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In today’s episode, I am having a POWERFUL conversation about raising world changers with my friend and personal spiritual breakthrough mentor, Miranda Wendler from Health and Wholeness. She is one of the few people who can help me through my parenting fear spirals (Just me?! Please say I’m not alone!).
After navigating one a few weeks ago, I asked her to come on the pod and have a convo with me about how to Raise World Changers (without getting lost in fear or pressure of parenting perfectly)!
Together, we explain what it means to be God-led parents, powerful parents, and prayerful parents in today’s fallen world.
We go through examples of how we plant biblical seeds in our children, daily. How we use LIFE as teachable moments that will prepare them for making good choices down the road. While we know it’s impossible to protect them from everything, we CAN and SHOULD wrap them in the armor of God while proactively stewarding their spiritual growth.
We are so BLESSED to be moms. Let’s stand up for God’s future kingdom.
‘Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not depart from it.’
-Proverbs 22:6
Hey friends, you are in for a treat today. I have my friend and one of my amazing mentors, Miranda Wendler on the show. We’re just having a raw, real combo about raising up little world changers in today’s world. Cause y’all know, raising kids is hard. Sometimes it’s scary. It’s all the things. And how do we know we’re doing it right? And how do we know we are parenting from a godly perspective?
How do we know that we are working with God in what’s best for our kiddos and just all the things. So we dig deep into that. This is going to be a two part series because well, we can talk. So get your kombucha, your coffee, your lukewarm coffee. Let’s get real, get a notebook and pen, enjoy this conversation. I will disclaimer and let you know, we do mention a few things that might be a little sensitive for a little ears.
We talk about some topics that might be, you may not be ready to bring up with your kiddos yet. So you may want to bookmark this episode and come back to it. When mama got some downtime, if you know what I mean, if you’re at the gym or you’re in the shower or when you are alone that would be a great time.
I just want to let y’all know that just in case, just in case you don’t want to be having no conversation a little earlier than you had planned. All right, before we dig into the episode today, do you want to work together? You and me like, should we hang out? Y’all ready to be besties or wet. Let me let you know how we can do that. So number one, you need clarity. You don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing.
You want clarity on your calling. I want to invite you into my 30 day all immersive program, which is a self study course clarify your calling. We go through identity in Christ. We go through mapping out who you are, who you’ve always been, but then pulling out of it, tactical stuff, a title, a tagline, a plan for you to take that calling and those giftings and move them into a actual business.
You will walk out of clarify, calling with a title, tagline description categories, plan of action, confidence. And it’s just this 30 day all out, like you’re tired of messing around. You need to know what your thing is. So you can begin to walk in it. That is that clarifyyourcallingcourse.com. Number two, you want to grow an audience and evergreen audience. You want to actually have people to talk to on your podcast or people who are wanting to work with you.
People coming into the funnel and a fun, easy evergreen way where you don’t have to show up on social 24 seven. I obviously recommend podcasting. You know this girlfriend, and if you haven’t hanging out with me for any amount of time, you know, podcasting is probably in the cards for you. So if that’s you it’s podcastprouniversity.com. Finally, I invite you to join me in my 90 day. All immersive mastermind.
If you already have a podcast, this is step three. You want to take your podcast, grow, scale and monetize it. You want to have a course or a coaching program, and you want your podcast to be a massive revenue driver. My exact business model. I invite you into podcast to profit. We have a few spots left for the class that starting April 30th. You need to run and get your application in. We only take 20 women. This is podcasttoprofitmastermind.com. All right, hope you’re ready for today’s show laugh, have fun.
What’s up, you guys I’m Rica from the mama trauma podcast. And I previously had another podcast and I was working with Stefanie for an entire year before I actually got to do a rebrand under her teaching. So when I got to the rebrand, I had everything that I needed. You guys. I had already worked with Stefanie for a year and I was able to like hit the ground running. I knew everything that I needed to explode my show.
Now, of course, God is behind all the explosions of your show, but I knew everything that I needed to do to make that show a success from titling to SEO, to building a website, to building a Facebook group that worked to keywords, all of the things I had it and the new show has five Xed. The growth of my old show. I have met milestones that are just absolutely incredible. And I know that it is only because all of the things that I, that I learned working with Stef.
So if you’re, if you’re thinking about working with Stef and starting a podcast under her, I mean, it’s just a no brainer. She is absolutely amazing. And I am so blessed that I found her. She is a gym. She is truly passionate for what she’s doing. Helping women to clarify their calling and lead God driven businesses. So I’m hanging out with Miranda Wendler right now looking at her beautiful face.
And you know, guys,
Like, I don’t know, random woman, it was like a week or two ago. I just started totally spiraling out
Around about my kids. Like here we are, we’re in this, this world that feels like so dark and broken at times. And just the opposition is so real. And I started to just be consumed by fear. You know, miles is seven and Landon is four and maybe I should pull him out of school. Maybe they needed to like go to private school and maybe they need to do this. And then, Oh my gosh.
And then I, and then to top all of that crazy stuff off, which was already going on in my mind, my pastor decides to do a message on how children are seeing pornography at this super young age. And that just really sent me over the edge of just fear. How do I protect them? And what do I do? Do you ever spiral myrrh?
Yes, it’s I, I think of it as spinning more and it’s like, how do I even get out of this right now? Okay.
If any of you, moms are listening and you are in one of those, or you’ve been in one, you are not alone. I think we all walk through that, but I found my way back to peace. And I’m not saying I’m going to stay there because I’m sure that there’s different seasons. I’m sh I know there’ll be different seasons in raising my boys that are going to bring new trials and test me in deeper ways.
