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Wondering how to uncover your passion as an entrepreneur? Or HOW to start and launch your business? This clarity coaching session is for YOU.
In this LIVE CLARITY COACHING session, you will hear me coach Jillian. Together we uncover her passion and get massive clarity! I then help her map out an order of operations for getting her brand into the world. We discuss how to start a brand and start a podcast.
I pray this blesses you!
In this live coaching session with Jillian Pettit, you are gonna hear us literally have her break through moment. So for those of you that are just sitting in that space of, ah, I think I know the thing, but do I know the thing, but I’m feeling kind of stuck, but how would I make this into a thing, this one’s for you? Okay. Join me and Jillian as we navigate her life’s mission and the work and the things that God has given her in her life to overcome, and also to bring her more strength as a parent of special needs children and hear how she really is going to take that life experience and that beautiful, incredible gift that God gave her to help other moms who have special needs kids navigate that space.
If you wanna find out more about Jillian, please head over to her podcast, Sprinkled with Strength and give it a listen. Especially if you know another mama with special needs children, she is creating that sisterhood. She is working hard to really create that community that is so desperately needed. So I’m just proud of Jillian. And I’m excited that I got to be a part of this breakthrough for her. I know you guys are gonna love this episode and you’re just gonna love Jillian.
So let’s start with, what are your goals for today? What do we have to accomplish? So I would love to nail down a solid business idea. And then from that, how I can turn it into some sort of online profitability? So figuring out what that next step is or what I could offer to the world besides just talking to them. Okay. And what do you do right now? So right now I have a business called Essentially Dr. Mom, it is MLM business, so I do essential oils. Okay. But within that, I also work with special needs moms, cuz I have two special needs kids.
When my son was born and I had a similar birth experience, I was like, I must have missed the mark on the first one that God is doing this to me again. Obviously He was like, you need a redo, you missed the door. I tried to give you something and you didn’t follow it. So now He’s really gonna bless you cuz you have to do something with this. Right. Cause I had two. So they were both micro preemies. My daughter was 26 weeks. My son was 25. So super rare. And, they were both under two pounds. So like gosh, in the fact that it happened again, I’m like, obviously like I’m called to do something. I just don’t know what. Okay. Wow. That’s cool.
So are you doing the Essentially Dr. Mom full time? Are you working elsewhere? I do not work elsewhere. I take care of my son, primarily. My daughter is in the sixth grade. She’s at school. My son, I do homeschool with him in the morning and then take him an hour away to ABA for autism. Okay. Very neat. So let’s start with, what is life a year from now? If you could just talk about something, cause you said you like really love talking. Let’s think about what do you wanna talk about if you a year from now could just pick to talk about anything in the entire world. What would you talk about?
I think that is probably where I struggle. Cause I don’t know what I love talking about. I just know, I love talking people through things. Okay. Like my bachelor’s in psychology when I had my son, I was getting my master’s in counseling, but then I’m like writing a paper, like drugged up. Like, can I have an extension? I just had a C-section. So what really like gets me fired up is whether it’s in my business and I’m talking through someone to my downline about how to work through a situation.
Or I’m talking with, you know, one of my mom friends or something about their child, who’s struggling with something or getting tested for autism or how I handled something. I love talking about other people’s problems. Okay. Let me ask you if you really focused on having a resource for moms of kids with autism and that’s the micro niche that you stepped into, that was your core thing. And then there’s a bajillion ways we can monetize that. So don’t worry about that right now. I wanna make sure does that light your fire or does that feel like, oh, that’s just off. I don’t know.
I think that I’ve always struggled with, so whether it was with like my essential oils, I avoided the special needs issues for a long time. Because to me it seems so big. Yeah. And every child has such different issues and such different strengths and weaknesses that it seems so big. I can’t grasp every situation. So I think what I’ve been coming to is not necessarily just for autism, but for any mom whose child is struggling. I think a strength of mine with my kids is seeing things that are strengths and then working those in to help with their struggles. Yes.
So like my son loves music, so how can we incorporate music into like language that he’s struggling with and then work with that? Or my daughter loves horses or tech or whatever. Like how can I motivate her with a thing that she loves to do the thing and work on the things she doesn’t like doing? Oh my gosh. Since I booked our appointment, that’s all I’ve been thinking of is like, what in the world am I even gonna tell this girl? She’s wonderful at pulling all these things out of people, but I need to know where I am to help her help me.
