defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Have you ever wondered what your calling is? Or do you find it hard to believe that God would have a plan for your life? In today’s blog, I chat with my friend and spiritual growth mentor Miranda Wendler of Recalibrating Hearts about finding your God-given calling, having confidence in God’s plan, and tactical steps to dig into God’s purpose for your life.
Four tactical steps to follow God’s plan for your life
1. Invite God into the process
You might not know how to do that, and that’s okay; tell God that. Here are some prompts to get you started.
God, I don’t know how to invite you into this healing process. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
God, I don’t know how to heal from this thing. Please help me.
God, I don’t know what I’m called to do; I feel like I’m too broken to have a calling.
This can be a verbal prayer, or you can write it down and journal what God reveals to you. Show God you are ready to start.
Being open to God’s plan over yours
Laying down my plan for God’s plan for my life has brought countless blessings that I could never have dreamed of. His plan is way better than yours! It’s incredible how much growth and transformation have come now that I’ve opened up more to the fact that God is always there. He is always part of my life whether that’s work, marriage, motherhood, etc. and I see how much I have access to His abundance of resources. This is the same for you.
God’s plan often uses people to bless other people
You aren’t meant to walk life alone. Looking at scripture, people rarely walk alone; Jesus had His disciples, Moses had Aaron, Naomi had Ruth, and so on. Pay attention to the people in your life. God connected you for a reason. And, be open to new connections as well, as He often brings you new relationships to assist you with carrying out your calling.
2. Be willing to take action
You’ve got to be willing to take action on whatever He says to do. This is where a lot of people stop. They say I’ve invited God in, and I didn’t hear Him very clearly, so I think I’m good. You will hear something; it will come through, and you might even wonder if that was it. If you are wondering if that’s what God wants you to take action on, just go for it. Don’t even think about it. It’s going to be messy; it’s going to be awkward; you’re not going to know what is going on.
God’s plan is for you to reign
Do you hear us talk about having and walking in your calling and think that’s not for me? You don’t have the confidence or feel equipped? People who have a calling seem to have it all together; they have all this confidence and a big vision of where they are going. That’s not me. I’ve been through too much in my life for God to use me like that. I have nothing to offer.
Lay down the excuses and surrender
When faced with God’s plan for our lives, we often come up with many excuses. Some of the common ones I’ve heard and my biblical responses are:
I’m not qualified: You don’t have to be qualified; God does the qualifying.
I don’t have time: We aren’t on earth’s timeline any longer; we are on heaven’s timeline. It will happen in God’s time, which is always perfect.
I don’t know how to get clients: God will hand pick the perfect clients for you.
Overcome fear anchors
Success and surrender don’t come without fear, tears, and stretch. Those are pieces of the growth process. Let go of the fear anchors, all doubts and fears, and the question of who am I to do this? Get rid of the limiting beliefs around the tug God has placed on your heart.
To conquer the fear anchors is to bring them to God. Write down the fear anchors holding you back, pray over them, and commit them to Jesus. And then let Him crush the lock and break you free of these anchors.
3. Trust God’s plan
You have to trust what God wants you to do and whatever timing God has. The number one thing that keeps us from accessing our God-planned destiny is the trust factor or lack of trust.
You’ve got to try something for more than five minutes and not worry about whether it will make money. Your entire life is a journey. There is no outcome, not when you’re 40, 60, or make a million dollars. It’s none of that; your entire life is the journey, and heaven is the ultimate destination.
When we accept God’s calling on our lives, we enable others to walk in their God-given callings. You were always chosen; you were hand-picked by God to reign in exactly the giftings you are meant to bring to the world. All you have to do is be willing to wear the crown.
The trauma, failures, and struggles you go through do not disqualify you from walking in your calling. These lies are from the enemy who will do everything he can to stop you from walking in your purpose and helping the people you are here to help. In fact, going through trials and traumas is exactly what equips you to reign by helping people with your gifts, skills, and experiences.
4. Keep asking – your calling is revealed one step at a time
Once we have taken obedient action on whatever first step we heard, we have to keep sitting with God and keep asking Him what is the next right step. We tend to get very comfortable saying, oh, I did the thing, and now I’m waiting and trusting. This isn’t where we stop; God wants to use you, not once, not twice; He wants to use all of you, your gifts, what you’ve been through, every little piece, every day forever.
God wants to use every minute of your day and every word out of your mouth. So start being more willing to be a vessel. Can you imagine the opportunity you have because you are His daughter? He wants you to bless someone, challenge someone, maybe speak life into your kids or be quiet instead of reacting. There are many possibilities of how God wants to use your life for His glory and others.
Surrender to the Holy Spirit’s leading
To surrender to the Holy Spirit’s leading, you must realize you are made of both the physical and the spiritual. We have our body (in this physical place), our soul (mind and heart), and Spirit (Holy Spirit inside of you).
If you live from a flesh-forward (body place), you will always be making choices from what the world says about you. Decisions like what you look like, how much money you make, and what you should become. You are making them from a physical place. Which is very common; it’s what others teach us.
If you choose to live spirit-forward instead of flesh-forward, the Holy Spirit moves you through life, and He makes choices linked up with heaven’s plan for your life. This allows you to live in heaven on earth. You have to trust and have faith that Holy Spirit will lead you into the life and destiny that God has planned for you. God’s success is far beyond you; I often look up and wonder, how is this my life? But it isn’t my life; I get to live this life He planned for me. And that’s possible for you too.
Want more clarity?
If you want more clarity on what God is calling you to do, check out my course, Clarify Your Calling. I cover everything you need to discover your God-given calling and how to use your gifts for impact and income.
What have fear anchors been holding you back? What next step is God calling you to take? Let us know in the comments below; we’d love to pray for you!
I pray this blesses you!
P.S. Listen to podcast episode 460 for the full training on how to Uncover God’s Plan for the Next Step in Pursuing Your Calling so you can find true success in the kingdom of God!
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