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Listen in to LIVE COACHING on how to start an online brand from your genius and parter it with your passion.
I help Kayleigh pair her passions with her zones of genius to craft a one-of-a-kind online brand. We map out a strategy for building her new business with many tactical things she can implement ASAP to grow trust and rapport in her micro-niche.
I pray this blesses you!
Hey Lola, Hey girl, how you doing booboo? Welcome to another episode of the show. This is number 113. And in today’s episode, I am doing live coaching with Kayleigh Knapp on basically course creation, but also how to clarify her path. Kayleigh is a wife and a mom to a six month old baby girl. She’s a nap time graphic designer, and she loves doing artwork, but she never really felt like being a graphic designer was her ultimate destination. She did however, tackle some mental health issues using her love for art and creativity. And you will not believe what we came up with together during this breakthrough call, I think you’re going to be blown away.
If you’ve been thinking about what the heck to do in 2020 with your life, your like somebody help me help myself. That’s me. Hey, I’m Stefanie Gass. I’m an Enneagram three, I’m super focused and detail oriented, and I can take all of those big swirling ideas in your brain and help you execute something. Let’s do something fantastic together next year. And I have one or two spots left for private coaching. One of those is probably meant for you if you’re like, Ooh, should I do it? Yes, you should do it. It is time. It is your time. I’m here for you. Head over to stefaniegass.com/coaching or pop into the inbox at info@stefaniegass.com. And let’s do the thing.
I am a new mom it’s been six months, but it feels new to me. So I’m a wife, a new mom. My background is in graphic design and when I had like a corporate job, and then when I got married three years ago, I left my job to move to where my husband’s job is. Okay. And since then I felt a little bit like just unsure of what I should be doing. And because of that, I’ve kind of tried a lot of different things. Like, so right now I would say I’m like a nap time graphic designer. Okay. Part time during naps, I do some graphic design work for my husband’s business.
Then I’ve taught yoga. I’ve done art tutorials on YouTube. I’ve done working at a gym. I just, the past three years, I feel like I’m just unsure of what my zone of genius really is, what my God led calling is. So I’m hoping to kind of narrow that down a bit. Yeah. So that’s the goal of today, right? Like to give you direction on, maybe what’s the thing. Yeah. Just even as women, like, there’s so many things we’re passionate about and there are things we’re good at like, you know, graphic design, but then it’s like, but what’s the thing.
So I want to start off by saying, I feel like I never got just full clarity overnight. It started with a lot of like, I know the direction. I feel like this is right or in alignment. And then doors started to open or the things started to happen to prove to me, Oh, I was in alignment, but it was like such a progression to get here. Right. We’re going to do our best to get you in the wheelhouse. But then I think you’re going to find that maybe over the next six months or a year, things will keep shifting and tweaking for you.
But you’ll feel that like, you know, the miracles will start to flow in and all this, every little thing will start to fall in place. You’re like, ah, I know this is where I’m supposed to be. Does that make sense? Just to give you the disclaimer that, you know, I don’t feel like it hits people with a ton of bricks. Like, Oh, it’s perfectly clear. Like the calling is the calling forever. You know, it doesn’t work that way. All right. So talk to me about, do you have any ideas yet about direction or are you just literally, like, I don’t even know where to start?
I’m a little bit, like, I don’t even know where to start. The only thing that recently I thought of is, so I think I put a big section in my notes about mental health. That’s kind of one of my passions and years ago during kind of later college years, I guess I really struggled with mental illness. I was also diagnosed with a chronic illness and so it kind of took a lot to get help for that. And then while I was taking an antidepressant and then I thought like, you know what, I don’t know that this is optimally healthy for me. I was able to get off of that without any complications.
So because of that whole thing, health and mental health are something that I really care about. And then very recently, like maybe in the past month it just occurred to me that I pretty much never share about that. Talk about it and sorry if I sound a little funny, whenever I talk about it, it’s such like an important topic. Sometimes I get like borderline teary-eyed a little bit. That’s good. That’s a sign. Right. So I sort of felt like this, I guess, like, I would say maybe a tug on my heart. Like I would like to do something with that.