Right off the bat, I will tell you right now, if you were the woman to step into that space and say, I’m here to support the mom of a special needs or struggling child because I have too, I’ve been through it. I understand there’s this process of acceptance, but there’s also this process of figuring out their gifts and helping them find happiness. And, here’s how you balance those things as a parent and you have all the resources already for her, you have all this life experience that you can hand a mom. Don’t you think that’s an incredible miracle gift that you have to give?
I do. But then I feel like I should just give it away. I have trouble wanting that to be a business, because I feel so badly for them. I know that pain of being up at night and thinking about their future and friendships and all that stuff. But I’m like, I don’t wanna ask you for money. I just wanna help you. But listen, you will help because of course I’m gonna make you start a podcast. And so, you know, you’re gonna gift as much as you possibly can to this woman. And then you’re going to say, but do you need more? Do you need implementation with me?
There’s so many ways that we can monetize it where you’re not asking them for money. You’re saying I have something else for you at a higher level that will help solve even more of your stress in this area or whatever we want to pay for solutions. So don’t let that get in your head. And here’s the other thing I’ve noticed. God gives me the favor and the provision when I stop worrying about how am I gonna make money? Or I feel bad about making money off this thing. And I finally just say, you called me to talk about this. I’m gonna open my mouth and talk about it. And all of a sudden it’s like the money’s flowing in.
People are calling for this or that they wanna hire you for stuff. Come speak, come consult on this. Or can I hire you for a 30 minute session with me? Cause I’m having this issue. There’s so many things you could do that, especially with your Bachelor in psychology. I think it’s beautiful. Cause you’re gonna be able to get in the mindset of that parent. That’s the stuff that I love, that will keep me up late. If I do a Zoom call, I’m talking to, you know, my team members late at night. That’s the stuff where I’m full of energy. Yeah. Is talking through that, that mind piece.
Well, I think that’s baller. I think you just have to get outta your own way and know that that is what you’re being asked to do. I think when it comes to parenting, it’s so personal. Yeah. Everybody’s family’s different. So having that openness where it’s sharing and not judging. Yeah. And you can say that too, like think about. I like to think, and we’ll go here next in terms of title of a brand, tagline, a brand description of a brand, oh, there’s already so many ideas I have for you to connect with these other moms basically. But opening up this safe space, this haven for her.
It’s already hard enough for her, but she’s gonna go in the world and she’s gonna find judgment. Well, not here, we’re gonna go and try to find the right resources to help you. And you know, you don’t know what to do and you’re getting slammed with a million different options. Not here. There’s no right way. There’s no wrong way. Like you’re creating this safe space for those parents to grow through it together and to find positivity in the situation and find the blessing. Because I think it’s almost even more of a blessing that they’ve been gifted as this special child that has these different needs and for them to navigate that and find the good in it.
I just think that’s such a beautiful mission. I can get behind it. Like I’m like so excited for you. I’m excited hearing you. Good. I love that. And you know, what’s so cool Essentially Dr. Mom pairs perfectly because obviously she needs essential oils for a bajillion things, right? For the healing, for creating a calming space for her and all of that. So right away you can start monetizing with your essential oils company, cuz it’s a perfect fit. And I can talk to you about how you can verbalize that to her on the podcast. Sure.
So of course I want you to create a podcast, and the reason I want you to do a podcast is because that mom is not on YouTube. She’s not reading blogs. She’s probably listening while they drive to appointments, while she cooks, while she cleans. And your voice already is great. You come through with a lot of confidence. I think that it would be a perfect place for you to come and share your content, share your stories with her.
I already told my husband I’m starting a podcast in 2020. And he’s like, okay, like he’s super supportive. And he’s like, do whatever you need to do. I don’t wanna do video. I think that that’s what’s held me back sometimes in my essential oil business. On video, I have to be presentable and I need to have my makeup on. If you wanna sell a lifestyle, you need to look like the lifestyle. So podcast is so much more my jam. Oh. And that’s what I am consuming. Oh Right. Video is so annoying. I just refuse. I’m like, hi, here I am with my pimple Jillian, how are you? Like, I don’t care.
It takes a long time to get to that space. I went live in my podcast group the other day and the kids are in and out and it just doesn’t feel as relaxed for me. It’s different when it’s a community. Yeah. I have a really nice essential oil community and that is a safe space. And I think that is a gift of mine, to make other people feel welcome. It’s like, I’m an extrovert in person, but an introvert. Like I still need that downtime. You’re an ambivert. Just like me. I am.
