Learn to make income with a podcast

Join the 5-day training

Profitable Podcast Bootcamp

Welcome to The Stefanie Gass Blog

Start or Grow a Successful Online Business as a Christian Entrepreneur

Check out the latest

Binge-worthy podcast episodes and show notes from the podcast


In today’s training we discuss micro-branding so you can stop talking to everyone and start zoning in to who you’re called to serve and help as a Christian Entrepreneur!

Live Coaching
April 20, 2020

Do You Need a Micro-Niche? From Broad Branding to Micro Branding.


Let’s Talk About Podcasting During Tough Times. Juicy Q&A with my Podcast Pro University Students who want to scale their podcast amidst hard times.

April 14, 2020

Podcasting During Tough Times. Juicy Q&A with my P2P Students!


Curious about how to have a six-figure launch? How about going from 0-15 million podcast downloads? If you are an online business owner with a podcast, listen in for these podcast hacks.

million podcast downloads
April 13, 2020

Six-Figure Launch Strategy + 0 to 15 MILLION Podcast Downloads


Ready to stop struggling with podcast titles? Listen in to this episode and find out how to create juicy titles and explode click-through rates on your podcast!

podcast titles
April 9, 2020

Create JUICY Podcast Titles & Explode Click-Through Rates!


Structuring income streams and monetizing a brand. Find out how to make money from your business and podcast as a Christian Entrepreneur.

monetizing a brand
April 6, 2020

Structuring your Income Streams & Monetizing a Brand


Together we uncover her passion and get massive clarity! We discuss how to start a brand and start a podcast.

uncover your passion
March 30, 2020

Ready to Uncover Your Passion, Get Clarity, & Start a Brand?


Live Podcast Strategy Coaching Session! How to Relate to Your Avatar! We go through the four tiers of brand creation and more as a Christian Entrepreneur!

podcast strategy
March 23, 2020

Podcast Strategy! Relating to your Avatar + Brand Creation


Listen in to learn more about podcasting, growing your podcast, podcast pitching, growing visibility, podcast editing hacks, and podcast strategy from Christian coach Stef Gass.

podcast pitching
March 16, 2020

Podcasting Q&A: Editing Hacks, Podcast Pitching, & Visibility


In this advanced podcast and mompreneur coaching session with successful photographer, Brooke Jefferson, we dig into how she can tap into the next level with some podcasting growth strategies.

podcasting growth
March 5, 2020

LIVE COACHING: Membership Sites & Ideas for Advanced Growth


Figure out how to niche-in, get your brand in line, and uncover the content vessel that would be best for YOU as a Christian Entrepreneur.

brand creation
February 27, 2020

Brand Creation, Choosing a Content Vessel, and Monetizing


In this episode, I pulled out the TOP, most impactful, heart-hitting, mindset shifting, behavior-changing take-a-ways, and High Performance Hacks that hit me hard and am sharing with you.

high performance
February 20, 2020



There are four must-read books I’ve read so far that impacted my life, health, productivity, happiness, and mindset in a big way as a Christian entrepreneur.

Christian entrepreneurs
February 17, 2020

4 Must-Read Books for Life Transformation!

Learn How to Consistently
Make Income With a Podcast
For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs

Profitable Podcast Bootcamp

Take this quiz
and find out!

Should You
Start a Podcast?

Step by step plan to
start your online business

Complete Business Blueprint

Connect with us over on Facebook

Join Our Facebook Community

Podcast Launch Checklist

Steps to start and launch a podcast from start to finish

Spiritual Battle Plan

From Psalm chapter 18

defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare

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including software, affiliates, and freebies.

Read the latest over on the Stef Gass Blog. Tons
of articles to help you succeed in life and business.

Meet Stefanie and learn more about her life, journey, failures and family. Plus, a glimpse of her amazing team.

Book Stef for in-person or virtual events! She will
inspire and educate your audience with her training.

Find out everything your need to feature Stef—bio, photos, and details—ready to inspire and educate your audience

Find out more about working for Team Stef as
an intern! We open our internship twice a year.

Contact us with questions, concerns,
testimonies, or requests here.

I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.

I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!

Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you
can start your online business with confidence.

Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.

Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step
you're on and and learn which course is right for you!

Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple
steps to go from idea to successful podcast.

Let's work together!


Clarify Your Calling
Free Workshop

Watch this workshop and get
clear on your calling so you can start
an online business! Hop on this quick,
35 minute free training and map out
your next steps!

Podcast for Growth
Free Workshop

Watch this workshop and learn how
podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
