defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Lately, I’ve been seeing a recurring theme: you’re scared to start a podcast. You’re struggling to get over the hump of making this a reality. You’re stuck.
There’s something going on where you can’t cross that line and commit that you’re going to podcast. There’s this ‘stuff’ that’s just holding you back.
It’s time to dive into a core conversation about how to get unstuck. I’ve got five specific ways to talk about when it comes to getting your podcast into the world. I don’t want you to struggle for one more minute.
Podcasting is the way for those of us who want to build a Kingdom business without sacrificing all of our time and energy. We don’t want to move into the hustle-harder space and go for 100 nos anymore. Let’s create something meaningful, intentional, foundational, and sustainable for the glory of God from behind a microphone – maybe in our PJs.
We want to do something that’s going to grow an audience and work to get people to convert; not just something that feels good, gets us likes, or fosters the addiction to social platforms.
We want freedom but we’re still called to business. We’re still called to this online space. I believe that podcasting is the way to do this. If you’ve been led to me, I do not believe it’s by accident. I believe that it’s a Divine appointment. You’re here to at least consider if podcasting can also be the way in which God’s asking you to grow a business.
If you’re feeling something as you read, I pray that you will truly lean into it. I believe it’s going to bless you in a unique way.
What is the Real Reason You Need to Get Unstuck?
Grab your notebook and pen; it’s going to be really tactical. I would also encourage you to dive into my free resources. I have a Podcast Launch Checklist that I considered taking down because it’s almost too thorough. But if this blesses people to use their voices and become ripples and change-makers in the things they’re called to do, then it’s great!
It’s got all the things – 14 pages! – how to set up and publish your podcast, how to record, edit, and launch, plus five bonus trainings linked in it. At the end, I talk about my free workshop that teaches you how podcasting allows you to make money.
But… there’s only so far the tactical can get you. You can Google how to start a podcast or use my checklist. Maybe you don’t need anyone, and maybe all you need is the how-to.
For most people, getting unstuck is not about the how-to. The setback is the lack of belief that they can do this. It’s the willingness to put themselves out there in this uncomfortable space, taking a huge leap of faith.
What if:
It’s crap?
Nobody listens?
People laugh at me?
I can’t speak?
I stutter?
It fails?
There’s all this stuff that’s keeping you from podcasting. Maybe you think it’s tactical. It’s not tactical for so many of you! It’s the confidence. Know that if God has asked you to do this, He will make a way! He’ll show you how and give you the resource or provision to get it done. Open your mouth and He will give you the words.
Looking to Scripture, we know that when we are obedient to the call, we will be successful for Him, in alignment with Him, and for the Kingdom.
“Why am I Listening to This Girl? She’s Making Me Consider Starting a Podcast.”
I’ve heard people say many times, “I was never going to podcast and then God led me to you.” You’re not going to feel comfortable; you’re not going to want to start the podcast. Get over the fact that you’re going to feel uncomfortable. It’s the ultimate test of obedience to push through the discomfort level. Allow someone else to hold your feet to the fire until you press forward into everything you can possibly become.
Recently I went to visit a friend and she took me to a cross-fit class. I’ve been working out for the majority of my life. She told me that it would be easy because it was the recovery day. Friends, it was some kind of hard. My body was shaking; my stomach has not hurt that bad since I gave birth. I had no idea that I was operating below my fullest potential until somebody else told me that I could do more. More is possible for you. She watched me struggle through it and encouraged me until I got to the other side.
I can do hard things. I am capable of more. Say it out loud.
Recognize the lie of the enemy over your life to stay small, stay stuck, and stop moving forward. Rebuke that in the name of Jesus. We are Kingdom Waymakers through the power of Jesus Christ. We are anointed for good and holy things. The only way we get into the world and make a Kingdom difference is actually moving our feet, opening our mouths, and making the time and sacrifices. We actually Do. The. Work.
Get Unstuck Step No. 1: Know Your Niche
As you’re feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit, ask the Lord:
“What am I supposed to teach?”
“What am I supposed to do?”
“What is my ministry?”
“What am I to do in the marketplace?”
Just write down your answers. Don’t think; just write.
What are you good at doing?
What do you love?