So let’s create your brand. Okay. There are four tiers of brand creation we’re gonna go through. The first is who are we serving? We have a really great baseline for her, but we’re just gonna dig in a bit deeper. Okay. The second one is the title of the brand, tagline of the brand and description of the brand. So we’re gonna go through those for now. And then the next step is we’re gonna talk about maybe content of how you can lay out content for her, that serves that searchable in Google and gets found really easily and organically. Okay. Cause that’s everything you want.
When someone goes into iTunes, the apple search for the podcast and they type in special needs mom or special needs support, or a parent of an autistic child, yours comes up and it’s right there and it’s juicy and we’ve got the right episode titles. Nobody wants to get on there and hear a boring educational podcast. They want support. They want the, if this was me and I was sitting in your shoes, I need to fuel for today to get through this. And to know that, you know, there’s this sisterhood of women that understand me. I need to break through the hard and I want it to be light and fun.
I wrote down who do I wanna serve? Which I know is before, or, I mean, after the other stuff. No let’s start with that. I wanna start with that. So who is the avatar? I think her name is Becky. Okay. But I wrote down some things that I feel like she feels, she’s struggling to process her kids’ diagnosis. You know, it’s in the stages. She knows she needs to care for her kids and be there and that they need all of her, but she also feels like she’s drawn to more and still be a person. Even though her kid has these needs, she feels guilty about that. But she knows that she’s called to do more, but this is her season where she needs to kind of hunker down and take care of her kids right now.
Also the mom who’s just afraid of getting the tests, like finding the diagnosis, finding the doctor, asking for help, seeing that something’s off, not knowing. Then not having that friend group to support it. Not knowing how to share her story with people because when she goes to MOPS groups or she’s on Facebook or she sees her friends post on Facebook, all the A’s their child just got or all of the things that rip her soul in half. But she also wants to be there for those. Those are her friends, those are her family. She wants to support them, but she needs support so badly. And does not know how to ask for and does not know where to go.
Girl, this is so needed in the world. Because it’s me like I’ve left Mops balling. Like those aren’t my kids. I can’t do what they’re telling me to do. That’s not my life. I’m so sorry, your kid won’t do that. My kid can’t eat. Like It’s so much more basic. Totally. And they don’t get it. That’s what is so critical about what you’re creating, the micro niche. And I think when you have a micro niche, that’s where everything falls into place. It’s help women solve problems and navigate what they’re going through. You are specifically helping a Becky with special needs children and you know how and why and what, and it’s safe and it’s fun and it’s light. So much yes. A billion percent. So good. Okay. So that’s really clear.
What are we gonna call this thing? Those are my blanks. That’s why I have your stuff written down, but it’s just like, I have nothing. Okay. Let me think. We have to have special needs in the tagline for search. It has to be clear to search. Yeah. Are you infusing God and faith into this? Or are you keeping that out? I don’t know. Like it’s part of me, but I don’t necessarily think it has to be part of her. Okay. What we wanna do in a tagline is give her the promise. Who is the special needs mom or the special needs mother, special needs mama and what it is, community, it’s support. It’s peace and positivity.
I kept writing down uncovering too. I don’t know why that word, cause I feel like all of that’s there. Yeah. Like it’s so much, like we know just because our kids have a diagnosis doesn’t mean that our mama instincts are gone. Let me look up in iTunes real quick. What comes up, one second. When I type in special needs mom there’s stuff like exceptional moms or mama podcast, real mom podcast. There’s literally nothing, there’s that says special needs right in there. Like you would be the first podcast to come up, which is insane to me. Insane. Oh my gosh.
Power of mom’s radio. Here’s one, special needs mama in business, but still that’s not the same thing. That’s the only one that has special needs in the title. Like for me, that’s imperative. I was playing around with too, what I like to do with my kids is look for those silver linings, looking for turning their strengths or repositioning their strengths to help with their struggles. That’s how. Cause I was thinking, what are the tools I use? What do I do myself that I could actually help someone with other than I’m great at hearing your story and then helping you like process your specific thing. So I could have other special needs moms on and talk about their stories or diagnosis and different things.
Then I was thinking what do I do with my kids? Yeah. And I was going to tell you when we get to content, we for sure having other moms on this show. Yeah. A hundred percent. You just said silver lining. Like what if it was the silver lining show and then for mothers of special needs children. Yeah. Right. So it’s like, you can have something like the silver lining show podcast for special needs kids or for special needs mamas. I think it’s special mothers or mamas with special needs children or kids. Yeah. And that’s the sentence. That’s the promise. Right.
