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Listen in on this LIVE COACHING session with Michelle! We dig into her passion project vs. her coaching business to figure out what her signature product needs to be. Not only do we figure that out, but we also simplify and clean it up so that it solves ONE problem!
There is so much gold packed into this session. Come be a fly on the wall!
I pray this blesses you!
Hey, beautiful human. Welcome to episode number 111, which is also kind of like one of my lucky numbers. So that’s pretty cool. And today I’m going to be chatting with such an amazing human Michelle Marie with Put Your Passion to Work. We actually are doing a coaching session together. And Michelle came to me because she is a wife and a mama. She has two amazing little boys. She’s also an engineer at a fortune 100 company. Yet she is doing coaching and she’s doing what she loves, but she wanted to make sure that she was really in full alignment with what God and the work that she was being called to do here on earth.
She also needed some help aligning her coaching practice with this new initiative of helping women uncover their passion. And we totally did that. And more in this one hour breakthrough session, I can’t wait for you to sit in and be a fly on the wall. As we dig into Michelle’s live coaching. We can totally book a breakthrough session just like this. I love helping mamas, just like you figure out their zone of genius. Uncover what that God led calling is. Clarify, give you tangible tactical advice on what to create, how to best serve your Lola, who that Lola might be. And then a plan of action to get it done, son. So head over to stefaniegass.com/work with me to find out more.
So what’s your Teachable link to the actual freebie or the landing page Teachable. It’s Pursue your Passion Academy, at Teachable.com and it’s Launch your Dream coaching business. So just a little background. Yup. I did this maybe six months ago and even looking at it today, I’m like, it’s a little fluffy, but what it, how it was born is it was my five day challenge that I did in the spring. And I had all this amazing content that I actually audio recorded as if you were there, live with me after the fact, and I used the same and packaged it all together in this amazing mini course, thinking that it would be a really good funnel.
What I’m struggling with is having the conversion. So I’m guessing people are signing up and either not finishing it or they don’t maybe see the value in it because right now it’s free. And at the end, there’s two bonuses. One is my webinar. How to make forecasts in four months, then there’s another bonus. It’s a voucher. And the voucher is for a free breakthrough session. And that’s what I hope people want. Like a 15 minute 30 minutes. Dang girl. Okay. Love it though. Love it. You are so on the right track question though, before we even do anything with that freebie, is that going to lead to this signature course or is the signature course outside of the coaching business?
A little bit outside. So I’m kind of branching off. This is a little different, but I almost have two avatars. So one is the woman who just wants to find her passion. It can be anything under the sun, but she needs help and encouragement and support in finding it and ideas. Whether that leads to coaching is up to her. That’s one avatar. Then I have someone who has already identified. She has a passion of helping others like me and wants to become a coach like me. And that person is my Launch your Dream Coaching Business person.
Do you still want to build the coaching one as well? I do. So in year two, I want to promote both and kind of see if one wins out the other. But my passion has always been helping someone just find out what they want to do and fulfill their higher purpose. I also have a strong passion for business, I have a master’s degree. I just love helping people build their coaching business, like the day ones, where they start to scale. And so that’s really where my paid client base is right now.
So let me ask you a question. If your zone of genius is helping women scale coaching businesses from day one, why can’t you pair, Hey, let me help you figure out your passion, your area of expertise in the online space, and then build a coaching business around that thing, right? Because aren’t there unlimited styles of coaching. Couldn’t someone do meal coaching, fitness coaching, mindset coaching, life coaching, business coaching. Yeah.
I struggled with this because this isn’t the first time I’ve heard it. But what I’m struggling with then when that comes up for me is what if I have the opportunity to help someone who maybe she wants to be an airline pilot? I don’t know. And she just doesn’t know how to pull it out. I don’t want to help her become an airline pilot. I just want to help her identify and the name of my brand and my podcast is Put your Passion to Work. It’s not put your coaching passion to work. So I’ve always been like, sort of struggling with that. And maybe I do just branch off into one or the other, you know what? No, no, I think that that’s okay.
If you look at my model, I can do a breakthrough call with someone like a one hour and give them, okay, here’s your tool set to go do the thing, but I don’t do that thing, but at least I helped you get there. But then 60% of them, it’s, we’re going to start a podcast and build an online business and do courses. Right. So I think for you, it would be the same model. I was just asking the question to see if had you thought through, is it always coaching? So I think the answer is no. And then I think for this woman to find her passion, it’s going to be interesting to package it into a course, because that is so specific to like you working through that with somebody. True. Okay.
