Hey friend!
Super excited about today’s episode. I’m going to share 5 reasons that podcasting will make you more money than any other platform. These aren’t just reasons I made up. These are based on statistics for podcasting, consumer behavior, and listener demographics. I’m telling you – you’re gonna be blown away. If you don’t have a podcast yet, now is the time.
Jump on in and grab a notebook and pen. This episode is going to have you so excited about the potential of podcasting. How it can grow your audience faster, your income faster, and your impact faster than ANY other platform. WHY NOW is the best time to hop into podcasting, and what you can do to get one started.
You’re gonna love it!
What’s up friends. I am so excited to bring you today’s episode. I’m so excited in fact that I am doing this right now and I have 22 minutes to do it before I hop on an interview for an external podcast. And I’m like, this has to get out like, I’m so excited about what I’ve discovered this morning. I was looking at my latest podcast stats and I was looking at the episodes that you guys were just drooling over in the last 30 days.
And the number one episode was four reasons that you should start a podcast. Okay. And that episode recently came out. It is episode 317 on my podcast if you want to check that one out. But I was like, oh my goodness. So y’all are like, should I start a podcast? Or should I not start a podcast? Maybe I should start a podcast. I don’t think I should start a podcast. That’s what’s going on in your brain. I know it.
So what I did is I went and I did some serious research this morning and I dug into why is podcasting working so well for me and my students? What are the stats? What does it really look like when we look into the numbers? And so what I’ve come up with for you guys today are five reasons that podcasting will make you more money than any other platform.
I believe this more today than I have ever believed this in my entire podcasting journey, which is about to be three years. I see podcasting as just an accelerator of your business, of an exponential growth driver of your revenue, of a catapulting of the trust factor that you can build between you and your listener. And ultimately I see it as the way for you to make more profit and more income than any other platform. And I’m about to prove it to you. Let’s go girl!
All right. So number one, the number one reason, and these first set of stats are from podcastinsights.com. So number one is saturation. Now you may be thinking like, yeah, I know podcasting seems over-saturated well, here’s the situation. I believe that we want to position ourselves in a place that is saturated, but not yet oversaturated. We still have first movers advantage. And I believe that we are right in that perfect prime positioning in the podcasting space.
Here’s why 50% of all homes are podcasting fans. That is 60 million homes. Can you imagine you start your show and you immediately with the click of a button have access to be streamed live in 50% of all homes that blows my mind. That absolutely blows my mind. Now, when you look at something like Instagram, what does that number? It’s probably much higher than that. So you’re fighting for more real estate. So for me, I think we have prime saturation right now.
Here’s another stat that feeds saturation. We’ve had a growth in the podcasting space of 157% since 2014. So the other thing that I’m seeing here is if you were to look at a graph of how podcasting consumption in homes is growing, you would see exponential growth from 2014 to now. And so what that means is you are on the rise. You have not hit the positioning where podcasting tapers off and then begins to fall, right?
Because everything eventually looks like a bell curve. So you want to get in when podcasting is on the rise. So that is number one. We have prime saturation right now, as far as the having your own show. Number two is listener loyalty. 80% of podcast listeners listen to all or most of each show weekly. So that means you get a new listener on your podcast.
They’re going to listen to your entire episode, whether that be 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, et cetera, they’re listening to the whole thing that is listener loyalty. Let me ask you how long, when you were on a social media app, do you stay avidly focused on content three seconds, maybe five seconds. If we’re lucky, do you actually ever read an entire caption? Probably not.
Yet when someone is on the podcasting space, they are tuned in and they are hyper-focused and they are paying attention, listener loyalty. Here’s another one. There is an average of podcast listeners listening to seven shows a week.
So they are positioning themselves where they have shifted their focus from spending hours on social platforms, wasting time and scrolling to, and you’re going to love this one that’s coming up. I’m going to tie this back in a minute, to moving over into podcast consumption, listening to seven shows a week, and that number is on the rise.
So we’ve got perfect saturation positioning. It’s on the rise. We have listener loyalty. People who are tuned in, locked in, and ready to consume. Number three reason why podcasting is going to make you more money than any other platform is consumer buying power. And this is from nealschaffer.com. These few stats I’m gonna read you next. nealschaffer.com 40 per 45% of podcast listeners have a household income of over wait for it. $250,000. Let me repeat that stat. Cause that one like absolutely blew my mind.
