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During this coaching session, we focus on the best approach to create an attention-grabbing and engaging podcast strategy.
Although someone may already have a strong foundation before beginning a podcast, it can be a huge, overwhelming task to figure out what the podcast will actually be about!
In this session, I break things down to get to the root of what the goals of the podcast are. Through my discussion and questions, I am able to uncover the theme of the podcast as well as get a better understanding of the target audience. From there, we brainstorm to nail down a podcast strategy that clearly maps out what topics the podcast will cover.
Whether you’re interested in starting your own podcast or simply curious about the moving parts that go into making your podcasting dreams come to life, this episode provides clarity and helpful tools to organize and present your podcast for ultimate success!
Ashley McDonald brings insight, strength, and drive to the show as she chats with me about her work and shares her goals and vision for creating a new podcast. Her work is inspiring, and she shares with us her enthusiasm for helping women achieve their best lives!
Keep getting creative and finding new things to fuel your passion, Mamas! You have the power to do ANYTHING you set your mind to!
I pray this blesses you!
Hey guys, welcome to this episode of the Mompreneur Mastermind Show, where we are going to be digging into how podcasting really explodes whatever it is you already got going on and how you can use podcasting to elevate your business, to drive SEO, and to really create this space where people can know, like, and trust you.
This is a podcast strategy coaching session with Ashley McDonald. I know you guys are gonna love it. We dig into how to create attention-grabbing content and formulate a specific niche based on what Ashley does. We then talk about the goal of this podcast, uncover the theme of the podcast, as well as the target audience, a podcast message, and more.
So whether you have a show or you’re thinking about starting a show, this is a great episode for you to listen to. To be a fly on the wall of some live coaching so that you can begin to implement some of these winning podcasting strategies into your business. I know you’re going to love it.
Let’s go ahead and transition into this coaching episode with my girl, Ashley McDonald. You guys are going to absolutely love her. She is just adorable. She is a therapist, mentor, self care coach, and self-proclaimed scheduling guru. She’s a mama to three and she believes in all things transformation.
You guys are gonna really love this. We go super deep into her new podcast, which is coming soon. The ambitious mom’s podcast let’s go.
So I have your notes in front of me. Why don’t you tell me in your own words, what is the goal for you today? That way make sure it hasn’t changed.
Yeah, so I would say for one is like clarity and I think confirmation, right? Like as a solo entrepreneur, I’m constantly doing everything by myself. So with something so big and out of my comfort zone, I wanted to speak with somebody who could say like, yes, that’s a good idea.
Or maybe we’ll shift that a little bit or, you know, just kind of that combination, clarity around messaging the title of my podcast, some of that copy, because I want to ensure that when it does launch, it is getting out there. People are finding it really simplistically.
A smaller side question would be around Facebook groups and how to/if to utilize this. I know a lot of people have like podcast community Facebook groups. I have a Facebook group currently and I’m considering switching it over to the podcast community when I launched the podcast. Just finding out kind of your input in terms of the value of the Facebook group in addition to the podcast.
Perfect. Your Instagram is so beautiful. Yeah.
Well thank you.
But what I love so much about what you’re doing is like you really do already have a ton of clarity. You have the perfect foundation for a podcast, which is so great. It’s going to be really easy for you. I feel like to then transition straight into, well,
I have this product already and you know, you already have your mentorship program. You’re talking about retreats and stuff. The piece you don’t have is this beautiful organic funnel. That’s now going to bring you hopefully a lot of women that need what you have to offer.
So you kind of did what I did. I like created the stuff and then was like, where’s my funnel? Right? How do I reach more people and touch these women?
So well and honestly the end game here. I mean, knock on wood. I have sold out every time I’ve ever launched for mentorship. So I have done that pretty organically through Instagram, which has been awesome. I want to launch an online course.
That’s like a smaller portion of this for people who can’t afford my one on one mentorship that will come out at the end of the year. I want to be strategic in the sense of having this podcast for a while then I can use it as my platform for launching.
I’ve only made about right at $100,000. I’m ready to burst through that, my own personal glass ceiling, if you will.
That’s an amazing launch, like amazing, but I’ll tell you what, like having a podcast makes launching anything so easy because the people that are going to be listening to you, they don’t have to go find you on Instagram and be like, what’s Ashley got going on? It’s like, they’re consistently showing up. They’re listening to every single episode. They’re drooling.
So you barely have to sell anything on a show because your audience is so primed and ready to buy on a podcast. That launch is like a breath of fresh air versus what you’re trying to do when you don’t have one.
