defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey sis!
This week I am popping in to share my week 3 Instagram detox update. What happened this week? Did my business crumble? Or, did my podcast fall? Did my revenue tank? What hand does social play in the sustainability of my success? Find out.
I also share TWO SPOILERS in this episode that you’re gonna wanna know before anyone else. Wink-wink. Don’t miss it.
(00:00): Hi friend, happy Friday. Can you believe it’s Friday? Can you believe it’s September? Like I still feel like I’m in 2020 right now. I don’t even know what’s going on with time. It’s super trippy, but here we are. September 3rd, 2021. Holy smokes. We are almost at year end. Y’all this is getting crazy up in here and it’s just crazy. Anyways, I am here today to bring you my update for my social detox.
(00:29): So, for those of you who haven’t been around here very long, or you’re just popping in, I have been doing a 30 day Instagram detox. I have not touched my Instagram account in three straight weeks. I have another week to go and honestly, I don’t miss it at all at. It’s wild. I also have been detoxing Facebook a lot less, not completely off of there. I do get in about, I don’t know, 10-15 minutes a couple of times a week.
(00:59): I check my Facebook groups because I have students over there. Make sure all of our homework has been greeted by the team, but I don’t really care about Facebook. So that’s never really been an issue for me. And why am I doing this? I’m doing this because I needed peace in my life. I needed to break this just addiction to my phone in general.
(01:17): And I also wanted to prove to you that well, I wanted to prove to myself number one, and then I wanted to prove to you, number two, that we don’t actually need Instagram. We don’t actually need this big push on social to grow a thriving, successful business. So we’ve been looking at three stats all along. We’ve been looking number one at my podcast, has my podcast declined? Has me not promoting my show on Instagram or publicly on Facebook hurt my podcast?
(01:50): Number two, we’ve been looking at revenue growth. Has me not being on social media, hurt my sales? And number three, we’ve been looking at my email list growth. Has me not promoting on social media, hurt my email list? Those are the three metrics that you guys have been following along on my journey. If you remember last week, those updates were pretty epic. The podcast had grown 12% for the two weeks.
(02:17): My 30-day growth was 1.2%. My revenue had grown 40% hilarious. And you guys, that’s a big swing. You’ll see this week, obviously that it definitely swings. And then the list had grown. Where’s my percentage. My list had held. I had 470 versus 460, a new ads that week, new emails.
(02:42): So, last week I had mentioned to you guys that my phone was still a con I still felt kind of tied to my phone. I’m going to give you an update on that today. I had felt maybe a little bit like I was missing out on some updates and then I had tons of pros. So I’m going to give you an update. What’s happened this week so that I can walk you through that and just give you some amazing insight into how God has been working through this just slower period in my life. And I hope that you are coming along for the ride.
(03:17): All right, Let’s grow girl. Let’s do this. So what happened this week? Let’s go through pros and cons first. And then I will give you guys the business statistics for my podcast, my revenue and my email list. First off, let’s start with the cons. The only con that I wrote down this week are my habits. So I had been reporting to you that I was like killing it in my habits.
(04:43): You know, like I was hitting my water and my morning routine and my play time with the boys and I was hitting the workouts. I was doing a variation of 75 hard where I was doing 75 soft. So, I made that up where I was planning on working out every day for 45 days for 45 minutes, I was doing three liters of water. I was following my bubbles with my dietician like to a T, I was doing super epic y’all until my mom’s birthday, which was last Saturday. And, I had the pizza, I had the cake, I had the ice cream and you know what I feel great about it.
(05:19): I’m not mad at it. You know, we’re here to live our life. We are here to be able to have flexibility in our lives and I’m fine. Normally I pick right back up where I left off. However, that didn’t happen this week. I really had limited time. My husband was at work quite a bit more this week than he normally is. So I was on pickup duty for the kids. So my workouts were not 45 minutes.
(05:42): They were 30 minutes and then they were 20 minutes and then they were nothing. And my periods started you guys. So it’s like, whatever. We just have those weeks. And I think that it’s time that we give ourselves permission to have those weeks it’s I really, truly am okay with it. So I’m picking up to head out to Ruidoso this weekend with my family.
