defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Lola!
This one is DEEP, yo. With a lot of fun sprinkled in, promise. Today we are going to dive deep into how to pray for your business. What type of goals to set based on what you’re hearing (or not hearing), from God. How to surrender worldly success for Kingdom Impact and more.
I partnered with Holy Spirit on this one! I pray it blesses you while bringing up the hard questions. It’s time for us to blossom into the type of business women we were created to be!
So here for you.
(00:00) Hey, beautiful sisters. I had such a great question come into my DMs this past week and it was Stef, how do I pray for my business and what should I be asking for? How do I know if something’s from me I’m creating in my own mind as a goal or as something that I should shoot for versus something from God? And I thought that this was such a great topic that I should come on over here to the microphone and record you some answers. Let’s go.
(01:24) Okay. So we broke it down the other day when we talked about the, I am statements versus the God says statements, right? I think that was a great segue into this conversation, which is, okay, so I know what God says about me, but what about my business? What about my side hustle or my product line? What about the thing I actually do? How do I pray for that?
(01:48) Do I pray for a certain income amount, a certain client load? Do I pray that God will give me a goal to shoot for? What am I praying for here? I thought it was such a great question and the answer that came out of my mouth, was really surprising. And I thought, okay, thank you, Holy Spirit. That was great. So I figured I would share that with you now, as we look at all of our businesses, there’s a difference between what you do in your life for, for money or having a job.
(02:21) Like you go into a corporate career and you work a set number of hours, and so you make a certain income level. Okay, fine. That’s fine. You can have certain goals there. Like I’m going to work 40 hours a week. I would like to have that raise and I would like to do this. And I would like to get that special project because it’s a job. It’s a job.
(02:41) There is a very clear distinction in my mind, between a job and a calling. Most often you are not doing a job. That is your calling. Your calling is your earth, your, your mission, your kingdom mission, that you are here execute on earth, but it’s not for you. Okay? Your kingdom mission, your calling work, your purpose is for others. Let that sink in for a second. Your purpose work is not for you. It’s for others.
(03:19) Now can your purpose and calling become your income? Yeah, it can. If God says. Can it become your full-time thing? Yeah. When God says you’re ready. Can it become multi-six figures, 500K, a million plus? Maybe. When God says you’re able to steward success for the glory of the kingdom and not the glory of you sure it can become anything when you surrender it to what God wants for it, instead of what do I want for this purpose work? What do I want for this calling work?
(03:56) And that’s a really hard thing to do. So as you are all everyone that listens to this show, working to figure out their calling, working to find that one thing they were created to do or that direction in which God is calling you to do. And you’re here and you’re helping and you’re serving and you’re showing up and some of you have already started the podcast so that you can impact and serve and scale and touch one to many instead of one-to-one so that you can leave the job and begin to do and walk in the purpose, work with all that you are and all that you have.
(04:28) But we’re still confused as to how do we make money? What are my goals? What are my financial goals? What should I put on my vision board? How many clients do I need and all of those things. We’re focused on the metrics that we’re used to in our worldly jobs and our worldly things that we’ve been doing when in all reality, and this is the really hard, super crazy thing I’m about to say, to blow your mind out of your brain, your brain, out of your mind. Anyway, I’m about to blow your mind.
(05:05) You got to surrender it. You have to surrender it, girl. Like here’s how I pray for my business. Ready? Father God. And to just say this with me, if you want, or you can just listen, cause it might freak you out at first. Father, God, I pray over this calling work that you have gifted to me. I pray that you would take it. I pray that my dreams for this business would die so that I could pick up your dreams for this business.
(05:37) I pray that you would do whatever it is that you are meant to do here through me. I pray that when I open my mouth, it’s your words. When I move my feet, it’s your path. I pray that when I create a program, it’s because you placed it in my heart. I pray that when I show up to serve these women, that you’ve sent them to me, that you’ve given them the provision to work with me.
(05:59) I pray that when I get and sit down in the room with someone that you are there, that you take over and I pray that whatever finances and provision and money comes through from this business, that I have no ties to it because it’s yours. I pray that you take that money and you would tell me you implant in my mind, my heart, my spirit, my soul, where to put it because it’s not for me. It’s for you. I’m here to glorify you.
(06:27) I want to change hearts, change souls, change, visions, change purposes. I want to change the direction in which these women are walking, but I need you. I need your help, your voice, your hand on my business. I need your direction and your words. I need your content, and I need your programs. I need your voice.
(06:46) I need Holy spirit to be partnered with me, bigger than me in this walk. I surrender my business to you. It’s yours in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. And I mean every word of that. Now, in the beginning, do you know how incredibly uncomfortable that is? In the beginning two years, two short years ago, after God said, start the podcast, which if he’s telling me to do something, I should know it’s for him. Right?
