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In today’s episode we are digging into battling BURNOUT + the work from home mom WAHM guilt that we all face.
I walk you through a BLUEPRINT that keeps you aware of incoming burnout, AND managing, navigating, and healing from it as well. If you deal with burnout and want a strategic plan to heal, stat. I gotchu! There’s no reason you should be operating with your battery on low. I believe there’s a way to live with your own semblance of balance. And, it all starts here. Knowing when you are burned out in on area so that you can re-balance and re-fuel.
Next, I cover WAHM guilt and how to know if it’s real vs. self-induced. Also I share some easy hacks I’ve recently discovered for enjoying our kids more in the little cracks of our day. This is a good one, mama. Share it with another work from home mama that might need some good soul healing!
Hey, Lola! Sup, Girl! Happy New Year! Man. I’m so excited. We have a brand new year ahead of us. We have an entire new book with empty blank pages that we get to fill with our biggest, most audacious story, incredible chapter titles, thrilling, exciting wins, and hopefully the most incredible sequel to our 2020 book that we could possibly imagine.
So I’m super here for it. I hope you are as well. I am hanging out at my husband’s family cabin. So recording this from my phone. Everybody’s gone. The kids are at the park. Everyone else ran out to run errands and I was like, you know what? I promised you guys this episode on battling burnout and really focusing on how to be, how to pour from a full cup as a mom and wife, when you run a full time biz.
I was feeling so burnt out on the past gosh, 45 days or so. And how I deal with that, how I now I’m sitting here fully restored. I mean, completely restored, rejuvenated, excited, ready to get to work, ready to face the busiest month of my year coming up, which is going to be January where I am running two programs and it’s going to be a lot. And I am so here for it.
But two weeks ago I was like, Oh my gosh, I cannot do one more thing. I cannot play with my children right now. I am so tired, just totally burnt out that I don’t want to do a thing. And how I’m able to identify those feelings and emotions in my own life and in my mind and heart. Then what I do to rejuvenate those things. So here we go. I decided to quickly record this for you guys, cause I know you’re going to need it in your arsenal for 2021.
We are going through the burnout blueprint today. All right, girl, two things before we get into the burnout blueprint, number one, you need clarity. Yes. You need to know what God has in store for you. You need to know what your plan of action is for this year. You’ve got to know what am I doing? What do I actually do with absolute clarity? Who do I serve? How do I serve them? What are my solutions? How am I going to grow this audience?
Like, what am I doing on planet earth, girl? Like if you are so tired of feeling stuck, frustrated, round and round in circles, maybe unfulfilled, constantly searching for the pivot or jumping from thing to thing. It’s because you haven’t found your one thing, the thing. I want to just help you navigate that. I want you to walk away from this year, knowing that you were doing the right things.
You were taking the steps that God had in store for you to pursue the purpose that he has, the plans that he has for you and that he’s had for you all along. If this is speaking to you and you’re like, yes, I am ready. I need clarity. I invite you to join us in Clarify Your Calling, which is going to be a 30 day group coaching program with women just like you. We are going to be going through my four tiers of brand creation.
You’re going to walk away with clarity over what you were created to do specific triggers, action words, SEO, keywords, a title, a tagline to your brand, a mission statement. I also have a bunch of cool bonuses for you in the group coaching. We have spotlight, fire round Q&A coaching at the end of every training. Like it’s going to be so good. 30 days. Finally know what it is that you’re created to do.
Have that clarity and have that and walk away with that action plan of what you’re going to do with that clarity. I want you to go to clarifyyourcallingcourse.com. So three, two, one go. Number two. If you have a podcast and you want to go all in, you’re like, I am ready. I want to go all the way up, Stef. I want to go all the way up. What I want you to do is I want you to go and join us in Podcast to Profit, which is my 90 day full immersion mastermind for podcasters.
You must have a podcast, and we are going to grow your show. Many, many, many of my students rank top 100. Some of them top 10, some of them top five. It be crazy up in there. You are going to walk away with a course outline and or coaching program outlined. Some of you even with a finished product. I’m going to teach you my soft launch strategy, which has had massive success in P2P past.
I’ve had many, many success stories. You guys can go check all of those testimonies out at podcasttoprofit.gr8.com. That’s podcasttoprofit.gr8.com. So if that’s calling your name, I want you to go there ASAP. Okay? So those are the ways you can work with me for now. I’m so excited to serve you. I’m so excited to work with you in these two live capacities for January.