But at this moment, I’m back to peace. And one of the ways I got back to peace was having godly counsel and Miranda is just such a rock in my life. You guys know she’s my spiritual growth mentor. She’s my friend. And so I felt God speak to me a few times and say, you and Miranda are to have a podcast on protecting your children the best way we can. And just really partnering with God and raising up these little world changers.
And so that’s why she’s here to do, she’s going to help us with this and just walk us through. So I’m just going to open it up. I think Marin, I think the first question, the first thing to talk about is what does it even mean to protect children in, in today’s world? Like what does that even bring up for you?
Yes. And I remember I talk about this stuff. It was like the first two words that came to mind right away were empower them and equip them because there’s like a level of protection we can bring spiritually through praying for them, which we’ll touch on later. I’m sure. But like, how do we raise them up in practical, in the day-to-day to empower and equip? And I almost see, like I put on the armor of God, right?
So I put my spiritual armor, God, the helmet of salvation, the breastfeed righteousness, and my kids are seven and let’s see seven, well, 19. And then as she’s out of the house, except the house and then seven, six, and then four and a half or so. And so I’ve talked about the armor of God, but recently I thought, wait, why am I not teaching them to put on the armor of God? Like Sunday school might. Why am I not going, Hey, there’s an invisible realm here, kids.
And when you put it on lately, I found myself going, you guys, when you put this armor on something in the world, you don’t see, it’s not something in the visible realm, or let’s say it’s on you just like, you see, you know, Kings and Queens on TV or a movie. And I just lately have been like, let’s put the armor on, like, can we start with that?
Yeah. Putting the armor of God on every day, I’m like, Oh God, not into the world. Like, this is crazy. But our kids can wear that armor too. When we think about being protectors of children, to me, that almost, it almost felt like the responsibility at that moment when I was doing the spinning, it was too much because I felt like no matter which way I turned, I was going to go the wrong way.
And I wasn’t hearing for God. I’m like, God, tell me, like, what am I supposed to be doing? What am I supposed to be doing? And trying to force these answers? What does it mean that we are protectors and how do we partner with God in that responsibility? Like what do you think about that?
Yeah. And I’m just going to say, well, let’s unpack it. One thing at a time. Cause I’m like, Whoa, how, how about this? Like, I feel like the enemy or just our circumstances feel so big, so big and it’s barely you can’t. I can barely comprehend sometimes to stuff. I can barely comprehend how everywhere you turn the world is trying to get our children. Right. They sexualize this, they do this. Wait.
Now I got to train my kids at each, turn your face, sun away from this sign. And at the same time, I’m like, wait, it’s a, it’s a God-given privilege. And an honor to like raise up world changers, which we were in agreement with that you and I to raise up world changers. So when these circumstances looks, feels, feel as a keyword, so big, how do we take a step back and be like, all right, what’s already in place in our life.
So we talked about protecting of, let’s say, I’m going to the direction of protecting their hearts right now. I feel led to do that. So Vivian, the other day, she’s seven and she just had this, this countenance has fallen countenance and I’m like, wow, we just got back from church. Lord help me with my child. So I asked Holy spirit silently, like the Holy spirit, help us get to this root.
And finally, thank goodness. After like a couple of minutes, I was like, honey, are you feeling like shame? Like, but I was in my heart. Then I talked to her about it, guard your heart is like a garden. I was just trying to use a seven year old terminology. But at the same time I asked you, do you hear what I mean with the weeds?
Do you hear what I meet this? And I was like, are you feeling shame? And she’s like, yeah, I can in my head, I thought she can identify with that. She something released or, you know, you see a change in your children’s eyes or you see like, Oh yes, we’re onto something. Thank God it’s close. And so we just talked about, Oh, what are you feeling shame about?
And she said, what the enemy was talking to her about. And I was like, okay, what’s the truth about that, honey. But so let’s start with protecting them by sharing about the garden, being a heart, your heart is a garden and God tills the soil. We till the soil and mom and dad are protectors of your hurt weeds. And the lies that get in that are like weeds. Cause we love veggie tales and there’s like river weeds.
And there’s these weeds, thank you God for about details and all that. So one way is to just really have them be aware, the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. And she repeated cause sometimes like, what does the enemy do? Steal, kill and destroy. She said in her own words, and then God comes to bring life. So it’s just like, he hurts a garden. There’s weeds get in.
They will feel drained, drowned on anything. If we don’t take care of it, you know, is that kind of something that speaks to you? It does because I think a few things, you said, number one, that parents are the protectors of their heart. That was a really keeping that you just said because we’re here to steward these beautiful children, right? That God blessed us with children are blessed and we get to take care of our kiddos.
We get to fewer their hearts. We can’t protect them from every single thing. And I think that was a big, I know that, but I go there and it’s like stuff you can’t, we can’t keep them from seeing the sign up for years old. That has something on it. We couldn’t keep her from maybe having that little feeling creep up in her heart or mind. But what you did was you empowered her and brought awareness to, Hey, there’s a thing we’re just going to weed it out of the garden.
And I think that was a big one for me. Tumor was so this, this whole like porn fear was totally freaking me out. And instead of hiding from that fear, because when we put things down and if they go to the dark place, right, like it has power over you. And I always go back to whatever, is that a verse that says, when the things come to the light, they have no more power. I have to find him. And I,
I remember that. I’m like, you know what? He can handle this conversation. Like he can handle this. I have got to empower him and bring awareness to him so that he has the armor and can wear that armor because we can’t keep him. We can’t keep them from not seeing anything ever.
That was the moment. And so, and you even re recommended a few books to me. And then through the books you recommended, another book popped up, which was good pictures and pictures.
