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Hi Friend!
In today’s quick tip Tuesday episode, I answer this juicy question from Miranda Lee… “Is it really possible to be a great mom AND grow a thriving successful business?” I know this question is on many of your hearts, so let’s GET AFTER IT.
I pray this helps you and finds you right on time. If you have the calling on your heart to be a mom and create impact and income by using your gifts for God’s glory – please listen in!
Do you have a question you’d like me to answer LIVE on the Stefanie Gass show? Head on over to my website, scroll down on the homepage and record your question! Can’t wait to help you get unstuck!
(00:00): Y’all today’s Quick Tip Tuesday episode is brought to you by one of my favorite humans, Miranda Lee who’s a P2P graduate, but more than that, she is such a breath of fresh air. She makes me laugh like LOL style. Like she’s the best, you guys, are gonna love her. Anyway, she’s asking a question related to motherhood and business. Is it possible? Is it truly possible to be a good mom and grow a thriving, successful business.
(00:32): Girl, Stef, I need some advice and words of encouragement. It’s your girl, Miranda Lee from the Empowered podcast and from your P2P class. But I just need help, girlfriend, because my husband and I want to start having kids but as you know, I am a new business owner, really putting in all the work that you’ve been telling me to do, but I’m just nervous.
(00:54): Is my business going to suffer because I want to be a mom? I don’t know. I’ve watched you and your business and you obviously do both at the same time. You do great at both so I don’t know, just give me some words of encouragement. Is this possible? And am I going to be okay?
(01:15): Hey, my sweet friend, first of all, congratulations on getting ready to have littles. I have to tell you having my children, Miranda, is the greatest honor of my entire life. It’s the most incredible gift that God could have ever given me are my two beautiful, perfect boys. And I can’t imagine my life without my sons. They make me laugh every day. They’re hilarious. They’re sassy and fun.
(01:49): They challenge me in ways that only children can, but in ways that grow me, that stretch me, that have deepened my faith. They made me care for something in a way that I didn’t know was possible. They exploded my heart. They expanded my heart and they’ve created in me a newness that I wouldn’t have experienced without them.
(02:14): And any of you listening to this right now, who are trying to have children and having trouble, I see you. I’ve been there. I’ve had miscarriages. We’ve had the seasons of waiting, but believe for God that he is a miracle worker, that he can do anything in your life, sweet sister, believe for him, have faith in him. And there is nothing that God cannot do through faith application and audacious prayer.
(02:40): So Miranda let’s cut to the chase, my love. Is having children going to make an impact on you building this amazing online business that you’ve set out to do? You’ve taken P2P, you’re doing the work you’ve invested in yourself. You are dedicated to this calling that you have on your life. You’ve niched in finally starting to see the fruits of all that labor and those little blue lines, right? Let me just be real with you for a minute.
(03:08): Having a new child, a newborn is definitely going to be work. It’s going to be work, but I want you to understand that raising children is a calling on your life. Just like building this business is a calling on your life, and God would not have placed that on your heart and on your husband’s heart if it was not there on purpose for a purpose as part of your legacy.
(03:35): Now, I don’t believe that we are called to be one thing. I believe that we are called truly. I think that in each of us, we have this beautiful opportunity to become just like Proverbs 31 woman, to be a wife and a mom, and to stand by faith and to be a business owner and a leader, and to take care of our home and our bodies and to do good works for the kingdom and to rise early and to shine. And I believe that for you, you can do both well.
(04:05): So what I want to tell you is that there are going to be really hard seasons. There were absolute hard seasons in my motherhood when I was trying to also build my business. But when I look backward at those seasons Miranda, what I see is that I was trying to do life my way. I was trying so hard to force the success in my business, instead of focusing on my newborn.
(04:28): And instead God had to redirect me, right? Because just like Hebrews 12:11 says All discipline for the moment is not joyful, but sorrowful yet to those who have been trained by it afterwards, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Amen.
And so when I recognized that I was not doing life his way and I surrendered it, he showed me this beautiful ebb and flow of seasons. And I want you to think of this as you know, the actual seasons of winter spring, summer, fall, how we go through seasons physically.
(05:11): Well, we also go through seasons personally, and there are seasons where you’re going to be in a winter season with your baby, and you’re going to just nest and you’re going to snuggle and you’re going to love on that sweet baby. And you’re going to get to work during nap time.
(05:26): And then there’s going to be seasons where baby sleeping through the night, you’re feeling great, you guys have a routine down and you’re going to have a summer season where you pour into your business and it’s not going to look the same every day. And that’s okay.