So let’s go there in a second. Yeah. Right. Okay. Well, let me ask you a second question. Why are we building a signature course around the breakthrough call? If we can build a signature coach course around just building the coaching business. I don’t know why don’t we just monetize the coaching business because that’s the one you kind of want to step, not step away from, but you’re teaching the same system over and over, right? Here’s how you start a coaching business. Step one. What type of coaching? Here’s how we set up the business stuff. How you get clients. Here’s how you, that’s a system that you can sell Michelle. Okay. Can’t sell the breakthrough. Okay.
People need your brain for that. Help me figure out the passion. What is that? That’s the live coaching on the show, it’s what draws people to you. That’s where they get to see your zone of genius come alive. And then you can say, and Hey, if it’s a coaching business for you, here’s the signature course. Okay. I love that. Okay. So are you suggesting that if someone’s listening and they’re like, Oh my gosh, I want to model what she’s doing. And I want to put on my coach hat and become a coach. So obviously that person’s going to want to work with me through my signature course.
On top of that, what I was thinking of wanting to offer is one-on-ones so you can just do the course or you can supplement that with one on one coaching with me throughout that time or after I love it. Okay. Absolutely. And of course that’s at a premium, right? Yes. Yeah. So, and we can talk about how that pricing model might look. Okay. I want to make sure we get to the course. Okay. But that makes more sense to me. Cause that’s something systemized you can package. Yeah, it is.
So step one of that is now going to be, how do we get people into our funnel? And you already have this product launch, your dream coaching business. Where’s the sales page for this? Where are people finding out about this five day course? Primarily it’s been Pinterest. I have a VA and it’s on there. So I know that’s a long game. So in the short term, what I’ve been doing is sprinkling it into Instagram and my podcasts and my website. Okay. Where is it on your website? So if you go to my freebie vault, it’s the first image there. What’s your website, a landing page. So it’s putyourpassiontowork.com/freebievaults. And I have a landing page on there.
Launch your dream, coaching business, five day challenge. See all of this already points to a signature course in this area, which I love the ultimate guide to pursuing your passion. Seven questions, the biz coaching toolkit, all of these are great. And you can be pushing to all of these, the graphics look great. Okay. So I’m on the sales page now, which is putyourpassiontowork.com/and if you go to that freebie vault click on the first one. I’m just looking at your messaging. So launch your dream coaching business, get ready to launch your coaching business.
I want the free course, five lessons in five days to start your coaching business. Here’s what you’ll learn. How to look like an expert, how to find your niche, how to make five figures in your first year, how to use social media to attract your dream client, how to fill up your calendar. Okay. That opt in is very simple. Who is guiding you through? You’ve got your credibility here again. They can opt in. Yes, but does it include, plus you’re saying two extra bonuses. Are you sending people to this page Michelle? I am. Okay. Okay. Good.
The only thing missing here for me is I want to see some social proof. I want some testimonies on here. Do you have anyone that’s gone through the five day or you can be like, you need to go through this five day for me to give me a video testimony and a written testimony, have five people do that for you. Plug it in throughout the sales page. Okay. Talking about, Oh, Michelle, remove the overwhelm or the confusion around how to even get started as coach is coaching, right? For me, I was confused with blah, blah, blah. And this simple course walked me through that because I really love the sales page.
I think you need a bit more of her verbiage on here. Like girl, I know you’ve been wanting to start a coaching business, but you literally don’t know where to start. What does coaching look like for you? What would you charge? How can you help someone when you don’t feel qualified to become a coach? I had all of those questions, like step into your Lola shoes for a second. And talk to her. Don’t just say, this is what it includes. First, you have to heartstring her. Right?
I always struggle with that. I know all my sales pages, I’m never going there enough and I should be able to, because that was me. Here’s what your first homework is going to be. I want you to write like a full page of where you sat before you started that coaching business. What were your feelings? Struggles, limiting beliefs about yourself. What held you back from taking the leap? What were the fears around coaching? It seems so arbitrary to me. What is a coach? How could I be that? What would I talk about? What if nobody takes me seriously? How would I charge? Like all of those fears that you had, write them all down and I want you to go storytell in this sales page.