And so it came in the mail and I was like, you know, Oh no, this is going to be like this really crazy conversation. And I opened the book and it’s like, so perfectly created, like if you see anyone and they don’t have their clothes on, we don’t look at that photo. It’s got bad things more than like, just so fine. It was so fine. And so I read it to them and they’re just looking at me, you know? Oh, okay, cool. Got it. Yeah. Praise and a wind man,
Because the principal, the first mess, I mentioned like Chris [inaudible] and I talked to you about two says, if you introduce it to your child first, they’re not going to go run to their friends to go, Oh, Hey mom and dad said this, what do you guys think we get to introduce it?
Like you said, the privilege to introduce things and let’s be real. Are we going off perfect families and perfect mom and dads who’s protected. Our hearts have seriously the women listening to do you have this perfect picture of how to, so, you know, we’re also soul shapers.
Our mind will. And won’t we shaped their mind will emotion, spirit protectors. I mean their body let’s clean. Let’s wash let’s. But how do we start when we don’t have a good picture? I mean, I found myself years ago being like, okay, I know what I had in childhood loving mom and dad. I forgive you. Okay. But how, how do we had a friend named my husband? How do we move forward into creating healthy, happy whole family? Wow. How do you do that? Wow. Yeah.
And I think that, so the first point we brought up was protect protection over their hearts, empower, bring awareness. The second one you just said, which was sewing in the seed, biblical truth, truths planting the morals, the parables that we speak into them, like, how do we bring, how do we plant God’s truth into little human.
It is really in the day to day. Right. And I feel like a lot of let me know if I’m going off on a bunny trail, but I feel like a lot of it happens really with I we mess up or they F if their kids are fighting, you’re arguing or mom and dad are having some my husband I have in something going on and it’s like, okay, how do you handle that? Like in front of the children.
I think it’s okay to be like, babe, I messed up and repent for this. And not all the time. We’re not like repentance 24 seven, but it really helps because it breaks kind of the power of that thing off. And they see mom and dad, they see us go, Oh, okay. There was an issue. There was like a heightened thing, even, maybe in the house.
But watch, they came down with God together and they recovered. And so they kind of already knew when I went to them when they were younger. Like, okay. So let’s say Decklin turned to your turn to your sister and look her in the eyes.
And then, I mean, he’s like two or three and he’s like, I know you can’t see me, but, Oh boy, how do we do this Lord? Either way, it was short and sweet, like recover with them, clean up your mess guys. And so it’s like respecting one another.
Maybe this could be that like showing love, calling out the gold. There’s plenty of time to practice stuff. Right. There’s so much pre practice ground or ground for practice. And Lord show us how to, what to sow into them and how to, so, but a lot of times it’s don’t, or they’ll act a certain way. I’m like, where did you learn that? Like, wow, sponges and well so-and-so I saw or just disrespect or something like that. And I’m like, okay, what’s the right thing, guys.
I think the observation of the teachable moment. Yes. I was looking verses for kids before this. One of my favorites, Proverbs 22, six start children off on the way they should go. Even when they are old, they will not turn from it. I always just come back to that, show them the way. The other piece for me that I’ve been trying to do is pull one verse out every day.
And not just, let’s just memorize a verse, but what does this mean? What do you guys think this means? Can you give me an example of applying it? What do you, you know, how, how would this look if we were to apply it or pull up a story? Like I pulled up Esther on YouTube when we were just going through pure M right. And I showed it to them and I said, what is the moral of this story of queen Esther?
And they’re like, ah, brave, like exactly like courageousness and bravery. So what would it be if you guys were courageous and brave and they’re going, Oh yeah, well, I did this well. I’m trying to pull, like, what are these takeaways, these biblical truths that I can plant in their hearts. So into their heart, then use their life experience to go, Oh, do you guys remember that story of Esther or the story of Joseph or whatever those stories are.
And talk to me about how we could have done that differently. So that was something cool that we’ve been doing. And then I think I was telling you Marie, the other day for like, when we are not afraid and embarrassed to pray or ask for forgiveness in front of the kids or pray in front of them, because how many of you mamas go, Oh man, I need a minute in my prayer closet.
And so you run to the back of the house and you shut the door and you do your prayer. And I get it. Like, there’s a moment where like, you don’t want to see my prayers. Yeah, exactly. I’m like, Oh, you know, but on a normal basis, like every day I’m like, Ooh, let me use this as an opportunity to pray out loud so they can learn and all of that.
And to say, I’m sorry if I messed up in front of them instead of in my mind. So I think normalizing prayer, life, sowing seeds, planting, and biblical truths. And then yours was using their own life experience as examples.
Yes. Because I mean, I don’t want to one day send them in the world when they’re like, Whoa, what’s going on out here guys. And it’s almost like, I’m just being real about, I dunno, I feel like my parents had high expectations of me. So I do my best to really recover, like my hurt from that. Okay, God, I know what I had. And I know what you’ve healed me up, helped me not to put my stuff on my kids.
Like inner healing is so helpful to me and healing to me and what God, just how he renews the mind and stuff, because this, what does the enemy want to do generation to generation you guys, and then some, and then darker, darker. So we’re like we get to suffer you and I, and the moms that want to take a stand in their lives and their generations to go.
Yeah. But it stops here with me. Like it stops here. I’m drawing a line in the sand, the blood of Jesus and Lord help us steward children’s hearts. How about like, there is a call and a purpose and a plan God placed in these children. And they’re almost like treasures. I guess we get to seek it out.
Never thought about that way before. Bu we, you know, I want to call out now, like what took me four EBS to find out what I was created to do. I want to call that out now in them, Lord, show us your will for their lives.
