defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
I have the training for you if you want a clear business plan for what you should focus on in the coming year. During a LIVE session in my community, I taught how to create a successful 2025 business plan with what I call the Three C’s.
I believe we are positioned better than ever before to grow and expand capacity. Audio consumption is the business plan to create clients and conversion in the future.
It’s not about more, more, and more. It’s about creating a business plan that takes the people we have through our podcasts to our offers in as few steps as possible.
I recently participated in a summit that discussed how burned out everyone is becoming of visual stimulation. Do you agree with me? Are you sick of your phone? Me too!
The pendulum has swung from hyper-stimulation, social media, likes, views, and reels to a spirit yearning for more rest and peace.
I’m tired of feeling like I have to have a dopamine hit every thirty seconds. Do you feel the same way? If so, you are positioned in the right industry.
This business plan will change the trajectory of where you’re going in the next twelve months. Are you ready? Grab a notebook and pen. Let’s do it.
Podcasting is the Business Plan for Real Revelation
Many people have quit podcasting. Why? They quit because the podcasting space is not gratifying. You don’t go viral, you don’t get clicks, and you don’t get likes. If you’re lucky, you get some reviews, but those are few and far between.
Here’s the deal. Podcasting allows content creators to go deep with the people ready for real revelation in their lives. They’re prepared to learn and invest in themselves. That’s the listener you want to attract.
Over the next six to twelve months, your business plan is to start your podcast and stick with it. If you haven’t started a podcast yet, please check out my program, Podcast Pro University.
Audio is the Preferred Method of Content Consumption
Here’s the reality. The pendulum is returning to audio consumption as the preferred method for those ready to transform their lives. You will make more money!
This year, my podcast downloads have been terrible. Granted, we went through the iOS 17 update last year. For those new to podcasting, Apple Podcasts stopped auto-downloading episodes onto subscriber’s phones. Not everybody who downloaded an episode would listen to it. The previous practice had overinflated our numbers.
With that “cleansing,” we were left with the number of actual listeners. Honestly, that’s a good thing. But it didn’t feel good. I went from 50-60,000 downloads a month to 30,000 downloads.
I questioned everything. Should I be a podcast coach? My podcast has never recovered. I’ve had twelve months of stagnant downloads.
But I’ve had the most revenue ever!
In 2024, we will make the most revenue this company has ever made.How can that possibly be true? Because it’s not your job to create content that gets likes and goes viral. It’s not your job to get more downloads, leads, and listeners so you feel better about yourself. No!
Quite the contrary. Your job is to create high-quality content that teaches something of value and is sprinkled with authentic storytelling.
If you do these two things over and over, guess what happens? You get a new listener into your podcast but they don’t stay there long. Where do they go? They pop straight into your offer.
You’re not here to build a maze with:
Fancy funnels
Countless tripwires
Offer after offer
Multiple downsells
Those strategies are great. We do them because my business is in another place. But we only do them at certain times of the year. Most of the time I’m just telling people on the podcast to buy my program.
It’s not about more, more and more!
It’s about taking the people you have and moving them through the podcast to the offer in as few steps as possible. You don’t have to create three hundred things to get people from your podcast to offer. You can do less and you can get rid of social media!
Who would love to have a business plan where you show up on your podcast for two hours a week? You have one core offer aligned with your heart and schedule. And people knock on your inbox and buy your offer week after week.
You don’t have to post on social and build reels. You don’t have to do videos. I did not do a video until I was past $500K in annual revenue!
Simplicity will expand your business!
My little podcast has stayed consistent and works better because people come in and go out faster. That’s crazy! This business plan can change the trajectory of where you’re going in the next twelve months. It’s your job to do something with it.
I’ll give you the road map to build a successful business. Shift your focus to these three things.
Business Plan “C” #1: Consistency
Consistency matters! Why? It’s because consistency is boring and mundane, but consistency is the golden ticket, my friend. It matters because it builds familiarity and trust. Consistency is the thing so many of you are missing. How many of you are missing consistency in your business plan?
Start the podcast. It’s non-negotiable! I believe God has positioned me as an expert in the podcasting space. I failed for eleven years before I became an overnight success.
You don’t have to fail like I did. My mission and my team’s mission is to help millions of you unlock your legacy in the call over your life. Stop wasting time! Stop overthinking it! Quit thinking there’s a perfect time to do it. You’ve got to start. Get your foot in the door now.
Podcasting is exploding!
