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Hey Friend!
Today we are doing a Quick Tip episode from the community! Jaci Finneman asks, “How do I scale my podcast past 1K?” What strategies can I use to grow faster?
I loved this question because launching is honestly… the easy part. Moving into consistency and staying motivated to show up week after week is the real work! I’ll be sharing 3 ways for you to scale your podcast over 10K, 100K downloads, and beyond.
These are strategies that I’ve been using myself for 3 years and they have helped me grow into a half a million download podcast! If I can do this organically – so can you.
Ready? This one is full of gold. Notebook and pen definitely needed.
(00:00): It’s that time again? It’s Quick Tip Tuesday. I have the best question for all my podcasters out there from Jackie Finneman today. So grab a notebook and pen. We’re going to be digging into this juicy question from her and hey, if you want to be featured right here on this podcast, all you got to do is go to, scroll all the way to the bottom and leave me a question.
(00:25): Any question, girl, anything that has to do with online marketing, business, kingdom business, hearing from God in your life and business, prayer, I mean faith in business, Bibles and laptops, I am your favorite coach. 3, 2, 1, go ask. Let’s do this.
(00:42): Hey, Stef! It’s Jackie Finneman from the No Problem Parenting Podcast. First, I would like to thank you so much for all that you have to offer in the community, in the Female Christian Entrepreneur Community. I took your B2B and I look forward to taking P2P in the new year.
(01:03): For now, I would like to know, oh, and I’ve gotten so many guests just for being a part of your community, which is helping serve the parents that I serve. Like it’s just helping me reach them and give them other places, other people, other resources that, you know, I’m not a one-stop shop. I play well with others in the sandbox. So anyway, I’m rambling.
(01:29): But what I would like to know is, I have passed the thousand download mark, and I want to know how to scale that? Like what are just a couple of things that I can do before I joined P2P to scale my downloads, get people to comment or even like, or rate the podcast. What can you give me quick? Okay. Love you. Thanks so much for all you do. Appreciate you.
(01:55): Hi Jackie. First of all, thank you for just that sweet message. You’re the best. I’m so grateful for you and I can’t wait for you to join me in P2P. We’re going to have so much fun. If you guys want to join the next round of Podcast to Profit, we have a lot of applications in, so I would go quickly. I really would get your app in.
(02:16): I would run to This is a 90 day live immersion mastermind experience where I help you explode your show. We are going to rank, we are going to optimize SEO. We are going to learn pod pitching and Pinterest marketing.
(02:34): We are going to then create your thing that you’re going to monetize with your course, your program or your coaching offer. It’s so legit, you’re truly going to love it. So
(02:46): Okay. Jackie, congratulations. 1000 downloads. Seriously, girlfriend. That is so exciting. I am just cheering for you. I’m so excited for you. I remember when we met, gosh, at least a year, maybe two years ago, and we really talked about your brand and we got all the little pieces mapped out and I’m so excited to hear that you did it, and then it’s growing and it’s working for you, just all the amens.
(03:13): Three things. There are three things. So you said what, or what can I do to scale my podcast? I’ve already gotten a thousand downloads. Also something that I know about you, Jackie, is that, you know your brand really well. You know who you serve, you know how you serve them. You’re extremely clear what their pain points and their problems. Guys, if you don’t have those pieces figured out, your podcast can not scale.
(03:36): If you don’t know what I do in one sentence or less, if you don’t have the five pillars of your brand map done, title, tagline, description, extraordinary clarity on your avatar, your pillars, and then your content mapping, you’re going to have issues scaling.
(03:51): So that would be a pause. I would hit that pause button and go take, Clarify Your Calling, which is exactly what we do in that course. Now, if you have clarity the next step and you’ve launched the show, the next step is Podcast to Profit where we go through all of these strategies.
(04:10): Now I realized that that’s not for everyone. Some people aren’t ready for that, or you have to save up for it or whatnot. So I’ve really pulled out three of my absolute favorite ways to scale. And what’s so cool is that all of these three things put together would cost you less than $200 a year. How amazing is that? There’s no social media on this list and there’s no Facebook ads on this list.