Show us their plans, your plans, and purpose for their lives. And then Lord help us walk that out or help them walk it out. I just feel like in more to come with the future generation and now this generation, we’re going to see like seven, eight, nine, 10, et cetera, year olds, entrepreneurs. And why not? Like in the Bible, how many Kings were like, I don’t know, 11 or 12, unless I’m imagining that I remember reading it. I’m like, wait, what?
You were like 17 ran a kingdom. So either way, I just feel like I’m like Lauren helped me see my kids. How you see them. Show me what you’ve placed us show my husband and what you placed inside of them now, how do we cultivate them?
Yeah, that’s so good. So us praying as parents, as moms asking God reveal these truths about my children to me now, I had a story. I had a client the other day. She won’t mind Ellie who LA Conklin, who we were talking. She said in the womb, she was praying over her baby. And God was like, you’re going to be part of this worship team. Excuse me, I don’t sing.
But he puts her on the stage at church and she’s doing the worship team stuff. Like probably lip-sync. And I don’t know. And the baby’s like, you know, dancing around with the music. Well, later she finds and God spoke to her. I got one of the giftings for her baby is music, it’s musical. And so she worked. That was for my unborn child. That moment in the wall. Yes.
You came for that. And I wasn’t either, but it’s interesting. I’ve looked up the boys names and I get the meanings are in line with who they are and the gifts that they’re starting to show. I’m like, how do I foster that? You know, how do I pour into that? And the other piece of that is praying more with intention over them, like prophetic prayer with them at night, like calling into attention, their purpose in life, you know, for miles, like he is a very outspoken seven year old.
He has got a fierce personality. And so some might be like, Oh man, I’m over there but he’s going to be a soldier for God’s kingdom. And if he’s going to be a soldier and fight Wars for Jesus’ truth and he is going to have to be tough, like he has to have that armor, that fierceness, he is fearless that kid.
And so that’s, that’s the stuff, Oh, you know, I’m praying over him. Like, you know, Sonic can’t believe that you get to be a world changer and a fighter for Jesus. And, and then Landon, he’s a light on a Hill and he is he’s light. He’s the light, the salt, the kindness, the generosity that, so all of that, like you can see that in your kids at a young age.
So I love that. You said pray for God to show you those plans and purpose. And then that’s so that’s number three. And then number four, prayer. Talk to us about praying over our children. Or like, you’re like one of my favorite people to pray with. Cause I’m just like, teach me your ways.
Awesome. Okay. You get back down. All right. So first of all, I was going to talk about the power of their names. So I’m so glad we’re so in sync and Holy spirit, it’s like, come on now. Like let me, you know, Isabella is devoted to God, our daughter. And she goes around is like, I’m devoted to God. And I almost like get wrecked over it. I’m trying to hold it together right now. Like I’m going to get wrecked over this, but we get the privilege of doing that.
Like how much more set up for success in all that for God’s kingdom? Are they going to be then us? And that’s I listen our ceiling when I reached my ceiling. All right. That is the platform for our children to stand on. Like my rooftop is their platform and years ago and yes, in the womb,
I was like, Lord, I thank you that my ceiling in my rooftop, whatever word you wanna use, whatever you guys in your own language, you want to say it, however you want to say it in your wording is there where they stand, that’s their stage.
They hear. So it matters. Let’s let’s start with this. I really try to parent Lord help me. And I try to think with the next generation in mind, when the enemy can make it so insignificant. Let’s keep everybody fighting, arguing, and busy. And let’s just keep them like that. And then they won’t have time to think about you know, the, the names, the power of the Indiana.
It’s like, if we stop and take a second and just, I love that you talked about awareness, you bringing it in, in alignment. Like let’s just stop for a minute and just be like, what is your, Oh, I surrender my children to you. First of all, I don’t mean to be jumping around Lord. I surrender my children to you. They’re yours. Oh man. And when they get older, it’s like, Oh, we have a 19 year old.
Okay. Just like, Whoa, right now, just so powerful to have two that you’re choosing, they’re doing things. And I stand on the verse, train them up in the way they should go. And when they’re old, they won’t depart from it. Ooh. Lifesaving verse right there, lifesaving verse. And so just seeing some certain choices and do whatever. And I’m like, no, she I’ve raised her up in the way she should go.
And when she’s old, she won’t depart from it. Yes, Lord. So we’ll get back to the prayer really. I love, I like to say my mentors, so they don’t know me, but the mentors have books and like, Oh man, Chris Valdez. You’ll probably, you said you would share some with your listeners and, and the mamas out there, but the Seth doll, Bethel community, like there’s this, there’s these mentors that like, I’ll hear something and it’s like a word in season it’s gold.
And I’ll just be like, yes, I take that for my own and for my kids. So Lord, I thank you. My children flesh out their calling, they flesh out their books and heaven. Right. Cause we all books and have, and look it up in the word. I’m not trying to be, you know, out there right now. But I think you might children walk out their books and heaven. I think you, they fulfill their destiny and calling on their lives.
Lord, I thank you for anything you’ve placed inside of that. Everything you place inside of them comes out. They recognize it. Fred and I recognize the call and plans you have for them. And then you were talking before stuff and I thought, you know, it’s not hard. And I’m gonna say this super like this is Holy ground. So I’m not saying this flippantly, like, just start guys.
I’ll just start. No, no, no, no. How about this? Like there were a spiritual buddy. So they’ll kind of in that manifest. What’s that, what’s that where you’ll start seeing the leader. Like you’ll start seeing the artist. You’ll start seeing stuff.
If you actually stop and look, God will give you eyes to see like Lord open the mom’s eyes, listening, open the women’s eyes, listening the sound of our voices, open their eyes to the gifts and callings on their children’s lives. And even just the hobbies and the things that make them light up. Like we’re made for that. We’re made to see that right. Diggers were cold triggers.
