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Hey Friend!
Let’s cover the basics of podcasting for beginners and how your podcast can help you attract clients.
I’m going to share with you the steps on how to get started and how your podcast can generate clients for your business.
Attract Clients With Podcasting
How do we run our business around our life and not have to run our life around our business?
My life was ran around my business because I used to go on all the social platforms and chase likes and follows. I went to in person network events. I even had a blog. Probably much like you, I was doing all the things to try and grow. In reality, I wasn’t actually making any traction and was wasting so much time. To make things worse I wasn’t making money and I was working all the time.
Then in 2018 I had a prophetic dream to start a podcast.
Attraction Marketing
I had been praying about finding a really simple way to run and grow my business. Then I found the power of attraction marketing.
After getting started, I found that my podcast was bringing people straight into my inbox. This was saving me so much time because I was spending so 5-7 hours a day on socials making reels and posting. Now I spend only 2 hours a week podcasting. It amazing because I was spending less time and making more money.
After only 1 year I had grown a 6 figure coaching business straight from my show. And now after 5 and half years later I have a 7 figure company all from my show.
Have You Considered Podcasting To Attract Clients?
Have you ever considered podcasting to attract leads? I’m willing to bet you’ve got a few thoughts like this:
I don’t have time
it wont work for me
I don’t know how
too many people already listen to podcast
its just going to be too much work
I thought ever single one of these was a valid excuse for why I should not podcast. Don’t write it off completely though because I’ve got a few statistics to share with you.
It’s predicted that there will be over 100 million active podcast listeners in 2024 alone
The average American listens to over 8 podcast episodes a week
72% are very attentive while listening
I listen to shows all the time. So many people are actively consuming content. It’s not to late to get into the game. This is the time to jump in!
I mentioned 72% of people are attentive while listening to a podcast. This is the statistic that amazes me. Because the real roadblock is not how to produce more content ( even though we think that’s the solution) the roadblocks are these:
The Real Roadblocks In Attracting Clients and Growing A Business
We have to discern how to attract the right person
If we are just throwing random things and creating content for anyone and everyone, then we are not attracting the right person. If we don’t attract the right person then they wont connect with us and definitely wont buy from us.
2. How to get their attention
When we have the right person, it’s still hard to get their attention because we are all distracted by our phones and all the things going around us.
3. Holding their attention
How often do you start a conversation with someone and then you find yourself drifting off to who knows where and you are thinking about your to-do list? Holding attention is a whole science.
4. Getting your listener to trust you
We have all these people with all these overnight promises and it’s hard to know who to trust. How do we expect our people to trust us?
5 .Getting our listener to take action
We cant have them listen and not take action.
6. Your content has a 24 hour shelf life if you are on social platforms
You spend all this time making this pretty reel, you put it out there, it gets a couple hundred views or more, but then it’s dead. And on top of that it didn’t generate and leads or income.
How Do We Overcome these Roadblocks and Attract Clients
We quit pushing. We quit chasing. It doesn’t feel good to you and it doesn’t feel good to them. A lead is not just another sale, its a human being. It’s a friend. How would you treat a new friend that you were inviting for coffee?
I really want you to understand how podcasting is going to bring in leads in such an authentic way in way less time. Again, I only spend 2 hours a week creating content with podcasting.
I’m going to show you how podcasting for beginners can be easy, have no shelf life, and attract clients.
Podcasting For Beginners
Podcasting is long form content
This means if I create an episode and someone types in the words I’m talking about, that podcast episode will continue to come up for people to view. Some of my most downloaded podcast episodes are ones a recorded a long time ago and they still bring me leads. There is no shelf life to this type of content.
2. Podcast episodes have no shelf life
Some of my most downloaded podcast episodes are ones a recorded a long time ago and they still bring me leads. There is no shelf life to this type of content.
3. Attracts listeners that turn into leads
If someone ends up finding my show and connecting with me, they become a friend. They usually binge listen to my show. There is something in that content that’s going to give them confidence that they can do it so then they come into my funnel by my free resources. Sometimes people will even skip that and come straight into the paid offer because they’ve already listened to the show long enough.