I will tell you an investment that you make in your future, that you feel led to make will never, ever not go full circle, not work for you, not flourish for you in a huge positive way financially, spiritually, mentally like pouring confidence into you and purpose into an impact out of you so that you can begin to walk in your purpose.
You can begin to walk into your own potential, step up into your own potential and ultimately be so joyful, fulfilled and excited about where you are going in 2021. So let’s do it. Okay. Let’s get into the burnout blueprint. So like I mentioned, the intro, you know, I was feeling some type of way in December. I was like, I am so over this, I’m tired.
I’m exhausted. We had the 12 days of Christmas, and it was like so much fun, but so much work. I mean, to be honest and like I was just tired and I had so many clients because as you guys know we just raised prices. And so I think everyone, every single Lola, probably all of you listening right now, are like I’m gonna snag me a coaching hour or package because I want to work with Stef before prices go up.
My calendar was insane. All such amazing problems to have. Thank you, God. I am truly so, so, so immensely grateful. But at the same time I have a family, right? I have two children. I have a husband, I have home, we had Christmas, we had trips to plan. We had three different Christmases. I had to wrap all the things like it was a lot for the month of December.
Interestingly though, December ended up being, you know, one of the most profitable months, but with profit comes work absolutely every single time. So I was, come December 23rd ish like burnt out. So burned out. I had this also this rising guilt, this rising mom guilt, this rising work from home mom, guilt that I think so many of you probably experience where I felt like I had been pouring into my business at this 110% capacity for the past, you know, 30 days.
And I’m so like unbalanced, I can feel that I’m pouring into my business in this big way. And then I’m done at five at night and I look at my kids and there’s nothing left. I’m so tired. You know, now I have to make dinner. Then I got to clean up from the day. Then I have, you know, give baths to everybody, do some dishes and I’m done. Like I’m ready to lay on the couch and like poop out.
So I was starting to identify that my kids were kind of triggering me because I was so tired and exhausted, which is a huge identifier for me that something is off. Number two. I was feeling guilt, a rising guilt, increasing guilt around the fact that like, I wasn’t able to enjoy playing with them. Enjoy spending time with them. I was feeling like I still had so much work to do.
I couldn’t fully turn off the work triggers in my brain to pour into my kids. And you know, I talked to my spiritual mentor about that and I talked to some of my friends about this and they had some wonderful advice, which I’m gonna share with you guys once we get through the burnout blueprint. But first I want to go through like, how do you even know when you’re burnt out, A. B, what do you do with that information?
When you still have a business to run? Like you just turn things off when the faucet’s on. Like, how do you walk away from, from a faucet that’s full blast pouring out hot water. And you’re like, well, I got to go. I’m burnt out. Like have fun filling up the sink and overflowing, like, how do you actually walk away from that? And then, C, how do you then adequately manage what you do when you’ve turned it off?
Where do you go from there? What do you do with those things to get back into balance? And then finally, D, how do you turn back on the faucet? Okay. Once you are rejuvenated, refreshed, etc. So we’re going to go through that today. We’re going to go through B, go ahead and get your pen and paper out and write these down. B you write them down vertically down your page. B-U-R-N-O-U-T.
Write the word burnout vertically. Okay. So first one is be the first thing you have to do is you have to have your burnout identifiers, okay. Burnout, identifiers, or triggers. So here are mine. When I, I have to know that I’m burnt out because sometimes we’re just on full blast and we can’t even, we don’t even take the time to recognize that something’s wrong.
Something is not right in your heart. Something is not right in your home. And so for me, it’s a rising mom guilt. That’s an identifier. And it’s because I’m literally not spending enough time with my children because I’m so hyper focused on the business. And then the guilt starts to rise. In that situation, the guilt is founded. If you remember back when I talked about mom guilt and my mom guilt episode, sorry.
I don’t remember the number, but, if you guys just search for that, you’ll find it. It’s it’s in the first 50 episodes. But in that episode, I talk about guilt can either be real, or it can be a self-perceived. This, in this case, in my burnout identification system, it’s real.
It’s, I’m literally pouring from such an empty cup. I don’t want to play with them. When I say, I don’t want to play with them, obviously not out loud, but in my mind, something’s off because I typically want to play with them in small increments, doing the things that we both enjoy.
