defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Your success is not made in the moments where you actually have the breakthrough. Your success is made from the moments that you fail and then get back up again, dust yourself off, and bounce back.
It can be hard when we face challenges in our business that bring us to the point of wanting to give up, but when those moments come we have a decision to make. Are we going to push through or are we going to throw in the towel?
Questions to consider:
Do you bounce back in hard times?
Do you find yourself running away because it got hard and scary?
Did you get a bad review and now you don’t think you are good enough?
The secret is to learn to be resilient. To get back to the work you are so great at and that’s why we are going to discuss the bounceback formula. It’s going to help you get over those setbacks more quickly.
The quicker you overcome these hard situations, the tougher you will get because getting to where you want to go is going to take grit and it’s going to be hard. You are going to have to rise above the humanness that wants to tell you to stay safe and comfortable.
For at least two years I went live on my Facebook page every single week.I had 10-30 weekly views maybe. I felt called to teach and use my voice but I just wasn’t being heard from all the noise on Facebook. Thank you so much, Stef because now I have finally found my platform. I started releasing weekly podcast episodes in September and now I’m getting 500 downloads every week. I see evidence that my voice is reaching those who need my message. Thank you so much, Stef!
Podcasting allows you a simple and seamless way to grow an audience!
I love these testimonies from all my incredible students! Esther went from a draining rollercoaster on social media that wasn’t working to shifting to a simple and seamless method of growing an audience. That shift was podcasting and she’s seeing the fruit of that effort (and way less effort if we are honest).
If you want to grow a thriving audience organically:
I also have some incredible free resources for you, including workshops and checklists!
The Bounce Back Rule: 6 Steps To Get Over Setbacks Quickly
The reality is you are only going to grow as fast as you can get back up and try, try again. It’s like the age-old kid’s story where Thomas the Train has to try try try again and we need to have that same exact mindset. We need to have the heart to get up, dust off, and go.
One of my superpowers is that when I get a bad review, a mean email, something going on in my personal life, or something happens in my team, I have the ability to be able to deal with it really quickly so that I can move forward from it.
And this is something we all need to learn to do because we are going to have setbacks and trials. The enemy is always going to be here to take us out, but it’s how quickly you can come back and how resilient you are willing to be that will make the difference in your online business.
I want to go over my 6-step bounce back rule to help encourage you, equip you, and bless you to be able to quickly deal with these issues and move forward faster because of it.
Step #1: Pray Over It
If something happens then the first thing you have to do is NOT lean into the natural tendency to get angry or triggered. Definitely do not reply in the moment. Instead, pray something like, ” Lord I surrender this moment to you. I surrender this thing to you.”
One example is the time that we got a really nasty email about something that was said and this person took it very personally. It was extraordinarily triggering and I believe completely unfounded so I wanted to be defensive. But instead, I prayed, “Lord help me reply in love. Help me to see where she is coming from. Help us to come together as a team and reply with our core values. I surrender this situation to you.”
This is an example of a prayer you can pray when you feel like you immediately want to be defensive.
Step #2: Truly Feel It
We have to allow ourselves to feel the emotions so that we don’t let it fester or let resentment set in.
Going back to this example, I took a good 5 minutes to assess and feel my emotions over this email. I knew I felt hurt; it obviously hurt my feelings so I felt upset and angry. I just let myself sit in those feelings for a while (but no longer than 30 minutes or so because longer than that and then it’s stealing from your day and even opportunities). Try to make it as short as possible without eliminating the true need to sit in it.
Step #3: Speak It
Speak about it with a friend, mentor, or spouse. Talk with someone who can lead you biblically. The idea here is to get it out of your system in a healthy way.
For me, this was someone on my team that I knew was going to help me work through this situation. I told her how I was feeling and that I wanted to respond biblically because I knew she could guide me. Do not reach out to the negative friend who is going to bring you down.
Step #4: Reframe The Situation
After you sit with your emotions and feel them, I want you to flip it and try to understand why the person on the other side might be lashing out or angry.
I had to realize that the person in this situation probably had a different point of view or thought process so I knew I needed to keep that in mind while also keeping my thoughts biblically centered. I had to remind myself that it wasn’t really about me, but about them and and how and why they were feeling that way.
This exercise is a way to reframe your mind to see their point of view or maybe what they are going through. This helps you to not come from such a defensive angry state and one that is more grace-filled.
Step #5: Release It
It’s also important to release any emotional hold a hard situation has on you.
After I followed the first 4 steps and replied to this person in love, I just allowed myself this moment of release and realization that I replied as compassionately as I could. Now I have to let this situation be what it is because I can not control it anymore than that.
If you cannot control the next step, then you must move on and release it.
Step #6: Move On From It
Don’t sit and obsess over the situation. You must move on.
The best way for me to move on is to get distracted by something else. Maybe you need to get a workout in, get back to a power hour of work, or throw a football with your children. Just move on and get distracted by more important things.
If you sit and circle the situation it’s going to train your brain to stay in that cycle, but instead you need to train your brain to be able to move out of that negative space.
After you tackle these 6 steps I want you to ask yourself…
How fast did I do it?
I want you to ask yourself this question every time you move through all the steps in this bounce back rule. How fast did you move through the process?
For this example, I went through all the steps in about 10 minutes. It’s taken decades of practice for me to get down to 10 minutes so don’t expect that to be a realistic time frame right off the bat. As you start implementing these steps I want you to make note of the time it takes because that’s going to be your benchmark. If you bounce back after a week- great! The next time you are aiming for a shorter time like 6 days.
Also, I’d like to note that I’m talking about the little things here. I’m not talking about massive trauma. There are different levels and timeframes for the things you are bouncing back from so know I’m not minimizing the big things. Either way, I still want you to try and start some benchmarks.
You are called to be an entrepreneur!
If you are reading this, then likely you have been called to be an entrepreneur. As a Christian as well as an entrepreneur we know we will absolutely face setbacks in our business. I pray that this bounce back rule gives you the equipment and armor you need to move forward as you face these hard situations.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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