We are. Yeah. Gold Digger is gold.
Our children. Exactly. I love that. You said being you think with the next generation in mind,
Because it’s easy to get lost in our distraction. It’s easy to look at your phone to work a little bit more to just shoot the. They’re just the children. They’re just fine. But those are the future kingdom for God, those children right there that you have that you’ve been blessed with and the responsibility is not too great to bear because God’s with you in that.
And so when you’re, if you’re like me and you’re, you’re going in the circles and you’re spinning and you’re not hearing from God on what you’re supposed to do for them. Miranda brought this up as well, surrender, surrendering the kids them. And I know how hard, you know, I’ve talked a few times about this.
Like I battled the spirit of control too, right? I think we all probably do as women, as moms and entrepreneurs, we have that now those natural inclinations, but it’s to surrender the kids go, God, you know what?
I can’t figure it out. Take over for me, take the reins, this decision, this fear and just smash it, take it off of my shoulders because I need to be present in steward these kids. So, it can be from a place of fear. If it’s from a place of fear, then we are pushing those emotions and those energies onto them. It has to be from a place of faith, has to be from that space of faith. And so if I have to remove that fear, plus we know fear isn’t from God anyway, and cast that out,
Thinking that I heard like to ask the father, show me what I’m not seeing. Like uncover even if he needs to, but show me what I’m not seeing, because it is kind of a mystery in a way, all these emotions, the little children have and what they’re seeing and all to be into filed by. And, just all the things around we can keep them protected. Like we said, as best we can.
But it’s really, my heart is that my children have their own relationship with the father and like seek him because he first sought that, that he’s pursuing them. And Lord, let them have an independent of me relationship with you. Independent of me, let them seek you, serve you, find you chase after you. Like where are the unfired children? That’s my heart. I want my children on fire for the Lord.
We are leaving y’all on a cliffhanger because we have way more of this. Goodness. And I want to invite you back to listen to the rest of this conversation. Mañana be sure you are subscribed to the show so that you don’t miss it. If you loved this episode, come and tag me on the instep gram drop in the comments. Let me know what one of your favorite takeaways was. I am just so blessed to have you all in the community. I’ll see you back here tomorrow.
Hey friends. Welcome back to part two of raising world changers and powerful parenting with my friend and mentor Miranda Wendler. And I am so excited. I hope you guys enjoyed our conversation yesterday about raising up little world changers. If you hear it crinkle, that is my little world changer sitting behind me, eating snacks, say I land in hi. So I hope that you guys are going to enjoy today’s show she and I dig even deeper into this.
We talk a lot about prayer. Go through a re recap, all the different steps. We give you some tips and tricks on resources that you can find useful and helpful. And again, disclaimer, I don’t remember what we talked about in part two, but just in case you may want to wait until little ears are not around to dig into today’s show bookmark this, come back a little later when you’re on your run, your walk in the car, et cetera.
Just in case, just in case, there’s your warning girl. All right. Now, like I said yesterday, if you want to work together, head to stefaniegass.com, check out all the ways you can do. So I even have a free workshop on my website for you. And I’m just here to bless you and help you. There’s free gifts. There is all the things on stefaniegass.com.
If you’re not ready to leap into a course or coaching with me, start with free, I’m here for it. I am so here for helping you get a transformation in your clarity in growing an audience in your business or in monetization, because I believe I truly, truly do. My business is a testimony of this that you can grow a passive income business that helps other people blesses others while being partnered with God.
I’m so glad you brought up. So we’re on number five, which merges seek
Their own relationship with the Lord. And this is such a fun one. I think as my boys are getting older, you know, through, through now, it’s like all pray, right? I’m pregnant night and doing the things. And I look at Glade the little hands and I’m gonna say it a little fair and they’re kind of listening and then there’ll be like, cool. So can we play now?
They’re not like internalizing it. Well, my seven year old recently, he just started where something will go on and he’ll go to his room and he’ll shut the door. And I’m like, okay, he’s put himself in time out. That’s interesting. And then I’ll go in there, I’ll go in there and be like, miles, what are you doing? He’s like, Oh, well I had to talk to God about that, about my choice. And I’m like, Oh my goodness, he’s tired of God about his joy.
Like it just wrecks me, you know? Cause I’m like, this is exactly it. And then so it’s fun. Cause like you’re almost passing the Baton and to see when that, that moment starts to shift or isle or, or we were talking about schools, right. And I’m like, yeah, but I don’t know, miles like this one doesn’t have math and science, which is like, you are so great.
And he looks at me dead in the eyes and he goes, excuse me, mom, what is, God is more important than math and science like to Shay son. That is true. So like you start to see them come alive in that. And it’s really fun.
And I’m just now seeing it at seven, but I know that all children are different and they’ll start that, but it’s never too early to start and to start asking prompting questions, right? Like, Hey, did you talk to God about that? Or, Hey, have you guys prayed yet today and spend your own time?
And I don’t know what that looks like, but I don’t need to know what that looks like for them. I just have to prompt and encourage and plant and ask and lead and encourage and also teaching them and talking to them about like, well, I talk to God about that. And then this is giving them examples of how I’m working with God day.
That’s good. Because my seven or seven year old too would use to like take off running towards the tree, like the run of like I’m mad run on me, you know, the run. And I was like, Oh Lord, okay. Work it out. Well, I talked to God, I talked to God, all right. I talked to God and I, and I was like, thank you father first, because seriously how much does he save us moms?
I’ll talk about me. He saves me so many times. He covers me so much. God is such a faithful father to my children. And to me when I mess up, when I fall, I mean, I guess if this blesses, you like declarations kids say one thing came to mind when you asked that was like I take really where I failed in my life.