For example, this weekend, I was doing this super fun math game with Miles. It was, it was fun. I love doing puzzles with Landon. I love to color with them. Little, like little, small increments of time. Those should be joyful. And when I’m finding that, they’re not it’s because I’m either on hyper overload at work or have so much stress and I’m burnt out.
Then I need to take a look at why is that happening? Okay. Another identifier for me is I’m not taking care of my health. If you start stress eating, overeating, or not eating at all, then you know, you are toying with complete burnout.
That’s a huge identifier, a huge trigger. You potentially are arguing with your spouse. Argumentative, highly stressed, highly reactive. That’s a big one. Also for me, another identifier is that my home is becoming a little bit out of control.
I’m not able to keep up with the laundry that, well, my laundry, you guys let’s get real. Let’s just put my laundry out of this. Okay. But my dishes like the dishes are piling up. The mess is piling up. My mother-in-law told me a long time ago, and it has stuck with me for years. The state of your home is the state of your mind. I totally agree with her on this. And when my home starts getting out of control, that’s another sign like, Hey, something is off and I need to take a look at this.
And all of those identifiers you need to pay attention to because when they all start to explode at the same time, you’re going to hit massive burnout. So that’s B, having your burnout identifiers listed and that you were in tune with those. A good check-in system for me is to just check those four or five things that I just said every week, like, okay, how am I doing with wanting to play with my kids?
How am I doing with the home and with my spouse? How am I doing on my stress levels? My reactions, how am I doing on my home? If all of those things feel pretty intact and, and okay. Give and take you guys, this is not black and white. It ebbs and flows. But if you notice that some of that stuff is really starting to get out of whack. You need to get yourself in check.
Okay? So U, we’re going to you now, which is Uncover and identify the why. So when you have to then uncover, why are these things out of whack? Why? When I started looking into those things, what I identified is that my workload was insane.
Five clients a day, four days a week, plus trying to prep for my launches in January, plus Christmas. Like there were, there was so much on me in December, in my work life that all the other really, really important pieces of my life had to give, because there’s only one you, and there’s only one me.
So if we live our life in this semblance of balance that we want to live, and I do believe there’s balance, I don’t believe it’s 50/50, but I do believe in it. And that’s why I structure my life the way that I do with my weekends completely off, do not take clients. No social media, no social media at night. You know, you guys know, you know, my, how I structure.
my life. But when you have so much, you have to start pulling it from those other buckets that are sacred. And when you start pulling from the other buckets that are sacred, you start to feel unrest in your heart. And then that unrest turns to resentment, stress, frustration, anxiety, any other emotion you want to throw in there that is typically not a positive emotion, and then finally, culminate all those together, burnout.
That’s what I Uncovered. Whoa. I have been working really, really hard this month. Not a bad thing. It’s a great thing. I’m here for it, but that means I need to turn this off. Okay, so remember when I talked about the faucet, you got to turn off the faucet. You can walk away from the sink. Okay.
So that brings me to R, which is Rest. Now, I had a choice I could keep working through from the 24th to January 2nd, which is today, right? I could have worked that whole time, prepared my launches for, I have a lot of work to do you guys prepare the launches that I’ve got coming up. I’ve got Clarify Your Calling, we’re doing a free workshop in the Facebook group.
So that’s one thing I need to prepare. I could have prepared it over this time off. I could have done this whole bunch of episodes to make sure that I was fully prepared for January, right? With all the batch episodes I possibly could need. I had sales pages that needed to be optimized. I have all the price updates that need to happen. There was so much work to do, but instead, you know what I did?
I said, no, I am burnt out. This I have identified. I know why I need this. Let’s see whatever that was full week. I need like this entire week to just sit and rest and rebalance. Okay. We have to rebalance our lives every so often, typically every week. That’s why I take weekends completely off, but I knew that January was going to be crazy. So it was, it was a give or take, should I do this work now so that January is lessened?
Or do I completely refuel my tank? And I decided to completely refill my tank, deleted all, all the social media apps did not record in any episodes until right now, sitting here with you guys, it’s the 2nd of January. Didn’t take a client. Didn’t talk to a human being like just hung out with my family. We went to the cabin. We spent the night at my mom’s spent time with my dad. I mean, just all the things I got a 90 minute massage.
Like I truly was like, I got to refuel, got that. I spent hours with God hours, Bible study galore, listening to my Bible app. I fully rested and N nourished my body. Okay. So Burnout identifiers, U is Uncover and identify the why. R is Rest. You have to lay all the things down to pour into the buckets that were being ignored. Also my children. Hours with them, okay. Hours, because I don’t feel that I am being as Christ-like as possible if I am not living my life, that Christ would ask me to live.
