defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
In today’s Quick Tip Tuesday episode, I answer a question from Marie, “How do I stay motivated while working full-time AND building a business? How do I find time to build my business around a job I hate?”
I see you, Marie. I know how hard it is to keep pushing forward when you don’t seem to have time, space, or the provision to make it happen.
I remember feeling frustrated, saddened, and heartbroken as I tried to do the work He was asking me to do, yet not knowing how to find time or answers on how to make it a reality…
It was hard to find the motivation within to keep pushing forward. I felt like it would be easier to give up. But I didn’t…
And you don’t get to, either!
In today’s episode, I will take you through 3 specific steps/tips to help you navigate building your business WHILE working in a job you hate.
How to stay motivated…. until…
I pray this blesses you!
(00:00): Hi, friend! Welcome to today’s episode. It’s a Quick Tip Tuesday episode today from Marie and Marie asked such a great question, how on earth are we to do this stuff, build our own business, go through the courses?
(00:16): Create the things that you actually teach us to create all the while working in a truly life-sucking job that doesn’t bring us joy, but definitely, pays the bills?
I can’t wait for you guys to hear her question and my answer to really help you stay motivated while working full time and building your thing.
(00:37): I can’t wait to do this with you, but before we dig into it just wanted to remind you that Podcast to Profit summer 2022 is officially open for registration.
If you’re a podcaster who wants to go from plan to profitable, full-time podcaster, how to optimize your show, keywords, pitching, organic growth strategies.
(01:01): Everything from understanding who your avatar is and what their problems and pain points are all the way to monetization from a coaching offer, course or program and everything in between.
It’s gonna be the craziest 90 days of your life.
(01:15): And it’s going to be the most transformational thing that you ever go through. I promise you it’s gonna transform your business from the inside out.
(01:31): Check out the testimonies, pray over it. See if it could be for you. We only have 30 spots. It will sell out. So run to and get your application in right away.
(02:46): Hi, Stef! My name is Marie and I’m a student of yours in the Podcast Pro University course I completed the Clarify Your Calling course last weekend. It was awesome. I finally feel I can serve my person now.
(02:59): I’m struggling to balance working an unfulfilling full-time job and advancing with the coursework so that I can do what I truly feel called to do through podcasting and to be there for my family.
(03:11): Do you have any tips on how to stay motivated, balancing a job you really don’t wanna be at anymore, but you have to be to pay the bills and advance with the coursework?
Did you experience this when you were starting your podcast? Thanks so much, Stef!
(03:27): Hi, Marie! I’m so excited that you submitted this question. I think this question is so good.
And I have four things that I wanna talk through with you today when it comes to staying motivated to continue building out your thing when you’re in a job that you hate and it’s all-consuming.
(03:46): Time-consuming, mental capacity is at an all-time high and your heart is pulling you elsewhere.
And these four things we’re gonna go through, we’re also gonna discuss how to not just stay motivated, but also find the time and the focus to see your project through even though.
(04:04): So number one, what I want you to do, Marie, is I want you to dig into the meaning behind the vision. So you said, I know that I’m called to do this work.
I know that I’m called to do this thing, that’s the vision. Now, you’ve gone through CYC and you have the five-step brand map.
(04:19): You know what your business is gonna look like. And that’s all good and fine and well, but what about the meaning behind the vision?
I want you to sit down, I want you to journal and pray over why this matters. Why if you don’t complete this call, what’s gonna happen?
(04:36): What about the people that you’re called to serve and the solutions that you have been perfectly and purposefully created to share and to teach other people?
What happens if you don’t see that through? And I want you to journal over that.
(04:50): I also want you to write out why you believe that God has positioned you as the person to share this and why you believe that God is equipping you to see it through.
So that’s really gonna dig into the meaning and the mission behind just a, oh gosh, here’s what this thing looks like. It gives it legs. It makes it matter to you.
(05:12): Number two, that’s gonna help you stay motivated. Number two, I want you to break the big outcome into bite-size goals.
So when you’re working in a full-time job, and you’ve got all the stuff hanging over you, life, family, marriage, home, work and you’re also trying to build this thing.
(05:30): That’s a very big audacious goal. That’s gonna feel really overwhelming. It’s gonna feel like you’re drowning in it.
