defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
You have a business. Maybe you have a podcast or you’re thinking of starting one. You’re a Christian, but maybe you don’t want to have a fully Christian podcast or you don’t have the opportunity to run your business as a Christian. Maybe you don’t feel led to do that. Today, we’re going to talk about how to glorify God in your secular business or podcast.
Have a Secular Business or Podcast? Try These Four Ways How to Glorify God
A friend came to me a few years ago and told me she wants other people to know Jesus but she doesn’t feel called to rebrand or be blatant about it on her podcast. She was really struggling with that. I want you to know that it’s 100% okay if this is you.
At the time, I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. As I’ve helped many people in different types of businesses, I’ve learned that God uses us in beautiful and unique ways. If every single person was just spouting off about the Lord, what about all the people who aren’t ready to hear it that way?
All of us have different levels of discernment about how much we are to share in our business or on our podcast. Some of us literally can’t. Or you may be called not to because you’re meant to help a non-believer in some capacity. I want you to know that wherever God has you, trust it. There isn’t anything anyone else is doing that makes anything right or wrong for you. Every single thing is between you and the Lord.
How to glorify God as a Kingdom entrepreneurfacing warfare
This is just my opinion, but I truly do believe that it is more than possible to honor God in your secular business or podcast. There are four things I want to share with you today on how to glorify God in your business.
I know it can be hard as a Kingdom entrepreneur, as someone who is called to do business with God at the center. I also know you face serious warfare. There are lots of trials that come at you to trip you up. That is why I created the 7-Step Spiritual Battle Plan. It’s completely free. One morning, I was sitting with the Lord and He took me through Psalm Chapter 18. He walked me through seven steps of defeating a battle I was facing in my own life. I felt so convicted that this was a gift from the Lord I was meant to share with you. If you haven’t downloaded it, please hop over to and download this free gift.
1. The first way to glorify God is to just abide in Him
Just abide in Him yourself.
John 15:4 – “Abide in Me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.”
For us to produce fruit, not only in our own lives but to expand and produce fruit in other people’s lives, we must be in Christ.
The first thing you need to do is get in the Word; get in relationship. Pray. Start journaling. One of my favorite ways to connect with the Lord is to journal with Him; writing Him prayers and letters during my morning time.
I have to abide in Him so I can be an extension of Him. That is the same for you.
2.Be the Light
Matthew 5:16 – “In the same way, let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.”
Be you! Let your light shine! Just your presence is going to transfer into the hearts of others. Whether it’s in your business or on your podcast, just the way you hold yourself, the way you speak from a confident centered place, the way you know Whose you are. Simply let your light shine.
This verse is clear that just by being who we are in Him, abiding in Him, they will see our good deeds, which will glorify the Father in Heaven.
You, as a Christian, who is hopefully in the Word, care about how to glorify God. You want to be this extension, have that desire, but without talking about Scripture in every episode and feeling like you have to do an altar call. You don’t have to be there unless God asks you to.
We respond in obedience, but God is actually asking some of you not to because you’re meant to serve a certain person at a certain place in their walk.
James 4:17 – “Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and not to do it.”
No matter what you do in your business; no matter what you talk about on your show, be full of integrity when you create an offer, when you create anything, it’s between you and the Lord. You don’t use someone else’s stuff. You speak from the heart. Be pure of heart in the content you create, the offers you put out, and the offers you sell and market.
Do not knowingly sin; which we never want to do. But also pray that God will help you not unknowingly sin.
That brings us back to Matthew 5:16 and John 15:8; they stack on top of each other. We begin to see how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus even without ever speaking a word.
It’s so amazing how God can work through us by just us being who we are.
4.If you feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit, allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you
This is an advanced strategy. You can take it or leave it.
Once in a while, something comes out where people will know you are a Christian.
People will know that you believe in God; that you have this something amazing about you that they can’t put their finger on.
If the Holy Spirit prompts, you may say something like, “I was at church and this happened.” Or, “In one of my favorite verses, James 4:17, there’s this lesson that talks about __________”
There can be these tiny little references that allow someone to know who you are and what you stand for. It simply opens the door for people who have questions to know that you are a safe resource. They can come and knock on your inbox or shoot you an email to ask you some questions.
I have some friends who have secular podcasts and they’re very devout Christians. They tell me people have said, “I love your podcast so much and I can’t believe you’re a Christian because I don’t like Christians.” People have these perceptions and limiting beliefs about religion versus relationship versus people who are truly abiding in Christ and loving everybody no matter who they are.
This is exactly what God is trying to do through you. He’s using you as an example of what a true, Biblical, pure-hearted extension – the hands and feet of Christ – really looks like.
It doesn’t look like judgment. It doesn’t look like slamming the door in someone’s face. It doesn’t look like rebuking or casting people out, or speaking ill of them. It’s just pure and utter giving, pure and utter love. That’s who we are! That is who you are!
A Prayer for how to glorify God
I want to pray with you:
“ Lord, continue to use us in whatever capacity You see fit. I pray that they will have peace in their heart that what they are doing is enough because it is beside You that they are walking this out. Lord, convict them in how to glorify You and in how to show up, how to serve, and how to love more deeply. We pray that you would continue to show us the exact next right step we need to take.
I pray that you would continue to remind us that you have everything figured out, It is not up to us to bring Your plans to fruition. It is up to us to be obedient and continue to trust in you no matter what. We thank You for this guidance and we love You so much. We couldn’t do this without You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
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Great article! Inspirational.
Thank you so much Meredith! We are so glad you are inspired with what Stef shared around glorifying God in your business or podcast.
A great next step would be this FREE “Clarify Your Calling” Workshop. Enjoy!
-Stef Gass + Team
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