defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey sis!
Today we are digging into all the HOWS of getting your podcast to work FOR you. The things I’ve done over the past 2 years to use my show as my entire SALES funnel. Having a top ranked podcast starts here. From the organic, evergreen audience driver to the list builder, to the conversion magic maker. ALL. OF. IT.
This fun, easy-to-do podcast. Simple, on my terms, hang behind the mic braless and flawless, messy mom-bun, kinda business.
Yes, please!
I break down for you the exact steps I’ve taken to build an almost 350K downloaded show, top ranked Entrepreneurship category podcast, AND a passive income generating MACHINE, that honestly, doesn’t even feel like work!
Why? Because sis, I want to free you from doing EVERYTHING in your business to try and scale, so you can focus on a few easy, fulfilling outlets that aren’t a time-suck. That opens doors you didn’t even know existed. And the best part? It’s 100% on your terms, your way. Podcasting is what’s up girl.
Time to go from toe in the sand to all the way in. If you want your podcast to transform your business, become your thing, and create massive impact – I invite you to listen in to all my secrets.
(00:00) Hey sister friends. I am just recording for you this quick fun little episode on how in the heck I was able to pass 330,000 downloads and rank at its highest peak at number 24 on the podcast charts in the entrepreneurship category and get on other people’s podcasts who have millions, AKA 40 million downloads and all the successful things that have happened in my very short two years of podcasting.
(00:35) How I did it, how you can do it. And we’re just going to walk through all of those super cool strategic podcast growth hacks right here, right now. All right, so let’s really dig into this. What the heck did I do to grow a top 25 entrepreneurship ranked podcast within two years, pass over 330,000 podcast downloads in two years, all the things, all the things?
(01:49) Like how am I able to generate, let me see, I don’t know, 10X the income that I was making without the show and work less? Whoop whoop! Mm mm, yes. Working less yet making more. Showing up with short bursts of intentionality in my PJ’s, behind a mic or most of the time from my phone and hanging out living my best life and work is exploding.
(02:21) Profitability, a multi six figure coaching business, passive income courses that sell every single day. You guys like it’s surreal. It’s really surreal. Eight and a half years ago, I started out as a network marketer and the hustle was intense. You know, I worked 50, 60 hours a week. You guys have heard the story, burnout, anxiety attacks, weight gain, anxiety, super, super irritable all the time.
(02:48) Unhealthy, frustrated, resentful, because I didn’t want to be building a business that way. And yet struggling to make ends meet. Then that fell apart, no money. And uh, you guys have heard more money, more problems. It’s actually no money mo’ problems in my opinion, because I’ve had both and having no money, it seemed to bring on more problems for us.
(03:10) So anyways, I think when you have more money, it’s good problems to have. Growing pains. We can handle that, right? Cause where there’s a problem, there’s a solution ready and willing to be found. Anyways. So, my point is having the podcast is what has catapulted everything having the show is what has grown and scaled the audience. It is what has brought in all the clients to the yard, baby.
(03:38) It is what sells courses almost every single day from here. Okay? Just like this, just talking to you guys and I’m gonna tell you why, and then I’m gonna tell you how. So why first? Because as I show up for you guys here, once, twice, sometimes three times a week, you trust me, you hear from me. You know I’m not reading a script to you. You know, someone else is not writing these podcast episodes for me, I’m doing it. It’s me. It’s my heart.
(04:04) I don’t look up. I don’t go look what someone else is saying on their show and regurgitate that information to you guys. I do not spout the hustle harder movement because I think that’s what you want to hear. I’m here to tell you all the things that you probably don’t want to hear, but have to hear, because what I have to say is 100% founded on God’s truth.
(04:24) And if it’s not, I’ll be the first one to raise my hand and say, whoops, I made a mistake. Here’s what’s up. Like I am just here to be a guide, be a mentor for you guys in this crowded entrepreneurial space. I want to be not a worldly entrepreneur, but a kingdom entrepreneur, a God led coach mentor for you. So that’s what I’m here doing. And I think you guys know that.
(04:45) And I think you’re, you’ve been searching for that, that authenticity, that messiness, that rawness, that I just, you know, don’t really care to be, to put together because that’s not who I am. I’m Stef. I love my mess. I flourish in it. I love just my, my authentic, like wingding hair, my iced coffee inappropriately at 2:00 PM. You know, I like working from PJ’s I’m here for it. And I think you guys are here for it.
