defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Today, we are going to be talking about your big breakthrough. You know….that breakthrough that you keep chasing after? The one that you keep dreaming about and planning out and working towards? There is a three part formula that is going to get you to that breakthrough and today, I am going to be revealing exactly what those three parts are.
Testimonial – Lori’s Big Breakthrough
Hey Stef. This is Lori Morris. I was in your last Podcast to Profit and just wanted to give a little update and testimonial. My pocast isconsistently getting over 1000 downloads per week so that puts me at over 4000 per month. I have grown every single month since I started my podcast which was back in January and am currently, at this particular moment, at 16,269 downloads total.
I’ve now sold my first course. I think you call it a programme if it’s live but I called it a course! I did an eight week live group Christian childbirth education class that is finishing up this week. I had 16 people that paid to be in it so I have actually made a decent amount of money. So I’ve been able to fund the things I needed to fund out of the podcast and not out of my pocket and I’m about to start working on recording the evergreen course videos in a bit of a different format than when I did my live course.
Her Obedience Led to Her Breakthrough
Oh, my gosh, Lori Morris! It is just the best when my Podcast to Profit students come back months or a year later to tell me how the implementation of all the things that they learned through the course has continuously grown their business and their podcast. Lori, I was cheering for you as I listened to your testimony. 16 sales! Yes, queen! I love this so much.
I remember that Lori was in the weeds of Podcast to Profit wondering if it was going to work and when it was going to work and thinking that she really needed it to work. So to hear that it is working reminds us that He will do it!
Lori, I am praising the Lord for all His goodness through this and through your obedience to show up and see this programme all the way through and to continue to do the work which is a big part of the big breakthrough formula that we are talking about today.
Need Help Getting Your Big Breakthrough?
If you need help getting to your big breakthrough, I invite you into the Stefanie Gass School. It doesn’t matter where you are. You might be completely confused or not. You may want to start a podcast or already have a podcast and know what your business is. You could be ready for your big breakthrough and ready to make money like Lori is. Wherever you are, go to and click on the button based on where you are and I will help you get to where you want to go. Make this investment in you. Let’s grow, friend!
The 3 Part Formula to Get You There
For now, let’s look at my three part formula to actually getting that big breakthrough and making it a reality in your life.
Part 1: God Led Ambition
The first thing you need for your big breakthrough is God led ambition.
The definition of ambition in the dictionary is a strong desire to achieve something often involving success, power or recognition or motivation. It is the drive to set and pursue goals with determination and perseverance.
Discern Between God-Centred Ambition and Worldly Ambition
Now, obviously there is Biblical and God-centred ambition that we want to make sure we are aligned with and then there is worldly ambition where some of the things like success or power or recognition can be negative. We want to first discern through and make sure we are following along Biblically in our own internal motivations.
We can look to scripture for this. Philippians 2v3-4 says Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourself, not looking to your own interest but each of you to the interests of others. This verse reminds me that when I am working in an ambitious mindset – and I am constantly in an ambitious mindset – it is not because of me.
It is because of the people I serve. It is because of you. And because I want to reach more women. I want to help more women be free from the worldly way of building. To have more incredible brands in the world and to create a ripple effect with lots of incredible business owners that are the hands and feet of Christ. So checking your motivation is always a healthy thing to do.
Make Your Goal to Please Him
2 Corinthians 5v9 says Make it your goal to please Him, whether at home in the body or away from it. And so how are we pleasing God? I think that pleasing God is stepping up and stepping out in faith, doing incredible things while we are here, doing our best, being excellent in all that we can and in the capacity that we have. Not striving, but doing our best. It is prayerfully considering what God has for us and then taking that next right step.
To me, that is ambition and we need to be ambitious. If you are sitting in a fear space, you are going to talk yourself out of it. If you are sitting in this self-conscious worry spiral around judgment or fear of man, you are not going to get your breakthrough.
Have a Business Meeting With God
You have to have that internal Holy Spirit led ambition to drive you forward. The very first thing you need to do to have your big breakthrough is to sit down and have a business meeting with God. The entire first module of my programme is this business meeting with God. It is incredibly important that He is partnered with you and all the things that you are doing in your business. And then you can allow yourself to be unafraid of God goals, of dreaming and allowing God to place in your heart where he is trying to take you so that you can begin to take the steps.
Part 2: Action
The second part in the formula that we need is action. We have to actually take action. It is not enough to have ambition in your heart to start a podcast and teach people about, for example, decluttering their closet. You might feel like God is helping you do this because you have purged your closet and this gave you a clear mindset, made you feel more confident and gave you amazing outcomes. And you believe that God has put this on your heart to share this with the world.
But then you think that this is not a good time. Maybe you will do it next year. Or when the kids have left home and you are an empty nester. Or not now because money is tight so you can’t invest in it right now. Even though you are hearing the word of the Lord giving you direction and feel a little nudge from the Holy Spirit, you keep sitting on it.
