defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey love!
I’m so excited to bring you the PROFITABLE PODCAST SERIES! In this 5 day exclusive series you will learn 5 specific, actionable steps you can take to SCALE your show. These are strategies I teach inside of Podcast to Profit Mastermind, and now I’m handing them to you, completely free.
We will be going over how to use titles that CONVERT using my formula, how to optimize your podcast workflow to save time, the number 1 way to scale your show past 100,000 downloads, 3 ways to monetize your podcast, and how to pitch your stuff inside your podcast!
Are you ready for your podcast to rank on the charts? Want to create an offer that your listeners can’t resist? Ready to use SEO, visibility, and Pinterest to grow your show the easy way?
Join me in Podcast to Profit. A live, 90-day intensive group coaching mastermind.
Partner tactical training, accountability and a group of faith-fueled, go-getter entrepreneurs on a mission and what do you get?
If you’re ready to have my eyes all over your Podcast content, and offers on a weekly basis, this is the Program for you!
Massive results. Traction. Momentum… and Profit.
Hey, friend. Welcome back. We are here for day four of the Profitable Podcasting Series. Today, we are talking about three ways that you can monetize your podcast and which one might be the right fit for you. I’m super excited to go through this.
All three of these monetization methods are things that I personally have used and still use and coach on and teach on. And so I’m super excited for you to pick the one that might be the best fit. And Hey, these are simple. These are easy to implement and they can start making you some moolah suoer soon. All right, let’s do this.
So the very first time, the way that you can monetize your podcast is to start coaching. Now, coaching is such an awesome way to begin to experience your avatar, your Lola’s. You guys know that my person’s name is Lola. She is all of you.
She is a kingdom entrepreneur mama, trying to find her way, trying to scale, trying to go big, trying to figure out how she can make a profit from home while managing life and littles. Typically, she is usually really overwhelmed and distracted by all the different options and all the things.
And she wants to do the scrappy. Doesn’t have a ton of money to spend on growing and scaling a business. And she just wants to do something that lights her soul on fire so that she can bring glory to God and make some money on the side.
Any of you raising your hand, any of you? Okay. So when I first got started with podcasting, one of the best things I did was start coaching. And you guys, I just started listening. I started serving and solving with where I was at. I didn’t have any fancy credentials.
I just showed up and was like, how can I help you? And my avatar, my Lola started giving me her pain points and we would work together to solve them. This is how I discovered that Lola needed a way to scale her brand without using ads or social media, which is why I started Podcast Pro University.
It is also where I got to know all of the struggles and problems that were happening behind the scenes, underneath what she thought the problems were. I was able to see what they actually were, right? Confidence or belief in herself, or not allowing God to lead her in her business.
It was her leading her in her business. And so coaching, it was lucrative too, because you don’t have any overhead. You don’t have to start anything. You don’t have to build anything you just show up. So while I started there, it really started to bring in a lot of clarity around who I serve and what they need.
So coaching is the first thing that I actually recommend that all of you start with, especially if you don’t have a whole lot of loyal listeners yet, or super fans, this is a great place to start. Now it may freak you out and you’re like, oh, could I really coach? But I’m not a coach. Hey, you can call it whatever you want it honey, mentor. We’re going to do some training.
Like it doesn’t have to be called a coach if that freaks you out, it’s basically just showing up to meet people where they’re at and helping them solve problems. Inside of Podcast to Profit, my 90 day podcasting immersion mastermind, we go really deeply into all three of these. And not only do we go into them, but I help you map them out. What are you going to coach on? What are you going to call it? What’s it gonna be priced at?
So there are some specific strategies that go into making your podcast and coaching business thrive. But I give you all of that inside of P2P. I have been able to scale a coaching business, you know, from 80 bucks an hour, three years ago, currently at this moment, it’s 800 bucks an hour, guys. And the only reason it is that is because I don’t have the bandwidth to serve the demand.
There will be a day where I can’t coach anymore because it won’t make sense to raise the prices anymore. I love it. So I may just take a certain number of people and then cap it each month, but what a great problem to have, right?
So this is such a great way for you to start out, making a profit, get to know your person and leap. Okay. Number two. The second thing that I love the absolute most is a course. So having a course where you solve your person’s problems in a really passive totally pre-created way, you pop it up into the course host.
I use Teachable and you’re done. Now I don’t recommend you do this until you know their number one problem. And you totally and deeply understand your avatar, which again, we go through super in depth inside of Podcast to Profit. We find out who your person is, all of their triggers.
We dissect and we dig until we know what their number one problem. And then I help you create your course outline. I teach you how to create it. I show you what goes in the sales page.
We create the pitch together of how going to sell it, price it. We do all of the little things so that all you have to do is sit down and create. Okay? So the course is a wonderful way to monetize your show because it’s passive. That is money that you will make while you sleep.
And y’all, what’s super cool is you can always evolve, right? You can create something today and then create something new a year from now. You can go back and revamp. At this very moment, I am totally redoing Podcast Pro University. I’m halfway through, a huge spoiler, but PPU 2.0 is coming.
And so it’s cool because a course is not forever while it is forever. And you can sell it forever. You can go in and update content as you grow, as you learn more, as you update things, you can evolve your courses, but courses are my absolute favorite, guys.
And if you’re not going to do Podcast to Profit, at least grab an hour coaching session with me so that we can map out your course, okay. Number three, the third way that you can monetize your podcast is you can do affiliate relationships.
Now, affiliates are awesome. They are one of my favorite ways to monetize, especially when you’re new and you don’t have your own thing yet, or coaching makes you queasy. You can totally market other people’s stuff. So find some courses, a coach, a program, some products that support your podcast categories slash demographic or things that you totally love.
