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Hey love!
I’m so excited to bring you the PROFITABLE PODCAST SERIES! In this 5 day exclusive series you will learn 5 specific, actionable steps you can take to SCALE your show. These are strategies I teach inside of Podcast to Profit Mastermind, and now I’m handing them to you, completely free.
We will be going over how to use titles that CONVERT using my formula, how to optimize your podcast workflow to save time, the number 1 way to scale your show past 100,000 downloads, 3 ways to monetize your podcast, and how to pitch your stuff inside your podcast!
Are you ready for your podcast to rank on the charts? Want to create an offer that your listeners can’t resist? Ready to use SEO, visibility, and Pinterest to grow your show the easy way?
Join me in Podcast to Profit. A live, 90-day intensive group coaching mastermind.
Partner tactical training, accountability and a group of faith-fueled, go-getter entrepreneurs on a mission and what do you get?
Massive results. Traction. Momentum… and Profit.
If you’re ready to have my eyes all over your Podcast content, and offers on a weekly basis, this is the Program for you!
Hey friends, welcome back to the podcast profit series! Today, we are going into the second step that I have for all of you about ramping up your podcast so that you can really begin to profit any big way. Okay.
And today I’m going to share with you three simple things, three simple steps or simple hacks that I personally use to optimize my podcast workflow. I think these are going to help you to streamline, save time, be more efficient and productive when it comes to podcasting.
All right, friends, let’s do this. So number one, the very first hack that I have for you when it comes to profiting from your podcast is you must have a production calendar. You can’t just fly by the seat of your pants girl, and say, eeny, meeny, miny, moe, what am I going to talk about today? Oh, this sounds great.
Click record and go. I really think you want to streamline your topics based on your episodes, based on what month it is, based on what’s going on for your avatar that month. If you have some type of mom podcast, you’re definitely going to have different content.
When the kids are going back to school versus summer. If you have a detoxing podcast, you can think about detoxing for the holidays. You can talk about summer are detoxing. I don’t know. You really want to have your person and your niche in mind when you set out to create content.
So what do I do here? I’m actually set up in Asana. It’s my favorite place. Start with free. We use the calendar view as an entire team, and I’m out about two weeks, ideally so that my team knows what the heck we are talking about coming up in the future.
Now I don’t have to have the titles mapped out. I just have to know the topic so I can pop in the topic ideas for them. I have it also on an Excel file for myself so that I know what we’re doing. And you can back into launches. You can back into certain times of the year, right? So obviously podcast to profit is kicking off in a few weeks.
So we’ve backed into what we’re talking about, which is exactly why we’re talking about the podcast profits series right now.
I’m giving you guys awesome tips that go along with the program that you may or may not choose to be part of, right? So we have to have content that’s related to what you’re promoting or also the time of year, the month and your person. So asana is what we use. Love it. That is hack number one for you.
Number two, the second thing that you need to do to optimize your podcasting experience and your workflow is batch. Batching is staying ahead of the game, girl. You do not want to have a Monday hit you upside the head or whatever day you publish. And you have nothing in the queue.
You don’t want to have your internet go out and realize that you are unprepared. You don’t want to go, oh man, I had this opportunity to go travel or go on a fun weekend with my spouse, but I can’t go cause I didn’t prepare my podcast.
Whoa, whoa, y’all you got to play it smart. If the podcast is your entire funnel to your entire business model, which it is, if you’re following the Stefanie Gass model, okay, the podcast is the thing is the thing. So we have to make sure that we are publishing on time and having those really amazing episodes that are going to transform our person.
So what I like to do is on my little Excel file, which when you guys join P2P, we share this with you. It’s my podcast promotion template. I stay out probably at least 10 episodes. That doesn’t mean they’re all recorded, but ideally I have five episodes prerecorded in the queue so that at any time life gets busy, I can just pull one out of my queue, pop in the intro and exit and air that show.
So batching means you have a concept of what you’re going to be talking about, which is plugged into Asana or whatever you want to use.
You can use Trello, you can use MindMeister, et cetera, MeisterTask. I use Asana and then you go to your little Excel file and you know what you’re talking about. So what batching means is you sit here and take an hour and you bust out three episodes. Okay?