Breakthrough Will Only Come if You Move Your Feet
You will not get your big breakthrough unless you move your feet. Sometimes action is terrifying. And it can result in you failing forward. Sometimes it doesn’t look the way you thought. It can often look a little messy because you are unclear about how to do things. Action often feels a little confusing or overwhelming.
Get used to it. You are a CEO now. You are stepping into a Kingdom capacity where you are going to grow and stretch everything that you thought possible for you. God is the only one who knows what you are capable of. You are a human being with a brain and a heart that wants to keep you safe. So you have to take a big step over your fear into your faith and take action.
One tip here: it is not action on what you think the end result will be because we have no idea what God is doing. And also, that is big and scary and you will be a hot mess express trying to fumble your way forward on this huge journey.
Take Action on the Next Right Step
Look at what is the next right step. What is step one? Take action on that step. Then move onto step two. Take baby steps but constantly be moving your feet. My prayer each day is ‘Lord, how do I shepherd and steward this calling, this business, well? What is one thing I can do today to be excellent and to grow in my business?’
If I can do one thing every single day, at the end of the year I have 365 minus however many weekend days there are to do something with excellence. To move the needle forward in my business and grow. I think that this is incredibly glorifying to God.
Part 3: Discipline
The third part of my formula to get to your big breakthrough is discipline!
I have been hearing this word of the Lord on discipline lately and it needs to be brought up. And it needs to be something that we consistently remind ourselves about. We live in a society today of complete entitlement and un-discipline. (I am not sure if that is even a word!) People want to do whatever they want to whenever they want to because they feel like it.
That is not Biblical. When we look at Scripture, we see how pleasing it is to God and how important it is that we are disciplined as believers who are gifted with a business that we are meant to bring to the world. Hebrews 12v11 says No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Be Disciplined in Taking Care of the Gifts God Has Given You
You have to be disciplined in getting up, in working out, in spending time with the Lord, in praying for your spouse even if you don’t want to. Be disciplined in spending time with your kids and speaking the word over their lives, in showing up and doing a podcast episode this week when you don’t feel like it. In whatever else we have to do to be excellent shepherds of the things that God has gifted us with.
It takes discipline and sacrifice to be the best we can be. This is not a striving to perform for God. When we are disciplined in the gifting of having a beautiful family to shepherd, in having a property to take care of, in having a body that we can work out and feed well, in having a brain that we can cultivate and renew with the word of the Lord, we are taking care of the gifts that the Lord has so beautifully given to us.
Stop Limiting Yourself and Step Into Your Full Potential
If that is the least we can do, I am going to do it and I am going to do it every single day, even when I don’t want to. I am going to do it without fail because I want to step into my fullest potential, my fullest capacity for the Kingdom of God. The only one limiting me is me. I will talk myself out of it. I will make up excuses.
So instead of that, I am going to lean into discipline. To building the routines. Allowing the Holy Spirit to lead me in all of my choices so that I can become the absolutely best version of me. The most Biblical version of me. And yes, I am human. I will always fail and that is fine. I will sleep through my alarm! But I am constantly trying my best. And I want that for you.
Discipline Is Showing Up to Be Put to Kingdom Use
Discipline is going to get you far. The people who leave a testimony on this podcast who are talking about 10k or 100k or a million downloads, who are talking about 100k businesses, didn’t wake up and have success. They woke up and did the work. They showed up and they pressed record and they got frustrated. And they shed some tears and showed up again and did the work and did it again.
They got off social media and they quit wasting that time. I am not talking about being off social media all the time but they quit wasting time scrolling through social media. They took the hours that they had and they put them to Kingdom use.
Be Disciplined in Running the Race So That You Can Get the Prize
1 Corinthians 9v24 – 27 says Do you not know that in a race all the runners run but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like somebody running aimlessly. I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No. I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others I will myself not be disqualified for the prize.
In these verses, Paul the Apostle uses the analogy of an athlete’s discipline and training to illustrate the importance of self-control and discipline inside the Christian life and what this looks like. Run to get the prize. Show up. Get out there. Put on your shoes. And even when you have a stitch in your side and cramp and you want to quit and you’re thirsty, you run and you run and you run until the day that you are in the marathon and you actually finish the race. You don’t just finish the race well, but you finish with the prize and that is doing excellent work in your calling. That is showing up with everything that God has for you in the capacity that you can right now, today.
A Summary of the 3 Steps to Get Your Big Breakthrough
You want your breakthrough? You want to go somewhere you’ve never gone before in your podcast or your business? In your life and your marriage? In any area of your life? I don’t know what it is for you but if you want that breakthrough, these are your three steps: God led ambition, really big faith lead action and then consistent discipline.
A game changing, life changing, Kingdom impacting, favour producing three part formula that will change everything for you.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
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Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
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