And every time you tell someone about this free five day process for them, send them to this page and make it easier to get to because you can’t give them that link. Make a Bitly link maybe. Oh, I think I do have one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think that will help. So storytelling, messaging, testimonies that will get them to do it. And then the other thing is on your Teachable page when they put in their email, does it take them to the Teachable? No, it’s a thank you page. And then they’ll get an email sent to them right away with the link to Teachable for the course and then see, they have to sign up. They have to put their name and email into Teachable.
So I challenge you to also homework number two. I want you to link your buttons on your sales page, directly to the Teachable page. Okay. And then in Teachable, when somebody puts in their email address inside Teachable, say add it to the list and they’ll add it to the email list through Teachable. So you’re still getting them on your list and you’re not adding a third step for somebody because here’s where the problem is also, you’re losing them at conversion because they go, Oh, I want to do it. But now I have to click here and now I have to click here and then I have to open the email, which I’m never going to open. And then I have to go sign up still.
So I think maybe that could also be a piece of it Michelle is it’s too hard for them to just get in the course. Okay. Let’s not talk about driving traffic there yet. Cause you need to, I never want to drive traffic somewhere, unless I’ve proven that it’s working through my organic market first, is it something that they want because ads are not cheap and I’ve wasted thousands of dollars testing when I’m like, I could just throw something new at my market. Once you’ve done all that work, treat it like it’s brand new, throw it at your market again for a week straight, just solid promotion. Like you’re sick of hearing about it. It’s free. So promote the heck out of it.
And if they don’t, it’s not converting at that point. That’s when, you know, I need to tweak something or maybe it’s even too fancy as the freebie Michelle. Right. Which we had also talked about. And then I want to give you a third homework already, which is those other two freebies that you already have test those too. So you already have two other freebies that look really simple to me that you could be using as often. Like you have five free tools to start a successful coaching business.
So all those have landing pages to opt into my email list. But from there all those freebies point to my email list and they’ll get an email that says, here’s your thing, here’s your free thing. And then there’ll be a nurture sequence. And at the end of that, the nurture sequence they’ll go into my main subscriber list, but I haven’t been converting any of those freebies through my nurture sequence, into a discovery call. So why, why? Cause you’re not funneling those people into that five day course. Oh you go, Hey freebie. The whole nurture for a whole month is have you taken the free course?
Have you taken the free course? And you take the free course, it’s free. These are all the cool things in here. Here’s social proof of how it’s working for Anna. Here’s how, like my number one struggle was how I could figure out who to coach or what to coach. Guess what? That’s in my free training for you a completely free course. Push everyone to the course through any of the freebies. Right. Cause then the course will have the upsells in it. Your free course has your episodes.
So my free course at this point they can binge it all in one or they can do it in the five day increments, like how it’s kind of built. Sure. But I made it. So I know for me as a user, I just want to consume it all. I just eat it all out. That’s my goal. And then at the end it doesn’t unlock though. It’s something that they, it doesn’t drip out to them so they can consume it all. And then hopefully watch the webinar. Cause there’s a lot of stuff in there and then use the voucher for the free breakthrough session. Okay. And then once they’re on a call with me or maybe they already decided they want to work with me, then I can present them with working with me one on one.
Of the people getting into the course. How many of them are actually doing the course? 34 students have signed up. And how long have you been pushing to this? Four months. Okay. And you probably haven’t been pushing hard enough because if you’re not literally sick of something, you’re not pushing it hard enough. And remember this is free Michelle. So don’t have any weirdness because you’re not like selling something and selling something. You’re not selling anything. You’re saying I’m gifting. This is free value to you if you want to become a coach. Okay.
So of those 35, how many does it look like are like logging in taking this course have completed it? It looks like 50%. 50% of them have completed it. Okay. And active students on some other page that I saw was like eight or nine for this month. Okay. And then of that half. So let’s say 15 of those people completed the course. How many booked the free call? One person. And she converted to a client. Okay. Why do you think the disconnect? Where is the disconnect? Share your screen with me. Let me see inside your course, that last module where you upsell them.