Like I was a perfectionist, I was this and that. So I’m like, okay. I feel like this could be, maybe they could bend towards that. So let’s reverse it and turn it on its head. If I fail, I get back up. We’ll have morning to vote. I’ll talk about divorces at the sec. That’s on my, well, we’ll have morning time before a homeschool or if we’re not doing homeschool, just I’ll stop them.
When they’re like kind of failing is the word I’m looking for. Just like not doing well for a period of time. And I’m just like, Hey, who are you buddy? Like, who are you? I’m Decklin James Wendler. And then they’re not into it by the end of their declarations are like standing tall. The spirit man and them are rising. Like it’s amazing. And so we’ll go through declarations.
Like I am Vivian grace. I’m a beautiful child of God. I’m sharp, bright, quick and alert in some I’ve picked up from mentors and people that go copy that. I’ll take that for inspiration and others. I was like, Hey, if you fall, okay, I get back up. So we started out first being like, if I fall, then they’re repeat.
And then I get back up. And now I’m like, if you fall, I get back up. If I fail, I move forward with happily. And I’ll add some because I knew where I’m failed. I know. And I’m like, my kids don’t need none of that. Let’s just set them up for success if we can, you know?
Declarations, and we do that. You know, I taught that in clarify your calling right where I’m like, it’s not what I, it’s not, I am statement that God says statements and the kids can have those too. Like God says, I am this miss, miss, miss believing that. So talk to us about the devotionals. You said you wanted to bring that up.
Because, and even before it kind of fits into all this. So I love the idea of family devotions. And so, I mean, I’m not, I’m not too proud to say what, we’re 2021. Our family has kind of like talked about devotions over our lives. And even to in over the times, we’ve had kids, we had kids and just let’s try or let’s do this or let’s do that.
Now we just move recently. So I don’t know if something shifted in me or God just got ahold of my hair and was like, Hey, you need to put the word of God in your kids, your children in like a different way. Like it’s a different season Miranda. So I was just like hearing something and I’m like, what does this look like, Lauren? Like, I was kind of desperate because we pray.
It, and here we go, we pray. We fast, we worship. We go to church, the spiritual disciplines are wonderful. In relationship with Holy spirit, you know, not so much religious law legal. They see that, they see the freedom in that. And I’m like, what more can we do with people? But I knew there was more and he’s like, Hey, that book, your friend got you. And it was by it’s by Ivan Tait letters from God. Maybe don’t quote me, I’ll look that up.
But my friend got us this like three, four years ago, I shoved it in a box and we put it, pulled it out. Stefanie, the atmosphere in our home, the shift that’s going on in our children’s hearts. Yes, we do it throughout the day. But this is a focused, intentional time where we just go through that part. Like you said, you asked your children, there’s a section of what God says over them.
And like, he’s the protector. He’s the last night was the inner pilot. I’m your inner pilot. He uses example, God talks about the birds who know where to fly without, and all of a sudden there’s seven or eight or nine questions to go through and ask. So, I mean, I’m not ashamed. I’m just, we didn’t do devotions before this.
Yes, I was raised on oceans. We, and all of a sudden in our family, I was like, wait a second. Like God’s saying to do this. And now the children, I just saw a difference in them. I felt like it built up their heart, their spirit. They’re just more grounded if that makes sense.
Also, I think that’s how kids learn. They learn through the visual and through the immersion storytelling. Sometimes it’s easier to have a devotional then be like, let me think of my own thing right now. So good. So we’ll, I’ll put a link in the show notes for you guys of that. Cause that sounds awesome. I want that as well.
And some of the other books that are recommended, I have to say the one of the birds and the bees ones, if you know what I mean, a male. And it’s like from five to eight year olds. Brad and I are looking at it and I can barely handle it, Miranda. I am like red. I am like, we’re not going there yet, but we’re working it out. We’re like working it up. We’re working up the courage.
Cause again, like, it doesn’t need to be a weird thing. It’s like, just like with the other book, they’re probably going to go. I don’t know. But man. So we’ll link all those gems for y’all and y’all can work yourself up to those as well.What is it called you? Do you remember off the top of your head?
Well, it’s either the story of me might be the one, the story of me, the other one either way. Yes, it is very it’s out there. Here we go. This is everything. And I’m like, well, at least we have, you know, where we literally principles are first mentioned. And, I understand that myself, we introduce our kids to it.
They don’t, you know, if we don’t guys, no fear here, no fear ladies. But if we don’t want them in the world, introduce them or their friends and then they go and compare. What, what about when my mom and dad says, Nope, my friend said this first, this is truth. What, how does our brains, you know, but God knows.
We have to plant the truth before the world plants, the lie. You have to plant the truth. God’s truth before the world. The lie. That is our responsibility. Pray over it. God will tell you I haven’t got the go. I’m sure. When I get the go, that’s going to be a good day.
That’s a good word stuff. I’m on her. I’m like writing that down and just going to meditate on. That’s a good word. Thank you Holy spirit. I feel like too, right? They absorb. How can we all say yes and amen to this. They absorb way more than we know. Like thank God too, because I feel like, well there’s spirits. We are spirits of the ears and eyes and all the senses.
But also now I’ll just be like, okay, they are not getting it or something. Lord help us. And all of a sudden meals or say something they learned at church or see something through this or they’ll sing worship songs under their breath. And I’m just like, thank you father. Like for children who absorb and does that mean our household needs to be housed with a piece. Maybe we’re not going to go there this time, but come on like our inner world.
And then it comes out in our outer world. But Lord help us have homes of peace and undisturbed places and dwelling places, whatever the word says. And our children do rise up and call us blessed that somebody, somebody needs to hear or sail out, like my children rise up and call me blessed. And like, maybe that will start bringing hope into your situation and hope into your heart.