But it could be something like the silver lining show or it could be something like, I don’t know if it’s weird to be like the special needs special. Is it weird to have that? Like as the title? I think I like better, like something like the silver lining show or like uncovering the silver lining, discover the silver lining. Yeah. I like those. I just looked at the silver linings. Not even in there. It’s just crazy to me that in the combination, like of all the things to me that seem like, oh, for sure that’d be taken. Because it’s for you because it’s yours. Yeah. And you just didn’t know it was yours and all along, it’s been being saved for you. That’s amazing. Isn’t it?
I could just faint on the floor. I love it. Like uncovering the silver lining podcast for mama’s. That’s it. I feel like that’s a hundred percent me. I know. Right. Uncovering the silver lining, podcast for mama’s with special needs kids. Yep. Oh, so good. Buy it, brand it, copyright it, whatever. This is copyright, Jillian. Okay. So for the mama, right? Or mother, do you like a certain word there? I feel like I say like mama friend a lot. Okay. We’ll use that in the description, but for the tagline, cuz it’s going to be in the graphic. Yeah. I’m good with either mom or mama. Okay.
Is it for the mom of, is the term special needs children? Depends on who you ask, but yeah. I’m okay with it. For moms. Well, it would be special needs children. Is that right? For the mom of children with special needs. Okay. So that’s your tagline, right? Yeah. In the show, like in the graphic. Yep. Now when we get into the description, this is everything and she’s going, what? Cause she just Googled special needs mom, you know, autistic resources or whatever she’s typing in there. We need to put that stuff into this description. Okay.
I don’t know this space as well as you, but let me do my best. And then you can retweak the words or the verbiage. Cuz you will know this space better than me, but let me do my best to give you what a description might look and feel like so that we can click with her and then make it your own. All right. Let me see what I got here. Give me the words. God, give me the words on this one. Okay. Hey mama friend. Do you have a child with special needs? I understand you, I get you, I feel you. I am you with two of my own. We have felt the blessings, the hardships and the confusion that comes with the journey of navigating autism.
I know what it feels like to get that diagnosis. Not know what it means. Feel confused. Where do you start? Where’s the safe community of other women facing this same hard questions? I want you to know that I’ve created a safe place for you where we can find the blessings in our situation. We can uncover the silver lining of being a parent with an autistic or special needs child together because this doesn’t have to be hard. This doesn’t have to be over overwhelming. I wanna gift you every answer I’ve discovered along the way, have a couple laughs and be your friend and help you navigate this journey. Welcome to uncovering the silver lining show. Yeah. I love it.
Something like that and that’s recorded. Write that, feel into that, but you wanna trigger her almost. We want her to read that and be like, crap. That’s what I’m feeling right now. But I also want her to know this isn’t I’m not gonna blast you with do this, do that or education, but let’s find the light, the positivity, the silver lining of loving ourselves again, even though we face this. You don’t have to be buried because you have a child with special needs. You’re still worthy of this great life and there’s all these beautiful things we can do to make your child’s life more blessed as well. Like all the stories you have.
I would roll with that, read it, feel into it, add whatever you know is key words that she’d be searching for. Yep. Content is next. Yeah. I definitely want to interview other special needs moms. So sharing their stories. I think to me, stories are so important and I love watching television, like listening to your podcast and trying to figure out what are my passions? What do I love? What do I, whatever? And I was thinking like, I love watching TV, but I think it’s that storyline. It’s how they’re having struggles. How do they overcome it? How does it relate to anything I’m going through?
Especially like when you’re a stay at home mom and you’re alone or just with a child, you need adults on TV. You need adults somewhere. Yes. To just have those adult moments. But having those stories. So hearing from moms like how they felt when their child was getting diagnosed, how they felt in the beginning, how did it affect your relationships? How did it affect things at school when you had your first IEP meeting or you had to advocate or stand up for yourself or stand up for your child, or talking to your in-laws.
How did you grow that backbone or feel that thing with that inside of yourself to keep moving through and see the joy in your child. Even when things are hard. Cause I think that’s everyone, you know? Yeah. So I think you could ask them. Every mom that you talk to what was the silver lining like at the end of the day, you know, you shared this story, what’s the silver lining that you’re where you’re sitting right now. And then that also made me think of something else. How do you feel about coaching? I love coaching. I think coaching would be my jam.
