defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Today, let’s talk about the concept of imposter syndrome. Experiencing imposter syndrome means doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud, as though you don’t deserve to be recognized as an expert. Your inner voice asks, “How on earth will anybody trust and listen to me when I don’t even know what I’m doing?”
Someone recently reached out and asked, “How can I have a marriage podcast when I’ve only been married for five years?” Then several other people said, they felt like a fraud too. All of them had imposter syndrome.
What is Imposter Syndrome?
First, I want you to recognize imposter syndrome for what it is. Imposter syndrome is that ever-present inner voice that tells you:
You’re not qualified
You‘re not capable
You’re not enough
You haven’t done “whatever” long enough
With imposter syndrome, you end up berating yourself. Look at you messing up and failing! Who do you think you are? I want to encourage you to lean on a biblical truth about these thoughts.
“We are God’s masterpiece.” ~Ephesians 2:10 He has created us anew in Jesus Christ so we can do the good things He has planned for us. Feeling unworthy and buying into imposter syndrome, does not come from God. You are His masterpiece!He created you anew.
Imposter syndrome comes from believing lies! You are not available for that!
Grab a pen and paper and let’s tackle imposter syndrome once and for all.
Use God-Statements to Silence Imposter Syndrome
To silence imposter syndrome, write down your negative thoughts and inner whispers. Then replace them with scripture-based affirmations.
I call these God-says statements. If you’ve ever taken my Clarify Your Calling course, you know there’s an entire section on what God says.
Here’s how it works. Choose a scripture and personalize it by replacing keywords to make it written in the first person. For example, I am chosen and equipped by God. I am God’s masterpiece. He created me anew in Jesus Christ so I can do the good things He planned for me long ago.
If you plant yourself into these scriptures, it will rewire your thinking and mind. You are qualified to do those things God has called you to do.
You’re called to coach the person a few steps behind you
It’s okay to be honest about where you are in your journey. To my incredible student who said, she didn’t feel equipped to teach about marriage because she had only been married for five years, I suggested, “Why don’t you speak specifically to newlyweds who have been married three years or less or who are in the first year of marriage?”
There’s always somebody a few steps behind you. That‘s the person you’re called to coach. Remember, you’re on a journey of growth forever. I won’t teach someone how to hit ten million dollars a year in their business because I’ve not done it yet.
That doesn’t mean I won’t do it eventually. But right now my focus is helping people get to six figures. Why, because not only have I hit six figures, but I’ve helped hundreds of other people do it too. At some point in the future, after I’ve created more seven-figure students, maybe I’ll step into that.
Questions to ask yourself and silence imposter syndrome
Ask yourself what have I done successfully? Who are the people a few steps behind me? Be honest about it. To my student who doubted she was qualified to teach about marriage, she would say:
I’m newly married myself.
I’ve been married for five years.
That’s why I’m excited to speak to those of you on this journey too.
You’re being honest. People value working with coaches in all different stages of life.
At first, I wanted to learn from people starting businesses because I was starting my own business. Then I sought out coaches navigating the messy middle of building a six-figure business. That led me to seek out coaches who had grown businesses beyond seven figures.
I want to validate where you are right now because it doesn’t matter where you sit. There will always be people who sit a few steps behind you. Lean into that pocket. What an awesome opportunity for you to serve your people where they are.
Eliminate comparison and overcome imposter syndrome
The next way to overcome imposter syndrome is to eliminate comparison. You must stop this! Comparison does nothing but steal from you. It creates feelings of inadequacy and jealousy. It plants self-doubt. Comparison is one of the enemy’s favorite tactics to keep you from running your race.
“Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.” ~Galatians 6:4
Why does the Bible address this? Because the enemy loves to plant comparison in front of you. If it’s not the enemy, it’s your self-created focus to keep yourself stuck. No, thank you!
Pay careful attention to your work with these questions:
How can I show up better?
How can I do one percent more?
How can I focus a little bit more?
How can I put my phone down?
How can I get off of Instagram?
How can I stop following those people?
How can I control me?
Pay attention to your work and get the satisfaction of a job well done. People ask, “Hey, Stef, do you know so and so?” Nope, I don’t know them and I’m not sorry. I don’t have time because I’m too busy focusing on my work. There’s no time to compare myself to others.
This has been one of the greatest blinders I’ve put on. It doesn’t mean I don’t have other distractions. Believe me, I do, but this is not one that I struggle with. I look straight ahead at what the Lord has called me to do with white-knuckled ferocity. I’m not available to look up and compare.
Take back your focus and take back your life!
Sometimes that means you need to remove a trigger. Do you need to get off of social media? Do you need to delete Instagram? Are you on TikTok too much? Take a break and delete this stuff!
Don’t allow comparison to control you! That will only keep you from stepping into your purpose work and serving your audience. It doesn’t matter how small or how beginner you are because that’s where God has divinely positioned you.
Take small, faithful steps forward to eliminate imposter syndrome
The next thing you can do to eliminate imposter syndrome is to take small, faithful steps forward. Don’t sit in fear and analysis paralysis. Stop thinking about why you’re a fraud or an imposter. Stop that!
Action silences doubt! Even if it’s a baby step, the more you show up with movement and momentum, the more confident you’ll feel.
For so long, I was terrified of public speaking on an actual stage. Yes, Stefanie Gass is a top twenty podcaster. I speak virtually to hundreds and thousands of people, but something about in-person speaking completely paralyzed me.
I made all these excuses and allowed fear to grow where I stayed stagnant. In February of 2024, I finally said yes to my first speaking engagement. I ripped off the band-aid and did it. Shout out to my friend Lisa, who pushed me into speaking.
Let me tell you, I was terrified! But as soon as I took that faithful step forward, it completely crushed my doubt, fear, indecision, and imposter syndrome. It all faded away because I saw that I could do it. I knew that it wasn’t that big of a deal.
I had another speaking engagement and another one, and I have one booked for the end of January. There’s nothing to be afraid of when we move because we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. But we can do nothing with Christ if we don’t move our feet and allow Him to partner with us.
Small goals defeat imposter syndrome
I want to encourage you to set one small goal in whatever you’re afraid of. “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” ~Zechariah 4:10
Where is your imposter voice coming from? What does it pertain to? Write down one small goal right now. Your goals could look like this:
I’m going to record my first podcast episode
I’m going to pitch my coaching offer
I’m going to reach out and have a market research conversation
Whatever that thing is, set the goal and get it done. This will allow you to believe in yourself and see that you’re equipped and qualified.
Recognize imposter syndrome for what it is
To recap, I want you to recognize imposter syndrome for what it is. The story that you’re a fraud is simply a lie. Stop comparing yourself to others. Remove the triggers from your life. Take small, faithful steps forward to silence the doubt. And say yes to the thing you’re most afraid of. Take one tiny baby step forward this week. I am telling you, it will free the fear. It will flee from you!
Profitable Podcast Bootcamp
If you’d like to explore how to build a kingdom business that honors God while generating income and impact for your purpose-driven work, join me for my five-day Profitable Podcast Bootcamp.
It’s available NOW for a very affordable price. You can have instant access to five days of training with me where I’ll walk you through the steps to create sales on autopilot through your podcast. You can find all the details out and snag your all-access pass at the Profitable Podcast Bootcamp.
Alright, friends. That is all I have for you today. I hope that it blessed you. I’ll see you soon.
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I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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