My children rise up and call me blesses. That prompts preface 31. It’s one of them. You guys, they children rise up. And then other verses like I do it for a woman who fears the world. A woman who fears the Lord, their children have a place of refuge. I fear you Lord. So my children have a place of refuge, not the wrong fear. Thank you father. Like that places a hedge of protection around our children.
Oh, and that what you said there, the kids absorb to me, that also means I’m just walking through and I’m just vetting stuff. Not out of fear, but like checking out the games that they’re watching, the ads that are coming through, we don’t use YouTube anymore. We don’t you know, we have to get rid of certain games, certain technologies that seem okay from a worldly perspective.
But once you have on your discerning eyes and you’ve been praying over this, like, Lord, show me what should not be here. What’s not from you. What we’re allowing them to, to be planted in their hearts and minds reveal it to me. And he will, and then you have to be able to, you have to get rid of it.
And it’s not always comfortable. It’s not always easy. And sometimes kids are like played that for a year as well, honey, today, we haven’t played it anymore. We’re going to watch some peer flicks.
We’re laughing because we walk in, we walked in, we’re walking in. They’re going to start out a little Bible, man. Thank you for that suggestion. By the way, it’s rocking my kids’ worlds.
And then there’s also an, you know, you brought this up to me, Mara, which was such a teachable moment. There’s discernment and there’s a suspicion. And so to me, there’s also this fine line of like, I can’t remove everything that they have and everything.
Some games I’m still discerning over it and I’m watching and I’m allowing it in moderation and I’m checking it out myself. And when God reveals, if he says no, we’ll get rid of it. And so it’s kind of like don’t, cause I also can go overboard, you know, like when I was doing the ditch and switch and I was like throwing away the pants and I’m like when I was freaking out and so I try not to freak out and I try to just go, okay, awareness.
Let me just relax into this and trust that God will bring me to things that shouldn’t be around them that they shouldn’t watch. And we just have to be careful because you know, the enemy will embed little subliminal things and these ads in these games that you think are okay and they may not be. So just, just, I just wanted to put that out there.
That’s so good. I’m so glad you did so glad I have a lot to say in it, but I’m gonna hold my tongue just to see what else do you have? Cause I could go, blah, blah, blah, all day on the kid stuff.
The next thing I wrote down that I wanted us to talk about was how do we pray protection over our children on a daily basis? And I’ll share one of the things that I’ve always prayed over mine. And then Marie I’ll have you tell us, and then maybe you can just lead us in a prayer to wrap everything up over the kids. So one of the things I’ve, I’ve always prayed over my kids, you know, as they just, every.
I don’t care what it is sometimes at the middle of the day, whenever I’d be dropping miles off at school or whatever it was, you know, father, God let your most incredible strong warring angels walk with them today. Just surround my son with your, with your angels of protection, with a hedge of protection over them and make sure that their eyes and irrigates are protected by the blood of Jesus.
As they walk in this fallen world, that you are their protector. When I am not here, that you will be their hedge of protection for me that I don’t have to worry. Take my worry, take my worry away and put peace, replace it with peace in my heart.
As they walk this out to them and return them to me just as pure as they are right here in this moment in Jesus name, Amen. Oh, those words. cause I can visualize it right. I can visualize their protection and I kind of I’m like handing them over to him in that moment. What else can we pray over them or
Definitely just that they, they learn to grow to love you, Lord, that they accept you, that they have their own. They’re the salvation like Lord, I thank you. I love the, I guess there’s I feel like people need to hear like there’s books in heaven God has for us. It’s in the word, right? I want my children to literally like walk out the books and heaven.
And I’m not saying to not waste time with the little stuff, but like how many times distraction comes along? Enemy sins, counterfeits, spouses, you name it. And how about, let’s talk about that. Like since the kids have been in the wound, my babies, men and women, I’ve been like, thank you for raising up a spouse for this, this man. Thank you for raising up a wife that loves you, has eyes only for you.
That’s pure that’s they walk in purity. And then for Vivian and Isabella, I’ve just been believing for their spouse and praying up because they, that family needs prayer. The family needs prayer. And I just love that that prayers are already taken place. The words are in the atmosphere, the words are out there and now Holy spirit comes and waters your prayers like right. He waters the seeds.
And so they flesh out their books and having, they fulfill their destiny and calling God your destiny and calling in their life in good health. Like they are no, no harm comes their way. No evil befall, Psalm 91 is just, just pick and pick and choose or do the whole thing. I don’t try to all everyday do the whole, just pick and choose a few now angels, you know, bear them up in their hands. Let’s say Dasha foot against a stone.
I mean, nowadays it’s like they don’t trip and fall on their sidewalk. And you know, there’s there’s words to use now because Psalm 91 was, was different back then with the warring going on. But it’s just so yes, the enemy, like the Lord rebuke you Satan like get away from my children. They are God’s appointed and anointed children. And then the blood covering, we use the spiritual technologies, the blood covering, right?
The fire of God and the blood covering over our children. Definitely like they’ll maintain their periods now. I say they maintain purity til marriage. And so we don’t have to go down in that and what’s right. What’s not right and all that, but they maintain their purity till marriage.
Like why not have that gift to give to their husband and just the world, you know? Like Lord keep it. And I love the eyes and ears protected that their eyes and your Gates are protected, no evil befall them.
And so those are a couple of things. Things are incredible. So to recap and praying over their spouse, can we highlight? Yes. Mara said praying over their spouse. I do the same. I’ll even say with them over your future wife and other Deliana who’s four, by the way, he’s like, so one day I’m going to have a black dog with my wife.