So you’re going to love that.
Okay. So let’s dig into the podcast structure for now. Let’s go through title tagline description and making sure SEO is all embedded in there properly. So do you have any ideas for titling?
Yes. So I’ve had posted in your Facebook group. I love the title, the ambitious moms podcast. I feel like it’s all encompassing, but it’s still pretty. It still has that zinger in terms of being like a catchy title.
Once my like I help statement, if you will, is I help ambitious working moms reclaim structure, balance, and focus on what matters most through intentional action. I love the concept of like ambitious moms. My ideal client is a mom, but also, and I think you asked this from your questionnaire, but she’s also a three, right? She’s hardworking, a big dreamer, and trying to figure out how to have it all.
So yeah, ambitious moms podcast is what I have now.
We had talked about that in the group, right? Because you were saying there was already a podcast in the world that was a similar name.
It’s ambitious motherhood. It doesn’t seem to go in line with what I’m doing. I feel like it’s very different, but it was so close that I was throwing it to the community. Is that a game changer or should it not matter?
If it was something super like the ambitious motherhood community where it was like specific to what they already had going on, I’d for sure to say no. But ambitious mom, like that’s not something you can copyright. Really. So I think you’re okay.
The only word though, that I love so much that you used in your notes was reset. So I don’t know, like read me again your promise.
I help ambitious working moms, reclaim structure and balance and focus on what matters most through intentional action.
How you’re doing that is you’ve got the retreats and then you’ve got the reset course. Right?
So I have three offers. I do a one on one mentorship program that is four months long. That’s my signature program. I have a reset program, which it’s basically you get 90 minute call with me and then two weeks of unlimited email support.
So it’s for somebody who feels like they’ve got everything together, but they need someone to overlook their structures and their systems and basically help them revamp it on a very short period of time.
Then the third thing is my retreat.
Everything is like, you’re helping a working mom figure out structures. Is that like the thing you’re actually teaching?
So I’m a mental health therapist. I actually have a license in counseling. So my program is broken down into four modules.
The first module is very mindset focused. So all of my content, if you were to like watch Instagram stories with me, is teaching people therapeutic tactics and hacks to reset their mindset, make actual shifts, to manifest a change in their life, to rewrite their story. So that’s my first module.
Module two is body awareness. I believe in a thing called cyclical mapping. So I help women first get to know themselves mindset wise. Second, and get to know themselves in body awareness, enabling them to nourish themselves, move themselves, and schedule themselves based on who they are as opposed to everybody else is.
Then the third module is the structures, the systems, the vision casting, the goal setting based on the first two. Right? Without knowing yourself in mind and body, you really can’t do those other things or set up a structure that’s going to work for you long term.
So my big thing is I have a program that creates lasting change. Not like you’re going to figure something out for awhile, and then it’s going to change. Like I’m going to switch the way that you see yourself, feel yourself, and how you experience life in general.
So that’s most of the strategy. Then the final module is business strategy. So based on now you have body awareness, mindset awareness, you have a structure that’s working for you that has rituals and routines that honor who you are and keep your cup full. Now let’s build out your business basically.
So that’s what I do. A lot of what I teach is in those lenses, right? So I’ll do therapeutic teachings, but then I’ll also do kind of that body awareness. My retreat is all the body awareness piece. So you come and you’re fed from a performance chef based on your phases.
I teach you structure based on your phases and then body experts. So Pilates instructors, yoga instructors, etc. come in and teach you how to love yourself based on your phases with your body.
Yeah. Okay. So that being said is not what I think of when I read the promise. Okay.
Also the ambitious moms podcast is great, but that word reset for some reason, for me, is like the ambitious mom reset. Cause ambitious moms to me is like, okay, I’m learning business stuff, which is cool, but I’m not hearing because we got two seconds to grab them.
Right Ashley? I want to hear I help ambitious working moms reset through mental health, therapeutic hacks, mindset shifts, body awareness to create lasting change. I want to hear the tactics right there in the promise.
So whether we embed that word reset is just part of the promise or whether you’re open to change in the name. You may be like, I’m not open to it, which is totally fine.
I’m open to anything. Even on my website, it’s a lot. There’s ambitious moms a lot. So like on my main page, it says I help ambitious moms creates systems, rhythms, and structures that allow her to achieve balance in her many roles while still having the success she’s accustomed to.
Yeah. I like that Ashley, but it’s still too fluffy for me. Cause I’m like, but how? So for me, if you were like hey Stef, I can help. Let’s say I’m your ideal client, right? Stefanie is driven. She’s a three on the Enneagram. She’s a mom running a killer business.