So hot dang. You just monetized. Yeah. That makes sense for you. I think because of the education that you have because of what you’ve already gone through with your kids. You can do some of them on the air, like have a woman come share her story, but then have them bring their top three issues or questions that they’re facing. And you’re working through it with them, live on the show. And if other women wanna do that with you, you can start for free to get some credibility, some social proof on the show.
Then after some of those free ones, people are gonna start asking you, how do I book a session with you? Just like that. And you can do these silver lining sessions. I love that. It just makes sense. It’s so perfect. And it’s just like this, it’s hopping on with a mom. Maybe it’s 30 minutes to start. You can play with it. Maybe it’s there an hour. And she comes on with you and you basically say this isn’t a therapy session. This is a solution session. Right. I wanna hear what’s going on with you, but I need to know what’s the problem we’re solving.
What’s going on? Is it the resources you’re looking for? Is it something specific with your child? Because you’ve been through all of that. I think you have an answer or at least a direction for almost anything that they could bring to you at this point. How do you feel? Yeah. Having that, even though I haven’t thought about it that way, but like having that faith that God’s gonna give me the answer that she needs and it’s not all me, it’s not all about me. I’ve lived through these things, but that’s not like I don’t have to have the perfect answer for everyone. It’ll be given to me. A million percent.
That’s what happens to me every time I talk to you guys. Before I get on these calls, I’m like, God, gift me the words for this because I don’t know. And you know that space like the back of your hand, you’re gonna know. And it’s a newer mom. Remember she’s two steps behind you, right? She’s six months into this thing or she just got the diagnosis. And so, you know, you’ve dealt with that for a decade and you already know what that felt like and how you navigated that. You’ve gotten together. And that’s why you’re gonna know what to say to her. Yep.
So that’s how you monetize. And the beauty of that is we start with a micro following. Like if you had 10 people that were listening to your show, your people will already start hiring you for silver lining sessions. We don’t need thousands of people to sell like an ebook at $8. Later, when you’ve worked with 30 women, you’ll know, maybe there’s potential for an online course here or something or a membership community. But not yet. You first have to know what’s she asking me? What am I hearing over and over again? Is there a system here or maybe like me, I thrive in these coaching sessions and I’m gonna stick with this for a while.
Yeah. I like that. I do like to think big sometimes like the future. So then I feel like not enough, like, how can you have a business? I don’t have a whole package. I don’t have all of this. Or I don’t have that. It doesn’t have to be all of that to start something. Oh my gosh, all you need is your podcast and an email set up. To actually get started with building an audience, do something for free that serves her, which will be this podcast. The second thing is you have some type of email where she can get in touch with you and go, Hey, I want a silver lining session. And you just email back and forth.
You don’t need a package to start with. You don’t need anything fancy. I have a coaching episode coming out Thursday that tells you guys everything about how to do a coaching business. How do I invoice? What do I use? It’s perfect timing. So you’ll have that to set that up because you don’t need anything. It’s all of the stuff is free. Zoom is free. Calendly is free. You can use MailChimp for a while for email. Right? And I already have all of that stuff from my oil business. Oh, perfect.
And another way for you to monetize from day one, Jillian is to say, this episode is sponsored by Essentially Dr. Mom. Mama, are you needing some peace in your life? I know you’ve heard of essential oils. I’ve got my favorites. I have a company that I personally love. They’re sponsoring this episode. If you want to come on over to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.com and see what my top three oils are for peace and come on over and you give her a link. Does that make sense? So like you can actually sponsor your own show with your own oils. Yeah. That’s a great idea. Yeah.
So you got your double dipping cuz you’re sponsoring with a product that you know does help her. And then secondly, you’re gonna let ’em know. And PS, before we go, ladies, I just wanna remind you ladies, I have silver lining sessions available for you. If you have a specific thing you wanna work through or navigate with me, remember I’ve got a decade of experience in this area. I have a bachelor’s in psychology. I wanna help you get through the mindset shifts you need, give you the resources, work through solutions with you. So email me at blah, blah, blah.com. And we’ll talk about if this would be a good fit for you. Yeah. I love it. Yeah. Now you’ve monetized. I love It.
I know I put my passion oil on before we get started. I’m like, it’s all gonna like just jones through me now. It’s amazing. So let’s talk about what we would charge for the silver lining sessions. And do you think that would be like a 30 minute? Would it be 45 minutes or an hour? I also wanna be cognizant of her time. I feel like trying to keep it to a half an hour would be helpful for her. Especially if she’s home with her kids, like finding a half an hour might be a little bit more reasonable than finding a whole hour where she can feel like she’s taking time for herself. I’ll think I’ll know.