Do you see how podcasting and attraction marketing can work for you? I don’t want to add to what you are currently doing, I just want you to stop. I want you to marry this podcasting strategy and stick with it long enough to see it work. We need to simplify and do one thing extremely well.
I see so many professionals throw so many strategies together and stack them with nothing to show for it. Pick one strategy and go all in. Stop doing all the things you hate. I don’t push out any content anywhere but my podcast and now I’m trying YouTube.
Brainstorm For Creating Your Podcast
The first thing that stops people is the clarity on what their podcast should be about and then clarity on how to get started. Here are questions to consider and ask:
What is the need in your market? What is your niche?
What is the category of the podcast you are going to create. Let’s say you are a decluttering coach. The need in your market is for busy moms to declutter their home. Maybe it’s how to safe money when you are living paycheck to paycheck as a newlywed couple. Do you see how specific it is? Go deeper in your niche. I have my students go 3 levels deep.
2. Who would your ideal buyer be?
If I was creating a podcast on first time homebuyers, my ideal buyer might be under the age of 25 or maybe renters. Don’t be afraid of going in. I want you to be very afraid if your brand is too big or too broad. Once your capitilize on your pocket, you’ll be successful enough to step out just a little.
3. Identify what your buyers top pain points are
Maybe if they are a homebuyer it’s picking the right location, or how to understand how to get a mortgage. Journal these out. Write down any pain points you can brainstorm.
4. What solutions do you have to help them with those pain points?
This is a way to get ideas rolling about how to monetize your podcast. You can create podcast episodes to speak to their pain points and then you can market your offer as the solution.
How To Start A Podcast From Your Brainstorm
This is what I do every week and how long it takes me to market my podcast.
What are you going to create an episode about this week? Look at your pain points section and think of a catchy title based on those pain points. This is no more than 30 minutes.
I teach you guys in Podcast Pro University. I show you how to record and edit as you go so you are never spending more than 30-60 minutes on recording and editing.
When you have the right software, this is as simple as clicking one button that pushes your content out to all platforms.
See how much easier this would be than wasting hours on algorithm driven platforms where your content dies in 24 hours.
Podcasting For Beginners: Steps To Take
Decide on your podcast niche (which we discussed earlier)
Chose a highly searchable podcast title
Example: Keys to The Kingdom. This is catchy, but I don’t really know what that means. A better name might be ” First Time Florida Homebuyers.” This is going to help your podcast get found.
3. Come up with a podcast promise or TSO statement
You need a little sentence that lets them know what they are getting. It needs to be 10 words or less and be punchy. An example might be ” Buy a safe affordable Florida home.”
4. Have professional podcast channel art
Please don’t make your own art. Take $75-$100 and get the professional podcast cover art made.
5. Get podcasting software
I recommend using Audacity to record. You can also use Rockband is also another great free option. My students and I use podbean for hosting
6. Get podcasting equipment
This is so simple. All you need is microphone and headphones. I started with a Blue Yeti mic that was $100 and it was fantastic. You can also use your phone as a microphone for a little while.
7. Record your first 3 episodes
In your brainstorm you have 3 podcast episode ideas based on those pain points your wrote down. Inside my Podcast Pro University, which is my online podcasting for beginners course, I’ll share with you the actual execution of how to do this tech and titling and all the things.
8. Publish
When we have our art and our 3 episodes, we simply hit publish. You have to start before you can optimize. You can do this in 30 days or less. Especially since we are going to quit doing all these other things that aren’t bringing in leads and is wasting your time and overwhelming you.
9. Consistently publish one new episode each week
This is where I don’t play around. You need to stay focused and consistent. Focus on those pain points they are typing in Google and searching on the internet. Look at the micro pain points and continue to create content around those.
You Can Start Podcasting in 30 Days
And that’s it! You can do this!
I truly believe this is the easiest, most consistent, simple way to grow your business and attract clients. My show brings in hundreds of leads a month and brings in sales almost every single day straight from my podcast. This is not another thing you are adding to your plate, this is THE thing. If you’re done spinning your wheels, throwing spaghetti at the wall, feeling exhausted, you need to grab Podcast Pro University and get started now.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
Let's work together!
Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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