defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Have you ever heard of an email sequence that made six figures in just seven days? Well, you are about to! This particular email sequence was extraordinarily highly converting. After analyzing the data from this email marketing funnel, we have some valuable takeaways to share with you.
We want you to implement these strategies for yourself inside your email marketing for your own online business. Get ready to take a lot of notes because we are dishing out what was inside this extraordinary email sequence. If you don’t know what an email sequence is, don’t worry! I’ll tell you all about it.
Hi Stef! It’s Lesley McShane from The Redesigning Midlife podcast. I was in your August 2022 cohort and I just had to let you know about my results since I was in the class, Podcast To Profit (P2P), last year. When I entered the class I had about 11,000 downloads after a year and a half of doing my show. I was happy to be over 10K but I was on the fence on whether I should continue or not with podcasting.
Your podcast spoke to me and I joined the Aug 2022 class and my numbers started to rise. So, I set a goal of 25K downloads. I was thinking ‘There’s no way I could hit that goal by the end of the year’. And on January 1st I hit that number exactly: 25,000 downloads! My next goal was 100,000 by the end of 2023. Well, I hit that in July! I was so excited.
Then I thought ‘Is it possible to hit a true of 100,000 downloads by the anniversary year of taking your class?’ And I did that and I even exceeded that goal! And it’s all because of everything I learned in your class Podcast To Profit. I learned SEO strategies, story mapping, how to name my podcast and so much more. You’ve helped me in so many ways. I just wanted to say thank you.”
Want Growth Like Lesley? Do This To Increase Your Downloads
It can be so frustrating to get your first 25,000 downloads after 1.5 years of podcasting and get nowhere. You are doing everything you possibly can, working harder than ever, but you’re not seeing the financial growth that you are working so hard for. I invite you to join me inside Podcast To Profit (P2P), the same mastermind Lesley joined that catapulted her podcast downloads. Lesley is now hitting her goal of 100,000 downloads after taking P2P!
If you are like Lesley and want to:
Start a podcast
Use your podcast to grow a sustainable online business
Feel excited and fulfilled with your calling, and
Have a business that is going to reach people all over the world with one simple recording a week
Then I want to help you take the next right step in your online business journey. Podcasting is a vehicle to grow an audience, an audience of people who are excited to listen and learn from you. Your audience will want to subscribe, download, and binge-listen until they ultimately want to buy from you. They begin to know, like, and trust you.
They have spent hours listening to you, spending quality time with you in the car, time with you while they are doing the dishes, while they live their life, you are there in their earbuds through it all. This is the quickest way to become BFF’s with your audience — through podcasting!
If this sounds like something you really want to pursue, then I want to invite you to hang out with me inside my courses. I have one track that is going to take you through 3 different programs. Where you enter is up to you. And when you are ready to start incorporating email marketing into your business model, I want to invite you to follow in my footsteps. My most recent email funnel brought in over six figures in just 7 days!
What is an Email Marketing Funnel?
Maybe you heard the term email marketing funnel but don’t know what that means. Email marketing funnels are automations that you build within your email marketing software. These emails drip out at certain times based on certain criteria that you set in place. Email marketing funnels can be a complete game changer for your online business. This one particular email marketing funnel made six figures in seven days. The total came to $120,000 in sales.
But did you know in years past I had email marketing funnels that brought in $0? This result was a work in progress, and I’m going to teach you what you need to include in your email marketing funnel so you can see sales come rushing in. When you come into Podcast to Profit, we teach you how to create an email marketing sequence from start to finish and help optimize it so you can implement this strategy in its entirety.
Combining Email Marketing Funnels with Live Launching
This particular email marketing sequence that made me $120,000 was in combination with my live launch. This was my largest live launch, which included a bootcamp. You can go to episode 664 where I do a deep dive into the 10 lessons that my live launch taught me. Creating this email marketing funnel was a team effort and ended up being highly converting. Why is that?
Continue reading to find out the strategies we implemented inside this particular email marketing funnel.
Have Top of Funnel Methods in Place
It’s important to know that the email marketing sequence on its own will do very little. You must have your top-of-funnel method well thought out because that is what warms up your audience. You have to get them excited about coming to any type of urgency bootcamps or live classes with you. In my online business, we have the podcast as the top-of-funnel converter.
I am seriously dedicated and disciplined about this show. My audience knows that the podcast is the one place where they can find me and get the most up-to-date content from me. It’s my home! There is a lot of warm traffic coming from a podcast that eventually funnels through to your email marketing sequence.
If you are not going to have a podcast, I want you to think about where you will be creating long-form content. Is it YouTube or blogging? Just remember: everything is hard, pick your hard!
Urgency Offers Must Be Included in Your Email Marketing Strategy
You know that podcasting is what I truly believe in, but we have to do urgency offers within our podcast episode and scattered throughout the email marketing funnel. Inside P2P I teach my students all the different methods of selling with urgency. You can sell with:
How comfortable you feel about running a live class
Or if you prefer simple like a flash sale
The timing of the year and you run a holiday sale
There are lots of possibilities! Urgency is what pumps up your already warm traffic to get them more excited about what you have to offer. All of these things are important if you want your email marketing funnel to work for you. You can pump a bunch of cold traffic through your email marketing funnel, but you may only get a 1-3 % conversion rate. Your audience wants to be seen and heard. They want to feel like virtual friends with you and that’s when you create that report when they open your emails.
Why Was This Particular Email Funnel So Extremely Profitable?
The money that came in from this email marketing funnel was one-third of the total revenue of the entire live launch. Something we are very proud of.
This seven-day email sequence, which was planned out and scheduled in advance, was designed to use a variety of marketing strategies within each email. Within the different emails, we touched on:
Pain points
Student showcases and case studies
Highlighting our avatar’s primary excuses around podcasting
And more!