Podcasting is exploding because the pendulum is swinging backward. Guess what happened? The second people’s downloads began trending down, they dropped like flies. The podcasting space cleared out.
I’m not mad at my downloads dropping. I’m still standing and I will still stand until the good Lord tells me otherwise. And so will you. But you can’t stand unless you have a platform.
What’s your platform? Social media doesn’t work. I’ve talked about that many times. YouTube is expensive. It’s an entirely different beast. I’m testing YouTube now but it would be the last long-form content I would build a business around and ONLY after my podcast was profitable.
My program Podcast Pro University will show you how to start your podcast in as little as thirty days.
Consistency is the business plan that breeds edification
Here’s why you need consistency in your business plan. Eighty-one percent of consumers must trust a brand BEFORE they consider buying from it. Marketers and content creators who are consistent in their content report a thirty-three percent increase in their revenue. What does that tell you, friends? Consistency breeds edification!
If you are inconsistent, people will find someone else to listen to. You do not look like an expert treating your business with world-class excellence.
As a CEO, I’m calling you to rise to excellence with a business plan of consistency. But what do you mean by excellence Stef?You show up week after week the best you can even though you’re busy, overwhelmed, and anxious.
You push through it because when you’re consistent, you get better. Eventually, you’ll show up in excellence. With God, you can show up with excellence in everything you do.
How many of you could be more consistent? One of the biggest pieces of your puzzle is to show up when it doesn’t make sense. I’ve shown up as an entrepreneur for sixteen years! Some of you have been on this journey longer than that. It takes consistency to become a successful business owner.
Consistency is a nonnegotiable business plan!
But here’s the deal. This wasn’t meant to be easy. It’s hard because only those with heart will succeed. Only those who partner with God, harness His call, and intentionally act will prevail.
You will quit if you:
Depend on yourself
Believe the lies of others
Believe your limiting beliefs
Decide that you don’t feel like recording this week
There is no fruit in quitting! I know I’m telling you some hard things. Who needs to hear this? Maybe I’m preaching to myself because it gets hard and it’s not going away. New levels of success bring in new levels of hard. You are going to have to buckle up. Consistency is nonnegotiable!
How to create your consistency statement
The next step is to write your consistency statement. Your consistency statement should include: What? How often? And how long?
Here’s an example. I commit to two podcast episodes a week for the next twelve months.
Write down your consistency statement. This is the business plan statement you will live by. If you haven’t started your podcast yet, that’s fine. Write down, I will start my podcast within the next two weeks. I will record and publish one episode every week for the next twenty-four months. This statement will be like Scripture to you.
Let me be honest with you. Podcasting is not a feel-good business plan. That’s why it’s easier to get distracted by TikTok and reels because they feel good. Views and likes feel gratifying. Podcasting isn’t about you. It’s about your listener. You’re the heartbeat God has positioned on the other side of the speaker. How dare you not show up and serve in this capacity!
“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. ” ~Galatians 6:9
If that’s not a declaration over this conversation I don’t know what is. Dig into scripture and find the truth about work. God was the first entrepreneur. I can help you begin your consistency journey and start your podcast with Podcast Pro University.
Business Plan “C” #2: Confidence
Your second “C” is confidence! Weird right? So why is confidence the second focus point? Confidence is not tactical. It’s because clients resonate with leaders who show clarity and conviction.
Seventy percent of clients are more likely to purchase from businesses that have a strong brand identity and clear message. You have to show up with confidence. This doesn’t mean you have to be me. I can be a lot!
You have to be founded and grounded in who God made you. Stop looking around at everybody else and how they are marketing and growing their businesses. Stop looking at how they are sharing their messages. Get back to the root of the conviction in your business.
What is my conviction? I believe the enemy has been coming at me lately. My podcast hasn’t grown this year. However, why would my podcast make infinitely more revenue? Because podcasting is still the answer to conversion.
I must be confident in myself, my brand, my story, and the trials God has walked me through.
When I lost everything I had built in 2016, my network marketing business crumbled. Maybe some of you can relate to what has happened in the industry. If that’s you, I’m sorry because I remember how awful it felt to believe in something with all of my heart and then find out it was a big facade. I believed a lie that I was part of something that was God-honoring. That killed me!
Lessons I learned with my business plan
I believe God allowed me to go through this because I am supposed to tell you there is a different business plan to follow.
Why did God allow me to get addicted to social media to the point of utter exhaustion? I would spend five to six hours per day on Instagram instead of being present with my family. Why? Because God had to show me that wasn’t the right business plan for me.