At the time, I thought like, you know what, maybe I’ll just do a YouTube video or two just talking my experience. Like what helped me just to see if it could help anybody else. But then I sort of felt like, okay, like, should I do that? Is YouTube the right space for that? And I also don’t know if that’s really a, I guess I probably won’t know until I try it, but I don’t know if that’s like a longterm thing for me or just like a, a one off thing. Like, let me mention this in case it’s helpful to anybody. I also feel like, so I’m a little unsure of my zone of genius, but if I were to guess I would probably say artwork, painting, drawing, that really comes naturally to me. Okay.
I sort of have this like, Oh, I would love if I could use that. And somehow take that into the realm of mental health or kind of like that self-help that type of thing. And I never really saw those things as like fitting together in any way. Which is so amazing. Because guess what? When something doesn’t live, when it doesn’t exist, you get to create it. Like the world is here for you to say, I see a potential for something, and you’ll never know the how, let me start right there because no one’s maybe done that before, or they’ve never done it the way that you would do it. Right.
I didn’t know anyone that was like, I’m going to pair the Bible with business and do a podcast about that. I’m like, well, I’m going to go ahead and just mold that and make it mine. So what I saw come through from you was extreme passion about mental health. And when you think about what’s the thing that you get so fired up about it, it either makes you mad. It makes you cry. It makes you feel like elated, you know that’s on purpose. Okay. I actually think you may have just literally said out loud the thing that we need to hone in on here, which is what I wrote down that you said was using art/painting and drawing, and somehow linking this to mental health.
So talk to me about, what would you do? Let’s say that somebody came to you and they said I’m struggling with mental health. And what type of mental health would this mean for you? What were you struggling with specifically? I was struggling with depression. Okay. So let’s say somebody walks up to you or they write you on social and they’re like, Oh, I’m struggling with depression. You know, how did you use art or this creative? How did you use the creative piece of your soul to start maybe coming out of depression? You know, of course we’ll be careful with the verbiage, right?
How to navigate depression using your creative side, using artwork. What would you say to me? Well, I would say Stef. This is totally gonna make me cry. I have to also say I’m totally a crier. Like everybody cries. So I can handle that. I was joking with my mom yesterday. She started crying about something. I’m like, you could have warned me when you’re going to like cry. Cause I’m like a three. Well, okay. I got this. I can shed a tear with you. I’m going to do it right. Oh my gosh. That’s so funny. I guess I would say, I hope this answers the question, but I would, I guess I used artwork to focus on things that were beautiful.
Gosh, that might be it really. And then obviously like some of that is self expression, but I don’t know that I use artwork so much to work through my feelings as much as just focusing on things that are beautiful. Yeah. That might be it. Like maybe focusing on the blessing. Right. And was it like drawing? Was it painting? I mean, is it any form of self expression to be able to, I would say more painting.
Actually I think now that I think about it, I have to add on that focusing on things that are beautiful, but also focusing really on things that are lighthearted and sometimes kind of silly, silly, joyful. Yeah. Okay. Now what if I said to you, okay, that’s cool. How can I do that? What would you say to me? Wow. I’m not really sure. Where would you tell me to start? What would you say would be the first step? If I was saying, I need something, I need an outlet. I need an outlet. And I think it’s a creative outlet. Where do I start? What should I do? Probably say, start with kind of like an easier craft, like just hands on making something.
I used to have a professor in college that would always say lose yourself in process. And I think sometimes that dang, that is powerful right there. Okay. Keep going. So painting, making something, using your hands, for me, the only artistic thing in the entire planet that I can even do is crochet. Right. So maybe I was like, Oh, like crochet, could I do that? And then maybe you’re saying it’s literally any focus, right. That gets out of your head and maybe into expression. And then I would say, okay, so how am I healing through that? What should I do? Is there a practice?