(07:15) I’m like, cool. Okay. What’s in it for me, yo? What’s in it for me, God? Upgrade the programs. Make the money. Six figures sounds good. I’m going to go for that. And I, I did it for me. I did it for my glory, and that’s why they didn’t work. God’s like, Oh, you’re so cute over there with your funnel course. And there was a moment and here’s the thing, like how do we expect to make a bunch of money in a business?
(07:49) Like God’s not going to bless us with everything. If we can’t even steward a little, if we can’t sacrifice what comes in and be detached from an outcome. How can he bless us with crazy prosperity? Because he knows we’re going to be attached to that money. We’re going to be attached to that recognition, to that outcome. So until we can literally detach from the outcome, we can literally detach from a financial goal.
(08:17) And just say, I’m just showing up for your glory today. God like, yo, let’s do this. Like whatever. And trust that God’s got us, he’s got your home. He’s got your finances, your marriage, your kids. He’s got your client load. He’s got every single answer that you are sitting there spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning your wheels to find they’re already figured out, every answer. It’s not a question of how big does my business get to be?
(08:45) How amazing does it get to become? How many stages do I get to walk? What book deal am I going to get? What, when am I going to hit a million downloads in the show? None of that actually matters till we can surrender that as kingdom business owners and say, I’m showing up for this for the glory of God, in my meekness, in my smallness, sitting here, unqualified for anything, for any of it. I’m letting him steward me, my voice, this microphone, this platform for whatever it is that he has to say.
(09:23) Then maybe, maybe he gives me the platform. I’m ready. If I’m truly doing it from a place of servant, being a servant, you know, forget being a servant leader, being an actual servant, giving it all for nothing, no expectation and doing it because it helps people and then telling people about those solutions and then trusting whatever comes through.
(09:54) I’m so good. I’m so here. When I think about why my business has like, you know, grown to this really crazy, crazy level in the past 18 months, there’s a direct correlation to the very point in time where I gave it away, I gave it away. I’m done. Whatever you want to do here. I’m here. Like I’m here. I’m so done. And I had to let the words come out of my mouth.
(10:30) God, take over, take the reins. I use my voice. I surrender it all. It’s your money, your business, your clients, your podcast, it’s all yours. I’m so done. I broke the chains of control because those are from the enemy. And I broke the chains of needing to know the outcome because those are from the enemy. I broke the chains of showing up for other people.
(10:54) I broke the chains of wondering if I’m missing out. I broke, well God broke, God broke those chains. The moment I spoke, the words of surrender, he finally said, she’s ready. Because until I’m ready to hand everything over to God’s glory, I’m not ready to receive the favor. Okay? As you, my sweet sweet Lola’s, my sweet sisters in Christ, my incredible kingdom women who are here for the glory of the kingdom.
(11:29) Hear me. When we start to pray for our business, let’s start here. Father, help me, help me want to surrender this business to you, help me let go of the worldly ideas that I have about how I should build this. Help me to give it to you, to relinquish control and to become detached from any financial outcome. Help me fully trust you. Break me down if you have to, in order for me to be reborn into you, into your glory, into what you want for me in this business, use my voice.
(12:11) Use my feet. Help me to become humbled. Help me die a little bit more to self so that I can grow and thrive a little bit more in you. Just a little 1%. Everyday, Father. Help me. Help me, refine me, sharpen me, use me in Jesus’ name. Amen. Let it be. And so it was yes and amen. Start there. And over time, sweet friends, it did not happen overnight. Where I went today, I’m ready. I’m just going to surrender my business.
(12:49) I don’t care about how much money I make anymore. It’s all gravy baby. Like woo, no, it was such an evolution. It started with hard conversations with God about why I wasn’t happy. I felt like I had to be in control of everything. I had to have some hard conversations with God about why my worthiness was tied up and how much money I was making.
(13:10) And I had to have some hard conversations and a lot of repentance because I was sinning, I was a sinner to find my worthiness and validation and something the world says, instead of what God said over me, but he forgives and he loves and he loves you and your calling more than you do.
He loves you and your calling and your purpose more than you do. Girls. We are not of this world. This world is broken and fallen and full of distractions. And Satan’s lies. They’re smooth as butter, but butter melts has no consistency.
(13:51) We are here to serve the kingdom. We are citizens of heaven, not citizens of the world. So if we are citizens of heaven, well, what we’re doing here is super temporary. God is stewarding and preparing us for eternity. If we can’t steward the business and the gifts here for his glory, while we’re here on earth for this long, this one second one flash one instant in the big scheme of things, how are we going to be prepared to steward eternal glory, eternal gifts?
(14:23) The things that he has prepared for us for our treasures are stored in heaven. And if we cannot steward the small things that he is asking of us here, how are we preparing for the greatest glory and the greatest gifts that we’ve already been promised? We have to relinquish control. We have to hand it over. And it all starts right now, right here in this conversation, in this prayer.