So the best thing that I believe that you can do is to take your big outcome and take step one. So for you, step one is gonna be to launch your podcast.
(05:48): So you’re gonna take launch my podcast and you’re gonna take that big goal and you’re gonna break it down backward into bite-size mini-goals.
You can do that by taking the course curriculum from Podcast Pro University and breaking that down into months or weeks, depending on your time.
(06:05): And obviously, you need to know your time. How many hours do you actually have to build this? How many hours outside of work, outside of home, outside of time with the Lord, outside of you, self-care for you, what’s left over?
(06:20): You may only have an hour. That’s okay. You have an hour. Let’s put it to good use. So you’re gonna pop in those bite-size goals into the time that you actually have available.
And those are gonna be your, you can call them focus goals or bite-size goals.
(06:36): Number three is you’re gonna focus on the one goal. So if for this week, Marie, you discovered you have one to two hours.
And the first thing that you’re gonna do is you’re going to go through module one of PPU and you’re gonna figure out how to plan your podcast. Don’t look beyond that.
(06:56): Don’t look at the big audacious, shiny object, the outcome, the how am I gonna quit my job? How am I gonna make money? What’s the course? Don’t look at any of that because without step one, we never get to step 20.
(07:09): So I want you to only focus on the one bite-size goal that you wrote down for today, or maybe for this week, or maybe for this month, whatever that looks like.
The one thing you close everything down on your desktop, you close everything down in your brain and maybe you write the one thing, the one bite-size goal on a sticky note.
(07:29): And that’s all you do until it’s fully finished. Then you get to look up and say, what’s the next step?
This is gonna keep you motivated cuz you’re gonna con continuously achieve the bite-size goal instead of failing at the big goal. This also helps you find focus time to achieve the one thing.
(07:48): And last but not least, my fourth tip for you here is you’re gonna need some accountability/community.
Working full time, it’s easier to stay in my job, to not see this thing through, to give up on the thing because it’s not making any money.
(08:04): It’s easier because this is too hard. Cause I’ve never done it, cause I’m not qualified, whatever those things are that are gonna creep into your mind and your heart.
You have got to have accountability and community to help you get through it.
(08:15): So what I would recommend is if you can, you can link up with a business coach, you could link up with a friend who wants to in.
You can go to my Facebook group and say, who wants to be my accountability partner and get on the phone with that person and Voxer with them once a week.
(08:30): Here’s my one thing for this week. I have one hour to get it done. Ready, set, go. Just voicing it to somebody, makes it so much more viable that you’re going to see it through.
(08:42): So find that accountability partner or that business coach or mentor or inside of any of my courses, you have our course community as well.
Any of those things will work just to keep yourself eye on the prize. And then the very last bonus tip I have for you is to pray, stay yoked up with God.
(09:03): And I want you to remember how it felt when he gave you the call in the first place.
When you received the holy spirit download, you had the holy spirit chills and you were like, this is it. I’m going to do this thing. You’ve gotta hold on to that feeling.
(09:18): When you knew that you knew that the Lord was asking you to do something scary, when he was asking you to do something that you don’t actually know how to do, but yet here you sit, fighting your way through it.
(09:31): I want you to hold on to what that felt like and where you were in that moment and continue to ask the Lord to just motivate you.
And pour that meaning into your spirit and to give you the time and bandwidth and belief to continue pushing forward, Marie, because if you give up, that’s the only way that you don’t have success.
(09:53): And you giving up is so much bigger than you giving up on yourself. It’s you giving up on the people that God has handpicked for you to serve.
And we just can’t do that. We have to fulfill the call that he has for each of us so that we can glorify him and use our giftings for his good.
(10:11): Sending you a huge hug, keep pushing through. It’s gonna be worth it. It’s gonna be so great. Cheering for you big. God bless you, friend.
(10:20): All right, guys, if you wanna be featured on a Quick Tip Tuesday episode, just like this head to Leave us a question right on over there.
(10:31): Anything related to podcasting, faith, entrepreneurship, growing a business, a God-centered business, time management, any of the stuff that you know that I can jam on with you.
(10:42): And or if this podcast has blessed you in some way, please leave us a testimony we would love to hear from you and air your wins right here on the podcast. I’ll see you, guys, back real soon.
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I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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