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In today’s LIVE COACHING session, Erica Burlingame and I discover if her passion can become a business. We uncover the unique ways she can monetize using an online school to sell her crafting vision.
This episode is for all of you who have hobbies or passions, but you don’t see a way to create a business out of it.
Lemme tell you a little secret, there is ALWAYS a way to create profit and a business out of the things you LOVE.
Hey guys, what’s up, today, I have a coaching session with Erica Burlingame and we talk about, and really uncover if your passion can actually become a business. We go super deep into unique ways to monetize. We discuss how she’s able to take her crafting passions and create an online school. This is going to be so much fun.
I know you guys are going to absolutely love the insight here. Especially if you have a passion that you’ve been wanting to monetize, a passion that you’re ready to transform into an actual profitable business. This is the coaching call for you.
Tell me what is our goal for this time? What has to happen for you to be like, Oh, that was so great. We did blank.
I was on your group coaching call on the 13th and I was second to go and I was such a hot mess. I didn’t know anything. And so since then, I feel like I had a little bit more, well, more time to think about things for sure. And maybe a little bit more clarity has happened.
I don’t want to go the routes that I had typed in on the accountability homework that you had at the beginning of your, your mastermind thing. And tell me, want to maybe go that route anymore. I kind of feel pulled to do like health and wellness and business. Mainly like podcasts manager.
I’m in another group where they teach you how to be a virtual assistant. And so I know a bunch of different systems and how to do customer and client care and that type of thing. So should I focus on one thing or the other? Like, should I just do more of the business side of things or should I weave in,
Well, here’s my question. Are you sure that’s the thing, Erica?
I’m not sure, but I can always pivot.
You can. Let’s make sure because here’s the thing. We can make one cohesive core denominator out of anything. You could be like, I love health and wellness and the Bible and dogs. And we could find a common denominator, Erica. There’s always that.
So I want to make sure you’re not focusing on an end result of making you money as a podcast manager, but you’re doing something that is, you’re passionate about that you’re being called to do because once you leave and you’re something for money, you’re going to end up here again in a year ago and go I don’t think it’s right.
It doesn’t quite feel right. It’s like, you have to have the click. You have to know like, what you’re talking about is lighting you on fire every day. And so I want to be sure. Is it health and wellness and business? Are we sure about that?
So maybe we should start that. Let’s start just exploring your options. So what are the things that just Erica like light you up? You could just talk about them all day, every day, whether or not there’s money involved, what do you think those things are?
In the last coaching call, the seven minutes that I had with you, I said I like crafting and that type of thing, but I don’t know if crafting is suitable for podcasting.
Don’t worry about that. It doesn’t matter. What is Erica’s passions? What are your things? Forget about what happens with this thing? Again, we can make money with anything. Believe me. I know how to create a podcast out of anything. Passions first. Okay. Crafting what else?
Okay. I like to furniture, repurposing, vintage shows where you sell things that you make or repurpose. I do have a passion for health and wellness, like feeling good.
Okay. Give me more on that. Because health and wellness is everything.
Like my girls, they’re super active and it’s hard to stay with them like up at their energy level. That’s a big thing for me is to like take care of myself well enough so that I can match their energy. I guess.
Like what types of things do you do to make that happen?
Well, drinking water, getting enough, sleep, eating non-junk food, eating better. I’m a Christian. So that’s pretty big in my life.
So we’ve got crafting, furniture when I see health and wellness here. What I’m really seeing you say is like self care as a parent. Christianity, faith is big. Okay. Is there anything else that you’re like, I couldn’t live without blank? Something. It either makes me mad, fires me up. I love it. I do something like it. I would do more of it if I had more time.
Okay. I love organizing and having like systems in place to make things run better. Whether you like, in your house, in a business. I like to build other people up. I’m really big on like self help books and self help groups. And like the whole mindset thing.
