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Hey Sis!
In today’s episode we are going to be digging into 4 ways to get reviews on your podcast! Reviews equal rankings, opportunity, credibility, and GROWTH!
You are going to love these easy, fun ways to drive podcast growth.
If you have any other ideas for driving reviews, pop into my DM’s at @stefaniegass and lemme know, girl!
(00:00) Hey girls today, we are going to be talking about four ways that you can get more reviews, written reviews on your podcast. Whoop. All right, let’s get into today’s content. So how, I had a friend, shout out to Tracy Wren, who was like, how do we get more reviews on the podcast? Do you have any strategies? And I was like, sure, do, but let me record an episode because I know if my girls are wondering this y’all are wondering this as well.
(02:23) So the very first tip I have number one, number one is to treat your show like you’re in a launch. Now, when we’re in a launch, what do we do? We create a list of every single person that we know. Hopefully we got 20 peeps on that list. Ideally, you have 50, maybe you are super popular and you got a hundred people amazing pick a day, whatever day doesn’t matter. And pretend that that’s a launch date for you. Go through that list with massive intention, voice note, or text or voice text every single person on that list and be like, Hey, I need a minute of your time, pop over to Apple podcasts and leave me a written review because you love me.
Speaker 1: (03:04) Okay? So this is one beautiful way that you can get people to support you. Now, do we hope that they listen? Of course, we hope that they listen. By the way, I hope you’ll listen and love it. But these are people who love you and they support you. They can just even speak to your character in that review. Right? So even if they haven’t listened to the show, they can say, Oh my goodness, Beth is such a blessing.
(03:26) I love working with her, hanging out with her. She knows so much about motherhood. I love watching her parent with intention. That’s a great review. So like no pressure. They can totally just talk about what you mean to them if they haven’t even listened to the show. So that’s a beautiful, beautiful plus. Now the goal is to treat it like a launch so that you have urgency. Like, Hey, I need you to do it today.
(03:49) I need you to do this for me today. And then popping back through that list 24 hours later, Hey, did you have a chance to do that review for me? They haven’t shown up yet. So I’m just checking to make sure you were able to do it. And also noting that they really do take 24 hours to pop up. So don’t be yelling at anybody if you don’t see their reviews immediately come into Apple podcast.
(04:10) Okay. Number two, the second thing you guys can do is podcast review swaps for each other. That is one really cool reason to be part of my student community is I’ve got an ongoing thread pinned to the very top of my student community that says, got a podcast, drop it here, go leave a review for every single person that is above you and below you on this thread. And then comment when you’ve done it and they will go return the favor for you. That’s a super fun way is to find other podcasters who want to do review swaps with you and same thing.
(04:43) Can they listen to your show? Sure, absolutely. Can they speak to just your character? Sure, absolutely. Can you just ask them to do that favor for you? Sure. Absolutely. And you guys do whatever you want with this information. If you feel like somebody has to listen to the show before they can leave a review, that’s fine. You can ask them to do that. Send them one of your short episodes and say, Hey, and if you want to listen to it first, here is a short one that you can check out. That is the second thing you can do. You can go do this and you can do this in my student community.
(05:13) You can come do it in the group on Facebook or just search for Stefanie Gass. If you guys can ever not find me, just look up my name, everything is branded under my name. Okay. S T E F A N I E G A S S. You can post it in there. You can go find podcasting groups, whatever you want to do, but people totally are down with doing review swaps. Number three, you can ask your listeners, ask them seriously with intention, with like authenticity, with genuine in the ask. Once in a while, y’all will hear me on the shows, right?
(05:48) Hey sister, have I helped you? Has this show touched your heart some way and inspired you or gotten you to do God’s way instead of the world’s way. Have, has this impacted you? Do me a solid, like pause it right here. I’m actually telling you right now. Okay. Pause it right here and go leave me a review and why it brings joy to my heart. Like this is a labor of love showing up for you on this show every single week, hours a week of content for you, totally free to do that.
(06:24) Nothing more than transform you to do nothing more than serve you, to do nothing more than helping you use your gifts and create clarity and create a God-sized business. Okay? God-sized plans for your life. So if it’s helped you get there, please leave me a review. That’s the number one way you can thank me. How many of you are literally going to pause this right now? If you have not done it, go leave me a review, sister friend, and then tag me in your Instagram stories, and I’ll share you on my stories and then pop into my DMs and I’ll go leave you a review.
(06:58) Yes, Queen. But do you see what I mean by an authentic ask? Like I’m being true, really authentic. The way that I just asked you guys to leave me a review. That’s how you should be asking your listeners. Not all the time, but you know, one, every four or five episodes is great. Number four finally, last but not least is to do a contest or a giveaway. What milestones do you have coming up?
(07:24) Are you going to hit your 10th episode, your 100th episode, your first 1,000 downloads your first 10,000 downloads or a 100,000 downloads? Maybe you’re hitting your 100th episode. Whatever it might be. The birthday of the podcast, there is always a reason to do a fun giveaway. My favorite giveaways to do are to do a review for the show. So what I do is, Hey guys, we’re celebrating me, whatever a hundredth episode and all you gotta do to win a fun, super fun prize is number one, leave a written review for the podcast.
(07:57) Number two, screenshot it. Number three, post it in your Instagram stories. And number four, tag me. Done. Yeah, super easy, super simple. We get two benefits out of that. Number one, they leave you a written review. Number two, they share you in their Instagram stories. So now you get more visibility because they’re sharing what they wrote for you on the show, right there in their socials. Amazing. They tag you.
(08:19) So that is how you can track them. And I don’t remember what I was gonna say there. So the other tips I have for these, for the giveaways that drive traffic to the podcast are to do it for like three or four days. Anything longer than that, and you will start to lose your mind. Okay. Also, the other tip I have for you is you have to pick something. They actually really want to win really want. I’ve done giveaways where I’ve gifted something like the gift pack. Um, nobody cared. Nobody did the things.
(08:51) Then when I did a poll in my Facebook group, everyone, 80% percent, 90% of them said, I want coaching. So when I do big giveaways, I know I will get massive action if I give away coaching. So, you’ve got to figure out what are the things that your audience actually really truly desires from? You give that away, which will totally drive those actions. The only way you’re going to know is to test, you can ask your groups, but if you don’t have a large audience, yet, you just have to do it and see which works best, works best for you.
(09:24) So those are my four strategies for how to get more written reviews on your podcast. If you have any strategies that I forgot come share it with me in my inbox, because I would totally do a follow-up to this episode for everyone. Also, if you have any other strategies about boosting the podcast, growing the show visibility, I would love to hear those as well. I’m so grateful that you’re part of the community. And I love you so much. God bless you, sister friend, I’ll meet you back here real soon.
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