So when God showed me what method to build a business around, I knew it could only be from Him. In 2018, God whispered into my heart to start a podcast.
I had no experience
I had no team
I had no pretty brand
Talk about scared! I had nothing! This is how bad it got. When everything imploded, I even borrowed money from my son to pay the mortgage! I was empty-handed and God showed me a different way. It made no sense because podcasting doesn’t make money.
And then I was lovingly reminded with a butt-kick by the Holy Spirit. It’s not about making money and it’s not even about me. It’s about the people I‘m supposed to help.
Here’s what my business plan looked like
So I started showing up on the podcast with confidence. This is what God has shown me, and what the word says about growing a God-honoring business with podcasting. We can use our voices to grow a podcast so:
We can spend less time in our businesses
Do the other things we’re called to do
Shepherd our families, homes, marriages, and children
Spend time in the Word
I showed up with confidence for years even when I struggled. I still struggle! Confidence is your mission. You’re going to have to dig deep to find it.
Who do people buy from?
Do people buy from those who waver? Do you follow a pastor who second-guesses themself? Or do you take a course because somebody says, “This is what you need…Just kidding, that’s not the thing. Buy this other thing from me.” You lose trust.
If you don’t have confidence in your method and message, no one will follow you, let alone buy from you!
Here’s how to dig into your confidence. “This is my command, be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” ~Joshua 1:9
When God tells Joshua to “be strong and courageous,” He’s reminding us that discouragement is a natural feeling.
How many of you have been feeling discouraged in your business? But just as God was with Joshua, God is also with you. Whether you’re stepping into a new business, starting your podcast, building your offer, or pivoting your business, God is with you on your journey.
It could be that you’re not following other methods right now. That’s the courageous action to know that God is with you. Think about how freeing it is to know you don’t have to rely on your strength. Just move forward with Him.
Whether you are qualified or not, you will never feel perfect. You will never feel ready, but you can feel the confidence God has called you. If you’re having difficulty with confidence, lean into God. He will give you the confidence you need. When doubt creeps in or you’re tempted to hold back, return to the truth in Joshua 1:9.
Your Confidence Commitment Statement
When you struggle with confidence, what do you do? As part of your business plan, you need a confidence statement. Write down, When doubt, fear, or limiting beliefs creep in, I will (blank.)
What does your confidence statement look like?
Will you get in the word?
Will you listen to worship music?
Will you pray?
Will you call a mentor?
This step wasn’t necessarily tactical but if you want to have a successful business, you must be unwavering. For so many of you, wavering comes from the unknown: I don’t know what my business is, I don’t know what my podcast is. I don’t know how to grow.
Get Resourceful with Your Business Plan
I’m going to get real with you. I wasted too much time trying to figure everything out by myself. If you want to build a business in 2025, you have to find one person who has the method you’re trying to grow in. I don’t care if it’s not me you invest in. Find that person and figure out how to invest.
I have multiple coaches in different areas of my life.
I have a business coach.
I have a mentor.
I have a spiritual growth coach.
I have a health coach.
I get that it can be hard. It’s an evolution.
Sometimes I even traded for stuff – I had a stylist coach, and I was trading coaching with her. Get resourceful. Don’t make excuses about a lack of money. When God breathes into your bank account, crazy things will happen for you.
At least ask Him, Lord, where am I supposed to go next? Who’s the coach for me this season? Lord, please make a provisional way.
It’s crazy what God will do when you ask Him. Maybe He’ll tell you, not yet, and that’s okay. But I believe God has people for you. He has a way for you that will get you there faster. Whether it’s me or not is okay, but please take my advice. I wouldn’t have wasted eleven years trying to grow something online if I had invested in myself sooner.
Invest in Your Business Plan
Now, I can’t invest in enough things. When I find somebody who has the thing I want to do, I do it. Every time, that thing has an ROI on it.
Sometimes your investments will be awful. I’ve made bad investments. One was even to the tune of $15,000. It was a scam! Another one was a course that looked like an eight-year-old wrote it and it was outdated.
Did I give up? No! I didn’t swear off investing in myself forever. Rather, I found a different leader to follow. I learned how to vet people. That meant:
I asked questions.
I looked at their success stories.
I paused and prayed to God before investing.
I pray you will receive these words of encouragement from my story. You will have to invest in yourself and your business plan. It’s nonnegotiable.
Business Plan “C” #3: Conversion
My number one focus will always be on how to increase conversion. Conversion is the third business plan “C”. It is much easier to get a listener of your podcast to say yes to working with you than it is to find ten new listeners.
