defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
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Today we are looking at how one of my clients gained a 75% increase in revenue with her podcast in only 10 short weeks! And how another of my clients saw huge growth with her podcast. And they did this by taking my course Podcast to Profit (P2P for short)
P2P is for the podcaster who is keen to grow, rank, get visibility and make money from their podcast.
How My Client Used Her Podcast to Get a 75% Increase in Revenue
In this blog post, I’m interviewing 2 alumni students of P2P and they’re giving you a sneak peek behind the curtain of the program and if it was worth it. Spoiler alert – they both have huge wins to share from taking the program.
The first guest is Erika Diaz-Castro from Her Renewed Strength
Erika Castro, from the Her Renewed Strength Podcast, focuses on time management and a biblical mindset for anxious and overwhelmed Christian women. Erika felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to start a podcast. She discovered me and went through all of the free stuff I offered and she listened to all the podcast episodes I released with the mindset that I was speaking directly to her. She also loved the free coaching I offer on my Facebook group and took all the tips I offered others and applied those to her business. Just by doing this, she grew her podcast to almost 11, 000 downloads in 10 months.
Erika also turned everything off. She unsubscribed from others and stopped listening to other business-related podcasts. Every time she was unsure if this was the right thing to do, randomly a listener would reach out to share how her podcast had blessed them in some way. She trusted that God led her to me on purpose. Talk about faithful!
The journey through P2P and towards an increase in revenue
Once Erika chose to join P2P the only fear or roadblock she had in joining was the financial commitment. In the past she had invested in other programs and seen no return, so was hesitant to do so again. After talking with God and her husband, she felt it would be worth it, so jumped in. She trusted that I could help per see an increase in revenue.
From the start, she trusted me, and anything that I asked her to do, she would do. Talk about a model student! She loved how clear, and tactical the program was.
Her favorite part was being with others and learning alongside them. The friendships she developed were amazing as they were all on the same podcasting journey. I also am a strong advocate for not (yes, I said not) using socials to build your business. And that is something the other members understood. Being in a group of people who are building a business God’s way, saying no to the distractions was life-giving.
Erika had been taking short breaks from Instagram before P2P and discovered when she went back on, her anxiety would increase. As she speaks to anxious women, she felt convicted to walk the walk. During P2P, she laid down Instagram and only used Facebook to grow her Facebook Group. And after I made the call to cut Instagram completely, she did too. She said she would prefer to follow the Lord and be kept in perfect peace than be disturbed by the chaos that is on Instagram.
Was it worth it? Was there an increase in revenue?
Her 11, 000 downloads grew to 16, 000 downloads in 90 days.
November is on track to be the highest download month with 50% growth compared to where she was at this point in October.
Her podcast ranked top 3 in several different countries in 2 categories and the top 10 in several countries in all podcasts.
Her superfan number grew by 50 in 30 days.
She hired her second VA.
She mapped out an entire course and launch strategy including podcast episodes leading to the launch date in February.
Erika told me that a lot of people are scared about what could go wrong, but she thinks we need to be more intimidated by what might go right. You need to be ready for that growth. She said P2P prepares you for that growth and if you’re willing to put the work in, you can see an increase in revenue like she did.
The second guest is Lisa Limehouse from Beauty Beyond Betrayal
Lisa has the podcast Beauty Beyond Betrayal where she helps Christian women find hope and healing from the devastation of their husband’s affairs. She coaches Christian women who have suffered betrayal.
Lisa’s decision to join and journey through P2P
She had a podcast, where she released a couple of episodes and then stopped. She googled how to start a podcast a year ago, and I was the first result. So she stalked me and went on a binge. She started taking notes and applying all that I was teaching. She heard about P2P but sat on it. In October, she re-launched her podcast but felt that she wasn’t getting anywhere. She sought the Lord and He kept putting me in her face. So she prayed and took the leap of faith to join.
So both Erika and Lisa started with the podcast. Your avatar will do the same with you. Gain trust through your long-form content rather than a TikTok you created.
What were the fears or Roadblocks?
Lisa felt that financially it would be challenging and time would be a barrier. She’s busy working with kids and grandkids and it was a huge commitment. She worried if she would have enough time to dedicate to the program and be a good steward of what God was calling her to. So she stood back and asked God to make a way financially. And He showed up. If it’s God’s will, He will make a way.
What was the Program like?
Lisa found P2P a challenge, but an exciting one. She learned far more than she could have imagined. She felt I had a step-by-step system to follow which she loved and found that even if I was coaching someone else, I always managed to bring it around so it would apply to the rest of the members.
Lisa also found the community created in the pods to be amazing. Everyone was supportive and helpful too. I love peer masterminds, and I wanted the same safe place created with the pods. A lot of prayer goes into them for sure. Spotlight is my favorite part of P2P to do power coaching.
Was it worth it? Did Lisa see an increase in revenue?
Lisa found it a million times over worth it. Here’s why:
Her podcast launched in October 2021 and was struggling with 500 downloads. 2 weeks before graduation she had reached 5, 000 downloads. That’s a 900% increase!
In the last 7 days, she has had 714 downloads.
She had a 14% increase in email subscribers with a 51% open rate.
She launched a Facebook group that went from 0 members to 43 beautiful, vulnerable women.
She signed 4 new paying clients that she is working with within her coaching program.
She finalized her mini-course which she is due to launch shortly.
Her superfan number grew from 83 in the first month to 228 at the end of P2P.
Her podcast comes up first when you search heal from an affair and it comes up third when you search for betrayal trauma therapy.
She hired her first VA.
She was doing market research for her podcast and on the first page of Google was her podcast!
Lisa told me she feels like she is living a dream!
In P2P, I go into SEO in a big way. I help you formulate the phrases your avatar is looking for. So they find you easily.
Lisa says don’t wait and take a leap of faith. God will make a way. If you have been on the fence about podcasting, you have a voice that can reach millions, and this is where God is leading you. And you can have confidence that you can see an increase in revenue by marketing this way.
Where to for you?
You will be in one of 3 places.
You haven’t started a podcast and you are dreaming. You’re reading this thinking ‘one day’. If that’s you, go and check out my free workshop Podcast for Growth. It’s 40 minutes long and teaches you how podcasting can work for your online business. How it creates visibility and grows your audience through podcasting. I also unpack how you can lay down socials.
You’re already podcasting but you can’t buy into P2P right now, the timing isn’t that right for you, or you are unsure. You can watch a replay from yesterday’s live training of SCALE your show workshop by coming into our free Facebook community. some fast action bonuses are lingering if you hurry and watch the replay in the next couple of days.
You are in. You’re a podcaster and you want to grow, rank, get visibility and make money from your podcast. You are here for the long haul but are keen to do things in less time, be more efficient, and show up for less than 2 hours per week. You want to do all this with God at the center with community and accountability. My Podcast to Profit mastermind is for you! We kick off in 2 weeks, January 5 2023 and we have a couple of spots left.
I pray that this blesses you and that your holiday season is full of rest and joy and the presence of God. That He would fill your heart this season and that you would find new, joyous blessings being with your kids, families, or grandkids. I pray God’s love washes over you, His grace, and His goodness.
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you can start your online business with confidence.
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Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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