Hey Stef, I want to help you reset through, let me tell you how, through mental health, mindset, body awareness, and revamping your structures and systems. So you can have lasting peace in your life and business.
I’d be like, okay, that sounds like something I need. Versus, hey Stef, I’ll help you with your systems. I’m like, but what does that mean? Is it only business?
So I think your value is that you’re a mental health therapist. I want that splashed everywhere.
I do too.
Yeah. Then giving them the promise of how it’s mindset, body awareness, and business strategy. It’s kind of this trifecta of starting with mindset, therapy, and body. Mind, body, soul really.
So another thing I’m reading my website too. I’m thinking of the copy that says on here. One other thing I have on here is I am going to help you gain mental strength. So you can be the best mom without putting your professional goals on the back burner.
I want to help ensure you have more energy, are better organized, and less overwhelmed to increase your day to day happiness with productivity and balance. Because you deserve to be a fulfilled mom and a successful woman.
I love that. Mental strength. I love that phrase.
Yeah, me too.
Yes. Keep that piece for sure. I think it’s just give them more tactics in the promise, the writeup there, the one liner at the top.
The Instagram bio, for example, I would, instead of structure, balance, and focus. What does that mean? I would plug, I help ambitious working moms through mental health hacks, mindset shifts, and body awareness.
So the one thing I got caught up on with people like asking me if I was like a health coach. You know what I mean? With that body awareness piece. That’s a really hard one because it’s really all about the physical mapping, but nobody knows what that is.
So I do struggle with how to like share it. When I’m talking to someone one on one, I can share the benefits of that. They’re like, I need that in my life right now. It’s a really hard thing to say in a clear cut, one liner. Does that make sense?
Yeah. So would it be like physical happiness, physical peace? Because like body awareness does kind of make me think of happiness, but at the same time, going through my own journey with that, I’ve come to this place of, Oh, I have peace with intuitive eating now. There’s just this overall peace with you just have a natural body weight and like all these things, I’m sure yours go so many levels deeper than that.
But is there a different phrase we can use? Where it’s more so like peace with your body or like fulfillment.
It’s more like you gain awareness with what your phases are. So your menstrual phase, luteal, follicular. Based on those phases and understanding what they mean I teach you on that, you can identify business strategies.
So like for instance, I only launched my business during ovulation phases because I know that if I’m trying to show up and I’m on my menstrual cycle, I’m not going to be my best self. Mapping out travel with my kids. I’m not going to map out travel during the luteal phase or menstrual phase because I’m going to be depleted and burnt out.
So I talk to women a lot about you know, those times when you feel like you want to kill your husband and then the next day you’re in love with him? That’s normal.
Gaining awareness around why that happens. That’s where like I teach you how to eat, not for nutrition, but to balance your hormones. Because hormones have a huge impact on our mental health, our acuity, our productivity, and our efficiency.
So my hack, if you will, is helping people to understand where they’re at hormonally, helping women to understand where they’re at hormonally, so they can show up in each of their roles based on them as opposed to everybody else.
We’re not fitting into a box of how other people’s structures work for them. We need to know what do you need? When are the days when you need to be behind the scenes, need to be up in front, and you’re magnetic with your voice because you’re in ovulation or your follicular phase? Does that make sense?
Oh yeah. What was the words for it? What was it called?
It’s cyclical mapping. So it is a thing you can find it. It’s just not very known.
So let’s just call it what it is.
Yeah. So through mental health, therapeutic hacks, and cyclical mapping. Then the beauty of that is people will be like, what’s that?
Okay. I was always afraid of people being like I don’t know what that is. I’m not listening.
Yeah. But you know what? That makes more sense to me than going body awareness.
Yeah, okay.
Because I totally go health with you. Look what I just did when I was like explaining it. So we want her to be like, cyclical mapping. That sounds super interesting. Then I think obviously like one of the first podcast episodes, Ashley, is what is cyclical mapping? Are you using it to your benefit?
We like rope them in right away. I think even like having juicy stuff in the description about that, like did you know there’s a time of the month to launch stuff for your business? Did you know that there’s certain times of the month when you are absolutely not operating optimally? Let me help you figure out what that looks like for you.
So I think that’s super intriguing to where and she’ll click and go what’s cyclical mapping. Then there you go. Now she’s listening to episode two. She’s all into it. Beautiful. So I do like mental strengths.