Because sometimes it’s as simple as like the free thing isn’t, you’re not selling it enough and I don’t even want it to be free. I’m going to make you start charging for this thing. So they’re in here, we’ve got each challenge is in a different module, which is great. Having 50% of people complete it is very average. And I think that’s great. The only other thing you could do to help people complete it better, Michelle is you could do an email sequence of people that opt in for this specific course and over the course of a week, Hey, here’s how you get into your course. Day one. How are you loving the course in this challenge? We did this. Oh, Hey, have you logged into your course yet?
Like be in their inbox, reminding them that they have this free course. Yeah. I don’t do that right now. And that’s a shame on me. I didn’t either forever, but it helped a ton getting people to remember, they just forget, we just get busy. So set up, there’s homework number five. I think we’re on five set up a little simple email sequence. Just reminding them of the course, remind them of the value and why they signed up for this again with the testimonies Annie completed this free coaching challenge and she booked two clients. Like, you know, whatever it’s going to be. That way, they’re like, Oh, I need to go take that. I’ve been forgetting.
Like three emails over the course of a week. That would be really good. Yeah. Okay. Perfect. Take me into where they get the upsells. So then this is just the extra, extra special bonus and it’s a gift voucher and there’s no words. Okay. Well there you go. Like here’s the problem. What is this Michelle? I don’t know. So, which is great. Cause we’re going to be done with this free thing, but yeah, I think for right now, until you get your course built, you still do want to push them doing coaching with you. Right. And plus that’s discovery for your Lola to figuring out what does she really need and want.
I would definitely not do it for free because that also to me is weird. Cause I’m like, I’ve literally learned from you so much for five days and you’re gifting me this webinar. I’m ready to pay you at this point. Okay. And then if you try to give me something else for free, I’m like, Oh, why is it because she’s going to sell me a $17,000 package when I get on the phone with her. So it’s almost like too good to be true feel for me. And I’m just skeptical though. I don’t know how you feel. Do you still want to do something that drives urgency though? I talk about my three month package and it’s about $2,000 right now and it’s every other week. So two calls a month and they are about 45 to 60 minutes.
What I want you to do is move that bonus to the very bottom because you’re scaring away the person that doesn’t know you yet that, well, they’re not that willing to spend $2k. Right. But they’re willing to do a breakthrough call one hour. So let’s move that. And also, is there a way for them to purchase that through the webinar there? No. Okay. So move that one all the way down and add Michelle in there. Are you ready to do a whole coaching package? Here’s a free 15 minute phone consultation to see which package is right for you. Okay. With a link to do a call with you. And I use Calendly if you don’t have something set up yet for that.
Just use that so they can literally book right from in here a free 15 minute coaching consultation with you. Okay. And then with the extra, extra special bonus, give them, I mean, I don’t know. I feel like if you gave me, if you’re willing to do 30 minutes for free, how would you feel about doing 40% off your first hour or 40% off your first breakthrough call if you book within the next seven days. So you’re giving them the voucher, but the call to action should still be Michelle the 15 minute coaching consultation. Okay. Cause like, I want to talk to everyone first anyway. Cause I’m like, how do I know I even want to work with you.
Then secondly, I have a 55% conversion from that 15 minute phone call. And you can, a lot of times sell them the bigger package on the 15 minute call. So if you call it like a phone consultation, so you can book your coaching consultation, let’s see if it’s right for us to work together. Here is a voucher, but you have to use it within seven days, which also gives you leverage to close them on that call. Right? Okay. Yeah. That makes sense. My mind’s kind of spinning right now.
Cause I’m thinking another change to my business model is I was doing 30 day intensives, but when someone is starting their coaching business, that’s not enough time. And I wasn’t feeling like the results were there and the testimony was there. So I want to lop that off. So I guess I’m questioning if this is the model that I sort of switched to, then. This is the model for today because you have to build the course. That’s the big, and that’s going to take you probably 90 days. If you were making a big, solid product, Michelle, that takes them through intensive work of starting a business, you can remove yourself from that.
For the most part, we can create a course that does that piece, but you still need money today. Okay. Yeah. I don’t want to spend any more time on this cause I want to get to the course piece, but that’s how you can fix this for today. Okay. So then options are DIY course or, and or one-on-one what’s Oh, well later the course. Yes. Yeah. Okay. And I think they don’t even talk about that yet in here, because then they’re just going to wait for that because today they can work with you for an hour or buy the program while you’re building the course. Absolutely. You know? Okay, cool.
