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Have you ever wondered what are spiritual gifts? Personality tests seem to be all the rage at the moment, but I think it’s key to think about why we want to know what our personality says about us. So rather than looking at our personality from a mind perspective we need to look at it from a biblical, creation perspective.
Why aren’t we looking at the best personality gifting test, which is our spiritual gifts? So if you are keen to find out what God says over you, read on!
What are Spiritual Gifts? Understand Who God Made You to Be!
A spiritual gift is something that every believer is given when they receive salvation.
Ephesians 4: 7 says that Christ has generously divided out His gifts to us. These are gifts that you don’t need to fight for or apply for. You already have them!
Our spiritual gift or gifts are unique to each of us. You can get one spiritual gift, but are probably going to get more than one. What I have discovered about myself is that when I grow spiritually, I uncover more spiritual gifts.
Who Gets Spiritual Gifts?
All of us who are believers who are walking in partnership with the Holy Spirit have received spiritual gifts.
1 Corinthians 12:1 says spiritual gifts are given to God’s people by the Holy Spirit for the common good. Verse 2 says gifts are given according to God’s sovereign will.
Did you get that? Spiritual gifts are given to God’s people by the Holy Spirit. It’s a promise. So right here, right now, if you are saved you have a spiritual gift!
And the gifts are given according to God’s sovereign will. So the gift He has for you has been perfectly chosen just for you! Based on who you are and how He created you. Remember you were perfectly and wonderfully made. The spiritual gifts God has for you are just right for you! You don’t have to worry about whether you can fulfill the gift or operate in the gift.
You don’t get to worry or play the comparison game because nobody gets to wear your gift the way that you wear your gift. It was created just for you! Open up those hands girl and simply say “I am super here for this gift Father. Whatever they are, be it one, be it many, I am here for it. And give me the courage to unwrap the gift. Allow it to take root in my spirit so I can bless others with my gift.
What Are Spiritual Gifts Used For?
We aren’t receiving spiritual gifts for our own benefit. We are receiving these gifts for what Ephesians 4: 12 says – for service and to build up the body of Christ. So whenever you are reading this, we are all together as a sisterhood, a body of Christ. Each one of us is given a unique and special gift according to God’s will so that we can come together to work for His kingdom’s good. So we can serve! The gifts we receive are for the benefit of others. For the benefit of Christ.
What Is the Difference Between God’s Gifts and Your Calling?
I do clarity coaching where we dig into what you were created for. Your calling is something you are meant to do here on earth. I have a course called Clarify Your Calling that unpacks all of this.
Your gift supports your calling. For example, I am called to help all of you to rise up in your purpose, use your voice for impact using podcasting, and create a life that is not just for serving people and creating impact for blessings, but to also operate as God created you as wives, mothers, stewards of His kingdom. To be able to give, serve, and live a fruitful life. I’m teaching you boundaries, and how to build a business God’s way. That is my calling.
How do I do my calling? By podcasting, by planning and being super intentional, by renewing my mind daily with God, by having spiritual friends and mentors that help me, and then I show up in ALOT of uncomfortable awkwardness all the time!
Your gifts will support your calling. So if my calling is all of the above, my spiritual gifts according to the book Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts and the bible are leader, faith, and teacher. These gifts totally support my calling. It’s the perfect partnership. And that’s why my life feels really fruitful right now. I’m not only operating in my calling, but I’m also operating in my gifts.
When you uncover the gifts that God has for you, and you move those gifts into your purpose work/ your calling and you begin to take action to use the gifts for His glory – flood gates girl! The floodgates!
What are Spiritual Gifts Benefits?
Wordly personality tests are all about you. They are self constraining and they limit who God created you to be. None of us are the same. Each of you is a daughter of the King and called for more. I don’t care how big or small you think your calling is. It is perfectly sized for the Kingdom. No one’s gift is bigger or better than anyone else’s gift. Your truth is who God says you are.
Spiritual gifts make you a better Christian. You are operating in what you are supposed to be doing. We do not have the same giftings. And that’s what makes it beautiful.
Your self-esteem improves. When you are operating in your gifting, working in your calling, and partnering with Holy Spirit it gives you a bigger feeling of worthiness because you are fulfilling what God has in store for you. This gives you an immense feeling of purpose, wholeness, worthiness, and healing.
You get to be part of something bigger than you. When you wear a personality test badge, are you wearing something that is bigger than you? No. You are not just a number. You are part of something bigger than you. You are not just your work. You are not what someone else says you are, you are what Jesus says that you are.
What are spiritual gifts doing to contribute to your calling? Let your spiritual gifts be one of the ways you fulfill your purpose. Also identifying your calling and praying to bring this to light.
What Should We Do With Spiritual Gifts?
1 Peter 4:1 – In all things may God be glorified through Jesus Christ to whom belong in the glory and dominion forever and ever, amen. So what does this verse mean? It means that the number one way that we should be focusing and living as kingdom entrepreneurs is to glorify God. As we do things every day, have the question, am I glorifying God in this?
Spiritual gifts are to be used! They are to be grown. We need to stretch out in faith to stretch our gifts.
It’s scary to think that your little spiritual gift is going to blossom. When you push past your discomfort in growing in your gifts, He will equip you. There is nothing you are not prepared for that you have been called for. God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. If you say yes and amen, you are qualified.
Paul tells us twice in the bible to earnestly desire our spiritual gifts. 1 Corinthians 12:31 and 1 Corinthians 14:1. We have to get our humanness out of the way and open up to receiving. When you partnered with God with this, and you are a true believer, and earnestly desire to have that gift bestowed on you, and working for the good of Him and not for yourself – that gift is way too big for you to shelf. Don’t say yes to fear and no to faith. Because fear will come. But don’t accept this!
How to Begin This Process
Get quiet and open up to hear from the Holy Spirit. Pray.
Get into the bible. We cannot take someone else’s word for all things. You need to do your own hard work.
Follow sound teachings and counsel. You have to be careful. How do you know? Pray over it.
Step out. It’s going to feel scary and uncomfortable working in your giftings. You need to step out in all your fear and rise in your purpose.
Answer these questions. Maybe journal through them.
What would it feel like to walk in your unique authority and embody gifts from the one and only?
What is your experience or perception been of spiritual gifts and how has it changed since this?
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
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I'm Stef Gass.
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