I’m wondering if I include I help ambitious working moms. Do you have to have something there of I help ambitious working moms blank with these things. Does that make sense? So I help them get blank using mental strength.
Yes. What happens to this working mom when she goes through these three or four things with you? Is it peace, calmness, more success, abundance, or transformation? Would there be a word that you would say?
That’s so hard because that’s the fluffy piece I get caught up in. It seems so fluffy, but I think the biggest thing I always claim is you’ll have more energy, be more organized, less overwhelmed, and able to have both success and intentionality in your life. Right. So I’m speaking to the mom who she feels like she’s either successful or she’s a good mom.
Okay. So maybe it’s intentionality and balance? Because balance to me is like, okay. Or joy.
I love that word though. Yeah. I don’t think it’s real.
Is it joy and intentionality? Is it success and intentionality maybe? Or abundance and intentionality? I do feel like my girl is specifically attracted to the word productivity because she’s a three.
That’s true.
I know if I can give her ways to be more productive she perks up.
Totally. So let’s read it and see how it feels. So I help ambitious working moms create intentional productivity through mental strength, therapeutic hacks, mindset shifts, and cyclical mapping. It may not fit. So we’ll have to tweak it, but intentional productivity. That’s fun.
What I love about that, even if it’s not exactly there, is we say, who? Ambitious working moms. Get what? Intentional productivity in their life. How? Through mental health, therapeutic hacks, mindset shifts, and cyclical mapping.
Maybe therapeutic hacks. Because I do feel like that’s what sets me apart because a lot of people out there claiming coaching, which it’s not that they can’t, but I do offer a very different.
A hundred percent. I mean, I’m sure you have like the fancy acronyms after your name, Ashley. You have to put that. I want you to put that in where it says therapist and mentor, like put your little acronyms and on the podcast graphic, we got to see those. So people are like oh snap she’s legit.
It’s just, you know, creates that trust, I guess. So through therapeutic hacks, cyclical mapping, and then the other piece of the program is strategy, business strategy, something like strategic. I don’t know because I do a lot.
How about just business strategy is the fourth component then? Because business strategy can include productivity, systems, time blocking like all the other stuff that falls under business. Business strategy is pretty all encompassing. That’s like a phrase. Then you’re covering all four areas. You’ve got mental and health therapeutic hacks.
I don’t know if you want to leave out mindset shifts. Cause we already say mental health.
Yeah, I think we could especially because it won’t fit.
Yeah. Cyclical mapping and business strategy.
Now we know who is it for? What’s the end result? How do we get there? All in one sentence.
So what about the name of the podcast?
Yeah. What about, well, we just deciphered two things. Who is it for? The ambitious mom. So we could still totally roll with that. What’s the end result? Intentional productivity.
The other piece of it is kind of like, I think the reset word, we can just plug into the description. So really, I guess for me it comes down to like the ambitious moms podcast. I feel like I have a student with intentional productivity.
I think you do too.
I do too. Yeah.
I feel like, I mean, again, nothing against her, but that just doesn’t do it for me.
That’s why I liked ambitious moms, I think simply because I felt like it was still catchy in a way. But I didn’t want it to be more catchy than it was that someone’s going to find it. That’s one thing I worried about, you know, but at the same time if it’s in the description and they’re searching intentional or productivity or anything like that I would still pop up.
Even if it’s not the title? Okay.
You know what my little hack is we’ve got the ambitious moms podcast – mental health, therapeutic hacks, cyclical mapping, and business strategy. So you’ve got a little dash in there. So it’s actually still part of the title as far as searchability goes. Mine says mom for mastermind – for Christian entrepreneurs.
So anytime someone Christian entrepreneur mine comes up first. So if you want to use those keywords in there, do it. They’re not technically in the title, but they’re like keywords. Does that make sense?
Yeah. So it’s ambitious moms – and then if you could just list off.
Therapeutic hacks, cyclical mapping, and business strategy for intentional productivity.
Yup. Exactly. Even on the graphic, if you wanted, you could have a little bar or a little, your tagline shortened right in the graphic, if you wanted, which said mental health.therapeutic hacks.cyclical mapping.business strategy. So people are like oh those are the four things. The four umbrellas that this podcast will cover.
Okay. Anything that gives them more clarity. For me, if I’m searching for podcasts and I just see like the Mary Show, I’m like, okay, not clicking it. Like, I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what my problem is what are you going to talk about?
But if I hear mental health and this is a therapist herself, and we’re going to talk about what is cyclical mapping. This is interesting anyway. So it would really draw me in.