How do I then get my focus onto the beautiful, the lighthearted, the silly, when my mind keeps going back to what’s wrong in the dark and the heart and the feelings, how can I then translate it into the activity, into the artwork, into the creative space? Yeah. I just drawing from my own experience, I would have to say through worship and prayer, like while I create art, listening to worship music, while I create art. Oh, okay. Sorry. I’m moving a lot. Cause this is such a great thing, already getting like clarity, at least for me. And then I’ll help you try to like narrow, bring it all together. Yeah.
I’m really surprised because I feel like a lot of like a few things that I’ve said to you already are things that I probably already knew, but I’m not sure that I would have really realized. Totally. The biggest breakthroughs I’ve had are like on the other side of a mirror pointed right back at me. Like I couldn’t see it. I couldn’t see it until I got it out of my own way. It’s so crazy. And it’s like, you just sometimes need the mirror and somebody else’s brain to put it together in a way that you can digest it. Because when we’re looking at ourselves, it’s too big, it’s too floaty. There’s too many questions of how and what that keep you safe. And when you have somebody else to filter it through, they can pull out.
My zone of genius is pulling out all of the, let’s say there’s 100 different concepts. I’m going to give you back one. This is your one sentence. This is your one thing. And then from that, you know, have something tangible to create from you probably will recognize a lot of the things you’re saying and go, it’s always been there. It’s always been there. I love kind of where this is going and we’ll get to the brand later. We’re working backwards.
I’m coming to you. And I’m like, Oh, like I’m struggling with anxiety or I’m feeling depressed. Or I’m feeling dark, feeling just unfulfilled. I’m feeling like I’m not loving my life right now. And your whole entire focus for these people as a method of growth and healing and really linking to the prosperity in their life is through pairing spirituality or Christianity as much as you want to get into that piece with creative expression.
And so I’m coming to you and you’re saying, okay, so here’s the step, Stephanie, what’s your creative outlet? How are you going to pair that with your spiritual outlet? I guess it’s such a creative paired with spiritual outlet. Whether that be prayer meditation, if you want to go there, whatever that means for them, you can do that. And then you’ve got to give them like the actual how of the system, right? Like here’s maybe how step one might be. We’re going to do five minutes. We’re doing five minutes of our creative expression today, whatever that means for you. And then giving maybe even potentially giving people the journaling prompts that they can use to start to navigate it. Right? Like, okay.
So today as you’re doing your creative work, the number one question is what, and this I’m taking from the event I had this last weekend. So this isn’t mine, but it was what is the pain you felt and what did you get out of it? What’s the blessing that came from the most recent pain or what is a struggle you’re facing today? What does it look and feel like when you don’t feel that struggle anymore? Or what’s a recent blessing that you’ve just experienced. I want you to visualize and even draw if you’re using paint or art or clay, I want you to create a visualization of that joy of that blessing. Maybe you can give them the tangible exercises, whether that be weekly or daily or whatever through podcast or YouTube channel or something to get them to start taking the healing action.
Talk to me about that. But how did that make you feel? What did you think? What did you feel like was good versus maybe not for me. I almost am hesitant to put myself as like an artistic authority. I don’t know why, but in some sense, I’m like, Oh, that makes me a little bit nervous because I’m not the best artist in the world, which is silly because I know that that’s where my talent lies. So who cares if I’m not the best in the world? Also hold on for a second. You know, what’s so cool about art. You can’t even measure what a good artist is. Like you could be like with Stefanie, you’re going to have the best podcast in the world because there’s somebody out there with 1,000,007 million and 20 million downloads. Mine is measurable.
But you doing artwork and graphics and all of these cool creatives, there is no measure of what makes you a great artist. It’s are you passionate about the creative side? That’s true. You don’t even have to fight against others. Like what do you gauge a great artist on their sales?. It’s all kind of this internal gauge. So first of all, scratch that. Cause you don’t even have to worry about that. Keep going. I guess I would say, yeah, that feels good. I feel like I can certainly think of things already that would be somewhat prompts or something to get other, you know, other people started with using the process to kind of heal a little bit.
