defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hi Friend!
Should you start a podcast?! Will anyone listen? What will I say? What if it fails? What about the tech? How much does it cost? Do I have time? *Enter analysis paralysis, overthinking, and fear syndrome*
In today’s BONUS episode we discuss all things podcasting! Listen in as I share the pros and cons of podcasting and my insight into who it’s for and who it’s not for. Let’s have an open conversation about what podcasting can do for you and your business!
If you’ve been wanting to launch that podcast girl – now’s your chance! I’ve helped over 250 students launch PODCASTS. Most of them in less than 30 days. Some of them are now ranked top 30. A few have even hit #1 and #4 in their podcast category.
If they can create an audience online, completely organically, then so can you!
The best part about podcasting is that it CREATES TRUST. When you have TRUST people BUY from you!
Plus, can we just get a hot minute for the fact that we can record from our closets, messy mom bun, bra-less and flawless?!
I mean doing videos and putting on makeup is so over-rated.
I want you to LEAP. I want to hold your hand alllll the way through idea, to planning, to recording, to launching, to MONETIZING!
My course is the top course for female entrepreneurs.
I am so proud of this course because it GETS RESULTS.
We have TONS of success stories – go check em’ out, HERE.
Or – you can trust me and let me guide you on this journey to sharing your heart and God-given gifts with the world using your VOICE.
I’m so here for it. I am so here for YOU.
(00:00) Hey girl. Hey, happy Tuesday. Are you sick of me yet? All these bonus episodes. You’re like, what is Stefanie on? Let me tell you what I’m on. I’m just high on Jesus and high on life and a couple cups of coffee. Okay? And I am so excited to be showing up at a super deep capacity for you this month and just pouring it out.
(00:24) Yes, I’m here for it. And today we are going to be talking about podcasting. Why? I know what it’s like. It’s like, but Stef, can I really, truly podcast, like, could I actually do this? Who would listen to me? Would that be crazy? Like, can I really, I mean, really do this. Listen, I’m here to talk to you about that.
(01:03) In today’s bonus episode, we’re going to learn the pros and cons of podcasting as your long form content outlet. And just answer those burning questions that you’re probably thinking. Now, for those of you that already know that podcasting is your jam, and you’re really ready to do this, and you’ve thought about it long enough, and you’re ready to leap with me.
(01:29) You’re ready. And you trust me enough when I tell you that is my absolute favorite way to get people results in how they can grow and scale an organic audience for the longterm playing the long, long game without being salesy, without having to show up in the DMs, without having to spend hours on hours, manually blogging without having to put on makeup to go live.
(01:51) The answer is podcasting. I am telling you if I can do this. And if I checked, cause I didn’t know yesterday, if I have 280 students who have also done it, people that have zero audience whatsoever. Okay. Some of them all the way up to people who have been around in the game for like a decade, plus like if we can do this, some of them moms, some of them, not some of them in their twenties, some of them in their sixties.
(02:16) I even have guys in my course. Okay. So listen, if you are an online entrepreneur and you want a way to grow and scale, reach people more authentically, show up every single week for your person and just do it in a fun, easy, seamless, cheap way. And then it generate trust, which in turn makes you money, okay.
(02:40) Having trust equals money, which is also what I teach right guys. How to have a passive product or start a coaching business and then generate those leads and conversions using your podcast. It’s just so simple. If you know that’s for you go to Don’t wait.
(03:17) Now for those of you who like stuff, could it really be for me? So let’s talk about this. Okay. So should you start a podcast? I believe that if you want to have an online business for the next five years, you’re like, I really want to go from part time, spare time hustle to full in, all in full time. And I want to do it in a way that saves time for money. It’s very non-stressful and you prefer to speak over writing.
(03:54) You prefer to speak over doing live video and you want to connect with people in a way that just feels really authentic. You can just totally be yourself. If all of those answers are yes, then podcasting would be the recommended. It’s called long form content. It’s what you do every week to create a personal brand. You only have three options, really.
(04:18) It’s podcasting video or writing blogging. I’ve done all three and I do all three. Okay. But what’s the one that exploded my business, podcasting. So if you’re saying yes to all those things, then I think you should do it. I really truly do. I don’t think that there’s a certain type of person that it’s made for. I think anyone can do it. I actually think it’s easier for people to do podcasting than video 90% of the time.
