defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
We haven’t had a money episode in a hot minute and it’s time!
I did a poll and the number one thing you said was, “I want to make money online.” When we talk about making money, we get all weird. We shrink back, shy away, or project a reflection of the desire we have.
We have to look at what triggers us and ask why. Is it an unmet need, desire, or part of your heart that is jealous? How can you remedy that through the Word of God – everything goes through the Word of God – to become the most confident, clear-hearted steward of this desire to be financially fruitful?
I believe, as a Christian with a business, you shouldn’t feel guilty about wanting to make money selling on your podcast or in your business. You shouldn’t feel like you have to apologize or shrink back from sales. I believe those are lies of the enemy. If anyone thinks you are selling too much or just here for the money, it’s simply a reflection of their desire.
Don’t shy away from it, let’s step into it! There are Biblical references to validate this desire in your heart to be financially stable and successful.
Making Money with a Profit-Producing Powerhouse
Talking about money! The number one way we drive organic revenue at Stefanie Gass, LLC; the number one way I have made real dollar bills that pay my team, allow us to tithe at a high capacity, and help us to pay off debt and invest, is my podcast!
Listening to the show, people decide whether or not to trust me. They learn something, decide to take it a step further, check out the offers I have, and eventually make a purchase.
What we’ve discovered is podcasting goes deep and is a quick turnaround to building trust. People convert exponentially faster than any other platform I’ve tried, including paid ads. Organic sales and conversion for us as a company are at 10%, which is absolutely crazy. You want to grow something foundational that’s not going to ebb and flow. It’s foundational and is going to be sustainable for you and your family over time. You need a podcast.
If you have not started one yet, I want you to watch my 40-minute workshop at I walk you through how podcasting works, why it works to make money, and why it works better than other methods.
If you already have a podcast, and you want to turn it into a profit-producing powerhouse, check out my 6-month mastermind program at
Do I Feel Guilty About Making Money Online?
Personally, I do not feel guilty about making money online, selling, or marketing. I do not feel bad that my company makes a profit and I am able to employ people in my business. I don’t feel bad that people buy my courses. It’s a gift to have step-by-step resources they’ve been seeking from someone they trust, infused with the Word of God. It’s an exchange of money for value. I’ve always been okay with that.
The only time I’ve had a problem with this was believing that making money was my identity.
The first thing we have to do is look at our hearts. Your heart will always tell you your motive. The words you speak and the beliefs you have will reflect what’s in your heart. I used to be a person who didn’t feel bad about making money. I thought money was the answer and I idolized success. That was wrong. It was sinful and my life crumbled. My financial stability crumbled – I put worthiness in money and success.
If you’re in that space, check the motives of your heart. Make sure you’re aligned with God’s will and God’s Word over yourself as a Kingdom business owner. If you’re not of a God-centered heart and your motives aren’t pure and Biblical, the money you make might not end up being used for good.
Work with God. Pray. Do Some Soul-Searching.
Stef 2.0 is me now. After losing everything financially, I was left completely broken. God rebuilt me. He showed me who I was in Him in every single area of my life. As I stepped back into business, I had a new mindset; my heart was pure and for God.
I’ve always believed in success, having leadership, growing a team, and being financially abundant. I have Big Dreams for God’s Work and for kids and animals who are hurting. As a business owner, I want to make a way for the people who work for me; I want them to be the most supported, lifted up financially, and blessed by loyalty and hard work. As a family, I want us to be debt-free and able to invest. I’ve got big, big, God dreams for big, big profit and money.
Let’s stop pretending that making a big difference on this side of Heaven doesn’t sometimes require financial abundance. If you want to make a huge impact, money is a good way to do it. We’re going to pray, use our time, and be giving. Why should that not include finances?
Can Making Money Online Help Build Up the Kingdom of God?
If incredible people are called to do the incredible work of the Kingdom of the mighty Jesus, why are we unequipped to rise into authority in our financial situation? Why are you unworthy to play on that playing field with others who are not in alignment with God’s will?
More of us need to rise up into this positioning and say, “I’m here to be successful. I’m ready to become a leader and CEO. I want to make the millions and be called for the Kingdom of God. I want to give, serve, and make a difference.”
We do that by getting out of our own way; letting go of the limitations and excuses the world placed on our hearts of why you should feel bad about selling on your podcast, why you should feel guilty about making a course or coaching people, or why you’re wrong for talking about your offer every single time. I rebuke those lies over your life. You are a mighty warrior for this Kingdom, called for a time such as this. Rise up and believe that this is the new way you are going to step into this new level of working with God.
Let’s talk about the 5 reasons that Biblically support what I said. It’s one thing for me to say these things and for you to feel an emotional connection, but if it is not backed by the Word of God, how do you know it’s truth?
No. 1: Money is a Tool, Not a Master
One of the common lies is that if you’re a Christian and you have money, it means you’re selfish. You must have done something wrong to be successful. God wants us to be good stewards of the resources He’s given us. Money can simply be a resource in your life; it doesn’t need to be an idol.
God provides and I am super grateful. The next day, I continue to pour out and believe God is going to be the banker of my life. God is going to be the One to pour out. I’m just living the life God’s asked of me and believing for it.