Is there anything that’s missing from that picture? So you’ve got, and we’ll talk about your avatar in a minute, cause that will help us get more clarity as we try to create a name for this thing and a mission. Anything missing when you look at mental health or even I would even say it’s it’s anything to do with lack of joy. Only thing that I am concerned about is sort of bridging the gap between, and this isn’t really my responsibility because obviously I’m not trying to cure anyone. I’m not a doctor like that. Sure. But sometimes I wonder if it’s practical enough for people. Like if I give them certain prompts, is that really going to be helpful? I mean, it will be helpful at least a little bit, but I wonder if I’m maybe missing some knowledge in how helpful it’s going to be?
I feel you. I think what you’re saying is like, how do you know that that tangible result is there? Okay. So here’s how that works. When you start with a mission, all you have is yourself that you’ve done this for all I had for myself was for as a visual example, I’ve tried every single thing to grow an online business, nothing works, but now I did podcasting and it exploded. It was only for me. That’s all I had was me. One person myself was enough of a case study for me to say, I think I can start helping some other people do this too, because if worked for me, there’s someone else out there having the same problem.
They have the same personality style as me, they have the same passions as me and they’re willing to do the work. They can do what I did. Yeah. So for you, you have to say and have confidence in art helped me. Like you got emotional when you explained mental health and that you’re so passionate about artwork and painting and spirituality and how those things all paired together. How could you possibly not help someone with that? Right. Even me, I’m not even creative. If I sat down for five minutes a day and I journaled, if I painted, I have a Bible where I do coloring, do you know how at peace I feel when I’m done with that five minutes and I’m not even a creative person and I feel peaceful, I feel grounded again.
I had a minute to stop thinking and worrying. And so if that’s me think about the person that desperately needs joy again, that desperately needs to quiet the voices in their head. That desperately needs to find the joy. And if you’re prompting them to going, this is just fun. You’re going to color. And if you don’t color, get one of those little coloring books with the colored pencils. You don’t need to be a fancy artist to do this. Practice, use this artwork. And here’s your prompt that we’re going to use for this week or whatever, or the today or this week. It’s just a mindset reframing. You’re taking them from the negative to the positive. How is that not healing. And then as you start doing it, ask for testimonies, how are you feeling?
Do you see a difference? It took me a year to get some of my most incredible testimonies. It took a year, but I believed in the process enough to keep doing it. And I wasn’t shy about asking. How’s it working for you, not working, if it is working, can you please write me a testimony? Because that’s social proof makes me feel great and it makes the community believe in me more. And then I feel even more excited about my mission. So it’s going to be a journey is what I’m telling you. Right. Does that make sense? Does that make you feel better about that? Yes. So let’s dig into this more specifically, who are we going to help? Is it a woman? Is it a man? Do you know who it is already tell me?
I would say, I don’t know why this comes to mind, but I keep thinking sad, single women. And I’m like, why they happen to be single? I don’t know. Are they moms? Not necessarily. Are they a certain religion? I would lean towards, I would say Christian or like open to that idea because I think that it would be difficult for me. Like I would openly talk about Christianity because that’s just like a part of who I am. Yeah. Okay. How does she let go? She, we know that she’s a she, I’m, I think I’m going to say 20, maybe thirties 26-30 is probably. Okay. Is there a certain thing that she does? Is she corporate, has she worked from home or does that not matter to you? I don’t think that matters to me.
Is she a creative person? Is she already creative? I would say yes. Probably at least a bit creative or musical. Maybe because musical could also be an arm, right? Yeah. If you’re talking to a Stefanie Gass, you’re like, or you can get your color coded. You can crochet. Okay. Now, does she live anywhere specific? Does she make a specific amount of money? Oh, living anywhere specific? No. I mean that’s somewhere that speaks English. Yeah. A certain amount of money. This is like a terrible stereotype, but I have this in my mind from my own experience that she probably feels like it’s not enough money. Okay.