(04:47) Very few of my clients actually like showing up on video. Why? Because it’s just so like, what’s the word vulnerable, I guess? You have to sometimes do your makeup or you feel like you do, which is so lame. You have to worry about where your kids are at. Versus when I podcast you guys, if my kids walked in right now and talked about poop, but y’all know, they totally do that like every day.
(05:11) I just click the pause button, answer my child and then resume recording. It is the easiest thing ever. I’m sitting here right now in my PJ’s. It is, uh, kind of late. Cause I wanted to record this for you guys for today, but I’m wearing my PJ’s hot mess express. Just got out of the shower. No makeup, totally chill. So easy to do this.
(05:35) This is an unedited, unedited. See, unedited episode. I will not edit this, pop it up and rock on. Which means it’s totally free for me to share this information with you guys. So it’s easy is my answer. Now, if you’re like Stefanie, I am obsessed with video. I love video and I hate speaking. Well then don’t start a podcast, honey, but you better be on with your videos every single week.
(06:01) If you’re like Stef, I only like to write. I hate speaking. It’s not my thing. Like I don’t want to speak into a microphone where nobody’s looking at me where it’s totally a safe space. I just can’t do it. I have to write, then don’t start a podcast, do a blog. I am not saying that you have to have a podcast.
(06:21) I am saying that I believe this is the answer for so many of my niche, which is this mompreneur who’s super busy running a business, trying to scale her business and she’s got the kids. Because truly like we ain’t got time for all that. Okay. Time is money. Time is money and podcasting is fast. It’s efficient. It’s quick. It’s easy. And it’s cheap. Yes. Check, check, check. I’m in.
(06:46) So now let’s talk about the burning question that I hear people ask, which is, would anybody even listen to me? Well, yes they would, Susan. How do I know this? Because I have over 280 or I have 280 students when I checked last. I have so many of these students who have launched top 30 ranked shows. I have a number one, a number four, a number six, a number 12.
(07:15) I mean you guys all different types of people. Quiet people, outgoing people, funny people, very business-focused people, people with short podcasts, five, 10 minute episodes, people with hour and a half long episodes, there is a listener for everyone, right? Your niche is your niche. And they’re going to be drawn to you. There’s no right or wrong way to podcast, which is my favorite thing about it.
(07:41) There’s no rules. You can just show up and be whoever you are like you guys, you know, you know this, like sometimes I record podcasts from my phone while I’m walking around outside and it’s loud or my kids are right there and you can hear them like this is about showing up as you truly are, because your person is just like you and they’re going to get it.
(08:05) And they’re going to resonate with you. And the more you that you are, the more you allow yourself to truly shine from a place of your soul call, the more impact you’ll make. And so yes, there are people that will listen to you. I promise. Now the next question is like, but what if it fails, Stef? What if I start this? What if I take your course? And I spend all that money and then it doesn’t work.
(08:32) Nobody listens to me or my podcast totally flops. And it’s just a huge failure. Okay. Valid. Then you’ve spent 400 bucks and now you’ve grown something. You’ve built a podcast with your name on it, your branding on it, your message on it. And you have some episodes out there and those episodes get to live in infinity.
(09:03) If you were like, Stef, I hated it. I did it for six months. Now, you have to do it at least six months. So promise me that if you’re going to do this with me, you’ve got to do this with me for at least six months. I actually recommend a year. I said, I’m going to do my show for a year. If it doesn’t work out. Okay. And guess what happened in a year?
(09:22) You guys, I don’t even know it was nuts. It was so nuts. I can’t even tell you. I don’t even know. I don’t have the stats from the year, but I can just tell you a year in, I was making more money than I had made since network marketing. And I was like, okay, this is what’s up.
(09:36) I didn’t have to do my videos anymore unless I wanted to. It was like, I could literally, you guys, I could literally get rid of everything. I could not send emails. I could not have an Instagram account. I could delete the Pinterest account. I could just do this show, nothing else. And my business would still grow. Of course I would need some way for people to pay me for stuff, because that’s how you make money. Right?
(10:01) But like the, the promotion, the marketing part of it, this is the only thing I would have to do if that’s really what I wanted to do, isn’t that crazy? Isn’t that let that sink in. How many things are you doing? And you’re showing up everywhere instead of just picking the thing and going all in anyway, back to the question. So if at six months you didn’t have one download, which is impossible at six months, if you hadn’t made $1, not likely, but potentially.