Once I do some of the free ones in the beginning, like how long do they run? Yes, because I don’t know if half an hour is enough for her to get through everything. And the biggest thing with coaching sessions, especially I think for this woman is going to be having a lot of communication up front of how the call is structured. So you will have, Hey, you know, I’m so excited you just booked your call with me. We are gonna have five minutes for you to share your story cuz they could ramble for 30 minutes. And then all of a sudden there’s no solution, right?
So you have five to seven minutes to share your story. And you know, even if you have to, you’ll hear a ding, then we’re gonna transition into what are the top two problems you’re bringing to me now that we’re gonna solve. Cause this is about solutions, right? They bring you the top two things, you’re spit firing back to them, whatever that answer, that resource, that mindset shift is that they need to make helping them navigate that. And then that’s the call.
So I think just a lot of open communication beforehand of how you wanna structure those. You don’t want it to be a therapy session, right? Like I think you’re bringing the positivity with the silver lining show, which is so cool. It’s a different perspective on this. And so I think your sessions will really be focused on that. So as long as she’s aware of that and once people hear you do it on the show, it drives more business than I can possibly handle because people heard me do it on the air and went, I need that for me. Oh, a hundred percent. That’s what I did. I binged like three or four episodes and I was like, I need to do that.
So they’re gonna do that with you. And it’s free. Like you’re not putting money into sales funnels. You’re not setting up crazy things. You’re just talking and sharing and helping and other people go hi, I need that. It’s the most beautiful thing. I love it. Cool. So money-wise, I would say two or three for free. So you can use them on your show to get started. And then you saw how my process went, when I book with them, I asked them, are you open to me using this on the show? If so, sign the release and you could do the same with your sessions. Right?
So cost wise, I think it starts with, what are you worth? You have to ask yourself that question. If you went in the job market today, what would you wanna make per hour? Well, I think doing what I did before, which was not at all related to this. That’s okay cause it’s still your worth if you went back to a job market. I would guess like $30 an hour. Okay. Start these mini sessions at $47 for 30 minutes. Cause we have to roll in sevens. You can charge a little bit more. If that feels weird to you, you can do $37, but you can charge more because it’s a solution.
I also know if you were going to like therapy or counseling, it’d be over a hundred dollars an hour. Exactly. But you can always scale up. So if you’re like, okay, I’m gonna do six months at $47. And you verbalize that to these mamas. Because you guys are founders of this show with me because we are warriors sister together, mama, friends that are getting started on this journey together for the first whatever of you, 20 of you or 30 of you, I’m gonna give you a silver lining session for $47. We’re gonna break through a barrier.
We’re gonna navigate whatever you’re going through. You can communicate that with them. Like you’re gonna gift them these at this great price because you wanna help your sisters that are there with you from the beginning, you also wanna get social proof that there’s always a silver lining in every situation you wanna use it on your show. I think that’s a win, win, win for everybody involved. And if you had a couple a week just icing on the cake and then double the price in six months. Yeah. And people will pay once they hear you in action. They’re like, ah, she had so many answers for her. Right?
And we feel like, but are we gonna give it all away? No. Cause every woman’s different. Like you said, every parent is different. Every problem has its differences. Okay. So any other questions on any of the above that we’ve talked about? The four tiers of branding or the podcast or anything like that? I don’t think so. Like I, I don’t know. It all just like feels so ordainly right. Same. I think it’s gonna take just figuring out what works and hearing those same questions and me getting that faith and that sense of myself that like, okay, we can do this
Once you do the first two sessions, you’re gonna be like, are you kidding? Like this is so in alignment for me. Or there’s certain pieces of this that aren’t, but you’ll know. So it’s get the first couple done. Reach out to a couple mamas and let them know this is what I’m doing. This is what I’m starting. I have two pro bono spots. I need you to come on, but you’re gonna be on my show and do it obviously in Zoom. And then if you hate it, you don’t have to use it on your show.
I think you’re gonna love it. I think you’re gonna realize holy smokes I have a gift for this. If you love talking to people, navigating issues with people, this is everything. So is that normally what you do is you record the like video audio in Zoom. Cause then it gives you an audio file and then you use that and do you like edit it a bunch or not really? I don’t really edit much. In these coaching sessions when I use them on the air, I try to edit them to 45 minutes or less. I have an editor that does that. Okay. But if I just riff a small 20 minute episode, there are times I don’t even edit at all. So it depends on how flowy you are in your recording. Right.