As giving, as serving, as close with my, with my family as pouring into my body, as if it’s my temple, my home, as if it’s a temple as well, my children. Like you’ve got to do those things. And I can’t do those things if work is always number one, now there are times and days where work needs to be a priority, but then there are also times and days where the work needs to be last on that list.
If not completely boxed up and set on the closet, set up in the closet shelf, like I’m going to shelve you for now. I’m going to pull out these other items. That’s what I did. Then I Nourished. I ate really super well clean, got the massage. Did all the laundry, got everything back in order in every other bucket of my life.
That brings me to, O, Outsourcing. Outsourcing. While you’re in your rest phase. And this can even be a day. This can be a weekend for me. This was the full week, knowing what January is going to look like for me. And so outsource, what can you ask for help right now?
I’m like, Hey, can you take the kids to the park? I would love to, I, you know, record this episode, I’m ready to get back to work. I’ve got some things to do. Outsourcing. I asked for help with some house projects. The kids went and spent the night with my mom for a few nights so that I could hang out with husband and we could get the house back in order.
I have people on my team that are taking care of things for me over this break. Shout out to all of you girls. You guys are incredible, but outsourcing that doesn’t have to cost money either. It can be free. Get an intern. You guys, I have clients who pay people on Fiverr, six bucks an hour, to help them with stuff like, yes, it can be a family member who’s willing to something come help you out with the kiddos.
Or maybe you can go stay at their house and get some work done. Like whatever the things are that need to happen, outsourcing so that you have less on your shoulders at all times. And really specifically in this, in the burnout recovery phase, which is what we’re talking about right now, is that asking for help. We’ve got, you’ve got to get over this notion that you have to do all the things by yourself, because that is false.
That is absolutely false. Even if you’re like, but I live fully alone. I don’t know. As a human being, I don’t know a soul I’m over here in a place that is like fully isolated. Again, $6 an hour on Fiverr. Let me just say where there is a problem sisters, there is a solution ready, willing, and able to be presented and implemented. You just have to find it.
All right, let’s go to U. Understand. Okay. So the Understand. What this one means to me is understanding what really matters in your life. It’s understanding the big picture. So many of my clients and y’all God bless you guys. And so many of my listeners, God bless you, Little Lola’s I just love you guys. You’re so focused. You’re so hyper-focused on the little tiny details of a project, the little tiny components of a sales page, the little tiny item on a to-do list.
You’re so hyper-focused on the little stuff. It’s clouding your vision of the big picture. Why are we doing the things that we are doing? You have to understand the big picture in order to allow yourself to heal from burnout and give yourself permission to rest, nourish, outsource, which is the recovery. This means if I look at my business, and I know I have an insane December, and I do not rest, I know I have things to do, but I’d rather my things be done at 90% capacity in January.
Then take away from this week where I could pour into God, my husband, my kids, and myself and my home in a really big way. And then come back with a hundred percent of my spirit, my heart, my fulfillment, and pour from a completely overflowing cup. Okay. And know that God’s going to bring me the women. Okay. You guys don’t care if my sales page is 100% perfect.
And by the way, I sent an email that the link was weird and you guys were emailing me about it. And I was like, okay, this is cool. Like it’s all gravy, baby. Things do not need to be perfectly orchestrated in order for them to work. What things need to be is surrendered to God. Like, Hey God, you asked me to run, Clarify Your Calling. I’m so here for it, send me the women. That’s it.
That’s it. And P.S., God told me to steward my children, my husband, myself, my time, my life to lay down social media, lay down every idol in my life. I will never again, allow work to ever become an idol or social media. So I, yes, sir. Okay. So you have to understand the big picture visions of who you want to be and how you want to live and what you’re doing in your business.
And then why, and let go of all the small stuff, sisters. It is never going to be perfect. I am recording this episode from our cabin in the bedroom with a cell phone. I don’t have a mic here. Don’t need a mic here. I’m talking to you guys. You guys are here for it. You love authenticity. So understand the big picture so that you can let go of perfectionism so that you can let go of this idea in your mind.
That’s false, by the way, that in order to be hugely successful and profitable, you have to be doing all things at all times, showing up in all places at all times, and that you are not allowed to live the way that God’s intended you to live because the world tells you otherwise. Well, guess what? The world is full of facades that we as kingdom entrepreneurs, don’t have to abide by.
