Learn to make income with a podcast

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Profitable Podcast Bootcamp

Welcome to The Stefanie Gass Blog

Start or Grow a Successful Online Business as a Christian Entrepreneur

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Binge-worthy podcast episodes and show notes from the podcast


Me and my girl Hannah Dickey jam on cleaning up her 5-tier brand map. We take her ideas and vision and tidy it all up so has a complete business plan. Hannah walks away with a title, tagline, I help statement, pillars, and description. We also dive into her avatar and keywords! Christian Business Coaching.

business plan
December 6, 2021

Get Clarity & Create Your Business Plan! Coaching Session!


Get clarity on your online business plan and walk through your 5 tiers of a brand map. We discuss how you can integrate your network marketing business into your calling and create a brand of service. Create a title, tagline, I help statement, pillars, description, and more.

brand map strategy
November 25, 2021

Strategy Coaching Call – From Mama to Podcasting Super-Star


So you have a podcast (or you’re thinking about one) but it’s not growing, making you money, or saving you time on the back-end. Spoiler: You need some SYSTEMS. A mentor who can show you HOW to get exponential podcast growth in a short amount of time. A community and sisterhood that will keep you ACCOUNTABLE. You need Podcast to Profit.

podcast growth
November 18, 2021

From 400% Podcast Growth to Ranking in 14 Countries!


“What should my holiday podcasting plan be to maintain or grow my downloads?” I loved this question so much that I came up with a simple, 3-step strategy for you to use to make sure your podcast maintains momentum during the holidays.

holiday podcasting plan
November 16, 2021

Holiday Podcasting Plan to Grow Your Downloads this Season!


This is My Alcohol Story. 15 Years of Normalizing Over-Drinking to Freedom. I made excuses and hurt my body for far longer than I needed to. I lied to myself about why I ‘needed a drink to have fun’ for too long. And I want to help YOU see that there is freedom on the other side of idols, addiction, and worldly norms.

November 11, 2021

My Alcohol Story. 15 Years Normalizing Over-Drinking to Freedom


In today’s quick tip Tuesday episode, I answer this juicy question from Miranda Lee… “Is it really possible to be a great mom AND grow a thriving successful business?” I know this question is on many of your hearts, so let’s GET AFTER IT.

Successful Business Owner
November 9, 2021

Can You Be Both a Great Mom & Successful Business Owner?


It’s LIVE COACHING time. If you are just getting started with finding clarity so that you can build a God-centered, online business, this one is a MUST. I am sitting down with my client and we are building out her 5-tier brand map. This is the foundation for your work-at-home business!

pillars of your brand map
October 28, 2021

LIVE COACHING! 5 Pillars of Your Brand Map. Get Unstuck!


“How do I map out a podcast episode outline quicker?! I’m wasting time planning and drafting episodes.” I loveeeee this question so much and I am revealing for the FIRST TIME EVER… how I personally map out podcast episodes in 10 min or less.
You are going to save so much time with this simple podcast episode layout system.

podcast episode outline
October 26, 2021

Map Out Your Podcast Episode Outline in 10 Mins or LESS!


Today’s episode is all about titling your podcast. How to pick a podcast title that CONVERTS! I will walk you through 4, must-have components of a stellar podcast name. Podcasting hacks for Christian Entrepreneurs who want to work from home!

podcast title
October 21, 2021

4 Must-Have Components of a Podcast Name That CONVERTS!


“How do I scale my podcast past 1K?” What strategies can I use to grow faster?
I loved this question because launching is honestly… the easy part. Moving into consistency and staying motivated to show up week after week is the real work! I’ll be sharing 3 ways for you to scale your podcast over 10K, 100K downloads, and beyond.
These are strategies that I’ve been using myself for 3 years and they have helped me grow into a half a million download podcast!

scale your podcast
October 19, 2021

3 Ways to Scale Your Podcast to 10K… 100K Downloads and Beyond!


‘How much time does it REALLY take to podcast’? I dig deep into my podcasting schedule and explain exactly HOW LONG it takes me per episode per week. I walk her through minute by minute what I do and what my team does. I also explain how podcasting saves me roughly 10-15 hours per week that I would be spending on social media!

how much time does it really take to podcast
October 12, 2021

How Much Time Does it REALLY Take to Podcast Every Week?


How she got 50K downloads, launched 2 courses, and went from being an Athiest to Faith FILLED. Scale your online business with clarity, podcasting, and e-courses. Christian Business Coach, Stefanie Gass.

September 27, 2021

50K Downloads, 2 Courses, and Faith-Filled after Atheism!

Learn How to Consistently
Make Income With a Podcast
For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs

Profitable Podcast Bootcamp

Take this quiz
and find out!

Should You
Start a Podcast?

Step by step plan to
start your online business

Complete Business Blueprint

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Podcast Launch Checklist

Steps to start and launch a podcast from start to finish

Spiritual Battle Plan

From Psalm chapter 18

defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare

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Find out everything your need to feature Stef—bio, photos, and details—ready to inspire and educate your audience

Find out more about working for Team Stef as
an intern! We open our internship twice a year.

Contact us with questions, concerns,
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.

I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!

Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you
can start your online business with confidence.

Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.

Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step
you're on and and learn which course is right for you!

Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple
steps to go from idea to successful podcast.

Let's work together!


Clarify Your Calling
Free Workshop

Watch this workshop and get
clear on your calling so you can start
an online business! Hop on this quick,
35 minute free training and map out
your next steps!

Podcast for Growth
Free Workshop

Watch this workshop and learn how
podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