Which doesn’t mean she doesn’t make a lot of money, but she’s feeling like she’s lacking abundantly. Okay. Perfect. And why is she feeling sad? Because the first word out of your mouth was she is sad. Why is she sad? Is there a specific sadness? I know we’ve coined in on like maybe some mental health stuff going on. Anything else there? You know, I lean towards like people who perhaps feel, Oh my gosh, I’m going to cry again, Stefanie. This is so good for me. I have been challenged with emotion, like emotion for this whole week. And I’m like, dang, the Lord, Jesus wants me to cry. I’m ready to cry. Yeah.
That Jesus would use me for that every day of the week with anybody. I would probably say people who perhaps feel, maybe not understood or like a bit lonely because of that. And honestly, a lot of this is because it’s either how I have felt in the past or things that I like continually work on. Okay. So here let’s give her a name. What’s her name? Call her Sarah. Okay. Alright. Meet Sarah. She’s feeling just this overall weight of sadness. She’s 26. She has faith, but she’s lost the church or she’s lost her spirituality. She’s struggling with being supported spiritually. She loves to get lost in art and painting. She’s feeling too sad to pick up her pens and her paper and to draw anymore.
She feels like there’s never enough time, love, energy. She’s struggling. She’s sad. She just feels like sleeping. She’s not sure why she lost her light. She doesn’t answer the phone anymore for her friends. She doesn’t want to go out to eat and she’s so confused and she finds you and she says, Oh my gosh, there’s someone out there that can use artwork and creative to help me get out of this funk and to break this feeling of loneliness and loss. I’m so excited to start this process. And there you are. Oh my gosh. Is that your person? I think so.
I mean it almost makes me a little bit sad because she sounds so sad, but I like, I feel like, I just want to say it can get better. Like, Oh my gosh, it will get so much better. The fact that you feel passionate about her though shows me that she is right for you. It has to invoke emotion for you, your avatar. You have to literally go like, Oh, like I just have every solution for her. Or I have a solution for her to feel better. Like I need to work with her. I need to hug her. You know, I see myself in her. And so if your avatar, it doesn’t evoke emotion for you you have to go deeper. So I think it’s more than that. It makes you feel like, Oh, this hurts me to hear that she feels this way.
Let’s write down specifically a couple of solutions that this new brand is going to give her. Okay. So what’s the solution. What are we going to do for her? Oh, wow. Okay. So I do feel like part of that is just the community of myself and other people who are, that have that creative mind and who have that similar struggle going on. I think that that in itself is partly a solution. A safe space, it’s safe. Cause she’s not like I have to call my mom, who’s going to flip out on me. Or like maybe she doesn’t feel safe talking about this to people that she knows, but now she has a safe, online sisterhood of people that are in that same realm.
They’re all creatives as well, which is so amazing. Love that that’s really big. That’s big. Cause that can become something that you monetize later, not to go to money, but that’s just how I work. So I’m like that can potentially be a membership group or something in the future for you. Okay. So the community, what other solution is this going to give her? I think that accountability to be creative and to, you know, a prompt every day or however often. And if there are other people sharing their work or sharing, you know, cause I’ve seen other creative groups, not necessarily like a Christian group or something for depression or like that, but that is, I think a part of the helpfulness that that type of thing is just having the accountability to do something.
And then to know that, you know, if she’s doing a little bit every day in addition to feeling better and having a community, she’s also becoming a better artist. Right. I love that community of support, the accountability to work on your craft, right. Or to be, I wrote down, you then also have this defined outlet for replacing negative with positive or a defined outlet for, I don’t know if that’s the right word, but a prompted outlet for discovering the miracles in your life. You know, another big one that I hear is you getting them to get realigned with their faith potentially.
We’ve given her so many solutions and the way that the why we do this is because when you’re speaking to her through your messaging or speaking the questions that she’s facing, for example, do you feel like a safe space where you have this community of support, where nobody’s going to judge you for trying to feel better and trying to find your happiness again? Do you want that accountability to work on your creative passion? Are you searching for a way to see the blessings and miracles in your life? Do you want to find a better way to pray and grow your relationship with God? Do you need an outlet for replacing all this negativity with incredible positivity in your life?