45% of podcast listeners have a household income of over a quarter of a million dollars. Talk about consumer buying power. Now I ain’t going to throw any shade right now to like certain platforms. You know what I’m saying? But I question the positioning of certain platforms like there not going after a specific demographic of people, you know, and like what I love about the podcasting space and the platform is that people are really coming there with the position of learning, of being educated, of solving problems.
It’s truly a certain caliber of person that goes, I’m going to invest in myself today by listening to an episode, you know, I’m going to do personal development today. I’m going to listen to seven episodes a week. Like there is something to be said for the demographic and positioning of people that are choosing podcasting over other apps.
And to say that they’re making a quarter of a million or more as a family, it just means they have more buying power, which is such great news for you. Cause you’re going to sell your stuff on your pod. Two more. Number four is your ideal client avatar demographic. What did you just say, Stef? So the person who listens to your future podcast, they subscribe, right? And when that person subscribes, they begin to trust you. They begin to love you. That is your perfect ideal listener.
And that listener becomes a perfect ideal client or buyer from you. We call it an ICA. So we’re looking for a certain type of person. Now in number three, I just talked about how much money that people might be making that are listening to your show, which means they have the ability to buy from you. They do have some consumer spending power, but the issue is, will they spend money with you? Well, I think this is a big clue right here.
Now here’s some stats here. 59% of podcast listeners are listening while doing housework. I’m gonna tell you why I think this is a huge clue. 51% are listening while they’re driving. And 46% are listening while they’re walking. So we’ve got housework doers, we’ve got drivers and we’ve got walkers. What do all of those demographics display to you?
To me, they display an achiever mindset. They display a hard worker, a professional, maybe a multitasking mom, maybe a entrepreneur, maybe a person that cares about their health and fitness. It’s a person that cares. They care about their home. They’re doing housework and they are consuming personal development at the same time. And I don’t care what category you’re in. You’re like, oh, but I’m not going to be personal development, Stef.
You are. You know, whether you’re teaching how to homeschool your kids, how to create macro plans, how to eat healthy, how to do this Bible study, how to grow closer to God, how to build your business. I don’t care. It is a form of personal growth. So when people choose to consume personal growth at the same time as pouring into their home, their careers, taking kids to and from school, while walking, while taking care of their health, it speaks very highly of the type of person that we want to attract.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to attract people who aren’t willing to do the work, who aren’t willing to do hard things who aren’t willing to say yes and amen to the calling on their lives, who aren’t willing to fail forward, who aren’t willing to try something new, even though it’s scary. I don’t want that.
I want people who are like, I am willing to be messy because I am called. I am willing to try somethingt that’s really outside of my comfort zone for the betterment of the kingdom and to better my family. And I think that you feel the same way. So what’s so cool about number four is that we are proving that this ICA, the person listening to podcasts is a productive human being that has goals, girl. And I am all for that.
Number five. Last but not least, I’m going to give you a couple of number revenue examples here. Number five is the consumer mindset. So here’s the cool part about this. We have talked about the fact that podcasting is being positioned in such a place in all of the right households. They have spending power. They’re the right type of demographic. They have the right personality traits of a growth, productive, caring human, and all of these different areas of their life.
And here’s the other super cool thing. They have a consumer mindset. So 69% of listeners who listened to podcasts said that they were introduced to new products and services that they use through their favorite podcasts. 69%. So of all of these people who are listening to shows, they’re going, wow, someone that I like know and trust somebody that I listened to recommended this thing. They said, Hey, you should try this and 69% of them were open to it.
How amazing? They have an open mind for consumption.That’s great news for you because when you start a podcast, eventually when you join me in Podcast to Profit, after you’re done with PPU, we create your product, your course, your coaching package, or your program. 70% of your listeners if were anything like these statistics here are going to be open to it. That is a much higher number than when you try to go sell something on a social platform when you try to go sell things to your family and friends, quite honestly.
Next stat, last one here, 38% of podcast listeners purchase things that are introduced in the podcast. So not only are 69% of them open to buying from you, but 38% of listeners actually do, actually purchase the things that they hear inside of their favorite shows.
I don’t know about you, but those five things have me over the moon about the potential of my show, the potential of where we’re going with this space, the potential for you to get in right now and position yourself in front of the right people with the right personality traits, the right consumption mindset, the right heart set in to actually do the work, which means not only are they going to listen to you, they’re going to share you. They’re going to buy from you.
And they’re going to recommend you because they’re the type of person that’s going to do the work and get a result. I’m so here for that. So let me recap that I’m going to give you an example of the type of revenue that we are talking about here. So to recap real quick for you, five reasons, podcasting will make you more money than any other platform.