Companies prioritizing client engagement and trust see up to a twenty-three percent higher profitability.
When you come into Podcast to Profit with me, we spend an entire two weeks on SEO alone so you’re found in every search box on the internet. You’re not going to stress but trust the process. You can’t control how fast your podcast grows.
You CAN Control Conversion
But there are things you can do. Sit back and let the podcast do the work. You CAN control conversion. Think about that for a minute. If you have one hundred people purchase something in any given month at a one percent conversion rate, what does that do if you can increase the conversion by point five percent more? That is exponentially more sales and revenue. Conversion is the thing you’re going to focus on.
Conversion can come from one simple thing, loyalty and nurture
For example, here’s a tactical example I do. When someone listens to my podcast, I have two calls to action – one free and one paid. I do this in EVERY episode. If someone is not ready to buy, that’s fine. I have other things they can do.
They can join the Facebook group.
They can join the email list.
They can take my quiz.
But my real goal is for people to come into Podcast to Profit. Why? Because I don’t want listeners to think about it for three, six, or twelve months. They will have to redo everything when they discover what they don’t know.
Step into Faith
There’s no reason to be anxious and make excuses about why it isn’t the right time. I want none of that for you. It’s not moving you closer to the legacy God has for your business. You’ve got to step into faith as quickly as you can.
Have you ever sat in a class where everyone has to give a presentation? Who wants to go first? Maybe you’re nervous, afraid your voice will crack, or afraid someone will laugh at you. So you wait! How did that work out for you?
If you learn anything from me today, raise your hand first. When you feel the conviction, get over yourself and go for it.
Doing the hard thing is going to be harder if you wait. But when you do the hard things, watch what happens. Your capacity for what’s hard grows and the next time you‘ll be able to do more.
Your job is to get people to go from ‘I don’t know’to‘Yes!‘ because they trust you. To get people to the “Yes” faster, you need to nurture and build loyalty.
Increase Conversion with Methods of Connection in Your Business Plan.
My company increases conversion through the first two C‘s, consistency and confidence. We then increase conversion through different methods of connection. One of those is my free Facebook community where our members can be seen, heard, and poured into. It’s a place for them to commune with one another.
One of our new connection strategies is called Video Ask. People can ask my team a question. This strategy has eliminated the back-and-forth emails. I can click a button and send them an answer within ten seconds. We added this strategy to build deeper connections with our leads.
Finally, we have fun events for people to connect with us: things such as giveaways, contests, boot camps, and even live trainings like this. People look forward to hanging out with us.
These are some strategies for you to think about. Ask yourself, how can I increase my conversion a tiny bit?
Write down one conversion idea you’re going to employ for the next six months. You can even steal one of mine!
Remember, these conversion strategies are in addition to the regular consistency stuff you’re doing, like podcasting once or twice a week and sending out a weekly newsletter.
Your Business Plan Recap
You can figure out all of the things I’ve mentioned today. I have over eight hundred episodes for you to listen to. Feel free to duct-tape this thing together. But I don’t recommend it. I would encourage you to think about coming into Podcast to Profit.
It’s my six-month group coaching program where I teach you everything I talked about today:
How to start a podcast
How to optimize your podcast
Titling hacks
And much more
Because the culture has changed, there are some strategies we’re shifting to in 2025. Those of you in Podcast to Profit will know before anyone else what tweaks to make as you build a business based on lead psychology and lead gen shifts. We’ll teach you the difference between visual versus audio as it pertains to conversion.
Every single piece of Podcast to Profit gives you the how-to. It’s the actual steps to optimize your podcast. Podcast to Profit is not only the place to build the offer that will sell. It’s also the place to build a scalable offer.
Remember, It’s Not About You!
Prayerfully consider who your next coach will be. “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” ~Matthew 5:16
It’s not so they will praise you but so that they will praise Him. No matter where today’s training finds you, whether you’re interested in moving forward into Podcast to Profit with me, none of that matters as much as you showing up and sharing the things God has positioned you to share.
Remember why you’re doing what you’re doing. It’s not about you or your excuses and fears. It’s about your faith and the little mustard seed you will plant for someone else so they can grow and blossom.
I believe there’s been a pruning of the platform. Everybody quit who couldn’t hack it. That’s great for you and me because we’re in it for the long haul. It’s time to dig in and commit to podcasting as our house.
Be committed to your house. You have your commitment statements. Don’t forget them.
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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