into the program. I’m sure you’ll agree.
What was the program like for you Molly?
There are six real core components of the program that you go through. Getting clarity, reworking those foundational pieces. We rebranded your show. How was that for you? The calls, the coaches, creating sales, and an offer. Talk us through what it was like for someone who is wondering if they should do this program and want their online business to be successful and have their podcast ranked like yours. If you were to sit down with someone and they asked you what the program was like, tell us what you would say to them.
Molly: I can tell you it’s nothing like I have ever taken before. I have been in other courses that had questions and I can really figure it out. But yours was so straight forward and you kept me focused. If you don’t stay on track, you fall behind and you don’t want to do that. The hardest part for me, which was probably the best part, was the market research. That’s where I found out what I actually needed to call the podcast, what I needed to help people with, and how I could help them without being so focused on budgeting and money, which I didn’t want to do. But then I got clarity and started to enjoy what I was doing.
Stef: Were there points in the program where you were thinking “I don’t want to do this” or points when you felt like it was too hard?
Molly: The hardest part was the market research. Once I got past that, everything else just flowed.
Getting in Alignment With What God Wants for Your Business
Stef: That, too, is a piece of getting in alignment with what God wants for your business. You were so close before but when you finally hit it, the resistance stops. The content ideas just magically come to you. Divinely, He says “Here’s this clue”. I feel like so many things all come into this one beautiful moment of clarity when you finally get there. And everything begins to flow from there. I’m glad you finally got there. You have the learning part of P2P with the back office, the calls, the coaches are in there – what were the most important pieces for you to have success in the program?
Molly: You had so many touch points, the group, the coaching with you, Stef, and Lydia’s office hours. The fact that I can ask any question was helpful. I am usually the kind of person who usually holds back, but I knew I really wanted to dive in and work really hard to figure this stuff out. Even though I knew I didn’t think asking questions was necessary, I did it just to get that feedback and get used to talking to you. Because that first time I was scared to talk.
Stef: And look, now you are here with me on the podcast hanging out.
It’s such a full circle.
That’s one of the things about the program is having so many different touch points and having so many different people you have connections with. You have me for strategy and my team for implementation, getting clear on the homework, and finding the things you are looking for. Also, you have a network with each other, and being able to find other like-minded people who are doing the same things as you, is super powerful. I love that you bring all those things up.
Let’s talk about what was the outcome of this journey for you. Molly, You came into P2P really at the beginning stages of your podcasting journey, no true business to speak of. You were trying to get your podcast ranked. You were thinking “Let’s make this into a business”. Where are you now six months later?
Molly: Actually, five months later because I didn’t start recording again until one month after starting P2P. Now my podcast ranked in the top 5% globally. And my podcast ranked 102 in the USA. I’m almost at 100.
Getting Your Podcast Ranked After Joining Podcast to Profit
Stef: And it’s really difficult to rank in the U.S. And to have a podcast ranked at all and touching into that top 100, Molly, is really notable.
Molly: I was excited when I started looking at my stats because I hadn’t looked until the end of P2P. Then my podcast downloads grew from 1,000 to 4,700 which gave me a growth rate of 541.8%. That’s so good. My line was going straight up. It’s been awesome.
Stef: Congratulations! Seeing the trajectory of your downloads growing, the ranking, and the visibility you are getting is all confirmation that people are absolutely loving your brand, loving the content you are putting out into the world. I am really excited about where you are going.
Molly: Find a way to overcome it and fight it or just give in like I did because it will make a difference not just in your business but in your life as well. I have gained so much clarity and so much consistency. Before, I wasn’t really recording and I restarted and now I know I am one week ahead. I know when to record and how to record, the scheduling is really helpful from what I learned from Chelsi. It’s helped me really get focused. My life before at home with my kids and my baby was crazy. Everything has really settled into a schedule and I felt like I didn’t know what to do but now I do.
How to Move the Needle Forward and Get Your Podcast Downloads to Grow
Stef: Consistency, dedication, discipline, knowing that what you are actually doing is moving the needle forward, seeing it moving the needle forward is critical. You did all that because you were obedient to God leading you in your life and into trusting HIm. I’m so excited that you came on the show to share this with us. It has been so fun walking this journey with you in P2P and I’m sure we are going to continue to walk this tougher because you are going to continue implementing all of the things you have learned.
Tell everyone one more time where can they come and listen to your show and how can you help them.
Molly: I am at the One Income Family and it’s on Apple, Google, and Spotify. And again I help with financial strategies so you can stick to your budget.
Molly is such an inspiration. She has applied what she learned from Podcast to Profit and has seen the fruit and the growth in her podcast. If you have been thinking of growing your online business, getting your podcast ranked and downloads to grow, and if you are ready to fulfill God’s calling in your life just like Molly, then I invite you to join Podcast To Profit. Take that next step and invest in yourself.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
Is podcasting right for you? You’re about to find out. I was going through our weekly market research report that one of my interns pulled together for us and found that you have many podcasting questions.
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