Okay, good. So that gives us a good baseline here. Now those are passions. Now what about your skillset? So now you get to tell me, well, if you’re crafty and good at systems and you’re good at organizing, sure, podcast management makes a lot of sense for you.
So what other skill sets do you love to do? Not just I can do that, but I hate it. Like I can do finance and accounting. No, thanks. What do you really love? Like what are you great at when it comes to skills?
I’m not really sure. So my day job in real life, I’m a manager/ caretaker of a horse ranch for retired event horses. And that kind of crosses over to every year, the person that I worked for, we have a huge like event, like a three day event. I’m in charge of managing volunteers for like the stadium jumping part of it. I don’t know. I’m pretty good at telling other people what to do. It’s really hard to say, like what I’m good at.
And you know why? Because you’re an Enneagram two. Like my mother, you guys have a really hard time putting yourself first. You’re all about serving others. That’s why you’re good at work because you’re serving other people. That’s why you guys are great at customer service.
That’s why you’re mom of the year, wife of the year usually great, like cooks and entertainers and all of that because you’re a two. But that’s why it’s so hard for you guys to say what you’re great at because you find your joy in bringing other people joy. Totally get it. My mom is to through and through.
I really feel that, but that’s great because if you do serve others, you serve others really well. So we care about people usually. People skills is big for you, probably communication. How do you feel about like communication? Do you like being with a lot of people? Are you more introverted?
I’m probably more introverted, but I can talk to other people like extroverted introvert or however that goes. Yeah.
Nowhere in here. Erica, did I hear business. Nowhere in there. Okay. I heard this much health and wellness in the form of self care. I don’t think you should start a health and wellness business podcast. What did we come up with in your seven minutes as your name? Do you remember? Cause it was something along the crafting line. Wasn’t it?
Yeah. Her healthy homestead is what it was.
Oh, funny. We’re right there again. Okay. But that’s not to say you can’t be a podcast manager. Okay. Let’s map out. Erica’s brand again so that it feels so great to you. And then I will talk to you about some other ways, whether it be podcast management, VA, etc, you can make money with that stuff without a podcast has to do with that.
And we can try and see if there’s a common denominator with what you’re going to be doing. Like maybe we’re only serving crafty mompreneurs. There’s always something that we can figure out, but let’s make sure what you’re talking about is like your thing. When we said her healthy homestead, do you have our tagline that we had?
I don’t know if we got that far.
What if it was, instead of her, crafty healthy homestead? I just want to give you space. Like you said, a lot about crafting furniture, vintage shows, organizing the home. Like those are all kind of one sphere that I think we can cover by saying crafty.
And then healthy is a questionable word for me, because really the only thing you mentioned was self care, but maybe we could use a different word that covers self care and self help and mindset and all of those words, crafty, happy homestead? Happy, healthy homestead. Do we even like homestead?
I don’t know. I’m not feeling it.
So let’s talk about the purpose then. Okay. Let’s start with that. And who we want to talk to? You said earlier struggling Christian moms. Did we still feel like that could be the thing?
That form was, I was laughing when I was filling that out. It won’t let me not leave it blank.
I get you guys that way.
I have like 20 sheets of paper here. I kind of have two different avatars going because one was like for the health and wellness side of things. And the other was like for, if I were to start some kind of podcast management business or whatever that looks like. My avatar, her kids are older. They’re pretty self sufficient. So she has more time now to pour into something.
She’s always been a stay at home mom. Her husband works really long hours and she wants to eventually bring him home.
Oh wow. Okay. So she’s like going all in.
Yeah. This is no side hustle. This is going to be like, if it’s a family business, I don’t know. But the main thing is bringing in the dough. She has a hard time sticking with something shiny syndrome. Ooo, someone else just put out this new course, let’s go buy this and learn how to do this cool new thing, because it’s gonna be the ticket and make you all that money.
She doesn’t have a college degree. So she has kind of that self confidence doubt where like, are people gonna want to hire me or buy from me? Because I’m not well educated. In today’s day with all the different changes in the courses that you can take. That’s kind of changing.