And then I have other like students that are like, I’m a mess. I could edit for eight hours because my thoughts are everywhere. And so the biggest thing is how do you work best when it comes to recording? And if you need it fully scripted, do it. If you need just a quick outline, if you’re just an off the cuff person, try to get your message out like cleanly so that you don’t have a lot of work to do with editing. I don’t know if you’re gonna take the course or not, but I do have a whole module on editing yourself versus outsourcing and finding the cheapest option for that. Okay. Yeah. I think that’s a good idea.
So we have 15 minutes. What else is open for you that you wanna talk about? I think what that balance is between, especially with podcasts, cause I’ve listened to some. I love the coaching calls cause I think that those are really cool and they’re helpful. I’ve tried to listen to other parenting podcasts and I think that’s why I’ve shied away from it for a long time. Because you know, like I said, the parenting realm feels so judgmental to me. Like even when they’re just, I don’t know. I think that’s probably people trying to give education, but it feels like judgment.
But they don’t get where you sit. Cause they’re parents with normally functioning kids and it’s a whole different ballgame and that’s why it’s so beautiful what you’re gonna do. Cause the way you have to parent, it is different. And I think it’s okay for you to step up and say, do you guys feel judged in this space? So do I. Let’s do something different here because we have to parent in a different way for you to be that voice for them. I know.
I think that’s what scares me the most is like just the parenting thing. It’s reminding myself, it’s just community. It’s not judgment and how to have the education side? There will be things of me sharing a story is kind of education like, oh, you know, like my son wouldn’t do this. So I learned that he loved to look at himself in the mirror. So now we’re incorporating the mirror in other things. You totally want education in there, but make it relatable to her by, you know, if there’s something funny that happened with the mirror, be sure you put that in.
Just where it seems like it’s your friends sitting together talking about this versus I am a doctor today and we are gonna talk about the ABCs of autism. They wanna feel you like, oh and then he went to the mirror and he was laughing cause he saw himself. And I think the emotional connection with that mom and then storytelling that then brings her to education and of course learn through experience, sharing what you’ve done that works. Giving visual examples will be everything. So you will have education in there.
Well, I haven’t listened to your breaking up with Instagram one yet, but I need to. I love Instagram for the fact that I’ve found more community there. I’ve been able to find other kids with cerebral palsy and see them on a journey where I couldn’t find that on Facebook. I couldn’t find that anywhere else. So those hashtags have been really helpful. Good. Basically the whole premise of it is use it for that. Use it for connection for growing your existing audience, but what Instagram is not doing today is growing an organic new audience. That’s basically what I’m saying. Yeah.
That is the hard thing. And that’s with my oil business, I will never ever stop using oils. They’ve literally saved us and what they’ve done with my son with his respiratory system and everything. I tear up just thinking about it. It’s so amazing, but I know that it’s not mine. I have no control over that. I have no control over anything. They could go under, I don’t at all think that they’ll go under, but they could, things happen. And then I don’t have that. Yeah. This is so beautiful because it creates something that’s yours where you can make a hundred percent of the profits, but yet, cause the mom that’s gonna hire you for a session she’s also buying oils.
So if she likes you better than everyone else, she’s gonna buy it from you and great. You can make 20, 30% off of those oil sales as well because they will help her. Right. They will for sure. Yeah. And I think it’s important that when you market the oils ,share that like you just shared a story. Remember that women are emotional beings, especially your mom you’re gonna be touching. And so let them know guys, I’m obsessed with oils. They’re sponsoring my show, my favorite oils are sponsoring this show and let me share a story with you. My son had this respiratory thing and da da, da, da.
So if you need to grab this oil or your kiddos are facing a similar thing, come on over to blah, blah, blah.com and check out my favorite oils. Yeah. And I would definitely leave the name of your oils out. Don’t say the brand. Yeah. So that it’s more curiosity marketing. And if you ever had to switch for any reason, you never have to take down an episode, right? Yeah. That makes sense. Just in case you just never know. Well, I love it. Do you have any other people who are kind of in the parenting section? When you talk about what section do you go into, do you think that this is like a parenting section of iTunes? It is parenting and then secondary would be education. I believe. Okay.