(06:03): I’m going to go hunting with my husband. We’re hunting, bow elk, super excited. We love eating elk meat. I’ve never been bow hunting with him. So I’m really excited about that. I’m going to go out with him all day on Friday. I have new hiking boots like let’s just really get to the bottom line here. I’m just super excited to wear my new hiking boots. Like I’m just going to call it what it is.
(06:24): Anyways, so that’s happening. And then I’m going to right back on the habits train on Monday of next week. And I feel great about that. So habits is the only con although honestly, I don’t really feel like it’s a negative. I think that I’m happy, that I had a flexible week, so we’re good. Let’s move over to the pros, goddess, continuing to walk me through Habakkuk.
(06:45): I also think it’s super interesting how God has been speaking to me through verses lately through scripture. And I’ve been understanding this concept more than ever, that God is the one word and the word is God. Like it never really clicked for me before. And it’s just super clicking right now. I’m like, you want to hear from God, get in the word.
(07:07): Like the word is God and God is the word like he’s living through scripture. He is living and breathing and speaking life to us through his word. I never really got that until now. It’s so interesting. So I was doing P2P yesterday Podcast to Profit with my latest round of girls, which they’re doing incredible. And they get to the very end and right before we end, every week we pray. And so I was about to pray and I was reading them the two scriptures that I had written down.
(07:40): And what’s so crazy is the two scriptures that I had written down were the two scriptures that God had brought up to me that morning in Bible study. It’s just so wild. And one of them is rejoice, always. I think it was in Thessaloniki and I don’t have it in front of me. And the other one was, we do not have a spirit of fear, but a spirit of self control and peacefulness and love and whatever that says.
(08:06): And that was, I think that one’s in James or Peter, any who the point is He was speaking to me specifically through the verses that I brought up to the girls and the verses that I saw the same morning and the wild part is all my sisters in Chris, like my mastermind sisters, my dear friends even, women on my team, I’ll be like, oh my gosh, I read this first today. Or I did that. And they’re like, oh man, God’s having me read the same book.
(08:32): So I think it’s super interesting how God is constantly orchestrating us. Like He strings us together, you know, and puts us all together. And He’s having his daughters walk out, similarly, this whatever we’re doing here, like this big audacious revival that I think that He’s brewing, that I know that He’s brewing for his kingdom. So that’s just been so, you know, to watch and to hear from him at a deeper level.
(08:59): Here’s another pro guys. I’m so here for this one. Remember I was saying that I was struggling with my phone. Like I was still touching my phone. I was still going in and checking out the news or like going into Amazon and buying something random. I felt like this desire to just touch my phone while I’m super happy to report to you that since being intentional about putting it away from my body in the phone baskets, which are in my office and in the kitchen slash living room area, my phone usage is down 15% from last week.
(09:32): So on a week by week basis, I’m getting more and more detached from my actual phone, from the hunk of metal and glass, which I’m like, yes, Lord. Like, I don’t even want to care about my phone. I want to lose my phone on a daily basis. Like my goal in life is to not know where my phone is. I’m kind of achieving that, my husband gets super annoyed. I’m like, Hey, have you seen my phone at like, you know, 8:00 PM?
(09:56): He’s like, why do you lose your phone every single day? I’m like, I don’t know, whatever. It’s fine. And I have to go into the iPhone thingy and make it beep to find it. It’s hilarious. I’ve so far have found it outside on the patio that I left it there. I have found it in my son’s bed. Cause I don’t know what, tucking them in. I have no idea like random places. And I’m like, yes, I lost my phone again. Oh man. Talk about having weird goals in life, Stefanie Gass for you.
(10:26): So that’s really cool, down 15% from last week. And my goal next week is to be down another 15%. Like, let’s just go for it. I’m just going for it. Here’s the other cool thing. When you go into your phone usage stats on your phone, in the settings, you can see where you’re spending your time.