Is that you? Or is that the woman we are serving?
That’s me.
Cause I’m thinking, what if that’s you, but that’s not the woman you’re serving. The woman you’re serving is I actually wrote down creative crafty Christian, where I’m thinking of like, it’s this creative crafty mom like you, but unlike you, she doesn’t want and need to make a whole bunch of money.
She wants to furniture repurposing, homesteady hacks, self care stuff, organization of the home, crafting. She wants more of that. So I’m thinking like, what if that’s her? And then where you come in and how you make money is what if you have furniture, repurposing workshops virtually.
What if you have crafting classes, online, passive products that teach them how to do something that you do. What if you are running this podcast probably paired with a blog, for example, that has to do with crafting furniture, repurposing vintage-y shows type stuff. And it’s all one woman. Who’s this creative crafty, Christian, maybe just a thought.
The thing that I guess I’m hung up on is like, how do I take that online? I feel like that should be in person workshops. So like face to face.
Wouldn’t you rather learn something online? I would. I’m like, I don’t have time for this. That like, yes. I could see like if I wanted to do something as like a fun event with a friend or with my mom or something, we could go to a furniture repurposing workshop. I’m sure you could do that locally if you want, but what’s even better would be,
I love Erica. I follow her podcast. She’s super fun. She’s constantly talking about crafty Christian mom stuff. And she has a blog or an, she has a YouTube one or the other, cause you’re going to have to do something visual. But she has this new thing. And so like give me some of the examples of the crafts that you like to do. What type of crafting?
I like to build things like out of wood pallets. I’ll go to thrift stores and pick stuff up and like repaint them, furniture or little knickknacks or home decor stuff.
Hello. This is so fun. What woman doesn’t want to do that? Like example, let’s say you have this great photo. I mean, this type of stuff kills it on Pinterest. When I just started my journey on Pinterest, I was chasing money. Not what Stefanie Gass should do. And I started doing all the blogs about like style your mantle.
I could care less about it, Erica, but I thought this will make me money. Those are the pins that went viral with nothing, no money behind it. Nothing like pins like that. Like those are the ones because people just want to learn how to do that stuff. And you can do free, like, okay, today I’m going to teach you guys how to make a bench out of a pallet. This cost me 50 bucks. Or I found this here and you have a step by step on a blog.
Let’s say at the bottom, you’re like want the full virtual tutorial, want the full class? You already had to do it, record yourself, doing it. And then sell that as a class that they can buy for like 67 bucks. And it’s just you. It’s not production value. It’s Erica with her iPhone set up going, Hey everybody. So today this is step one. I’m going to do this. You can speed it up while you do the little things.
Okay. Here’s step two. This is, and here’s your supply list and you got the little set and they can buy everything on Amazon if they need to. And it’s got your affiliate links. Okay. Here’s step three. We’re painting the things, okay. Step four. And so you’re taking them through whatever it took. You let’s say it took you two days, but you mash it into a one hour class that you sell. And imagine if you created a library of classes,
Oh yeah. That would be fun.
of everything you ever made. They come to your school. They can come to the creative crafty Christian school. They can buy one class at a time or they can buy a license and they can stay there every month while you add new things.
Okay. I like that.
Feeling this? So much more fun for Erica. What if your whole job was creating cool epic stuff for your own homestead, your own crafty place that you live and you just document it, package it up and sell it? My favorite thing ever is I’m already talking about something. I’m already teaching it. I’ve already recorded it. Cause I’m gonna use it on the show.
Oh my gosh, I could make money at this thing. I’ve had like the Pinterest class I just did was a talk I already gave in my mastermind. I just package it up and put a price tag on it. It’s me talking like this, blah, blah, blah, Pinterest, nothing fancy. Like people just want to learn what you know, and they want to see. Now you’ll give it away for free. But because people are visual learners, they’re going to want to buy the class. Do you feel this? Like, can you see?