Let’s move to now let’s get this signature course mapped out for you. And then I think talking about the pivoting, the other piece of your business, which is going to be the passion breakthrough call. That’s not even like, I don’t think that’s a big thing for you. Other than guys. I do passion breakthrough calls. Let’s figure out your passion in an hour, go here to book a 15 minute consult with me. Yeah. Cause that I think will be your one on one thing. And then once we get the signature course built, you can replace all this coaching with that signature course. I love that. So let’s move to that signature course.
Now this course will be what, when somebody hires you to start their coaching business, talk to me about like, is it this 30 day intensive? What are you doing with someone? I come to you, and I say, Michelle, I’m ready to become a coach. I’m a business coach. I want to do it online. What would you sell me? What package would you sell me to get me results to having a business up and having some clients in the door? Well, initially I wanted to sell group coaching and I wanted to do like open card and just launch two, three times a year. And that’s sort of what I invested in a program that teaches you exactly how to do that.
However, when I launched back in May, it was not profitable. It was successful in what I learned, but it was not profitable. I didn’t get any takers for my group coaching program. Now, what are you doing? I come to you and say, I want one on one coaching today from you. What would you do with me? How long would you need to get me through that? Have you done this with someone fully? I have. Okay. So talk to me about that client. Let’s take that example that you had in the past. How long did you need to work with them to get them through the process? What were you teaching them? And I’m going to be writing down your course magic. Oh yay. All right.
So we worked together initially for 90 days and then she re-upped for another 90 days. And so that ended up being six months. That’s I feel a little long, but what we ended up doing was all the foundational important pieces of building a coaching business. So I helped her with live feedback about her website as she built it, I gave her landing page templates that I use in my own business that I created. We talked about her perfect person. I have this amazing exercise. It’s actually in my free course about how you can kind of find your Lola like mine. My girl’s name is Missy.
Missy comes to me and sits down and asks the question. You’re asking me, what do I do? I love what you’re doing. I want to start a coaching business. So I tell her, you have to build an online presence. You have to get over all those mindset gremlins. So a lot of what we tackle before the strategies of business is we tackle the mindset. So how are you feeling changing the language that we all say to ourselves so that it’s positive because our thoughts create our actions. And so from there we do all the strategies. So work out what your signature course is going to be. What feels good for you, membership? Well, here are the pros and cons. Group coaching, here’s the pros and cons, et cetera. We also cover social media.
So I teach people how to do one month worth of content in 30 minutes, when you’re first getting started, it usually takes an hour, but I cap it off. I say, if you only do one week in an hour, that’s okay, because next month it’s going to get better and get better and get better. So it’s that routine, that practice and accountability. So we communicate in between calls through Voxer or a Voxer like app. And then I also create Trello boards. So I’m assigning homework. And as she has questions, she can come to me through Trello. She can come to me through Voxer. And when we meet, I say, okay, what came up for you? What did you finish? Why didn’t you finish?
How are you feeling? Cause at the end of this, I would want her to feel like she can listen to her gut and make those intuitive decisions in her business. And not because you know this online, I’m going to listen to you and then I can listen to another guru tomorrow. And she’s going to say, Oh, you need to do this master or where it’s at. Here’s your strategy. And so you have to be so confident and passionate about what you deliver to your audience, that you can’t flip flop. Okay. And I spent so much time flip-flopping myself that I really, now that I’m very aligned and my arrow always faces North or points North. I want others to have that as well. Sure.
And then what, so she got through social media marketing. Did you take her through client acquisition and see her through her first client? What about like contracts? Yes. We cover contracts, we cover funnels, email sequences. We cover, gosh, there’s just so much discovery calls is a huge one. How to set up all your systems and make that flow. Give her all the tools that she needs. All the ones that I use, I have actual tutorials in my Teachable for how I create my freebies and how I do my graphics. And just a watch over your shoulder. I really love doing tutorials. So there’s a lot of those in there.
So let’s talk about creating a truly passive product. Okay. Can’t have the Trello and the Voxer happening, right? Let’s say it was a hundred percent passive first. And then we’ll talk about maybe how we can add a little bit of you in there. You could take me, I could say I’m ready to become a coach. What if you took out like the website, the landing page stuff like, cause you can’t do that for everyone. If it’s passive, you could give them your strategy though. Okay. And you would say here’s how I would see this flow working. So this is what I wrote down. And I would say, I would say a 90 day or less.