(14:50) And so there it is. I hope that this helps you. I hope that this opens your eyes and maybe, and I hope that it asks you some really hard questions about how you’re praying over your business. Now let me say, do I not have financial goals? I do. Do I not have numbers that God will deliver to me about a program or whatnot? Do I not have a vision board? I do. But they’re God-filtered. They are God-filtered.
(15:15) Every single thought I had about this business goes to him first. You know, at the age of nine, I knew I would write a book. I wrote it down. I’m going to be an author. And I spelled author wrong. The irony. I have always known. All right, but he hasn’t given me the book. I’m not going to force it because everybody has a book.
(15:36) I’m waiting for God to hand deliver it to me because it’s not my book. It’s his book. It’s his, I’m just here with the pen. I’m just here. Holy spirit come. God said start the show. This is not my podcast. I am stewarding the podcast and showing up for it. I am opening my mouth and God has given me the content and it takes practice to surrender. And it takes practice to show up and let Holy spirit take over and not to filter what comes out of your mouth.
(16:04) That takes practice. And it takes a lot of surrender and it takes a lot of trust that God’s got you. I fully let go. If people judge me. You guys, I have walked away from opportunities that would blow your mind. And you would say you did what? You walked out of what room you said no to what you said no to what deal, Stefanie? Would blow your mind because that’s, I don’t want a seat at that table.
(16:33) I don’t want a seat at the worldly table of success of fruitfulness. The world’s way. Not even fruitfulness, just financial wealth, the world’s way. Because again, that’s not for me. That’s not for me. I say, no, thank you to anything that is not God-filtered. God sent God-fostered. God’s eyes dreams for me. I’m here. I’m saying no to anything else. I want a seat at God’s table.
(17:03) And so when I say no to massive opportunity, it’s because I filtered it through God. And he said, no sweet daughter. That’s not for you. And sometimes I cry because it feels like I’m missing out. Like everything is passing me by. These big success stories that are happening and these seven figure launches that people are having. And the million downloads on their podcast.
(17:30) And I could be in the room God. And he said, I said, no sweet daughter. I have more for you. More for you than this world could ever show you. I have so much more for you. The treasure that I have for, for eternity versus a flash of worldly treasure that could be gone in an instant. That will be gone in an instant because you leave everything here. Stay focused. God’s glory. Use your gifts for me, for my glory, don’t get distracted. Don’t get distracted by the glitter.
(18:12) Don’t get distracted by the things and the opportunities that are not for you. Put them through the God filter. And when he says no, in obedience, we say, yes, yes, father, I’m here for that. And I will tell you that any time I’ve said no to a world opportunity, God replaced it with a God opportunity for me because he doesn’t take something away without replacing it. Amen.
(18:41) He replaces it with something bigger, better, more fruitful, more beautiful for you. More peaceful for you, more healing for you. He’s a miracle worker and we are his daughters and he’s got us. Let’s pray. Father, God, I lift up these women listening right now. I feel it. I feel it. You have moved some of them. This is crazy. I can feel it. I can intentionally feel that you are moving in their hearts, minds and lives right now in this moment.
(19:09) And I stand in the gap for them. I ask you to allow me to stand in the gap of forgiveness for them, that whatever we have glorified, idolized wanted, that someone else has that you forgive us for those sins, Father here, now let it be. I pray that by the blood of Jesus, you wash us clean and that you allow us to just rise into your purpose for our lives.
(19:32) Allow us to steward our gifts and our podcasts and our voices and our programs and our coaching and our products for you. Give us the discernment. Give us all eyes to see and ears, to hear in minds to think separate of the world, give us fresh eyes, fresh revelation here, and now over what you want for our lives, our businesses. I pray that you would just clarify for every single woman listening to this show right now, or man, listening to the show right now, a fresh revelation of where you want us to go and how you want us to do it.
(20:08) I pray that you right now bring forward into our minds. What is not for us so we can lay it down. Shut the doors that are not from you. Open the doors that are from you. God push us through. Yes. Father, push us through with audacity, with God-sized confidence that you’ve got us. Help us steward our gifts to do good for you, to glorify our gifts for the good of the kingdom. Help us to stay there. Keep our minds pure. Keep our hearts pure. Let us die to ourselves. Let us die to ourselves so that you can take over. We pray now God that we just surrender.
(20:51) We just surrender it to you. Take over, take the reins, take our voices, our businesses, our podcasts, take it, use it for your good. We trust you. We know that your visions and plans over what we are doing is bigger and better than anything we can possibly imagine.
And that when we give it to you, you will give it back to us. Bigger, better, more fruitful, more, incredible, more amazing, more full than we could ever have imagined. We love you for that. And we trust you in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. Love and God’s light, Stef.
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