1 Timothy 6:10: The love of money is the root of evil.
It’s not the money itself. Money can bless others. If there’s something that triggers you about this fallen world, you’re probably called to give or help in some capacity.
As long as we’re not putting money – or anything – before God, it can be a neutral or beneficial tool. It can be a tool that can make a big difference in our lives. In 1 Timothy, the love of any idol is the root of evil. Social media? Your phone? Food? Your body?
Lord, I’m sorry; please help me. Remove this idol from my life. Help me to see you first and not this thing. Break this thing off from being what I think about. In the name of Jesus Christ.
We begin to see things in a different light. We are changed through the power of the Holy Spirit when we allow Him to lead us in our thoughts and our ways.
No. 2: We Have a Responsibility to Provide for Our Families
Another argument we hear is we shouldn’t be focused on anything materialistic while serving God. The only thing we should want to do is serve God. Shouldn’t we want to be out of debt or even go on vacation with our families? I agree with putting God first, but we are not just called to do one thing. We are called to take care of our families and not burden others with our financial needs.
1 Timothy 5:8 says if we don’t provide for our relatives, we have denied the faith, and worse, we are unbelievers. Making money and having financial stability can alleviate financial stress and can bring stability to our homes, families, and kids.
How many of you fight with your spouse about money? Online research supports that fighting about money is the number one argument married couples have. We want to be able to provide, shepherd, and steward for our families. It takes financial stability to do that.
No. 3: We Can Be a Light in the Marketplace
You have a unique opportunity to bring your faith, outward or inward, and allow your light to shine. You can shine this light in a very dark and competitive space. You’re in a space full of corruption, lies, idolatry, and stepping on others.
Why don’t we step up, shine our light, and be the beacon, the truth-bringers? Be the trustworthy light and leader that does stand for the Kingdom of God. Other people can follow your example.
It’s shallow-minded to think that you’re the one who’s going to be influenced at a big fancy table full of successful people who are unbelievers. You are the one to be the light. You are called to be the salt. Pull up the chair; there’s a seat at the table for you! Stop shying away from that. The enemy is speaking a lie over you that successful people are bad, wrong, or evil. That is untrue.
Proverbs 11:1 encourages us to have honest scales and weights. Do business with integrity. We can prioritize God’s values and His Will and treat our clients and listeners with love, respect, and honesty. You can change the game and inspire others. Making money can be a ministry in and of itself.
No. 4: God Wants to Prosper Us
We should never pursue money at the expense of our relationship with God.
Lord, help me be successful with a pure heart; to be financially free, and use money in accordance with Your Will. Help me take care of my family and provide for them financially without coveting money.
The Lord is here to help you. I feel we sometimes limit God’s ability; we try to limit His ability to bless us, not that we ever could. We shut the door. God has a gift for you and is excited to give it to you. Loving someone, you want to give them gifts and bless them.
God is the same! He loves us. If we say, “No God, I don’t want Your gift,” it’s crushing. Why should you feel guilty? He wants to bestow a gift upon you out of love.
3 John 2 says that God wants to prosper us and for us to be in good health. Let’s be open to that. I want to be in good health and live in prosperity; for my soul to be fueled and lit up by God, with God, and for His glory!
I believe there is prosperity in all areas of my life. Does that mean it’s always perfect? No. Am I always happy? No. Do we experience questionable financial times? Yes. Through all the ups and downs in this fallen world, sin creeps in because we’re human. We must hold tight to the promises of prosperity from God.
God is King. He is a deliverer. He is someone who wants to bless you.
No. 5: Jesus, Himself, Talked About Money and Financial Resources
Jesus actually spoke a lot about money. Throughout His stories and parables, He emphasized the importance of investing resources wisely. He talked about not being greedy, being generous, and spreading the blessings we’ve received to others.
Luke 16:10 teaches us that if we’re faithful with little, we’ll be entrusted with much.
Making money can multiply and diversify what you’ve already been given.
“This is a great conversation, Stef, but I have $10 in the bank. I’m struggling paycheck-to-paycheck.”
You can be blessed by what you’ve been given. Invest and use that money wisely. Pray and believe for God’s prosperity and for multiplication – see what God wants to do. God is good. All the time. I believe and I have seen it with my own eyes and experienced it. I have witnessed incredible financial miracles. God is a way-maker!
Making money can be a way of building the Kingdom for God’s glory. You are not called to entrepreneurship or leadership by accident. You are created the way you are divinely and on purpose.
For us to shrink back and hide away is turning our backs a little bit on what we’re called to do, what’s possible for us, and the people we can help.
My Final Thoughts on Making Money as a Christian Business Owner
There are my five reasons why you should stop feeling sorry, ashamed, or guilty for wanting to make money or even already making money as a business owner and a Christian.
Remember: always seek God’s wisdom and guidance. Go to Scripture for everything. Pray over it. Seek God’s will in it. Make sure your heart is coming from a pure space. If it’s not, God will help you find freedom from that.
Go for it! Pursue that goal with all of your heart; with a heart of service and generosity. I pray that this conversation has encouraged you to step out in big faith, rise to a new level of confidence, and embrace the abundance that God has in store for you.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
Is podcasting right for you? You’re about to find out. I was going through our weekly market research report that one of my interns pulled together for us and found that you have many podcasting questions.
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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