(04:41): Number one is optimizing your SEO and keywords. Don’t ever think this, my friends. Jackie, for your podcast, I really want you to start thinking about what are the things that your mama is and your parents are Googling. They’re looking at what? Temper tantrums, how to discipline my toddler.
(05:04): They’re really looking at these pain point key phrases. And what I want you to do, you’re going to move into Podcast to Profit with me, where we’re going to do an exclusive week specifically on SEO and keywords. But where you can begin is a brain dump or a brainstorm on every single key phrase that you can possibly think of. I want you to go back through your emails with your clients and pull out problem phrases.
(05:28): I want you to go back into Facebook groups and do market research on what your person is searching for, because we want to embed that SEO and those keywords into your podcast marketing. Your titles, your taglines, your keywords. And we’re going to do a deep dig into that together in P2P, but at least you can get started.
(05:47): Number two is to utilize one to many marketing strategies. My absolute favorite is Pinterest. It’s the Nobody’s using it and they be cray. I will swap out Instagram, Facebook, TikTok. I don’t even know what else is out there now for Pinterest because Pinterest takes me 30 minutes or less per week.
(06:11): Actually, my team does it now, but I totally did this myself for two full years, you guys and Pinterest marketing drives over 20,000 page views a month to my podcast and my website. So Pinterest, done. And if you guys want to take my Pinterest mini-class, master course, head to, click on courses, scroll all the way down. I have a Pinterest masterclass.
(06:36): It is going to take you less than 90 minutes to get through that course and start using Pinterest to drive traffic to your pod. It’s so ridiculously easy that you’re going to think it’s not going to work because it’s so easy and that’s exactly why it’s going to work because we over-complicate marketing. We overcomplicate things.
(06:55): We think we have to be so busy. And so do all these hundred things to make this work. No, we need to simplify our marketing and we need to lead with our heart and our service. And that is what’s going to scale.
(07:09): Number three is pitching, podcast pitching and we do again, we do a whole training on podcast pitching inside a Podcast to Profit, the mastermind program I run. So we’re going to go into this Jackie together, but just so that you know, this is coming, basically, there’s an art, okay? To getting you featured on other people’s podcasts.
(07:30): I’ve been on podcasts with 10 million downloads, 20 million, 40 million, 60 million downloads. It’s crazy, girl. And I have a specific methodology to get you featured on podcasts as well. And so I give you guys that framework inside Podcast to Profit.
(07:47): And that’s an amazing way to scale your show because no money, it gets you in front of someone else’s audience, and they already trust you because their person who they’re subscribed to, who they love and who they listen to is edifying you and having you on their show.
(08:05): So by the time somebody promotes you and they can listen to your podcast, there is no barrier to entry. They’re all in they’re subscribing and they are your number one fan. So we’re going to go deep into podcast pitching together in Podcast to Profit mastermind. I hope that this helped you guys, those of you with podcasts in the world, and you are really working hard to scale.
(08:28): Just remember the S P P formula, SEO, Pinterest, and Pitching, and then I can help you implement all of those pieces together in the next round of P2P. I’ll meet you guys back here on Thursday for another juicy episode of the show. Again, if you want to get featured on a Quick Tip Tuesday episode, just head to, scroll all the way down on the homepage and click Ask the Stef. See you soon.
Learn How to Consistently Make Income With a Podcast For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
Today, I’m sharing my conversation with Patrice Washington. She is one of the most influential leaders in personal development and a force to be reckoned with.
When it comes to growing a business in alignment with Christ, and someone who has her boundaries, morals, and heart in the right place, Patrice Washington is THE person you should listen to.
Today, it’s just you, me, and my lukewarm coffee as I share with you what happened at my annual CEO Retreat. Grab a pen and paper and let’s dig deeper into what happened at my CEO Retreat and what you can learn from it for your business.
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Today, let’s talk about the concept of imposter syndrome. Experiencing imposter syndrome means doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud, as though you don’t deserve to be recognized as an expert.
Do you know what God’s call is for you? How can you overcome distraction and hear God’s call? If you’re anything like me, you have been attacked from every angle with fear, worry, anxiety, and sadness.
Feeling stumped with your podcast content? I’ll share three key concepts and an action plan to create highly desired and listened-to content that is also found worldwide.
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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