So let’s see what we come up with content wise and see how long would that take someone to get through? Okay. Step one for me would be, what is your coaching, branding, the business model. So that would be module one. And to me, that is what is your tagline? What type of coach are you? What messaging are you putting into the world about the type of coach you’re going to be? And then underneath there, you could have website, landing page, discovering your avatar, coming up with your description and your title of your business. Like setting up the business, right?
That’s the first core module. And instead of going back and forth, you’re saying, Hey guys, I’m going to take you through mine as an example, like, you know, this is my whole coaching brand. This is what my website looks like. I use this to set up my site. Here’s my affiliate link. Right? You may ask a couple of those clients you worked with, may I use you as a person in my course, as another sample and you can send them her link. This is another example of a client I’ve worked with. This is what her site looks like. So just getting them to think about what is their messaging. Okay. I kind of already love this.
Here’s the thing though. It’s as I’ve worked with one-on-one clients, anything they need, I like, Oh, I have that. I would go create it either. It’s a tutorial that I recorded. You probably have most of these things. I’m going to say Michelle, it’s now you need to create one thing in cohesive order for them. That’s it. Have this piece, have all of the components of it. That’s what I’ve done. A lot of times I run it once as group coaching. So there’s lots of feedback and all of that for the people later I package up each video then becomes an evergreen product. And then I have a Facebook group that, you know, for the podcasting course, I have the group for you guys.
And I go live to answer questions here and there. But like, I’m not, I don’t have strings to anybody. Nobody can Voxer me. If they send me a DM, I’m like putting it in the group. So that could be a level of support that you would add for these students. Okay, perfect. So on my sales page, I have all these six modules kind of built out as to what I’m teaching for each one. Okay. Perfect. So here’s where my brain was going. If I was your client. I think number one is that foundational piece, the messaging, the branding. Okay. The vision of the coaching. And that would be number one.
The second piece for me is getting my mindset. Right? So like you had said positivity, confident in your abilities, like working them through, what does it mean to be a coach and remembering that you don’t have to be the best coach in the world. You’re coaching people, two steps behind you. So get them to feel like, but who am I to coach? Right? Like you have to get them over that piece of it. So that for me would maybe be like module two would be get them the mindset stuff. And then the third thing you had said was then the strategy behind your product or the strategy behind your coaching, which for me where is the signature product? Is it online, one-on-one? Is it membership?
You are going to work them through the pros and cons of all and maybe how high level they can do one of those things. Right? So that’s picking your method of coaching. And then the fourth thing after they’ve chosen their method of coaching is getting the business basics set up, contracts, how to set up discovery calls, using like Calendly, maybe how to use the calendar to link outlook to Calendly and how to use Zoom for your clients. Like you know that the back office stuff. So that might be number five. And then the sixth one I think is if we’re keeping it simple, how to then go get clients using social media marketing, like you had come up with that strategy to get them all this content in an hour. Absolutely. They can use YouTube.
You can use podcasting and you can use an affiliate link for my course, if you want, if you’re pushing podcasting as a way for them to grow an organic funnel. Great. If you want to say, go do Facebook lives, there’s all these options for you guys to do it, but you need to pick one and then teaching them how to show up for that by adding value to their future client. Right? And then maybe like the actual coaching and that last bonus module could be like, here’s an example of how I would coach a client. Like maybe leaning questions, the reminder process. How do you get the client?
Like for me, one of my number one things is before we ever start talking, what’s the number one goal for you today? Because if they walk out of there and go, they want one. Usually it’s one big question. How do you coach properly? Get that one core question. Listen, but also be direct, keep people on task. Make sure that you’re giving them a tangible solution to walk away with that they can implement today that you’re providing a replay. You’re providing notes. If you took any notes, like just that stuff, that like a new coach wouldn’t know that. And then maybe a huge question too, is like based on the type of coaching, do they need a certain license?
Based on the type of coach they want, talking about your favorite certifications and the ones that they don’t need certifications for. That’s it. That got them from branding, the coaching business, the mindset of a coach, the strategy, the style of coaching they want to do, how to get clients, how to set up their back office and then how to be successful with their clients. And that’s your course. It just seems so simple. I don’t, it’s like I need more. I need to give them spreadsheets on their income goals. No, no, no, no girl, no one problem. And this potentially could be the problem too, with your free thing. Is it too complicated? It’s possible.