And actually we shouldn’t be abiding by any of them. We should be rising up and showing other kingdom entrepreneurs, the people that we are called to serve, how to do this God’s way. Okay. So U is Understand the big picture vision of what God wants your life to look, feel, and be, and then step up into it fully trusting, fully, fully trusting. Okay.
Now T. T is for Testing. Testing. So here we go. The last couple of days I was feeling so great. I’m like, gosh, I think I’m better. I’m so much better. Like my burnout feels gone. I feel so good. I’m energetic. I’ve had rest. I’ve had time. My kids’ cups are fueled and they are just, you know, we’ve spent so much time together done so many fun things.
Husband and I feel really, really in a great place. Like the home is put back together. I feel good. You guys, I don’t just jump in after like a full-out burnout phase. I tiptoe, I tiptoe. So what did I do? I got in Facebook, looked at some messages. Got on Voxer, messaged a couple people from my team. And then I sat there with it for a minute and I’m like, am I ready? Am I ready? Cause I was intentionally choosing to probably come back on the first to “work.”
Right. Well, that felt good. But then I immediately had some big resistance. I’m like, Ugh. Like I don’t really want to be back yet. I don’t want to come back to social media. There are some things I have to do, so, okay. So worked on some taxes, you know, did the things I have to do, obviously some things you have to do, I’m not saying ignore your responsibilities, you guys, but the things you don’t have to do yet, if you’re not ready Test, am I ready?
And I was like, you know what? I’m not ready. And I don’t have to, I don’t have to be ready until the fourth. I don’t actually have to turn on Instagram or Facebook. I don’t have to do anything yet. So I don’t in my heart feel, I’m feeling this big resistance to like fully jumping back in. So I’m just going to tip toe.
I’m going to tip toe. And today I’m doing a little bit more. I’m recording this for you guys. I’ve done a little bit more work today. And then tomorrow is Sunday. I might just do an hour, some little easy stuff. Then Monday I’ll be full force.
So when you’re, when you’re on the other side side of a full burnout and you’ve already gone through the recovery process, which is the Uncover, Rest, Nourish, Outsource, Understand, you have to Test it because your body will tell you and your heart will tell you when you’re fully ready to step up, back into your ultimate work mode.
Okay? So it’s testing. All right. So let’s just recap real quick. Burnout B, you’ve got to identify, have your identifiers listed burnout, identifiers. What are they paying high attention to them? You Uncover them. Why are you feeling the way that you’re feeling what’s happening?
Then you have to go through the recovery, which is Rest, N, nourish. O, Outsource. Finally, you have to, I understand the big picture vision of what you, where you want to go and how God is calling you the live. And then finally, T, Test. Test coming back in to whatever it is that’s causing the burnout. Now my example was work, but sometimes you guys burn out is caused by other things, okay? Maybe it’s caused by homeschooling four kids.
Hey, go through this same road map for that. Okay? You got to rest. You got to nourish, and ou got to outsource. I mean, come on on guys like again, where there is a problem. There is a solution and these little healing, burnout beating burnout. It can maybe be just one day of recovery in some cases.
For me on a recurring basis, I am always somewhat burnt out by Friday, which means Saturday, Sunday, every single week, every single week is saved as burnout recovery time, as healing, as refueling as time with the kiddos.
Those for me are heavy, heavy family buckets. And I know that those are going to allow me to be refueled and refreshed for that Monday. So I know this about myself. Now, if I have a really big month like December, or like January is going to be, I might plan in a full week of recovery, knowing that about myself, I’m going to need it. You aren’t going to know this is about yourself until you get really honest about the way that you are feeling and why.
And you also have the, U, the Understanding big picture vision of what God wants you to do be say, live like, stand for. You’ve got to do that work and be really honest with yourself. And then finally, you guys have to be intentional about taking the action. I could not be resting. I could have been working this entire time, which I used to be. That was workaholic Stefanie.
That was Stefanie who idolized work success, rank, checklists, all the things that the enemy loves to distract you with. Okay. But I know better now because my life is extraordinarily favor-filled because I’m doing this God’s way. And God’s way says, rest, replenish, refresh when needed, right. We have a Sabbath on purpose and whatever that looks like for you.
So here’s my burnout blueprint. I hope that this helps you guys. And just one other bonus tip I want to share with you is if for those of you that are specifically dealing with work from home mom guilt, I had some amazing advice.