Do you feel that? She’s like, Oh yes. That’s how I feel. So now what is this? What is it? We know who, we know the solution ideas. What is this thing, Kayleigh? Is it a YouTube channel? Obviously, it’s the Facebook group for the community. Okay. Right, right. Where are you going to come up and say, let’s start with once a week. Where are you going to show up once a week and say, Hey guys for today’s weekly and we’re going to come up with the best name ever. God speaks through me.
Give us the name. We’re going to say, here’s your weekly blank. We’re going to go there in a minute. And this week, while you’re doing your creative process and that can mean music, drawing, painting, art, clay, journaling, any of it, any of this creative outlet for you, here’s your prompt of the week.
There are so many options there. I mean, just out of my own brain, a miracle that happened recently, a pain that you felt, and then what came out of that pain. That was a blessing. Two things that you’re insanely grateful for. One person that you’re excited about knowing envision your life three months from now, when the dream on your heart comes true. Or imagine yourself with that breakthrough that you’ve been dreaming about all kinds of different prompts, just to go to the positive, like right there. That’s like right. Eight weeks worth of prompts. You’ll come up with a bajillion more. Cause you’re a creative.
So where is that? Gosh, I kind of think potentially YouTube just because I can film it. You know? So like I could talk while I’m doing the prompt myself. I was gonna say because of who you’re speaking to. It would be really cool if every week you did a creative exercise. As you explain the prompt, like what about this easel behind you or whatever your thing is. Right. And you’re kind of doing it, but you’re also speaking through it and it would be so powerful if you would be willing to do storytelling, right? So you give them the prompt. And then you say, for example, people are so visual.
For example, guys, today, we’re talking about a recent miracle that we’ve received. So I’m going to go ahead and share mine. And I’m going to challenge you to do your exercise and come share it with us in the group. Come share it with the community. We all want to support you. We want to hear each other’s breakthroughs this week, record the song for us. What did you put together this week? Then you can use that YouTube video. Obviously it goes to YouTube, but you can share it on Facebook everywhere. You can turn it and share. If you record up and down, you can even put it in Instagram TV, the same video, right? Yeah.
So now you’re marketing on multi-platform. How does that feel as your thing that very bright, very exciting. Let’s try to come up with your title and your mission. Right? I always try to think of things in podcast titles. Cause that works really good for my brain. So I’m like, if this was a podcast title, what would we do? It can be something so simple as like Creative Healing with Kayleigh. Oh, that’s nice creative processing and healing. I wish that I could use the word grace and healing and creative. I don’t know that I need both grace and healing.
I do really like healing, I want grace. I do think you probably do want grace to be clear that this is also a spiritual thing. Like, so I actually really like grace. So what about creative healing with grace? But something like that, right? Where it’s like these key words are there to give clarity, life healing. That’s fun. Life healing through art and grace. That’s going in the right direction. I like that too. Life healing is super cool because what is life healing mean? That means joy. That could mean happiness.
That could mean mental health. That could mean financial health that could like it could be how can we literally start to heal, repair, restore your life, life restoration through art and healing. And I like a grace and art or creation. I like art then. So it’s a little bit more clear if you’re going to go that route, sit on that one and see what else comes through for you. Pray over that.
See if you get any more clarity, obviously you’ve got to Go Daddy it to make sure it’s available. Do it before this episode airs. So now let’s think about the mission. Now this is recorded. Cause you’re going to say, what did you just say? And I don’t know how this happens for me. So that’ll be recorded and you can rewrite it later. You can, you have my permission to use it. Alright. Okay. So let’s go with life healing. Ooh. Faith is good too. Instead of grace, if you wanted that, like life healing, let’s go with life healing through faith and art with Kayleigh Knapp. My mission is to help you heal your soul and find happiness again, through a creative outlet. I encourage you to begin reframing all of the negative with the abundant miracles we receive every single day.