You just want to offer one solution, how to start your coaching business, right? How to begin a profitable coaching business that will scale period. This isn’t about how much money they want to make, this isn’t about expanding their brand to do the XYZ. Like keep it so bare bones and simple. My best course is how to start a podcast and it’s just start the show and how to record it. And I could put so many more things in there, but they don’t want so many more things and people can only focus on one thing at a time. Yes. So that could be where you’re losing people. Is your messaging coming out too complicated? I’m throwing in the kitchen sink for you and you’re losing them because they’re like, well now I’m overwhelmed.
It could be because what I feel like is lacking in there and I’m looking at my landing page. I’m like, Oh yeah, I forgot. I teach people how to grow their email list to a hundred subscribers. I show them how to do high converting sales funnel because no one knows what a sales funnel is when you first start coaching, but you want to have something that’s going to passively lead people to you like opt-ins and stuff like that. So I’m like thinking about, Oh my gosh, how as you’re talking to like, well, I have to add this and I want to add here and I want to do this.
But look, those can be some advanced coaching products that you do later. Get someone from point A to point B today, which if I came to you and said, I’m new in this industry, I just need to start my coaching business. I have 90 days to get this thing off the ground. And you’re like, I can get you there in 30. I’m going to get the business setup today. That’s what you’re paying me for. What is that result? What would you pay for that result, Stefanie? I’m like, I would pay you $500 today. Get my business up and running. Then I’m done with that. And you’re like, Hey, how is it going?
Did you know, I just built an advanced coaching online marketing strategy course that takes you through funnels for online coaches. Nobody wants that today because they’re barely starting. They’re like, what do you mean a funnel? I’m going to quit today. That’s so great. I see, Oh my gosh. Okay. It’s like light bulb. And then you can say, okay, for that online advanced course, the freebie can be the how to build the email subscribers to a hundred. But that’s a different woman. She already has a coaching business. Right. This makes a lot of sense. Yeah.
She already has one and she just wants to go next level and that’s perfect. And you can build that later. Okay. Okay. So that’s what I would put in this course, Michelle and I mean personally $500 would be a steal for someone, and you can have some templates in there still. Maybe you have some contracts, anything that you already have that supports this. Yes, of course. Put it in there, but don’t put something that doesn’t help the woman that’s just starting the coaching business. Okay.
So I have to go way back. I think I was being too fancy and overcomplicated and maybe overwhelming my Missy. It’s hard cause like you and I are in a different space, but I have to go back to the woman. That’s like, right. She’s just starting the show and you’re going back to them and she’s just starting. She has the call on her heart to be a coach. Yeah. She has no idea what a sales funnel is yet, she has no idea what an even, maybe even an email list is yet. She just has the dream to be a coach. Let’s get her that success result first. Cool. Like does that make so much sense? I love that. It makes a lot of sense, but I also want to help her get a client right away too.
But she’s going to get a client from simple strategies, like your hundred content ideas, you’re to teach her the right way to organically market first. She doesn’t need Facebook ads today. She needs the first hundred people that she already knows. Right? She already has a small Instagram following. She probably has a small, how do you organically market when you’re new? That’s what you’re going to show her. Come up with content. You’re going to start going live or you’re going to do maybe a podcast or you’re going to show up on Instagram stories, start doing some mini coaching. What do you add value outreaching to people that, you know, they’re already warm market for you and offer them 50% off for a coaching session in exchange for a testimony.
That’s how you get them their first client, not from a Facebook ad, not from a funnel. Right? Those are advanced strategies once you’ve capped out, you know? Yes, absolutely. Okay. So I think what I had here was probably too much and I was trying to market to some like the day one, like she, like you said, she’s got the call in her heart to become a coach and even discovery calls at that point is something that she doesn’t know what that is. So she’s got to get everything started. Okay. Yeah. That does make perfect sense. Oh my goodness.
So then how do you like to operate? Would you want to run that as 90 days worth of content though, as a group coaching would be? So I would like want to just stab my eyes out because I can’t handle like, Oh, we’re going to wait a week for session two. And I’m like, and then nobody’s done their homework and I’m super annoyed. I’m like, I can’t hang with group coaching very well. I’m like, I just need, if I have one problem, if I can buy an online course and I’m done with that problem in a week, I am. So the happiest customer in the world, like, don’t give me any fluff, get me a coaching business started. Right. So I’m just trying to think, how would be best for you to create this?