Right Lord. Cause he’s already named her kids. And I was like, do not even think of kids still. The thing popped out a couple of times before. And also it is, he has two kids. I won’t reveal them online, but the I’m just like, how do you know your kids’ names? And she’s competent. And when do I get to get married mom? Well for there, let’s just slow down a little bit. I want it. Some kids, I don’t know all of a, so at least I think we’re doing okay.
I think we’re doing our best over here, you know? So to recap for all of you, and then I’ll ask Miranda to close us in prayer. Number one, empowerment and awareness to your kids, give them credit, but bring to light the things that need to be discussed and then trust them with that knowledge and protect their hearts.
Number two, sewing seeds, biblical truths at a young age, use storytelling, parables use their own life experiences to redirect them.
Number three, I’m praying that you are showing the plans and purpose in the books and having of your children, that God will reveal to you. How to foster their spiritual growth from the womb. It’s never too early. It’s never too late. Let’s let’s do this. Number four, praying with your children, declarations with the kids, speaking, showing them a verbal prayer, giving them examples.
We, we, we know not right. So it’s like, how do we learn? We have to see and we have to be shown and what a beautiful gift that we get to show our children. My husband told me the other day. He’s like you came out. I mean, think about your parents. Never prayed with you a day in your life. Like, I mean, my mom did, my mom did, but kudos to Renee nanny.
But like we’re, we’re learning over here in a deeper capacity than I think most of us were equipped with it. Number five, to push and encourage them to seek their own relationship with the father. So, we wrote down on this one help encourage them to have a conversation with God, to pray, to worship, whatever that might mean for them at whatever age. And then, then the next one, number six, try devotionals out.
You know, if you’re like cool, we are praying, how else can we expand spiritually as a family? How fun sit at the dinner table and free to devotional it. Talk about it, pull out examples. And then the final one was praying protection over your children. Every single day, surrendering them to our sweet father. He loves these babies friends. He loves your babies more than you do.
He loves your children so much that all you have to do is hand them to him and do your best and trust in his, in his glory and his favor and his forgiveness and his protection and all of the giftings that he has right there for you and surrender your own control as well, which I know so hard, but when you do it, that piece comes in. So that’s all I got.
Just, I would love to close in prayer. You want my focus to be over the moms over the kids? What should we do?
So, let’s pray with these moms over the children. Give her an example of that.
That’ll lift up the ladies too. So father in Jesus’ name, I just want to thank you for this time and just everyone within the sound of our voices right now, Lord, I speak peace over their entire being and just peace that they have everything inside of them bother to raise these world changers, to raise the children that you placed in their lives.
The spiritual children, the kids that come over, even visit the foster kids, the adopted children, father, everything they need is inside of them.
But Lord, especially when we partner with you, we get to rock this thing we get to do what only you, you own. You help us do what only you can do on our hearts father. I’m asking God, if there’s ever, if there’s been an emotional pain, I’m asking if there was even a mom, the, their mothers, the women, listening to mothers, hating them are there, that generational stuff that would be broken within the sound of my voice in Jesus’ name.
And also, that you would start healing trauma and healing, wounds, appearance, or of the moms listening that their parents didn’t like them. And it wasn’t even their fault. But Lord did it that they would have a clean slate to be able to look at their children, with eyes, to see and ears, to hear and a heart that’s open and teachable to you so that you can show them, this is what I’ve called your kids to do.
This is what I’ve called, how I called you to raise them. Lord, I decree that these children of these moms listening will flesh out their books in heaven. They’ll walk out their books and haven’t got their books and having our open so that they understand that they even dig and do the research and the Bible of what that looks like.
What does that mean? Or do you know the end from the beginning Lord you’ve placed inside of us, even tools and treasures and scrolls.
Lord, let them be open. Now I think if these moms that they, faith and hope in healing starts rising up right now in their spirits. Lord, I lift up our children, Lord that there’d be the blood covering your blood Jesus, his blood covering our children from the top of the head of the soles of her feet, their spirit, soul body, or I thank you.
That spirit, soul and body in our childrens start to be in alignment with heaven. I say yes and amen to these children and their families.
And I say yes to what heaven says over them. We’re in agreement to what heaven says over our children. Lord, yes, they’d run their race and they run it well, they don’t lose their purity. Nothing until marriage there. Also, we lift up their spouses, their husbands, their wives to you. We thank you for raising them up for the moms and dads.
They’re raising them up Lord. And also, we have to, we trust you to help us walk out and steward these babies and steward these children. And even the moms right now that are in the season of like just babies. I had three kids in our old Lord, you know, Oh man, let them just be at peace just sitting with them and absorbing and loving them is enough.
That’s enough. What you can do is enough just right now with what you have and Lord, as the years go by and as they grow and then they go, no, I can fit in 10 minutes. Now with each child I can fit in. You know, I’m going to set my timer for 10 minutes. Lord give them wisdom. I asked wisdom right now with drop it each and every person’s spirit watching and listening within the sound of our voice.
Lord, thank you for the ability and the, the anointing to raise world changers. We love you so much. Thank you for what you do, who you’ve placed in our lives. Everything you are in Jesus name. Amen man. And you guys, if you want to hang out with Miranda, you can get in touch with her. How Mar okay. Miranda, when they’re dot com is my website to continue the conversation and that on Amazon powerful parenting ebook, really excited about that.
I have already heard testimonies coming in. It makes me cry every time, of course, but thanks Stef. So, you guys go get her book, share it on Instagram tag her. She’s a blessing, and she is truly anointed. God is working through Miranda to help us to equip us in our own spiritual growth and in our children’s. And I’m just blessed to have you as a friend. So grab her book and we’ll talk to you guys soon.
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