(10:35) If at six months in you just hated it and you were like, I’m quitting. Well, what’s the worst that can happen? You have a six month podcast that just hangs out. It’s evergreen marketing. If somebody finds it two years from now, when they listen to you talk about your meal, prepping services and they get in your inbox to buy your meal, prepping workbook, and you sell a workbook two years later from a podcast that you did a long time ago. It’s a win, win, win situation.
(11:00) There’s no skin off your back. If you guys don’t want to professionally edit, don’t, you can record from your phone. I teach you how in Podcast Pro University, if you guys don’t want to pay to get professional graphics, don’t I teach you how to create your own in Podcast Pro University. Like I don’t care how, like how much we got to skimp on this thing. You need to get it going.
(11:26) I am telling you guys, you are working so hard focusing on the wrong things, showing up on Instagram every single day. Wah wah. Instagram hasn’t helped to build the business since 2018. The algorithm took over and it’s pay to play. Same goes for Facebook. And Pinterest is great, but you got to have a place to send people from Pinterest that will grow the trust and that will actually allow them to get to know you because otherwise they can’t convert into warm market.
(11:57) You can’t go from Pinterest straight to a purchase. It doesn’t work that way. They have to, they have to hear you speak and help them and guide them. Okay? So there’s that basically what I’m saying is if six months in you don’t love it, you get to quit and that podcast still is going to help build your brand and business over time.
(12:14) The next thing that people say to me, Hey Stef, but what would I talk about? I don’t know what to say. I don’t have any ideas. I don’t know what my content would be. Don’t worry. Inside a Podcast Pro University, I have an entire module dedicated to helping you uncover your niche, discover what your podcasts would be called, title descriptions, categories, all of the things, brainstorming exercises.
(12:40) Plus, I have a full on little workshop inside of PPU that takes you through how to come up with 30 podcast titles right there and then. And truly like if you actually sit down and do it the way that I walk you through it, you will have 30 episodes done in 30 minutes, 30 episodes. If you did one a week, you’ve got half a year’s worth of content right there. So problem solved.
(13:06) The other issue. Well, that all sounds great, but Stef, I don’t have 400 bucks to spend on Podcast Pro University. Well, sister, if you do not invest in yourself in your business, in learning the tools and doing the things that are going to set you apart from all of the millions of other online marketers, probably the hundreds of thousands of people doing something similar to what you are doing.
(13:36) You just aren’t going to be able to stand out, which means you’re not going to have massive success in something, right? We have to have a niche. We have to be super clear with our messaging and we have to show up at a super high capacity of service every week. And we have to do it on a platform that’s free podcasting or videos or blog. That’s it? Those are your choices.
(13:59) That’s it. We can’t, we shouldn’t use social media as our growth vessel because we don’t own it. As we see with tik tok, if that snap goes away bye bye what about all those people, those marketers that have millions of tik tok followers, and now it’s gone. Podcasting is something you own. It’s smart.
(14:20) It pays to be a smart business woman in 2020. Start a podcast when there’s only one podcast to every thousand blogs. First movers advantage girls .get in show up once a week for 20 minutes. Even if you have to not edit and do this and invest in yourself 400 bucks for my course, I think that’s insane.
(14:42) I do. I’m in this mastermind right now. And these millionaires they’re like this course needs to be two grand and they’re trying to talk me into raising it to that level. And I’m like, listen, I really want to help my girls. My Lola’s have the exact, I want you guys walking my exact footsteps. I want you to have my exact business model in two years. I want you to have a podcast that grew to over 250,000 downloads.
(15:12) I want you to make 60% of your revenue every month from passive courses like I do. I want you to have a booming coaching business on the side. I want you to have time freedom. I want you to only work 24 hours a week. I want you to be present for your kids and delete social media every single weekend. I want that for you. All of you, every single one of you.
(15:37) And if I out price you on this course, I don’t create that kind of change. I don’t create that kind of ripple. And for me, when God spoke to my heart stuff, start a podcast. He didn’t say make it so exclusive and elite that that people can’t afford this. You help, you know, 10 people start an amazing show with your amazing course.
(15:59) No, he was like, you start a podcast because then he showed me how I can impact the world with my voice, how I can reach more people faster on a bigger scale in a way that felt good to me, authentic to me easy because I have the kids and the hubby and the household to run. And because I hate laundry and I just, why did I bring up laundry? I think because I have to do laundry. There it is.
(16:29) And do the dishes and do the things. And I can’t work 24/7, you know, like I just don’t want to do it. And when I saw that, there was a way I had to make that easy for you guys. So I priced it at 500 bucks, which truly that price point does not do me and this course, the justice that it deserves and it is going up. So there’s your first warning.