Because you already know what you’re talking about. You already have a very high level outline, which we share with you in P2P, where you have like a legit, just super easy peasy outline and it makes it so much easier. Okay? So this is my hack. Grab an hour or two, and you bust out five episodes.
You’re done, like how liberating is that? I don’t always get them. I don’t always edit them right away. They just sit in the queue. But if you have an issue, you can just boop, grab that one, run it through a quick edit, pop in the inter exit and you are done.
So batching is hack number two. Don’t ever let yourself run out of at least three episodes in your batch queue. Okay? Now the last hack that I have for you to optimize podcasting as a true career, scalable business model, okay. Is to stop over editing and actually girl, if you can stop editing altogether, that would be the dream. So how do I recommend you do this?
I recommend that you relax. Have fun with the podcasting experience. I recommend that you just picture someone sitting next to you that you’re talking to like a normal friend. That you don’t overanalyze, what’s coming out of your mouth and you let yourself have grace, a little outline and you partner with holy spirit to rip, okay.
And you just go for it and you have fun. And you don’t worry about all the ums and you don’t worry about all the, you knows or the yeahs or the weird pauses or the, you know, swallowing noises just like that.
You would just let it be there. I mean, you guys, we are humans. We are normal and it is normal to have episodes that don’t sound perfect or perfectly edited because that’s not reality. And I really believe that people are searching for authenticity when it comes to the podcast that they want to listen to and the people that they’re going to trust.
So that third tip that I have for you is to just stop the madness. If you need to give it a quick scrub, I get it. You’re going to get better and better as you go. And the fastest way for those of you who are really struggling with this one is to stop scripting because when you’re scripted, it takes forever. And you sound like you’re reading. I want you to trust and try going straight, just off of an outline instead of a full script.
And then the other piece that I have a hard rule of thumb for my Podcast to Profit girls. And that is, they’re not allowed to edit for longer than the episode is. So if you have a 15 minute episode, you only get 30 minutes to edit because you’re listening for 15 minutes and you’re editing for 15.
That’s it like if you haven’t finished editing in that amount of time, that thing is going up and that’s making some of you super uncomfortable right now. But let me tell you something, it’s free content, free. So stop worrying so much about the free stuff and focus on the amount of incredible content you can create, not the perfection of it.
This is your permission slip to have fun, bless people with solutions and then bless it and release it. Or should I say, bless it and publish it because before you know it, you’re going to blink and you’re going to have 300 episodes and you’re going to go, why was I editing so much for the first 10 episodes?
Right? It can be a time suck. That is absolutely unnecessary. If you ask me. So quick recap girl, the three simple hacks I have for you to optimize your podcasting workflow. Number one is to use a content calendar like Asana and make sure you stay at least two weeks out, partnered with an Excel template that keeps you orderly.
You know what you’re talking about when, and you know what those topics are going to be aligning with the calendar year of your demographic niche or market. Okay. The second one is to create a batch workflow, okay? To batch that content, try to stay a minimum of three episodes ahead preferably five.
And if you’re really gangster 10 episodes ahead of the game at any given time and just grab two hours and bust those out sister friend, the last one is to stop over editing, to reduce your editing time.
As much as possible editing is really unnecessary. If you ask me you can scrub it through an Audacity noise reduction, you can just pop in the intro and exit and call it a day. I, 90% of the time don’t edit anything whatsoever. And if it is an edit it’s because it was a really long interview and your girl don’t have time to cut it down to 40 minutes.
Okay. That’s it. Other than that, we’re popping in the intro and exit and we’re good with it. Cool. So that was your tip for today. Tomorrow, I want you to join me right back here in the Podcast to Profit Series, as we dig deep into the number one way to scale past 100,000 downloads.
Can you imagine? Looking at your stats and being like, oh my goodness, like I’ve actually hit a hundred thousand downloads.
Can you think about that? I mean, the magnitude of being able to say that your show has been clicked on and listened to 100,000 times. I’m going to tell you the number one way that you can scale past 100 K tomorrow right here on the show. Be sure to subscribe.
If you guys are liking this series so far, please take a screenshot, pop it up on Instagram for me and tag me @stefaniegass. I’m giving away some free coffees simply for sharing the love and to say thank you for showing up here with me on this super fun series. So I will meet you back here tomorrow. God bless you guys. I’ll see you soon!
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Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
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