(05:13) What it does is it instills trust you, trust me. You also know that the stuff I teach is one of a kind, because I am not looking at anyone else’s stuff. I am not molding what I say based on online research. I am not having someone else script my episodes. Yes. That is a very real thing. My friends, my sisters be aware. I am not telling you things that will make me money, but that hurt your bank account.
(05:37) I am only selling you guys things that I know will bring you success because I’ve done it myself, that I know that when you invest in yourself and you show up for it, you are going to have a breakthrough. I will never sell you guys something that I don’t know if it is really, truly going to work for you. Okay? That’s why out of all the courses and things I’ve created, there are only a couple of things that I market and sell.
(05:58) I’ve retired many things that I’ve no longer that I no longer stand behind. Right? Like I had a course called funnel fusion a while back, years ago. And you guys laugh those of you that took it. It was a good course, but I don’t use funnels anymore to sell. I use podcasting because it’s so much more authentic, real and fun. It’s just way more fun to sell like this talking to you guys casually than it is to have a weird email funnels. Okay.
(06:22) So my point of that, all of that is to say that I think you trust me because of that stuff. I know it. And so why am I podcast exploded is because it was unlike other shows that are out there. It was pretty unedited. It was very fun and freeing. When I changed my intro to have some rap music, they be popping like it’s hot. Mmmm, and I still love me some Jesus.
(06:47) You guys were super here for it because I think you know that God does not expect you to walk around in your nun costume all day long and never, you know, break it down. Okay. He’s like, it’s good girl. Like you can be an amazing Christian and have fun in your life. And that was freeing for those of you that listen to my intro and enjoy it. It’s okay. Yes.
(07:13) Why else? Because I tell you guys, when I mess up, I tell you that I’m recording from my phone. I’m not hiding anything. I’m not hiding anything. There is nothing to hide. Why, why hide things? We are all the same. We are all super imperfect, messy human beings who do and strive to be our best and to continue to search for God’s purpose over us and what he wants for us.
(07:38) And we fail, but we get up, we keep showing up, we keep shining for our purpose. We keep shining for what God is calling us to do. We keep, we keep speaking out, even though we’re messy or we say ‘um’ or there’s background noise. We have children. Can we just normalize having children for once? Yes. When I started do all of those things, you guys were super here for it.
(08:01) And so you told other women about it, you subscribed and you listened. Those are all the very first foundational things that I did to make this podcast explode. I didn’t do it. God did it. The next thing I did was I handed the show to God, which okay, there we go. I let go of control. I let go. I stopped hiding my faith. I stopped wandering between, Oh, I should talk a little bit about new age for those people.
(08:26) And a little bit about Christianity for these people. I’m like, you know what? I’m not here for everyone. I’m going to go ahead and dare to be polarizing. And I’m just going to be who I am. I am a kingdom led entrepreneur. It’s God’s way or no way, period. Everyone’s welcome here. Believe me, every single person. I don’t care the religion. I don’t care the color of the skin, the political affiliation, orientation. I don’t care. Everyone’s welcome.
(08:53) I love every human being just as Jesus loved and loves every single human being. However, I believe in Jesus, I believe in a God led business and I’m going to be here for it. And I’m going to say it. If it doesn’t resonate with someone there, so this doesn’t have to be the show for them. I don’t have to be the coach for everyone, you guys, right. And either do you.
(09:15) So daring to stand up and stand up into and speak out on your truth, who you are, who you want to be and who you want to work with. It’s okay. There is enough human beings for everyone on the planet. All right. The next thing that I did is I stopped looking up. I stopped comparing. I stopped comparing. I stopped looking at the shows with the millions of downloads, the 20 million, 60 million, a hundred million, whatever it is because those shows, they’re not really for me.
(09:45) They feel scripted and weird and they feel like all over the place, they don’t feel niche. And some of them are good and some of them are not. And I just felt like, you know what? I’m not in it for the downloads. I’m in it for the impact and whatever God wants to do with that. If I get 10,000 downloads ever? Cool, because I know that I did it my way. I know that I did it from my heart.
(10:08) I know that I did it in the way that he said, I know that I’m talking about the content and the topics and the scriptures that he wants me to and whatever he does with that. And once I did, once I just let go of control. I let go of, of a big download goal. Like of course we all love downloads. We like our shows to grow, but it’s going to grow God’s way and whatever that means to us cool. I’m so here for it.