So we’ve got the name, we’ve got the promise. Do you want me to try to riff off like a full description for you?
Sure. I’m trying to write as fast as I can, but I don’t even know if I’m gonna be able to read it.
Fully recorded and highly recommend you just go back, relisten, and pause it. Sorry, I should have told you that in the beginning.
That’s okay. I’m like my handwriting is just getting worse and worse. Oh, okay. So do you call your ladies anything specific clients?
Okay. So how about something like this? Hey, ambitious mama. I know what it feels like to have the hugest to do list all the things hanging over your head, running a business, having littles at home, and try and keep yourself sane. Hey, what’s up? I’m Ashley McDonald. I am a therapist and a mentor for crazy ambitious mamas. Just like you.
I want to help you create more structure and reset your life so that you can actually focus on what matters most. How do I help you do that? Through simple, intentional productivity. We get there with mental health mindset shifts, therapeutic hacks, cyclical mapping…
wait till you hear what your period has to say about your success (body awareness and business strategy all rolled into one because you are a multifaceted, powerful woman who is deserving of your most ambitious life). Let’s dig in.
I like it. Yeah. Take that and make it your own. Add to it. The description can be super long now. So the more, the better. We want the keywords that she’s going to search for. So trigger her a little bit. She’s a three. So are you struggling to find more success in your life, but you’re overwhelmed? You’re spinning your wheels. You feel guilt as a mother lacking as a business woman.
She’s finding so much worth in what she’s doing and how she’s achieving, but she can’t do it all. I think if you can put those words in there that she’s like that’s me.
That’s where she gets interested. Then at the end of that description piece, we’re saying what we promise her and how we’re going to get her there. I love if we touch on cyclical mapping and be like super blunt about that.
That makes sense.
Yeah. So something like that and make it your own of course.
I love that. So the one thing that I don’t know if I need to include in somewhere or if you feel like it’s covered, but the other piece that I talk about a lot on Instagram, that’s very well received from my audience, is the concept of like routines and rituals.
I do a lot of like live trainings on how to start and end your workday with rituals. How to create the perfect morning routine. How to end your day with success so tomorrow is more productive.
So a lot of what I teach is around like these rituals, these strategies, these structures, in your day, as a mom to balance all the different roles and hats that you wear and do it well.
So the business strategy piece…so I don’t necessarily work with entrepreneurs per se. A lot of my people end up being entrepreneurs, but I’ve also had people that are like just full time working moms for a boss.
They’re just trying to figure out how to be good at that job. I mean, I have a military woman in Japan for instance. So I do business strategy because it’s organically what happens towards the end of mentorship if they’re building a business, but for like this mom, for instance, she’s more in the realm of just creating structures and rituals and routines that keep her living from a full cup, if that makes sense.
Totally. Absolutely. I think if you create content, Ashley, that speaks to that woman, anything under that umbrella goes. The beauty is she can use that structure for business for her home life to create more space just because she’s busy. You don’t have to aim it at entrepreneurs. Don’t focus on the working. You’re an entrepreneur.
You feel like the business strategy is what I’m thinking. The business strategy piece will deter people who are like, well, I don’t own a business.
I get where we’re saying like structure and routines.
Right. But without it being too fluffy. I have some content I have on their website where I help busy ambitious women craft they’re obsessed with through self awareness, intentional action, and soul nourishing routines and rituals to live by.
Yeah. Routine. How about routines and rituals? That to me is much more clear. A routine is obvious what that means to me versus structure and system.
Okay. So I help ambitious moms through therapeutic hacks, cyclical mapping, and routines and rituals that help them gain intention.
Yes, exactly.
I think that’s better. I was hearing it and thinking, I feel like I’m cutting out 50% of my clients. Right. Cause they’re going to be like, I’m not an entrepreneur, I’m just a working mom.
So chop that piece out and then on the Facebook group. Any other question on the podcast or do you feel good about all of those?
No I feel good.
Okay. I’m excited for you. Okay. For the Facebook group, a million percent you want a Facebook group. That is my preference is like a free podcast Facebook group, because what happens is all of these women that are your biggest fans, they just want to be with you everywhere.
So yes, they’re following you on Instagram and of course funneling them into an email list would be like top priority.
Then second priority for me is I need them in a group because again, how can I make launch easy? How can I when I have something to sell I want to know exactly where she is. I don’t want to have to struggle on Instagram to find them. Email is super great, but some people read email, some people hang out on Facebook, some people are on Instagram.
