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Hey Friend!
Are you a new podcaster? Congratulations on starting your podcast! Now it’s time to focus on optimizing your podcast growth so you can reach more of your niche market. Today’s blog covers my must-do hacks for faster podcast growth as a new podcaster. These tips are super simple, free, and will up-level your podcasting game! I recommend grabbing a pen and paper or somewhere to type so you can take notes and start implementing them immediately.
5 Must-Do Podcast Growth Hacks for a New Podcaster
1. Focus on one problem to increase podcast growth
Focusing on more than one problem is one of the biggest issues I see new podcasters face, especially those who don’t have an audience yet and aren’t getting any feedback on what their listener wants or needs. They have a true desire to help their target audience, but they aren’t completely clear on what problem they need to solve. So they try to talk about every pillar and idea they have and hope for the best. This is a big problem because talking about too many things dramatically slows down your podcast growth. By niching down and digging into one specific problem, you can speak to what your avatar needs the most.
How to figure out the one problem to focus on
Go over your list of podcast ideas and look for any recurring themes or questions you see. Recurring ideas will show you the main problem you can solve for your audience. You want to solve this problem for at least 90-days before moving on.
For example, if your podcast is about patient parenting, you need to be more specific than talking about parenting, or even patient parenting, to speed up your podcast growth. Dig into what area of patient parenting you are going to focus on. For example, you might focus on patient parenting for kids who don’t listen.
Next, you need to complete market research around this problem. Ask people in your audience (or people who fit your ideal listener) questions about the issue.
For our example, you could ask questions like:
What have you tried?
What hasn’t worked for you?
What would you be willing to try?
What are your reactions vs your kids’ reactions?
What’s your stance on discipline and your spouse’s?
How are you infusing faith into your parenting?
The feedback you get from these questions is a great place to start designing your podcast topics for the next 90 days. You might have podcast episodes about 3 Things to Ask Yourself if Your Kid Isn’t Listening, My Kid Throws a Tantrum With Every Request, HELP! or Using Bribery to Get Your Toddler to Listen.
Notice how these examples go back to our main problem of kids not listening while following my titling strategies and triggering your listener, so they NEED to listen. Focusing on one issue in a variety of ways will help your podcast growth take off.
Focusing on one problem in a variety of ways will help you grow your audience fast! – Stefanie Gass
2. When starting as a new podcaster, share your RSS feed everywhere
Linking your RSS feed everywhere that podcasts are available is a crucial way to gain visibility. Once you’ve set it up (which I show you how to do in my course Podcast Pro University), the program allows you to share it automatically in multiple places with the simple click of a button.
Now your content is being shared worldwide across all the different streaming platforms and websites, allowing people across the globe to find you. This will enable your SEO and keywords to work for you and help you reach everyone searching for podcasts in that niche.
If you are struggling with getting your podcast up and running, check out my course, Podcast Pro University. In this course, I help you with everything you need to get your show started, and I even cover the practical side including all of the tech pieces to give your show the best start possible.
3. Podcast swaps are incredible for podcast growth
Podcast swaps, also known as guest interviews, are when you are a guest on other podcasts and you interview that host on your show. These are significant ways to grow your audience as a new podcaster, and you can start them immediately. They work because visibility is key, particularly in front of a market of ideal listeners.
Their listeners already trust them, so they are more likely to come to listen to your show when recommended by their favorite podcast hosts and exposed to your teachings. You’ve come to where they are and brought new and exciting value, so they want to come across and listen to your show. Also, by interviewing others on your show, those hosts will market the episode to their audience giving you more credibility as well. If you want to know my detailed strategy around securing awesome interviews and showing up with all the little details so that people want to come to listen to your show, I teach this and so much more in my mastermind Podcast to Profit. Now that you’ve launched your podcast, this might be the right next step to help your podcast growth take off.
4. Don’t include fluff in your podcast episodes
New podcasters often don’t realize that it’s not about the length of the episode that causes people to listen (or not listen!); it’s about the content inside. People don’t want to listen to fluff. Going on and on about something (like your dog or lunch) is a quick way to drive people away. People come and listen for what you can help them with and they want you to get to the point.
It’s not about the length of the episode, it’s about the content inside. -Stefanie Gass
For me, people come for the must-have podcasting hacks, not stories about my new puppy. It’s great to share small snippets (no more than 30 seconds!) of your life, especially if they are funny or add to the episode somehow, but our show is not about us. The point of our show is to get our listeners the results they need. The only exception is if the episode is some update about you. But overall, you want to keep those to a minimum.
Overall, you want to ask yourself these questions for each episode:
Can I ask this in a more streamlined way?
Can I get to the point a little bit quicker?
How can I get my person to the result as quickly as possible?
5. Give your listeners an easy win at the end of each episode
You want your followers to have an easy win after listening to each episode. This is valuable for podcast growth as it causes them to come back for more because they are seeing progress. Ask yourself, what can I have them take action on to get them the desired result. For example, I might ask people reading this post to write down the number one problem they will work on for the next 90 days and share it in my Facebook group.
Creating a specific call to action for your listener to share their homework can also be a great way to drive traffic to your Facebook community. They get support and accountability, and you get traffic. It’s a win-win for everyone!
It’s about EASY wins, get people to do one thing each time you show up. – Stefanie Gass
Bonus tip for new podcasters: consistency is key
Remember, this is a journey. You’ve chosen to grow something evergreen, sustainable, and organic that will withstand the test of time! You don’t want to battle an algorithm or collect likes and views that don’t convert. Instead, you’re here to bless people using your voice and gifts to create impact and income and help serve and glorify God’s kingdom.
You’ve got to be committed and dig in and do this for at least 12 months before you look up. Podcasting is a long-term strategy, but it will grow bigger and more fruitful than anything else you pour 12 months into – I’m 100% sure of that!
Are you ready to take your podcast to the next level?
Check out my 90-day group mastermind, Podcast to Profit. I teach you all my secrets on how to monetize and grow your podcast. It covers everything you need to know to create the business of your dreams using your podcast.
I hope this has helped you discover practical ways to get quick podcast growth as a new podcaster. While these tips may seem simple, they underpin every successful podcast. Remember, podcasting is a long-term game, but if you consistently implement the right strategies, you can see amazing results. I’m proof of it! What will be the one problem you will solve for your listener for the next 90 days? Let us know in the comments below, or head to our Facebook community and share it there. We love to hear from you!
I pray this blesses you!
P.S. Listen to podcast episode 455 for the full training on Simple Ways for New Podcasters to Get Faster Podcast Growth so you can find true success in the kingdom of God!
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Frequently Asked Questions
How much money does it take to start a podcast?
Starting a podcast is inexpensive! You should invest in a cord mic like a Yeti and hosting software like Podbean. I would also follow a step-by-step framework like Podcast Pro University to launch a podcast with success. You’re looking at between $150-$700 maximum one-time investment to start a podcast!
What’s the best way to start a podcast?
Get clear on your niche, pick a SEO keyword-rich podcast title, get clear on who you’re serving and do some market research. Then, follow my free step-by-step plan like the one at
Is it ok to make my own podcast cover?
I do not recommend it unless you are a graphic designer. The art of your podcast is like the cover to your book. Want to be a best seller? Then you should invest in professional quality art.
What are the biggest mistakes podcasters make when starting a podcast?
When launching a podcast, people often make the mistake of having too large of a niche, not choosing an SEO specific podcast title, not being consistent, and overpaying for editing and equipment. Keeping it simple, streamlined and consistent is key.
Learn How to Consistently Make Income With a Podcast For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I'm Stef Gass.
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