(16:51) That price is going up January 1st of 2021. So from 500 bucks, it’s going up. So if all of this is speaking to your heart and you’re like, nodding, Stefanie, I’m ready. I’m going to do this. Even if you’re scared, even if you’re unsure, even if you are wondering if you really can. I want you to know that if 280 other women, just like you, who felt just like you do right now, nervous, palms sweating.
(17:22) What would I talk about? Who would listen? What would my title of my show be? I don’t understand the tech, whatever you’re thinking. They thought it, I thought it, but they did it. They did it. They took the step they invested in themselves. They took the jump, even though, even though it was scary and they weren’t sure how it was going to play out. I’ll tell you, I have success story after success story, go to if you’re still not sure.
(17:52) Just listen to the videos, read the testimonies. If they’re, there’s nothing special about me, there’s nothing special about those women that you don’t have. So if you have not jumped, but you’re feeling it right now. I want you to go to Jump anyway, because again, January 1st, that price is going up, up, up, not to two grand, but it’s going up. Okay?
(18:28) Once you guys get market saturation, which my course has gotten, you get to re raise your price, which is a great position to be in. And that’s where I am with this course. So you have a few more months and you’re listening to this whenever, okay? Grab it. Because that price point is such a steal, and there’s a payment plan. If you need that option, but anyway, I’m just here for it.
(18:53) I’m here for you. I’m excited for you. And over the next couple of months, we can create your podcast together. You can come into my membership group, which is totally free right now with your purchase. I go live in there. I answer questions. We can brainstorm together. You have the girls, the support, everyone does podcast swaps together. It is so supportive. You will not be alone. You will not be disappointed. I can promise you that much.
(19:19) Podcasting is it’s a game changer. And I know that you’re not going to regret this decision six months from now. If you really truly stick with it, if you make it a priority in your life, if you do it, even when it’s not perfect. If you show up every single week, if you share your heart and you really show up for whatever it is that God has created you to do.
(19:42) It can be your thing, your ripple, your way to inspire and impact the people that were meant to come to you and to, to buy from you and to work with you. It can be your thing. I’m so excited to be part of that. So let me hold your hand for my idea through execution, through planning of the show, through recording, editing tech, launch, monetizing, and beyond.
(20:06) You get every single thing in this course, I don’t even have to tell you. Do you guys trust me now? Like if you’ve been hanging out with me for any length of time, I’m asking you to trust that this course will help you grow an organic audience, scale, the audience, you already have, create more traction in your business and ultimately bring you profit and revenue because people will trust you, which means they buy from you. End of story.
(20:33) That’s what we all want, right? Oh, and more time, because you’re not having to get ready to show up on video. You’re not typing and writing. You’re literally recording a chat. We’ve been hanging out for 21 minutes. I’m about to close this up, save this recording. Upload it. Wham. Bam. I am done. So easy. So anyway, that’s it. If that’s not for you by now girlfriend, it’s it’s cool. It’s okay.
(20:59) Do you, but if you’re ready, let’s go. I will meet you inside. I’m so excited. I just pray that if you are feeling that tug right now in your heart, that you trust that the Lord has led you to this episode and potentially to this content outlet on purpose and that you have that courage and that, that divine Holy Spirit knowledge of what you should do.
(21:28) I pray that you have the courage to do the things that will create the traction so that you can create the kingdom work here that you were ultimately meant to create. That you will have God’s direction over your voice. As you begin podcasting, that you will have Holy Spirit direction over your brand, that there will be favor and provision over your podcast so that you can create something sustainable and automated and incredible for all the people that were meant to hear from you.
(22:02) I just pray that you are courageously filled right now with the decision to leap on whatever the dream is that you’ve been holding onto whatever the thing is. You’ve been afraid to do that. You are so excited and encouraged and you just do it with God. Dad’s courage, godly courage, because he is here with you.
(22:19) He is pushing you, holding you, lifting you up and with him, we can do anything. You can do anything. Jesus. In your glorious name, we pray. Amen. Sisters. I’ll meet you inside the course, have a beautiful rest of your day. I’ll see you back here on Thursday, love and light, Stef.
Learn How to Consistently Make Income With a Podcast For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
Is podcasting right for you? You’re about to find out. I was going through our weekly market research report that one of my interns pulled together for us and found that you have many podcasting questions.
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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