It’s important to incorporate all these different topics when creating your email marketing funnel.
Bonus Email Funnel Tip — Did Someone Say Videos?
Another bonus tip is to include videos within your email. I did more videos this time around with this particular launch, and it paid off. Using quick Loom videos lets people see me, particularly on the last few emails in the funnel. I made sure in my videos I had a strong call to action asking if they are joining. This strategy helped boost my conversions significantly.
Brand Voice Consistency is Crucial
But remember, always have a lot of consistency in the brand voice. These are the areas I highly recommend focusing on when it comes to consistency within your brand:
Writing stories throughout the email marketing funnel
Consistent formatting between each email
Consistent copy
Having the same voice within each email.
Having a vision of excellence before each email was sent.
Consistent visual appeal
And lastly, utilized more humor and GIFs to make the emails more fun!
Remember that your emails should help you to be more approachable and relatable. Make your emails lighthearted even when we are selling. Remember to talk to your audience as though you are their friend.
Testing and Optimizing Your Email Marketing Funnel
Let me go way back, back to 12 years ago when I did email marketing all by myself. I did it and you can too. It wasn’t easy but I knew I had to do it to grow.
Now I have a wonderful team that helps me with my email marketing and when you are ready, you can bring someone on to help you in your business with marketing copy or the tech details of email marketing. But remember, this is something you can grow into over time and doesn’t need to happen right at the beginning stages of your business.
Questions to Ask After Launching – Take A Deep Dive Into Your Email Marketing Analytics
The first time you launch and do an email marketing sequence, you are most likely not going to make five or six figures. And that’s ok. Hopefully, you’ll make some sales and test and optimize from that point on. Look at your old emails and ask yourself a series of questions to dive deep into the data:
What emails did people like the best?
Which emails had the largest open rate?
Which emails made the most sales?
Which subject lines got the most clicks?
Did I use preview text?
What was inside that email?
Why did they click on that email?l
Did I have a video inside?
Always remember to test and optimize after collecting this data and do this after every launch. Look at the data and dissect what worked, that way next time you can make 1% more sales. You just want to set small incremental goals, moving the needle up and to the right. You are aiming for consistent growth, not necessarily blowing up after one launch. That’s unrealistic. Your goal is to make a few more sales than you did the last time.
Full Recap: Email Marketing Funnel
We covered a lot so let’s recap some of the most important things you need to know about email marketing funnels:
Warm traffic starts from the podcast
Know what your urgency offers are for the entire year
Know when you will be implementing these urgency offers
Build out an email marketing funnel that is going to use different strategies such as:
Pain points
Avatar excuses
Implement videos
Brand consistency
One brand voice
Humor and gifs
Test and optimize to see what is working and not working in your email marketing funnel
And make changes the next time around so your funnel is fully optimized.
Bonus Email Marketing Tip:
We have learned so much along the way when it comes to email marketing funnels and launches. And with all the tweaks and changes we have made in our email marketing funnel, we have always kept our audience in mind and spoken in the same voice that my particular audience enjoys.
The worst thing you can do is copy someone else’s email marketing funnel and their copy because it’s not speaking to your particular audience. Yes, it may look cute but it doesn’t work for you and your business because you have to create emails that are super strategic to your avatar.
What works in my emails does not work for my peers’ emails. My peers all have different strategies and their strategies are based on their audience because everyone’s avatar and audience are different, so should their email marketing as well.
The Journey Will Be Long, but It’s So Worth It – Trust Me!
Feel joyful in the longer journey and know that you are creating something that will surpass all the trends that have come and gone. Some people may say podcasting is dead, but I knew I just needed to stay true to what my audience needed and wanted.
While some people shifted their strategy to Clubhouse or TikTok and came out with 1-2 viral videos, I didn’t follow that trend. And some of those who switched away from podcasting and went for the trendy platforms eventually came back to me asking for help in the podcasting realm, because they knew that’s where sustainability lies.
Longevity is so much better than big flashy promises, promises that don’t sustain throughout the journey. Pray and discern through it all. Ask yourself “What was the thing I was called to do?” Stay true to that one thing.
What to Do if You Want a Successful and Highly Converting Email Marketing Funnel
If you want a successful, highly converting, money-making email marketing funnel, you first have to have a podcast. The podcast is what drives traffic into a funnel that’s going to warm them up and get them excited about your offer. You don’t have to hustle and strive to create an audience 24/7. The podcast will do it for you.
So, if you haven’t started a podcast because you don’t know what your podcast should be about, grab Clarify Your Calling and bundle it with Podcast Pro University by visiting
Or if you have a podcast and you are ready to:
Up-level your show
Start making money from your podcast
Streamline and systemize your business
Create an email marketing funnel that converts
And model your business off of my business…
Then Podcast To Profit is for you! Go visit and fill out the application. I pray and hope you take this leap of faith with me in the courses, I can’t wait to be your coach, your mentor, and your friend for 6 months within P2P.
It’s been such a blessing to see my students go from CYC to PPU to P2P and even some continue to reenroll in P2P because it’s the only way to get coaching with me. I love to see their growth and their progress over that time.
If you know how critically important it is to have a coach in your online business journey, then I want to invite you into P2P where you get spotlight coaching from me and my team. I’m so grateful for you that you trust me and are being led by my journey.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
Is podcasting right for you? You’re about to find out. I was going through our weekly market research report that one of my interns pulled together for us and found that you have many podcasting questions.
Today, I’m sharing my conversation with Patrice Washington. She is one of the most influential leaders in personal development and a force to be reckoned with.
When it comes to growing a business in alignment with Christ, and someone who has her boundaries, morals, and heart in the right place, Patrice Washington is THE person you should listen to.
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
Let's work together!
Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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