Yeah, I do. Now. I wasn’t sure how this would work at all. So yeah. Okay.
Any hang up on that, that doesn’t feel right. Because if we keep going down that road, I’m going to go down that road and we’re going to map that out.
Okay. Probably just the name. Okay.
We want them to know it’s crafty. We care about this. Cause you’re really going to be selling this crafting furniture, building things. We could use the word handy. I really like alliteration too. So like creative crafty is good because it’s C’s. Creative crafty collective workshop. We could also go with something that’s like super teachy feeling where they’re like, Oh, I’m coming to learn all the home decor teaching stuff. Tell me what words do you like. What words do you like? What words do you hate?
I like crafty. I like collective. What about like, okay, so I have a bunch of lists of names that I’ve thought of over the years or whatever. I always thought it would be super fun to have like a house where you have workshops like retreats where 10 women would come to your house and you’d have each bedroom set up to have like two or three women in each bedroom.
And they would stay the weekends, pour into them and do crafts and devotionals and feed them food and snacks. And maybe go on a field trip to like an antique shop.
I’m obsessed. Do you see, you already had this the whole time, Erica, you were just afraid of it, cause you didn’t, you were afraid of it because am I good enough to do this thing and teach other people this thing? And number two, how do I make money at this thing? Which keeps us stuck.
And number three, how do I monetize crafts and furniture? Oh my. But you were there the whole time. This has been the thing. How beautiful, it’s full circle. And I love the retreat idea. I have the same vision for doing business retreats like that.
We have a cabin and I’m like, I could fit two women, each bedroom. We’re going to pour into the business. We’re going to do devotionals. We’re going to go on a hike. We’re going to get rid of our phones for 48 hours. Like I so feel you.
Yeah. I want to come to your retreat.
It’s been on my heart for a minute, but I’m like, same as you could. Well, we all get to Ruidoso I need to just let go of that and go if God asked us to do it, He’ll make a way.
Yeah. So let’s see. I don’t know. I have the crafted life, craftology, the crafty life.
The crafted life is taken, but her crafted life is available. So here let’s think about the two that we have and what they would mean. So her crafted life, she’s obsessed with crafts. It’s like something that she’s super pumped about, but also her crafted life could also mean she’s crafting her best life.
So it gives you some wiggle room, 20% of the time to talk about self care, personal development or something outside of arts and crafts. So we’re saying her crafted life. Yeah. It’s a play on words though, because it’s also your life, which is fun.
The crafted collective to me means for things for home, for organization systems, it’s her collective is all crafty. And I think the first one makes more sense because you want to have a bit more wiggle room to talk about a few other things. I think 80, 70% of your stuff will be crafts though. Cause that’s what we’re going to monetize.
You’ve got 30% where you can talk about organization systems, self care, mindset work. Cause it’s your life, your best life. I don’t know. What do you think?
I like that. So would that be like the over all brands that we’re creating here?
Yes, hercrafted
life.com, her crafted life podcast, her crafted like teachable store with a bunch of different classes. That’s the brand. That’s the best thing. And like blow it up. That would be the one thing you’d trademark her crafted life. It would cover everything.
Okay. I like that. Yeah. Okay.
Let’s keep going with it then.
I really, really like it. Okay. So, her crafted life and it’s so easy to remember, it’s clear. It’s not hard and it’s so just fun. Cause it plays off of both things. Tagline, her crafted life.
So I don’t know if this helps or if this is even where we should talk about this, I have done a few in person workshops and we always tell our ladies that even if you’re not crafty, you have her in there and we’re going to bring her out. So I don’t know where I was going with that.
I like that, except that, and we can say if you want, like for the beginner, crafty mom, but I think Erica is going to, you’re not going to just teach beginner stuff. You’re probably going to teach them advanced crafting. So I don’t really want to target someone that’s not into crafts already or like building or, they’re in that brain space of like, they’re already with you.