(10:32) That’s when it exploded though, when I let go of control, how ironic, how ironic. Because again, our goals and plans and vision for our lives and for our podcasts, it pales in comparison to God’s dreams and plans and vision for our lives and our podcasts, right? He has ultimate control. He’s omnipresent. He already knows what the end result is. The end goal.
(10:56) Why are we trying to control something that is already written for us? Okay. The next thing that I did was I started to say yes, and ask. I started to ask for opportunity and then say yes to the ones that God put his stamp of approval on. These were big audacious asks, asking to be on other podcasts, asking to work with someone or to collaborate with someone. So those big asks always resulted in big influxes into my show.
(11:26) The next thing that I did was I bumped up the episodes. I stopped showing up on social. Like you guys, I barely show up over there truly honestly. I’m on social five to 10% of my working time. Weird. Right. I’ve outsourced most of it. So shout out to all my girls again, you guys are so amazing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all of your support. I love you.
(11:47) And you know, I’m just, it doesn’t light me up, so I’m not going to do it. So instead I spent that extra time here on the show because this so lights my soul on fire. And then I got really great at titles, at SEO, at connecting with my audience. I got to asked the other day, how do you do copy? Like, how do you do your, your emails copywriting?
(12:11) I was like, she’s like, what course did you take? Or like, what did you research? I’m like, I stopped taking courses. I stopped researching. I started to get to know you, Lola so much better. I know every single thought you’re having. I know why you’re struggling. I know what’s going on at home. I know what’s going on in your business.
(12:29) I know where you’re at in your business and why you’re afraid to show up on the podcast. I know where you’re getting stuck in perfectionism and overthinking. I know that you are researching things. I know you’re looking up. I know you’re comparing.
I know you girls so well that I can speak directly to you and write directly to you when I write a description or a little email, like, so that’s another thing that really helped the podcast grow and be catapulted is I stopped trying to sound like everyone else.
(12:57) I just said, I’m gonna sound like me. If I have a typo. Okay. If I misspell something, okay. I always get, choose and chose wrong. So that’s probably been fun if any of you have ever caught that one before. But my point is, I just started showing up on this show with everything that I had inside of me and letting God lead the way. All right?
(13:21) The next thing that I did was I learned how to utilize Pinterest really, really well. Um, I’ve always used Pinterest. Pinterest has been a great driver to my website for years, 18-25,000 viewers per month. Just full organic traffic from Pinterest. I don’t even get on Pinterest, you guys. It’s so easy. Learn to optimize it just a little bit more in the past 12 months, which also helped drive lots of traffic to my, to the blog post, which link, what to where? the podcast, the podcast, the podcast, the podcast.
(13:49) The podcast is the entire organic sales funnel. For me, it’s everything. It’s where I collect leads. It’s where I cultivate leads. And it’s where I sell and convert. The pod cast that easy, that simple. Okay. The next thing I did was I started to really capitalize on passive income strategy to then bring money into the funnel. So when people come into this show, what do you guys want?
(14:16) You want to either get clarity A) so, great, you can take, clarify your calling course at Number two, you can start a podcast. Of course you want to start a podcast. You guys hear me talk about how podcasting is the answer to literally all of your problems online marketing has to offer. It’s so fun. It’s so easy. It’s so authentic. It’s still booming. It is not saturated.
(14:38) It is the easiest way to have fun growing and scaling a business. If that’s what you want, you go to and you buy my podcasting course. Or the next thing want is you want to scale your show. You want it to rank. You want to get 350,000 downloads, to be featured on top millionaire shows. You want to have a passive product to drive revenue to your show.
(15:02) You want a multi six figure coaching business. You want literally the exact business model that I’ve built using podcasting. What do you do? You go to Three offers three steps. That’s it. That’s my business. I optimized that really, really extraordinarily clearly about six months ago. I just added clarify your calling course, as you guys know, we’re running it one time live only in less than two weeks.
(15:30) If you want to be part of that one time only and get ultimate clarity on your thing on your calling. That’s new, but the rest of it’s been here for over a year. That exploded my profit. I mean, you guys, it’s, it’s crazy. So if you are ready to have that exact success, that exact same roadmap, you can just take from this episode what I said, okay.
(15:59) A) Clarify your calling and I can help you with that. B) start the podcast. Obviously can help you with that Or C) you’re like, okay, I feel it. I see it. I have the show I’m ready. I really want to take this all the way up. Like I want it to be my full-time gig. I want it to work for me, to flourish. I want to stop being a perfectionist in the podcasting sphere.