What’s the most amazing thing you’ve walked through?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve experienced?
What are your trials and tribulations?
What have you overcome?
This is going to help you see a theme for what your podcast niche is going to be. I challenge you to look at what you wrote and find the tactical thing. Look for the “how” – what were the steps? Dig in.
We are not stopping at a niche. When you move into Podcast to Profit, my 6-month group mastermind coaching program, we work intentionally on drilling down from your niche to a micro-micro niche. Three layers deep! I want you to grow your podcast fast; I don’t want you to be a slow, lifestyle brand. I’m here for you to make a difference and an impact as quickly as God will allow us to move.
If you have the gifting of the Holy Spirit over your life, do you not believe that God wants you to move? Why are you tip-toeing around the call on your life? If I have today to make as big of an impact as a leader, podcaster, CEO, wife, and mom as I can, why am I not operating in excellence in every area of my life every single day?
Write this down: “I make the decision to be different. Fear is my new BFF. If I am not scared this week, I am not moving forward.”
Now That You Have Some Direction
But maybe you don’t have direction yet. I have all the things to help you.
Let’s be clear – do the things you need to do in order to move forward. No more excuses! The only thing you have to push past in order to make an incredible difference is to get you out of your own way.
Sometimes we lead with worldly things, but we need the Holy Spirit to be the one leading. Are you allowing the Holy Spirit and the Lord to lead you? That’s how you begin to shift and live differently.
Get Unstuck Step No. 2: Figure Out the Equipment and Software
I know this is hanging many of you up – this is not meant to be a hangup!
I’ve recorded episodes outside and in my car. You can use your phone. This is not something that should be holding you up.
At the time of this episode, I have a $100 Yeti microphone and a computer. I have free editing software called Audacity. I also have Podbean, where I host, and it’s about $7/month. It’s bare bones; you can do that. For bare, bare bones, use your phone.
All the information on the how and the tech is in Podcast Pro University. If you can financially, take the course. There are so many little tech things that will stop your progress, but you don’t need that! Just take the course. Invest in yourself; believe in yourself enough to do the things to move to the other side.
Get the Podcast Launch Checklist and get the equipment and software out of the way so that you can move forward from the things we allow to hang us up. Don’t be afraid of making the wrong decision. You can buy a microphone later. You can figure out different software. Just go forward.
Get Unstuck Step No. 3: Plan Your Content
Ecclesiastes 3:1 – There’s a time for everything; a season for every activity under the heavens.
If this is your season to podcast, lean into it. Think about that person you want to help – who are they and what are they experiencing? You are talking to someone a couple of steps behind you. What questions are they asking? What are they seeking?
Go to minute levels with one person to come up with ideas for content. If you want to help people with mountain biking, it’s self-care, exercise, movement, and mind-work. You have to know what equipment to get, how to afford it, how to start, and find the right trails.
Now spiral. I was afraid of getting hurt. I wasn’t sure what kind of water backpack to get. What if I got stuck in a rainstorm? How often do you have to get the bike serviced and how much does that cost? So many questions!
Think about when you were this person. Those are your episodes; just let them come out. Don’t worry about what bucket they go in or their titles.
Inside Podcast to Profit, I teach how to have business meetings with God; and how to get in alignment with Him because this is God’s podcast, not yours. If He has shown you that mountain biking is a way to connect with and glorify Him, mountain biking can be holy ground.
Stop minimizing your niche!
If you’re thinking it has to be bigger, no. The smaller, more micro, specific, and tactical you are on one core thing for one core person, the more successful you will be.
In the Stef Gass School, I’ve got planning sheets, content mindmap, and incredible ways to help you put these ideas into an organized, tactical, SEO-rich podcast.
Get Unstuck Step No. 4: Actually Record Something
You have to record and possibly edit. I don’t edit a lot; I’m just unapologetically me. Sometimes, you’ll hear my Sheepadoodle or my boys.
I want to be me in my authentic life. I don’t want to put on a business suit and shove myself in a closet so it’s nice and quiet.
Give yourself permission to be imperfect. If there is anyone who podcasts messy, from the heart, it’s me! I’m okay with that! People see me as their friend; as someone who is relatable.