(10:43): Here’s where I spent my time. This week. Number one was messages. So actual text messages. Number two was Voxer. And number three was email guys. I feel so good about that. It wasn’t the internet, it wasn’t social media. I love that. It shows me that I’m spending my time when I am on my phone, very intentionally, and talking to people that I love.
(11:07): I’m communicating with my mastermind girls. You know, my God sent friends like I’m in my email, which I’m great with that. Like it feels so great to be using this tool like an actual tool. So all of those are pros, two last pros for you. And then I’ll get you to the numbers. I’ve had so much time in space, guys that I am already like three-quarters of the way through completely revamping, Clarify Your Calling.
(11:35): I don’t even know if I’ve ever said that out loud on the podcast, but guess what? I’m revamping completely Clarify Your Calling. So you guys, by the middle of September, not only will Podcast to Profit be completely redone, which it was last time, not only is Podcast Pro University completely redone, PPU 2.0, which I finished in July early August, but now CYC is going to be completely revamped and redone.
(12:03): I have learned so much in these past eight months and I am putting all of that into Clarify Your Calling. So when you purchase this program from today forward, you are literally getting CYC 2.0, you’re getting PPU 2.0, and you’re getting P2P 2.0, whichever course you joined me in it’s 100% fresh, new updated, full of vision, full of revelation, full of updates. Like I’m so excited.
(12:31): So it’s been able to create this space in time where I can pour into this course revamped for you. And I’m just so excited. I’m so excited about that. And then last but not least, here’s another huge spoiler. You guys, I’m just throwing the spoilers. Like whoever’s not listening to this episode right now is really missing out like big time. You guys know my dear friend, Chelsi Jo Moore, she and I are actually putting an event together for you.
(12:55): And no details. I can’t tell you all the details yet, but I can tell you that that is coming along big time. This has also opened up like amazing, like revelation for both of us of what this is and how we want it to go. And the type of woman that we’re going to invite, the experience we’re creating for her, the name of the event, the outcome of the event, like we’ve been just having amazing, connection over what we’re creating for you.
(13:26): And I just, I can’t wait. And I will tell you that the spots to this event are extraordinarily limited and it’s really going to be a God thing. The women who say yes to this immediately are going to get the spots. And so I have a feeling like begin to pray over it. You don’t even know anything.
(13:42): You don’t even know what it’s called. You don’t even know what it is, but please start praying because if that’s for you sister, friend, like we want you to be part of it. And this detox from social, like, remember when I told you, when you lay something down, that’s an idol. That’s stealing from you. That’s distracting you, God will replace it. Look how He’s replaced it.
(14:01): He’s replaced it with presence in my life, with more purpose in my life with incredible, I’m going to tell you the numbers in a minute, growth in my life, with connection, with people in my life, He’s removed this desire or need for my phone. He’s created more health and more intention. Like there’s been so much personal growth for me in the past three weeks. I don’t even know. I don’t even know yet what I’m going to do at the end of next week.
(14:28): I’m not sure yet, it’s going to be interesting. That’s it for pros and cons, let’s go into the numbers. So number one, my podcast, has my podcast fallen apart? Has it crumbled beneath me, is my life over as a podcasting coach because I’m not on social? Guys, the answer is no. Come on with it. In last three weeks, comparing the prior three weeks, my show is up 6.5% in downloads looking at the last week.
(15:01): So this third week in my social detox, my podcast is up 20.4%. I mean up 20.4%. Y’all yes. I’m so excited. Revenue, if you recall, last week, my revenue was up 40% hilarious this week, my revenue held, I was actually down 0.02. I mean, it’s literally a difference of $150, which is so funny. It’s still doing incredible, you know, like, so my revenue held I’m totally chill with that since last week was at 40%.
(15:38): We have swings. We have cycles as entrepreneurs. That’s totally expected. The real test will be my 30 day rolling, which is still going to be up considering last week. So I’m good with that. The list, my email list actually grew 25% without marketing on social media whatsoever, without changing any marketing that I wasn’t already doing prior.