(16:26) I want to just do this thing. Let the authenticity flow through. I want to have amazing SEO, understand the psychology of my avatar. I want to have content that converts right there on the podcast without funnels, without even freebies with nothing with just sitting here, speaking out, speaking directly to your person. You want to do it with confidence.
(16:46) You want to make connections that are going to get you huge opportunities on other people’s podcasts and know my exact, exact strategy for getting featured on top million million, million million download shows and getting actual relationships with those podcasters that have led to massive opportunity in my business as affiliates in many, many different ways, being featured in their courses, in their programs, etc.
(17:13) And you want to have accountability along the way, full immersion, my eyeballs, all over your podcast, all over your business, walking away with a passive course that you can do just like this, monetize on the show or a coaching business that you can launch. And finally have a soft launch strategy. That’s very, very fun, simple, and easy a way to sell your stuff to your market in a couple of days.
(17:39) Like easy peasy I have had clients have $33,000 soft launches based on this strategy, I have had people have 10, 11, 2,000 and everything in between. I have a couple coming up that my girls are going to have probably over the $33,000 launches, which is insane. Insane.
Like if you’re not going to do this now, when are you going to do it? If you’re never going to invest in yourself, you’re never really going to show up for your growth in a way that’s going to allow you to have full immersion experience and allow you to have that breakthrough because you’re the law of the lid.
(18:41) You got to get new, incredible information poured into you. But then you’ve got to take massive action to put the output out in order for it to resonate and to flourish and to become something tactical and tangible in your show and to walk away with a course and a launch strategy. So go to, read the reviews, watch the videos, see if it feels right for you and know that you.
(19:07) As always the girls walk away with a brand new family that they stay with. Like they stay with their pod when we’re done. But every single thing I’ve learned to grow my show to the Heights that I’ve grown it to the income that I’ve grown it to the passive 60% revenue driver that I’ve, that I’ve grown it to all of it. I’m giving it all to you in Podcast to Profit. And then I’m going to be on you to make sure you actually do the work.
(19:43) I don’t know about you guys, but I have not been part of a program other than my podcast to profit program. We’re 90 days later, 100% of the participants are still fully participating. They’re on every call. They have done every homework assignment. They are so in it. The biggest thing that they say to me is that I’ve never done so much for my business and my growth in 90 days as I have done in this program.
(20:06) It’s because I am highly intensive about having you guys do the work you are showing up for yourself in a way that you never have before. So I just pray that if you feel it in your heart, you feel that tug right now and you are a podcaster and you are done playing small. You are ready to step up, go all in, raise your hand and go from call to chosen with your voice, to make an impact in the world. And to then help people implement the things that God has equipped you with.
(20:30) Podcast to Profit is for you, girl. Leap with me. I’ve got you. I’m so here for it. I want to steward your growth. I want to be your mentor. Choose me. Let’s do this And if you have any questions, hit us up in the mompreneur mastermind group. You can DM me or Ronica Cormier. She can answer any questions for you. She’s my program facilitator. We’re all here to help and support you. You can email us
(21:02) Father, I pray for these women now that if they are in a position of growth in their business, that you help pour into them, the mentorship, the leadership, the books, the personal development, the confidence, whatever it is that they’re missing to really step up into their purpose, that you give that to them right here right now. Know and pour into them that knowledge that they are worthy of big success. God led success. God sized dreams.
(21:24) The plans that you have for them are already secure. If they are just willing to walk and trust and favor and fruitfulness with you, partner with you, raise their hand and say, yes, choose me. I’m ready. I’m willing. And that they are equipped to take the steps forward in audacity and purposefulness because you have got them.
(21:41) You are laying the path before them, God, and that you just equip them with that peace and knowing in their heart that you are here for them in a big, incredible way for 2021. We trust you. We love you have faith in your plans for our lives in Jesus’ name, amen. Love and God’s light. Stef.
Learn How to Consistently Make Income With a Podcast For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
Is podcasting right for you? You’re about to find out. I was going through our weekly market research report that one of my interns pulled together for us and found that you have many podcasting questions.
Today, I’m sharing my conversation with Patrice Washington. She is one of the most influential leaders in personal development and a force to be reckoned with.
When it comes to growing a business in alignment with Christ, and someone who has her boundaries, morals, and heart in the right place, Patrice Washington is THE person you should listen to.
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you can start your online business with confidence.
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Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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