And you just market them on the show as if they’re a commercial or even just as a casual mention. And then when somebody buys you can get a kickback for that, right? I actually have an entire episode on affiliates. I also have an entire episode on coaching.
The affiliate episode is episode 298. And let me find you guys the coaching one, that one is… Also while I’m looking for this guys, my Facebook community manager, Lydia, she is working on a calendar for you guys, ah, sorry, a catalog where you can go in and just search for something. And you can find all of the episodes that you are looking for.
And just filter, you can filter by category. You can control F and look for a specific topic or title. I’m so excited about that because, oh my goodness, y’all I have 300 some episodes and it’s crazy. So see, I can’t even find my own coaching episode. We’ll link it for you in the show notes, but that is coming up. And if you want access to that catalog, my episode catalog, you have to be part of our Facebook group because it is housed in the guides.
So you can join us there at Okay. So as an affiliate, for example, I use and love Horacio products. They are products for the Christian entrepreneur. It’s my planner, it’s my soap Bible studies. I use their journals. The paper is thick. It’s amazing quality. I have every single thing that Horacio has ever made.
So I signed up as an affiliate. And when I market Horacio products, to you guys in an episode, I’ll probably say, oh my goodness, y’all I love my planner today. We are talking about time-blocking. If you want an amazing planner where you can just pop in your time blocks, it has the to-do list on the left. It’s great quality. It’s ring bound. I personally use it and love it, you can snag one at Bitly/Stef10Horacio. I think that’s my link. And grab it.
And you can save 10 bucks by using the code stef10. And you can use the code stef10 at checkout, guys. That’s an affiliate marketing pitch. It’s like so simple to affiliate market. So that’s what the three things are that I recommend you guys start with when you’re just getting going on podcasting. And also, you’re trying to figure out your stuff. So, you’re getting clear on your niche, and you’re getting clear on who you serve.
That’s a great way to tiptoe in. Now, if I was to rank these in order, as far as timing is concerned, what I would personally do is one start coaching because I would need to learn my person. And this is the best way you’re basically getting paid to understand their problems, their pain points, their issues, so that you can come up with solutions and ultimately your course, number two would be affiliate marketing.
I would then stack affiliate marketing on top of coaching. And then once I knew exactly what the number one problem is that my person has, I would create the course. So, I would probably not create the course. You know, like the big master course, because you really have to have a lot of data to make sure that the course is the course, but you can tiptoe in. You can create a quarter of it and start marketing that one.
You can create a mini, a $200 product and start there. So those are the three things that I recommend that you guys start with when it comes to making money from your show. Hey Stef, why didn’t you mention sponsorships, honey? Because sponsorships are going to pay you pennies on the download.
And also, they’re not going to make you that much profit. Sponsorships begin to work when you have millions and millions of downloads. Hey Stef, why didn’t you mention group coaching? Well, I didn’t mention that yet because when you’re getting started in your podcast, you have to grow a super fan base. That’s a large enough to convert a whole group of people at one time. And I think you have to get to know your person before you do that.
Hey Stef, how come you didn’t mention write a book? Well, you can, but again, that’s going to be a really tiny profit margin for you when you don’t have a large podcast yet. So, there you have it. So now, if you need help with all of those things, you’re like, I want to build a scalable monetization plan. I want to create a customer experience that goes from this to this, like you have, Stef cause I have step one, step two, step three, right?
I want to monetize from day one. Therefore, I need to know what my person is searching for. How to price, how to create this offer, how to sell it, how to set up a sales page. And also, what’s the tech, where do I put it in? How do the modules go? How do I title things? So, I invite you to apply to the final round of Podcast to Profit for 2021. This is kicking off the first week of August, and it’s going to run for 90 days.
You along with 19 other amazing faith led Christian podcasting women mamas, just like you get to run this race together. We get to scale your show. SEO, keywords, visibility, marketing, Pinterest marketing, course creation, program creation, sales pages, back office optimization, special guests, power coaching. That’s what it was, office hours with my team. You get the Facebook community. Also, you get help titling your episodes, all of it.
Plus there’s no way that you will not do this work because I keep you super accountable. One of the number one positive feedback reports that I get from people who complete or graduate Podcast to Profit is that they showed up every single week and they had completed every single assignment because you’re accountable to me. You’re accountable to your pod.
So if you’re like, I’ve been wanting to do this, like I’ve been wanting to go big or go home. I’ve been wanting to make my podcast, my entire business model. This is the program, and so we invite God in. We pray every single session. It’s just so incredible. And the confidence that I see grow inside of the women, along with the tacticals. Seriously, women are ranking top 10 in they’re category, top 100 in their category.
They’re already making sales. They’re getting coaching. Clients are selling out programs. It’s crazy town all from a 90 day program where you choose to say yes to yourself, to invest in yourself and to make the decision to have podcasting be your thing, your business. Let me be your coach. I want to walk you through this journey. I want to be there with you through the next 90 days. So head on over to
Get your application in ASAP. We just started sending welcome letters or acceptance letters now. And so now is your opportunity to get in before it is full. Like I mentioned, there are only 20 spots it’s going, gone. Love you, girl. I’ll see you back here tomorrow when we dig into the very last day of the profitable podcasting series, which is how to pitch your program or offer on your podcast, AKA, how to sell with style, girl.
So if you want to learn how to pitch and how to sell in such a way that it will feel authentic, fun, and non salesy, then tomorrow’s series episode is for you, just simply subscribe to today’s episode. Don’t forget to screenshot and share it on Instagram, tag me @stefaniegass. You could win a free Starbucks coffee and I’ll see you here tomorrow. Bye friend!
Learn How to Consistently Make Income With a Podcast For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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