Shout out to Miranda and Chelsea Jo for helping me with this, which was, can you tell time block in 15 to 30 minutes per day per child? If you have four children, we’ll just do 10 or 15 minutes each asking the kiddo, Hey, what do you want to do with mama today?
What do you want to do with mama today? If you could pick anything, what would it be and letting your kiddo lead the way give or take, okay. Like if they’d say something crazy, you can rein them in, but my kids are like a puzzle or bake or, what did Miles say? Do math with you. Okay. Or, go for a walk like they don’t say hard things. And then I take a look at my day, even if it’s super packed, I typically have some type of break in there.
Or if not, I will do it after dinner and I will pencil it in set a timer and do, and then hide my phone. Like set it away from us. You don’t need a phone near you when you’re doing intentional time with your kiddo. And then every day, just sitting down, getting on your child’s level and letting them know they’re seen, heard, cherished, loved, that you enjoy them and that they matter in their own special way.
And I can tell you, the last couple of weeks that I’ve just been really focused on doing this. Even when I was really, really busy at work, I would still do this. And it felt really great. And now during this time where I have not been working and I’ve been able to do an hour or two with each child and that’s even better. But it was, tiptoeing in was so good. Cause I was telling them like, Oh, I’m so busy at work.
And like, I feel this massive guilt around not being, not wanting to play with them. Like, let me just be really honest. Like not wanting to. Well sure, when you’re so, so tired from running this massive month in your business or day or launch or, even if for those of you that have full-time jobs and then you come home, it’s a lot and, and you look at it from this view of like, Oh, I’m way too tired to like, play.
That sounds so hard. But if you break it into this tiny bite size thing of like, do I have 15 minutes in me right now, 15 minutes per kiddo, just to do something that would light them up and you just look in their little eyes and you watch them light up as you do something with them and you, you’re slow paced, you’re not rushing through it. Cause you know, when the timer goes off, it’ll be over.
So just take your time and enjoy it and be there, be fully there. We all have that inside of us. And that actually refilled my cup every single day, just a little bit. And the beauty was often I kept going. Cause it was, I was enjoying it as much as they were enjoying it and it’s been building on itself. So I just wanted to share those amazing tips that my beautiful friends and mentors shared with me and pass those along to you guys.
If you’ve been struggling with some work from home mama guilt, that tiny exercise has been transformational for me. I think it can be transformational for you. So there you go. I will meet you guys back here on Thursday with more amazing content on the show. Hey, if you’ve been hanging out with me for three episodes or more, you’re one of my Lola’s, which means you are a ride or die mompreneur up in hurr.
And I want to ask you for a huge favor. I want to ask you to pause this episode right here. Right now, take 60 seconds of your life for me. This is how you can thank me. I would be truly, truly, truly so grateful to hear from you. Leave a written review for this podcast on Apple podcasts. All you gotta do is go to my podcast, scroll down to the review section, click, write a review, okay, leave the stars and leave the verbiage.
I read them. I read every single review and it lights me up. Hearing that you guys are enjoying the show. Tell me what you love best. What your favorite episode is. Tell me anything that is going to just confirm that this is resonating with you guys in a deep way. I love you and am so here for you this year. I am cheering for you. And I pray that God provides for you in a massive way in 2021, a way that is totally unexpected, fruitful, full of only the types of surprises that God can provide.
I pray that he just does work behind the scenes to orchestrate your calling and bring that fruitfulness and that purpose to the forefront of your mind, bring it right into your vision so that you know where you are going so that you have that path to walk right alongside with God as he helps you uncover the greatest potential that is already within you, that has been within you from birth, that he helps bring your, his plans for your life to light.
I truly believe it. I pray that you have confidence in audacity and chasing after those dreams. Girl know that I am here with you, partnered with you, father. We thank you. We trust you and love you and Jesus name. Amen. Love and God’s light, Stef.
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
We’re chatting with Podcast to Profit graduate, Rachel DeSonier, about how her podcast skyrocketed and landed clients without social media.
Do you want to build a profitable, sustainable, and impactful podcasting business? Then, you must follow my ten non-negotiable rules.
I’m sharing 7 steps that allowed me to make 7-figures as a Christian business owner. It’s time to get back to the basics.
Let’s talk about podcasting basics today. I’m doing a power coaching call with my friend, Jeri Bisbee, a Podcast to Profit student.
I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast.
How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
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podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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