Would it be best for you? You’ve taken Podcast Pro University, you have the PowerPoint and you’re just speaking to her and you’re recording your videos or do you want to run it as group coaching once so that you have lots of actual humans that you’re taking through the process and then packaging it up. I actually love the way that your course runs where there’s PowerPoints and I can hear you and you’re walking me through. Cause you know, I 2X my whole way through your course. So for that being said, I would like to do it that style. A big part of my pull, and I think what I attract my Missy’s to me for is because they need their hand held. They need someone to hold their hand through these beginning steps.
Because if you get it right the first time, like going through and finding your niche of your perfect person, you’re set. But I spent almost a year, hemming and hawing in who I was going to work with. Yeah. So, maybe an upsell like one-on-one. You could totally do the upsell or your call to action. Urgency thing is that for the first six months, you’re going to go live once a week in the group and do a 30 minute Q and A every week on Thursday night or something. Yeah. I love that. You know, and that way I also really like that because that gives you even more that you can sell with because ultimately the goal is like, how do we get away from so much one-on-one as coaches?
I still love one-on-one. But like, I don’t want to always drive that. I want to drive how can I touch the masses in a bigger way? And if you’re coming up with a passive product and you want to drive people into that product to start, you only get so much social proof then your product becomes the product. Anyone wanting to start, you know, business coaching or life coaching online, it’s Michelle’s product. It will get you the result of starting a coaching business. If you add that little value of I’m going to go live for these first six months, you guys, every week for 30 minutes, answer any question that you have and you have a deadline it’s only six months and maybe you love it and you continue it.
And maybe you don’t, but she’s going to buy the course and get success and talk about it and point more people to it versus maybe the one out of 20 that actually invest in a one on one session and then they just don’t get results. Gotcha. Others don’t get results. Does that make sense? It really does. Yeah. I love that. And it’s like, I still get that aspect of the face to face when people have questions and then it’s not this big one hour thing, two Saturdays a month. Cause again, I only have on average of 10 hours a week or less, and this is the way I feel I can scale my coaching business.
This is literally how you get out of the job. And that’s another goal of mine too. This is how you get out because this is passive and you could have a thousand people in your course, Michelle, and it’s still that same 30 minutes talking to a thousand as it is talking to one and in the group, now there’s all this value. Cause there’ll be like 15 prerecorded, Q and A videos that anyone new joins, even if you don’t go live anymore, you’re like, don’t worry. It’s in the vault. I answered this back in January or whatever. So I’ve found like the same question comes up and I’m like, well, I already answered that and I can just tag them in the video. So let’s recap. I’m so excited for you.
I would price this at like $497. Okay. I just really felt good about that because that’s what I would pay. That would be a no brainer for me.
It would be an absolute, no brainer. I was thinking even I was thinking $997, but I would feel really good running it a few times at $497, start there. And, the beauty is once you get social proof, a hundred percent, you can raise that price. Yeah, for sure. You know, get women results, give it six months and get as many women as you can. A coaching business. It’s up. They have their first client, like all of the operations are set up behind the scenes and she’s excited and she’s off and running. And then you grab that testimony and you can, you know, raise it 200 bucks and then six months later you’re going to raise it up 200 more bucks. Like, does that make sense? So I always start low because you can never go down really once you’ve started marketing high.
There’s nowhere but up from here. How amazing is Michelle? Number one? She’s like crazy smart. Number two. She’s pretty much the cutest thing ever. And number three, I love how versatile she is at is the struggle that so many of us face is how do we take these awesome things that we were so excited and passionate about and kind of pair them down to one focal point. And then which thing makes the most sense to monetize? Because in this example, you guys saw, I actually changed up what she thought she was going to create, and that was going to become her coaching.
What she’s already doing is systemized. So was her signature product, but Hey, sometimes you need a coach to help you work through those things. I want to leave you with a prayer today. Sister friend, I pray that you are just fueled with intense courage from the Lord today that you take the step in faith that you need to take to accomplish that dream you set out in 2019 with.
I pray that you recognize you are worthy of whatever it is you have on your heart. And all you need to do is ask God to prepare you and fuel you and provide for you so that you can take action on that dream that He has gifted you. I believe in you fiercely and I’ll see you soon. As always, love and light, Stef.
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