Number one, saturation, prime saturation. Number two, listener loyalty. The people stick with you. They stick and stay. Number three, consumer buying power, quarter of a million average household income for over 45%. Number four, the ICA demographic is an achiever. They are productive humans. Number five, they have a consumer mindset. They are ready to purchase and they are willing to purchase.
Let me give you a quick example here. Cause I was like, okay, this is all so great. These stats are amazing but like what does that really look like from a revenue perspective, Stef? Why should I choose podcasting over all the other options? Why should I do this over TikTok? Why should I do this over YouTube? Why should I do this over blogging? Why should I do this over Instagram reels? Why should I do this over Facebook lives?
Here is why. Let’s say that you pour into podcasting, you start today with me and you take PPU and I teach you exactly how to start a scalable, successful podcast based on your calling work. And you start that show with me and you pour your heart and soul into it for one to two years. And you hit a hundred thousand downloads this just as an example.
Some of will, some of you won’t, some of you we’ll hit 10 K and you’ll have your breakout year three. Some of you we’ll hit 200 K in your first two years. I don’t know. But what I know is that if you pour your heart and soul into podcasting, you eventually will hit these numbers. Isn’t that great news? Where else can you commit and prove that no matter what, if you stay true and you stick with something, you can ride the wave and you can hit a certain number.
If you hit, when you hit a hundred K downloads whether that be two years, three years or whatever, what if it took a decade? So what, and you convert 2%. So this is very conservative, super fan number estimate. You guys have heard me talk about super fans. This is how you know without a shadow of a doubt, what you can sell at any given point, please go, you can listen to that episode on my podcast. I believe it’s episode 199, but we will link that for you in the show notes, let’s see if I can find it really quickly here.
Yes. Episode 199 of my show. Also, if you do Podcast to Profit with me after you’re finished launching your podcast, we have an entire training on super fan numbers and understanding analytics and understanding conversion rates.So you’ll be schooled in the numbers, which is really important, but let’s say you convert 2%. That would be 2000 sales of your product or of your coaching or of your course, or of your program.
Let’s say you have a $97 product. Okay. And you’re just selling it on the show super easy. And I’m going to show you how to sell something on the show in a second here. You would make, if you had 2000 sales, which is 2% of your a hundred thousand downloads, you have $97 product. That’s $194,000, my friends. $194,000. Let’s say that you have a $397 product, excuse me, but that’s $794,000 in revenue.
I can not with this. So basically I am telling you that if you don’t start a pod, like we can’t be friends. No, I’m just kidding. But here’s what I want to do. I want to invite you right now. If you’re like, this is it, I’ve heard you talk about this enough. I’ve listened to the episode about four questions to start a podcast and feeling really great about that. I want to say yes to this, Stef.
I invite you to come join me in Podcast Pro University. This is my podcasting course. I’ve helped over 475 people successfully accomplish one thing, start a podcast and do it scrappy, do it affordably and do it in such a way that it’s super scalable in as little amount of time as possible. I want to free you from social media, from all the ridiculous apps, from all the amounts of hours you were spending, trying to build a business, trying to scale something.
And I want you to just pick one thing and I want that thing to be podcasting. I have proven that this works. My students have proven that this works. I have dozens of success stories of people that are making 10K, 15K 20K. I even have people making $75,000 a months from their podcast. It’s insanity. It’s incredible. And if they can do it, if I can do it so can you.
So I want you to go to Podcast Pro University right now. And I want you to read that page. I want you to read the sales page, re listen to my video, my YouTube video, where I talk about it. it’s on that page, this course. I want you to read the testimonies. I want you to just go there and immerse yourself. And then I want you to pray. And if now is the time for you to start this show, I want you to do it with me.
I want you to trust me on this. I want you to let me help you do exactly what I’ve just painted here throughout this episode. I want you to achieve these things in your life and business and for the kingdom, because I truly believe that whatever you’re calling it, it is not meant to stay hidden. You are meant to use your heart, use your words and use your vision, your giftings, your experiences, to bless the lives of others.
And that God has walked you through certain things in your life, you have certain giftings on your heart on purpose, and we’ve got to use that for a purpose. And what better way than a hangout behind a mic in your PJ’s drinking some coffee and LaCroix and recording a podcast episode once a week? Call it done and making income while you sleep. Yes, please. I’m so here for that. So y’all go to podcastprouniversity.com get started with me. Let’s grow, girl. God bless you. I’ll see you back here real soon.
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