So I would for sure create a free Facebook group and you can funnel people there through your show notes and once in a while mentioning it. The only other piece for you, for sure, and I’m sure you’re going to do this cause you’re a three and you’ve already thought about it, but make sure you’re monetizing your podcast from day one.
Day one, like nobody blinks an eye. Every episode of mine has something that I can offer them that helps them grow and scale. So for you, it’s like from day one, you’re like, guys, I’ve got this for you or this for you. Based on what you’re talking about, if you don’t have something to offer, funnel them into the email list with a freebie.
Okay. Always sell.
Yeah. Always sell it. It’s because they want more. People want more from you and it’s, you know, you’re doing all this stuff for free. You’re gifting and gifting and gifting. To me, it’s like, why wouldn’t I say, well, Ashley, I want the next level from you.
If I’ve listened to you five episodes in a row and I’ve heard you just mentioned stuff casually, read testimonies sometimes, do whatever you’re going to do that like casually mentions what you offer.
By the fifth time. I’m like begging to buy from you and do more with you.
Yeah. The other thing I want, so with the podcast, I want to do a solo piece, but I also want to do interviews. I have a really great connection and group within my local community of mastermind women that are also entrepreneurs and business owners and moms and stuff. So interviews. But I also want to do client sessions. I want to offer free client sessions that people can do the podcast.
I love that.
I do really love that you do that as well. That’s why I paid for this because it was easy to see that in such a short amount of time, there could still be such a big impact. I think a lot of people need that to experience like so I could definitely see how four months with you would absolutely change my life.
So cool. Well, it’s going to be amazing. I’m excited for this podcast to come to life. Well, any other final lingering questions, Ashley, or you feel like you’re ready to roll?
I think I’m good. The only other thing I would ask is within the description, would I then want to have it in there? This is a podcast led by me with interviews and client sessions? I mean, do I articulate that?
I think the more, the better in the description because again like it’s the back cover of our book. It’s somebody reading it going, should I listen?
So yeah, like that last sentence can be like, you can expect to hear, you know, ambitious motherhood sessions, great interviews, or tactical interviews, therapeutic hacks, and mindset shifts. An inside peek at…So anything juicy that you want to plug into that description. More is better.
Awesome. Very cool. Yay. So exciting. Thank you so much. I appreciate your time.
You’re welcome. Bye girl.
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There’s also a completely free for now membership community, where you have got so much support. You’ve got everyone that’s ever taken the course, working together, brainstorming right along with you. You’ve got them to do podcast swaps with you and so much more.
Basically it’s the holy grail of podcasting courses. I’ve never seen anything like it. I don’t see people having massive success coming out of any other program like mine. I truly believe it’s the best. We want you to join us podcastprouniversity.com.
Last but not least. I just pray over you that you’re finding happiness in your today, in your everyday. That you’re taking a moment to enjoy the little stuff, the little moments, the little spit ups, whatever it is that you’re dealing with, that you’re finding the blessings inside of your every minute.
That every hard thing that we face today is preparing us for our ultimate destination. So I want you to keep on keeping on sister, keep on leaning into God and into Jesus.
Feeling into Holy Spirit and what you’ve been and are being called to do. Don’t give up. We love you, God. We trust you. In your glorious name, amen.
Let’s talk about podcasting basics today. I’m doing a power coaching call with my friend, Jeri Bisbee, a Podcast to Profit student.
I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast.
How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
Are you struggling to plan engaging podcast episodes? Learn how ChatGPT can be a game-changing tool for your podcast strategy.
What are the biggest business myths behind starting an online business? Check out my step-by-step guide and learn how to avoid them!
Discover how to plan, record, publish, and promote your show with this checklist!
How do we trust God with our online business? Here are three practical ways to keep Him at the center of it all.
Is podcasting right for you? You’re about to find out. I was going through our weekly market research report that one of my interns pulled together for us and found that you have many podcasting questions.
Come Hang Out!
Learn How to Consistently
Make Income With a Podcast
For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
Join 5-Day Profitable Podcast Bootcamp!
Podcast Launch Checklist
Steps to start and launch a podcast from start to finish
Should You
Start a Podcast?
Complete Business Blueprint
Where Are You in Your Online Biz?
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Show me how to grow an audience the easy way - without the social media hustle
Show me hot to grow my podcast, make money online and get more visibility.
Show me the exact steps to starting my online business
from psalm chapter 18
Spiritual Battle Plan
defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you
can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
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Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple
steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
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clear on your calling so you can start
an online business! Hop on this quick,
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your next steps!
Watch this workshop and learn how
podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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