(05:41): It’s not going to look the same every month. And that’s okay. And you know what? It’s not even going to look the same every year, but here’s what I want you to know when you surrender your day to God, first thing, and you say, holy spirit, help me in my motherhood today, lead me.
Help me to be a patient, servant mom, help me to see my children, hear them truly hear and see them, help me to lay anything down that steals from the type of mom that you are asking me to be, Lord, equip me every day to be this mom that you’ve called me to be.
(06:14): And, Lord, equip me and my business today. What can I do today to further this calling they’ve placed on my heart Lord. And if there’s nothing I can do in my business today, God, give me peace over that. And through that prayer and that active seeking of his hand through your daily life Miranda, there’s going to be so much fruit at the end of the journey.
(06:34): I want you to know something from the day that I surrendered, truly my motherhood and my business to Him and stopped holding on and gripping on to control and trying to force things to work or trying to force things to happen or trying to force the kids to listen, and I truly was like, God, take the wheel like absolute literal, take this wheel, and just work through me.
(06:56): Everything transformed the way my children see me, the way I see them, the way that we communicate, this closeness that we share, our family as a unit and my business. And the bottom line is this, Miranda, there are miracles on miracles, on miracles for your life in each area of your life.
(07:22): And I don’t want you to be afraid to say yes to those miracles. Having a child will be something that you cannot ever even put words to the amount of blessing that it will bring you having a thriving business where you know, you are making an impact for people that God leads you to.
(07:41): You are able to make income and an impact that you can use for his kingdom and for your life to feel fruitful and for other’s lives to feel fruitful blessings on blessings. And I want you to know, you can have both, God wants you to have both, it’s possible for you. There is no fear in the yes.
(08:00): So now that I have you go and like, woot, praise hands, I’m going to have the babies, all the babies bring me the babies. Here’s some tacticals, down and dirty, because you’re going to be in them diapers, girl. Number one, you need to have extraordinarily clear communication with your spouse about expectations. What does this look like? What’s he helping with? When is he helping? How are you guys going to work? What are the hours going to happen?
(08:25): And you know what, here’s the other piece of this. You’re going to have a plan. And then the plan may not go according to plan if you know what I mean. Having a child really shakes up your vision of how organized you can be or how you think it’s all going to play out. But that’s why having really incredible communication is a absolute must.
(08:43): Also when you’re in it, just being able to say like husband, today’s the day, like I’m gonna need a minute, so that really open communication. Number two, the second that you have that open space and time do not waste it. Now, what does that mean? That means you can sleep if you need to, catch up on your sleep. That means that in that time, oh, baby’s taking a nap. You can sure. Sleep. That’s great. Maybe you need to take care of your home.
(09:10): Maybe you don’t have any clean underwear. You know what I mean? Or maybe this is the time you can work on your business. Don’t waste that time numbing on social media or just sitting like shopping online, I don’t know whatever the thing is that you do.
(09:25): I know what I do, but whatever you do to numb out, those are not helpful. And I think that it’s important for us to stay intentional in our downtime. Now I’m not talking about five minutes after you have a baby. Okay? Cause yes, you’re going to need some healing time. You’re going to need some time to just be. I’m talking, you know, six months after baby.
(09:44): Once you have those slots of time during naps, you have those slots of time when baby goes to bed at 5:00 PM every night, do something intentional with it. And the third thing that I want to leave you with is that having a prayerful expectation and a partnership with holy spirit, where you are renewing your mind every single day, because while it is incredibly worth it, it is incredibly hard.
(10:12): So if you create space between you and God, it’s going to be very hard for him to be leading you in this journey. And I think one of the best things I’ve ever done for my life is get extraordinarily disciplined about my time with God every day, every single morning, without fail. At least six days a week, cause you know, don’t get it twisted.
(10:37): I’m with him and He gets the best of me and I’m yoked into his word and it’s it’s growing me, it’s stretching me. He is showing me things that are absolute awe and wonder, Miranda. And I want that for you. I want that for your motherhood and I want it for your business. So make that a practice. I hope this bless you. I’m excited for you. Let me know, keep me posted. I want a baby shower invite.
(10:59): Thank you guys. And if you have a Quick Tip Tuesday request, head to Click on that home page. Scroll all the way down. Click the button, leave me a question. I’m so here for you. I can’t wait to serve you. I can’t wait to feature you on the show. And if you have any other need, you can probably find the answer at
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