But most of your everyone’s welcome here, but let’s target that crafty person, that mom. Okay. So what do you think about crafts, community home decor and more because the community piece can open you up to do workshops. Retreats, build a crafty community on Facebook where it’s like, it’s not just, Hey, let me teach you goodbye.
But I want to create a, a collective where you can call it like her crafted life collective on Facebook. If you want to call it that her crafted life community, her crafted life retreats, her crafted life workshops. If you’re a local, her crafted life, virtual workshops once a month, like you can do anything with this.
I like that.
Yeah, me too. Okay. So I had her crafted life, tagline, crafts, community, home decor, and more, the only thing we haven’t said is for her, but I mean, that’s kind of implied. I feel like men aren’t super, a man can come listen and whatever. That’s fine. But I don’t think we have to say that. Right. So the next thing is the description of like your podcast. Now, question, how do we build an organic following best?
If you’re going to do a YouTube channel, Erica, you can just record it as well and pop it on a podcast, but let the YouTube be your focus. Or podcast paired with blog. The only thing why is because parts of this are going to be visual. If you have the podcast. Great.
We just say to check out the visual of this head to Hercraftedlife.com/workshopbench. Right? So your podcast episode, where you’re explaining everything goes with this blog and you just tell them that so that they can listen and then go to your blog. And you’re basically reading your blog out loud on your podcast.
Okay. Because like YouTube, like if I had a YouTube channel, I don’t really own that. Is that correct? Whereas I own a podcast, I own, my blog. Correct. Okay. So I’d rather, probably go that route.
Okay. So then here’s what and map out like what some episode ideas could be. And then we’ll probably have to meet again after like 45, 60 days, Erica. And maybe we can create your first couple of classes or I can talk you through that piece, the tech piece and pricing and sales copy.
But first step is we got to get the brand built and get the podcast and blog going. So here would be my description for you. Are we going to target only Christians? Or do we want to say it’s faith, just in the description so that I can infuse that. So they know if Erica decides to say something about faith or read a devotional that Oh, that she said that this is also has a sprinkling of faith in there or a sprinkling of Jesus.
Yeah. I don’t want it to be like mainly focused on faith, but let’s sprinkled in there. Okay, cool. Everyone’s welcome. You don’t have to be a Christian to come.
Perfect. All right, here we go. Let me try to riff you a description. Are you a creative, crafty human, just like me? Do you love going to the thrift store and finding treasures and other people’s junk? Do you love repurposing old pieces of wood and pallets in the backyard and making something epic and timeless for your home and your space?
So do I. I’m kind of obsessed with all things crafty and thrifty. I love using my hands and building, but I love to do it quickly, simply and on a budget. How about you? Welcome to her crafty collective, where I teach you all the things that I know and have learned over the years of being a crafty, creative mom, or woman.
Join me as I teach you things every week so that you can tap into your most creative handy-dandy side and find a space where other crafty creative people, just like you can come together for community, support and a whole lot of fun and laughter along the way. If you didn’t think you could get more crafty than you already are, get ready to be blown away. Welcome to her crafty collective.
I love it.
It’s choppy. But there it was.
Yeah. I love it. You have such a gift, my friend.
That’s your podcast description. I didn’t say anything about faith, but maybe we can say where we said, are you looking for that crafty community? Come together with other faith-fueled, crafty creative women, just like you. We’ll just say at one space. So they know just in case.
There’s your description now, what do you do now? So now what you want to do is let’s come up with like your first five episodes and how you could do that on a podcast and blogs. So here’s what I’m thinking. I’m thinking hercraftedlife.com is this great blog, Erica, where you’re going to visually teach something. You’re going to the blog first. And then what you’re going to do.
So do a project. Let’s say here, I can quickly throw together something like what’s one thing you could do in a day. Like a cool crafty project?
Like building a potting bench.