(16:02): So every single thing that I’ve been doing I already was doing prior. So there’s no weird little thing that I’ve plugged in now that I wasn’t doing. I just want to disclaimer myself there. So basically it’s up, it held or it’s up. My business is still booming. My podcast is exponentially growing. The list is growing super well. My revenue is holding, last week it exponentially grew. I feel great. I have proven in three weeks that my business is still booming without Instagram at all, with zero presence whatsoever.
(16:41): And on Facebook, just managing the student community and the free group, which is outsourced to be honest. So, that’s incredible news, right? That’s such incredible news for you. What do I want you to do with this information? Well, basically, I just want you to start praying. I want you to think about what this could look like in your life. I want you to pray over your usage, your phone usage.
(17:04): I want you to go in and look at your screen time and see, where are you spending your hours? Which app are you? You know, are you in there truly like messaging, friends and being intentional? Or are you in there wasting time? I need you to go look at that. You need to have eyes to see ears, to hear a mouth, to speak and a mind to be discerning and decisive girlfriend. And if it’s your time to lay some things down, I am here to encourage, I am here to push you.
(17:34): I’m here to challenge you because it is time for you to take your life back so that God can bless you through those hard choices. Right? When we lay something down at the feet of Jesus, God’s showing up, He is showing up for you, revelation, provision, favor, connection, whatever it might be that He’s trying to give you, but we are too distracted to see it. We are too hardened to receive it.
(18:00): We have got to change that behavior. So I am just encouraging you that if my journey is proving anything right now, it’s that if you just trust me and you build a sustainable long game business, the way that I teach you going through Clarify Your Calling, to build out a business, five tier business framework plan from your calling, you then move into Podcast Pro to build a scalable podcast, which is where we get our leads. It’s where we build. It’s how we build without having to do social media.
(18:35): And then you move into Podcast to Profit with me, where we get your podcast to boom. Then, we build out your monetization plan, your course, your program, or your coaching offer. And, you trust me enough to lay down the idolatry of social and of your phone. You do it until maybe it’s a year, maybe it’s three years, maybe it’s five years. I don’t know.
(19:03): But what I do know is if I have helped over a thousand different students throughout all of my courses and over probably 500 different coaching clients have success with this business model, you can too. I want to free you. Literally it’s my calling. It’s my purpose other than glorifying the kingdom of God and bringing souls to Jesus Christ, my purpose is to help you be free from the distractions of the world, right?
(19:31): From the way that you have been lied to about how you have to build a business. I want you to trust me on this. So if you’re ready to do that, first thing is get your boundaries in check, girlfriend, get your boundaries and check with the phone. Do a detox. Break up with your phone, break up with social media. And then I want you to head over to and say yes, I want you to say yes with me, because I’m going to help you do this thing in a way that allows you peace, freedom, purpose, intentionality.
(20:01): I’m so here for that, Lord, I pray over the incredible women and men listening to this podcast. I pray that we would glorify you through everything that we’re doing, through our choices, through our intentions, through the hard things that we have to lay down in order for you to come in and transform us from the inside out. God, we invite you in to shake us, to break us and restore us, make us new Lord, less of us, more of you.
(20:27): We want to die to self so that we can be reborn in you. That we can be the hands and feet of Jesus here on earth, Lord. And I pray for discernment and confidence in every single person, listening that they would be convicted to make the choices that you’re asking them to make God that they would have belief and trust and faith. That your way is better than their way. And that all we have to do is surrender. And you will take over that.
(20:50): You will lay the path beneath our feet. And all we have to do is step out and walk. We have to walk it out with you, God, and you will take care of the rest. We trust you. And, we are so grateful that you have everything figured out. We don’t need to worry or be anxious. We don’t need to carry this sense of fear around in our daily life, because Jesus has already taken it. Help us relinquish all fear, anxiety and anything that’s keeping us stuck or afraid in the name of Jesus. We cast that out of our lives right now, and we replace it with you, with a steadfast truth and belief that we can. But with you, Lord, any thing is possible in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Learn How to Consistently Make Income With a Podcast For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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