My goal is to help you begin the healing process through art, drawing, music, journaling, whatever your creative outlet is. I am here to help you through that process together. Our community of soul sisters of creative soul sisters, encourage, inspire, and love each other fiercely as we emerge and heal together. That is wonderful. That sounded so good that I’m like, yeah. Yup. I’m giving you, is it word for word, like take it. That is copyright Kayleigh Knapp 2019. And it seems very doable for me. Like I don’t feel like that is asking more of what I can give. I think that that is, seems like it’s in my wheelhouse.
Like if we talk about me, you know, telling a story or whatever, explaining the prompt, I feel like, Oh yeah, like instantly think of like a thousand things that, you know, are like a prompt for someone else. But I also, it relates to something spiritual or a way that I was able to heal a little bit. Hot dang. I just had an idea. What if you had a community spotlight and you let whatever member had the most transformational video that month that they shared with the group or artwork piece, what if you allowed them to come on your YouTube channel as an interview once a month? Oh yes. That would be very nice.
I feel like people need, I personally need that kind of thing. Like I always am like working my way through like a self help podcast or audio book or like, because that even that is just so healing, like the positive stories and knowing that God is working in other people’s lives. That’s very cool. Wouldn’t that be so cool. And then I think that would also really encourage the community to be sharing because they would go, you’d be like, who’s going to be the student spotlight this month or the sisterhood spotlight this month. And it makes them feel special, which is a huge piece of this. Right. You’re special.
You’re being highlighted. You’re being recognized for your breakthrough. Just make that first video. And I would always start the first video as your story. Okay. What were you going through? And I hope you cry because you want to get really, I don’t really mind crying. I just hope that I don’t cry literally every episode because I know that that can get a little old for people. Know what I think. I think what’s so cool is when you just own who you are, there’s so many people that are just like you, that are going, I feel too emotional or I feel misunderstood because I’m a feeler. What about all those people out there that are being ignored because they’re a feeler?
They feel like we have no place to go because we cry or because we do this or because we get passionate, like those are potentially, you’re going to attract the right people to you by not filtering any of who you are. If you feel the need to cry, cry on your videos. Cause that’s, so your story is first and there’s no right or wrong way to do a video. It doesn’t matter if it’s an hour. It doesn’t matter if it’s 10 minutes. Okay. Again, just let things flow and don’t overthink the little like metrics of stuff. And I know that’s hard, but that won’t matter. So it’s that first video. And then I think it’s committing to showing up every week for one year for your mission. Yeah.
One year and see, because for God to work through us, we have to show up long enough for the right people to come through, the right clients to find you the testimonies to start happening. And then you’ll probably get some clarity. Ooh, I see how this evolves. I see the next phase. I see the membership community or I see it starts to become obvious if we don’t get distracted. Okay. Wow. That was very helpful. I’m so glad. I hope you love that coaching session with Kayleigh.
I think for me, the biggest takeaway was seeing that whatever your passion and your zone of genius is it can be paired with your God led calling and the mission work that you feel that you need to do in your heart. And so I love that this session really took what she was gifted at and meshed with what she was passionate at. And then as you guys can tell, I helped her map out a method for getting herself into the world that would help to expand on this. I’m so excited that I was able to be a part of her journey. And I just continue to pray over her that she finds that breakthrough and that courage to step out and believe in herself and know that she has a true gift, that she can pour out into the world to help people.
I just want to pray over you sister, friend, if you’ve been struggling with the confidence or the belief in the mission, know that God, didn’t put you here on accident, where you sit is a chair that He placed for you on purpose. And even if you think that this isn’t the final destination, just know that you’re being prepared and believe in trust. And we know that we don’t have to have fear, we don’t have to worry. We don’t have to wonder because it’s all been taken care of. So continue to step out in faith and do the thing.
Be obedient to the call that He gave you. As you’ve heard me say, because He knows what’s best for us. And I think the dream that He has for every single one of us is so much greater than our biggest dream that we could ever come up with. His is better. So have that confidence and trust in Him if you don’t have it in yourself because I’m cheering for you, Lord knows the Lord is cheering for you. And I just know that there are great things right around the corner. I’ll see you soon. As always, love and light, Stef.
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