Great example, which everyone’s wanting to garden right now anyway. Okay. How to build a potting bench for your garden in less than a day. Okay. Example, there’s a blog, right? So you go do it. Let’s say tomorrow you do it. You just take pictures with your phone as you go through the process and or record yourself doing it.
Cause even that’s a class Erica, like literally anything you do, you can sell it. Okay. So let’s say you record yourself doing it. So here’s the thing, the whole recorded thing of you doing it is a class that let’s say you sell for 47 bucks. Okay. Well the blog has the steps, but it’s very high level. Like here’s your supplies? Step one was I refurbish the things and I cut the things apart.
And then I applied them. Like, you’re not giving them everything. It’s like, you’re giving them 50%. You could do it with just your blog. Sure. But if they want to watch you go through the process with them, you can, at the end of the blog, offer them the class. Right?
You don’t have to start that right now, but why not? If you’re already going to do the thing, just record it. And I mean, truly just use your phone. It’s all about you just set it up away from you, right? Like in your garage or something, wherever you’re going to work. You just record yourself doing the major steps and then you mash it together in like iMovie or something.
Okay. I already have a backdrop set up in my shop.
Stop. I love it.
Okay. So you would do the blog first because you’re already going to create the steps. You’re going to do the pictures. You’re going to do things. Now what you do is you would open Zoom, just like we’re on right now. And you would now read your blog. Okay?
So, Hey everybody. Welcome to episode one of her crafted life. I am so grateful that you’re here. We dig into all things crafts, community, home decor, and more. We have a lot of fun and we do it on a budget. You guys, this is going to be so much fun.
So today we are going to walk through building your own potting bench for your garden. How many of you have a garden? But you have nowhere to sit your butt’s dirty and dusty ants are crawling on you. Let’s fix that right now. Okay. Now, listen, this is visual.
So if you need some help, I want you to go over to hercraftedlife.com/potting bench and follow along with me. And if you want more, if you want the full video tutorial of creating the potting bench that we go through today, you can grab it at my class over at hercraftedlife.com/school and take the class. It’s right in there.
You guys can grab it at only 47 bucks. Let’s dig in. Okay. So what you’re going to need for this is here’s your supplies. So you’re literally reading the blog. All right. Step one of what we’re going to do is we’re going to take the pallet and you guys are just going to sand it off. And if you’ll notice in the blog, post that first picture there, you’ll notice what I’m doing.
Step two. So you’re visually explaining what you’re showing them in the blog. Does that make sense? Blog first and anytime you’re going to do the show, refer them to go to the blog so they can visually follow along. Yeah. And then like next episode could be having the mindset of a creative. Sure. Talk about like, what does it mean to be a creative mindset?
How can she tap into more creativity? Do you have any exercises for her to do? The next one you can talk about is like finding time for your creative outlet. Can you talk to her about like, can she make an hour a week for her creative outlet?
The next one you could talk about? So it’s like, you’re talking to the crafty mom, every third episode, you teach her a craft. You’re feeling this I can tell. I can tell in your face.
So what about like having guests on?
Absolutely find people that are doing cool, stuff that you like in the workshop was Stephanie from mom camp. I don’t know if you saw her. Yes. She runs a membership group for crafty moms for their kids. So she talks about making the green milk for St. Patrick’s day and leaving the foot sprinkles. Like maybe if there’s a holiday coming up that’s with moms, you can have someone like that on and she could teach about the crafty mom thing.
That’s such a good idea. Okay.
There’s another cool mom that did a custom drawings and she sells these custom drawings. They live in a camper like how cool and creative and fun without story be? What else? Like you could talk about thrifting, have a thrifter come in and talk about that whole process. You could do an episode on that.
How to thrift shop for your next project or where to find inspiration for your next project. Maybe you can talk about a schedule for what to do. Like maybe they want to do their whole house. Well, where should they start? What would be step one? What tools do they need to become a crafty mom? Like limitless episodes you could do.