Here’s the thing. It’s not a parenting podcast. It’s for parents. Yeah. In a special realm. So I think you can remove that weird mindset that’s keeping you stuck. It’s parenting skills. Yeah. It has nothing to do with that. And yes, you’ll talk about some parenting, but this is really for the mom. This is for Becky. It’s her mindset, her resources, her processing, her navigation of guilt, overwhelm. It’s for her really. Well. And I know we’ve just even in the last month or two I find myself reminding myself often, you prayed for the problem you’re having right now. You prayed for that. Yes.
When I tell my son stop talking to me, are you kidding me? He’s seven, when he was four. I was like, please say mom. And now I’m like, can you stop? I love that. I’m like, I prayed so hard for this. And now I am yelling at you. Oh my gosh, that is beautiful and magic. I love and like see little story like that, Jillian, to have those in your show. Ah, like it’s so relatable. And it’s the mom’s sitting where you sat four years ago going, I’m just praying for my kid to talk to me and you can let em know, listen, there may be a day that your kid is jabbering left and right. So you’re helping her find the silver lining.
It just all works. I mean, you’re so right. It was just like held. Hey, you said silver lining yourself. I have it written down. Like I was writing stuff before, for the last few days and I have it written randomly over things. Yeah. Wow. So it all came full circle, I think sooner rather than later. Cause otherwise you’ll get in your head in your way and yeah. To launch a podcast, there’s really not a lot to launch it. You have a lot of this stuff right here. Cause we’ve just worked through all the verbiage, titling all of that, you know, I would say you could totally get this thing going in 30 days. I think so.
Then think about who do you want those first, maybe two or three women to be that you do that strategy session with, host it in Zoom just like this and then see how you feel about that. You’re going to know after you do like probably after the first one, you’re gonna be like, dang it, that’s it. I love that. I think that’s gonna be the answer or you’ll say I didn’t love that. And that’s okay too. You know, but I think you will. I think I can just tell that you’re gonna love that. And then the next step is maybe 90 days from now we can do another call and 90 to 120 days from because you’ll have 90 days worth of podcasting.
I’ve met with 15 women. Here’s all the things that are going on and we can talk about what’s next So that you can have a plan for the next six months. Right. Is there a membership community potential here? Do we see an outline of an online course that we need to create X, Y, Z. Yeah. So I think that’s maybe later, but right now this is the focus and that you’re just zoned into it. So what I needed. Good. Well, I’m sending you blessings. Thank you so much. I’m happy you have so much courage cuz I think this is amazing and I’m cheering for you. I’m excited for you. Thank you. Keep me posted. I will. Thank you so much.
I hope you guys loved that live coaching episode with Jillian. And as you can see, we went from hi Stef. I hope we can nail down a business idea to her literally having a podcast out in the world. And she actually ended on the name Sprinkled with Strength. Again, you can check out her podcast anywhere you listen to podcasts, Jillian Pettit, I’m just proud of her. Just so proud of her, you guys. And I want you to know that if you’re sitting in that space where she was sitting back just two short months, you can have transformation in two short months. You can figure out the things you can get clarity on, the how.
All you have to do is raise your hand and ask for help. Okay? And whether that be me or another mentor that resonates with you or a course that you’ve been eyeballing, or maybe it’s even free stuff, a book or a podcast that you desperately need to help you move the needle, just do the thing, just do it. Rip off the bandaid, make the investment, make the phone call, ask for help, reach into your membership groups or find a community and say, hello, will anybody help me with this thing? Because you gotta get going. You gotta move your feet. You’ve gotta start somewhere in order to have traction.
I’m just so proud of Jillian because she made the investment in herself to get clarity and together we mapped out the business and the brand and now she has a podcast and I’m just excited for it because the mission behind it is so big. And you know that God specifically asked that of her. So I’m so excited to watch how He works through her. It’s gonna be amazing. Anyway, sending you guys off with a huge hug and a thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of this sisterhood. Thank you for listening and for being here. Thank you for subscribing and sharing with your friends and posting it in stories.
That is literally how we spread our sisterhood and continue to help other women be incredible moms and entrepreneurs, which is really what the word mompreneur means. To me, it means we have a call to be fierce as moms and to raise up these little kingdom soldiers for Jesus. And we also have a call to do incredible things for us with the giftings that we’ve ultimately been given and to kind of tap into that. And so mompreneur to me is this ferocity because we are fierce moms and we are also incredible business women. I’m just excited that you’re here with me on this journey. So sending you that little bit of gratitude and a hug, I’ll see you soon. As always, love and light, Stef.
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