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Hey Friend!
Do you ever wonder if God wants to fulfill our dreams? It’s a question I think many of us have, and I know it’s a question I take to God regularly. God’s word is full of examples to show us that He wants to fulfill our dreams that come from Him.
Psalms 105 speaks a lot about dreams and God’s faithfulness to His people. David recounts God’s covenant with Abraham, the ways He protected Joseph, and how He spoke – LITERALLY spoke – the plagues into existence.
While reading Psalm 105, God spoke to me about dreams, and I know that when I get a clear word from God, I am meant to share it with you. I hope this blesses you as much as it has blessed me.
Scripture Confirms That God Fulfills Our Dreams
We know that God is a promise-keeping God, and we see it repeatedly in Scripture. Abraham and Sarah are a great example of God’s faithfulness. They wanted a baby more than anything in this world, and they were beginning to lose hope because of their age.
Even though Sarah was too old to have a baby, God blessed them with Isaac. God started the lineage that led straight to Jesus by fulfilling Abraham and Sarah’s dreams. The Davidic Lineage began with Isaac’s birth, which led to David’s birth and his eventual ascension to king.
That lineage also gave us the most significant birth we’ll ever know – Jesus Christ – as it was foretold in the Old Testament.
God always keeps His promises; we have no reason to doubt that. Yet, as His children, we question if He is still that promise-keeping God we read about. We let the tiniest specks of doubt and fear creep in, which causes us to question the promises AND dreams God has planted in our hearts.
Suddenly, we’ve invited the enemy into our hearts and minds, which causes us to worry about our future and question if our dreams will even come true.
How Do We KNOW God Wants to Fulfill Our Dreams?
Psalm 105: 1-11 reinforces the belief that we can:
Trust the Lord and praise His faithfulness
Psalm 105: 1-3
Seek refuge in Him
Psalm 105: 4-5
Expect the blessings He promises us
Psalm 105: 6-11
So, how do we position ourselves to allow God to fulfill our dreams? We start by getting out of His way and then follow the steps below.
Step 1: God Gives Us a Promise, Then Fulfills Our Dreams
Psalms 105 is full of reminders that God is a promise-keeping God.
“He remembers his covenant forever, the word that he commanded for a thousand generations, the covenant that he made with Abraham, his sworn promise to Isaac, which he confirmed to Jacob as a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, saying, ‘To you I will give the land of Canaan.'” – Psalm 105: 8-11
God’s word is full of examples of His faithfulness. We can – and should – trust Him with everything we have.
Sometimes, God’s promises come to me as a whisper from the Lord. Other times, I hear the promise while journaling or receive a download from the Lord. This is when the confirmations start to come.
When I was seven, I said I would be an author. I wrote it down because I knew it was a promise from the Lord. For 30-plus years, I have run from this promise. I struggled with doubt and distraction. Because of my fears, I wandered away from this one clear promise He gave me at seven.
Your Dreams Are Often Wrapped in Fear
What dreams has God given you? Even after He gives us dreams, we still doubt God will fulfill them. We encounter bumps in the road, get discouraged, and suspect that we heard God correctly.
Now, we’re doubting ourselves and God while being trapped in fear, indecision, and anxiety. Somewhere along the way, we’ve convinced ourselves that if God calls us to do something, the path will be easy and anxiety-free because it’s God-ordained.
Here’s the thing – the promises of God are not easy. The dreams He gives us take time, dedication, work, and faith. They are the things that stretch us, grow us, and push us toward our future.
Step 2: We Will Wander Before God Fulfills Our Dreams
After God gives you a promise, you will start to wander. This is all a part of the process. Some of you may be wondering now, trying to make heads or tails of the dream or goal God has given you.
If that’s you, friend, let me offer some assurance. You serve a God who loves you and protects you even when you don’t think it’s possible to fulfill the dream He has given you.
Psalm 105: 13-15 shows us that God protected His people as they wandered through the wilderness.
He protected them from oppression
He fought for them
He rebuked those who attempted to derail His people
Even when we’re 100% sure we heard God’s dream correctly, we’ll never be 100% sure we heard God correctly. And just like God’s people wandering the wilderness, we don’t have to know the mission or destination. We just have to trust that God will lead us where He wants us to be.
Step 3: God Tests Us Before He Fulfills Our Dreams
Adam and Eve. Job. Joseph. Abraham. Mary. Jesus.
All of those people have one significant thing in common. God tested them, their faith, their families, and, in some cases, their livelihoods before fulfilling their dreams. Psalm 105:15 highlights Joseph specifically.
Joseph’s dreams would come true – God had promised that – but only when the appointed time had arrived. And what happened after Joseph’s dreams were fulfilled? God tested his character.
How often do you walk through an open door in your life and immediately start to feel the opposition come through? This testing is all part of the journey.
If you’re being tested, friend, pray, persevere, and dig in with both heels. God is preparing you for something amazing that will reveal itself in His timing. Until then, take heart and remember you’re in great company!
God’s Tests In My Life
Let me go back to my book example. I’ve been writing a book for two years. It contains stories about my life experiences, such as my childhood, trials and tribulations, and my salvation story. I put together a proposal with some beautiful stories. I shared it with an agent who said my proposal was great, but I needed to modify some things.
This was a test.
All of these doubts started to creep into my heart. I was discouraged for a whole month and didn’t do anything. I felt like it would be too hard and couldn’t do it.
Now, with the benefit of hindsight, I can see that experience was a test, and the test was about timing. God showed me that He will fulfill our dreams and will do so in His timing. Everything God does is intentional, and when He gives us a dream, He has to prepare us to carry it out.
Think about David for a second. He was 15 when Samuel told him he would be King of Israel, but that didn’t happen overnight. It took 15 years for David to take his seat on the throne. God has a plan for the dreams He has given you, and His timing is always perfect.
Step 4: God Will Fulfill Our Dreams
The first part of Psalm 105 wraps up beautifully.
We see God move. Pharaoh set Joseph free and put him in charge of his kingdom. Joseph went from a slave to a CEO in an instant. Why? Because of God. He kept His promises to Joseph. God finally fulfilled his dreams.
Bring Your Dreams to God
I wanted to share this with you because God has a promise for you. He’s probably already given it to you. If He hasn’t, pray and ask Him. God, what are the promises and dreams You have for me?
Here’s your homework: read Psalm 105, sit with God, and ask Him what dream He has for you.
Listen carefully. Get in the Word. Lean into what He has to share with you. You will wander in the wilderness, but keep moving.
Be patient, and rest while waiting. Take the next right step forward. Pursue this thing that will feel impossible. There will be setbacks and roadblocks as you press forward. That’s all on purpose. It’s all preparing you for your dream to be fulfilled when the time is right. God’s timing is perfect. He will start to open doors and fulfill your dreams.
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