Yeah, I’m totally feeling it now. Totally.
Then in a month, like if you did five things a month, or let’s say you did one a week, one project a week that you recorded, you had a new workshop coming into your school every week. You could sell them one off, like, Oh, I just want to learn the potting, the garden stool. I’m just going to buy that one for whatever 47 or, join for $197 a month. And you get four new crafty lessons per month.
See, that was the part that I got stuck on. Like, I didn’t know how to do that outside of, in person face to face groups. So,
And you can do that too, Erica, like you can have local workshops. You could get, you’re like, Oh, I’m so excited right now. I’ve got the school going, but I want to do a workshop with you guys. So Hey, everybody, it costs 50 bucks. We’re going to do a live workshop together.
Let’s say father’s day is coming up and you thought of something super cool. Have the father’s day workshop live if you want everybody hops on zoom and you just set up your camera like this and you’re showing them all the steps live of creating something crafty that she can do for father’s day or do for 4th of July or, Hey, we’re going to make frames today. Then you package that up and you throw it in the store.
Okay. So cool.
Okay. So order of operations for you, number one, get the domain, hercraftedlife.com. Step two is you need branding. You need her crafted life logo, channel art, some banners for your website. I don’t know if you’re great at graphic design. If not, Ale is who I would go to.
I already have her email address.
Perfect. Okay. So that’s step two. Then step three. Is the website step four, is the podcast setup that way? You’ve got websites ready to go. Right? It’s waiting for the first blog podcast is ready to go waiting for the first episode because they’re going to be the same thing.
Step three, do the thing. So step three would be once a week, a new episode. And then I would try for at least twice a month is an actual craft tutorial with a class. So even if you don’t have the class stuff yet, record yourself, but when we build the school, we can go back to that blog and add, cause those are gonna live forever.
Like once you create a Pinterest for something, you have the Pinterest class too. So once you create a pin for something it’s going on indefinitely and driving traffic to that old blog, and they always buy the class. So we can always add each class later. And I think any time you have a craft tutorial, make a class out of it.
No matter how basic you could have many classes that were nine bucks, like if you had a mini thing you did with one of your kids and it took you 10 minutes, it doesn’t matter. Package it up. That one’s nine bucks.
So these classes would live on teachable?
I think so. You have a storefront when you create a teachable account. So yours would say right here, her crafted life, here’s our tagline, the crafts, home decor, crafts, community, home decor, and more her crafted life classes.
And then check this out. Each one is its own mini class that they can buy. So you’d have eventually a hundred to choose from. Right? And we could just put them in, like, you can put them by project too and say like home decor, garden projects, kids projects. So they can just, Oh, look at this one. This is making your garden bench sounds great. I want this one.
And you would just say in this 60 minute video tutorial, I walk you through making your own garden bench and you have a picture of it right here. Okay, making your own garden bench in two hours or less for 30 bucks. Join me as we have fun on this, in this crafty class, click, enroll in the course, they pay you.
Now they’re in and it’s one little video. It’s not like there’s not modules. It’s one video of Erica teaching them the thing with a little clickable list of shopping for their supplies and you’re done. So yeah, I think teachable would be where you’d house everything. Okay. Cool.
Cool. Oh my gosh, Stefanie. This is awesome. It went by so fast.
Well, you got your work cut out for you now.
Yes I do, Thank you so much.
You’re so welcome. I hope you guys loved this coaching session with Erica. Be sure to go check her out. She’s linked in the show notes below. If you need a coaching session, y’all know where to find us support@stefaniegass.com. I would love to help you get that clarity break free, create the course, outline whatever the thing is. Girl, I’m here for you.
Praying over you, sister. God is gifting you, whatever clarity, direction, mentorship, and provision you need to get through the rest of this year, leaning on God, leaning on his call and plan for your life. We have so much faith in you. God, your plan is always bigger and better than ours. We trust you. We love you in Jesus name. Amen love and light, Stef.
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