When you start podcasting, the people God has for you to reach are up to God. All you have to be is yourself. If you’re quirky and weird, own it!
Do you want a business-like and professional podcast? Great. If you want to live in your mom glory and have your kids on the show sometimes, great. Just be you. That’s what God is asking you to bring to the table. You. Just as you are.
The first time I recorded, I had a $20 microphone; full of static. I hope you can’t go back to my first episodes! This girl has grown in five years.
I learned that I really didn’t need to edit, as I just spoke from the heart. I did learn how to outline; which I teach in my course, and how to get efficient in podcasting.
What you can do to get unstuck is take an idea you wrote down earlier and record a sample episode on your phone. Play with it. You’re not going to air it and no one has to hear it.
The act of doing eliminates the fear of the unknown.
You’re only afraid because you’ve never done it.
Get Unstuck Step No. 5: Launch It
Once you commit, figure out your niche, get some equipment, plan some content, and record a couple of episodes, it’s time to launch. There are some steps in between, like creating podcast art. All of that is in my launch plan and Podcast Pro University course. Get the resource you need to get it done.
The last thing is to get it into the world. It’s not going to be perfect and that’s okay. In my first attempt at podcasting, I had the ugliest art. It didn’t matter. I was walking in obedience and God brought the people. They didn’t care.
People were here for the scrappy stuff; for me just being me. That worked in my favor as I think it will in yours. Do the best you can with the resources you have. You can perfect things on the journey.
Some of the students in Podcast to Profit have the original art they created themselves and know it needs upgrading. We do our best, knowing there’s always another level of professionalism and excellence. We will do those things as soon as we are able.
It doesn’t need to be perfect right now for you to start.
I have a complete launch section in that checklist. Just get it into the world.
Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Don’t be afraid to launch the podcast and get it into the world. It’s really simple: press publish and then go have dinner with your family. The whole process should take less than two hours and you’ll know, as the good and faithful servant, you have done the thing.
You Got Unstuck and Launched – What Now?
Now the real work begins. It’s like having a baby. You’re all excited and do all the things. Then you have the baby and have no idea what to do.
Don’t worry, I’ll be there to hold your hand through all of the next steps in making your podcast into something that’s going to be meaningful, impactful, and legacy-building. Imagine having a podcast as a legacy for your family to be able to listen to and learn from you.
This is the work of my life and it means so much to me to have my voice out in the world helping people. I want my kids to listen to my podcast. Maybe even my grandkids and great-grandkids! I want it to mean something; to be the blessing and impact I give to the world.
This work God’s asking you to do is bigger than you realize. Step into it. I believe in you. I know it’s scary. Taking action is the only way to get unstuck and move forward.
Psalm 24:1 – The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it; the world and all who live in it.
You are honoring the Lord. You are honoring the listeners who will come to your show. It’s all for God; we’re all His. All the outcomes are His. All the success stories are His. The impact is all His, so why are we afraid?
Let’s Pray
I pray for confidence, Lord, that You will give them clarity over their call; put words over what their niche is. I pray, Lord, that You will show them the way, and have the steps, Father, to get unstuck and start their shows. Open doors for each of the listeners and they will be able to walk through them with calm confidence knowing that You have this podcast, Father. If podcasting is a call on their lives, they will step into it and claim it. Be a waymaker for them. Give them the words. Give them the discernment over what to say. Create a boundary around their podcasts, technology, and the hearts of the people they are to serve.
Help them reach the people and make a difference; help them be salt and light. Help them believe that their calling matters and will be amplified. Let them grow in the name of Jesus, Father. I pray that each and every listener will lean on You through the hard, the scary, and the struggles. Get them to the other side. Show them that the lid, the capacity in which they operate, Father, is Yours. It’s Kingdom. It’s limitless on Heaven’s timeline. They have nothing to fear. The only fear they should have, Father, is that if they don’t move forward and stay stuck. I ask You to remove that. Cut any lines of bondage and constraint over their lives. In the name of Jesus, I pray that they would go – move, step, and act in big, audacious faith.
We trust You! We love You so much, Lord! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
Is podcasting right for you? You’re about to find out. I was going through our weekly market research report that one of my interns pulled together for us and found that you have many podcasting questions.
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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