Learn to make income with a podcast
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Make Income With a Podcast
For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
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When we let go of control in our businesses, God can take over. Experiencing His hand on your business is the most incredible feeling, ever. In today’s LIVE GROWTH HACKS WORKSHOP I walk you through how I partnered with God to show up and serve – and how his dreams are SO MUCH BIGGER THAN MINE.
I explain how Podcasting and using your voice to serve in a BIGGER way can result in more TRUST. I cover the secrets to sales and conversion and exactly HOW I have set up a model that creates 60% passive revenue in my business on a monthly basis.
You ’bout to LEARN, today.
And here we go. So in today’s growth hacks workshop, we’re going to learn all about monetization. Let me get this up into a full slide deck for you guys. We’re going to learn about money, honey. I want to know what was your biggest aha moment from yesterday’s training?
When we talked about yesterday, growth hacks for your podcast, what was your number one biggest breakthrough from yesterday? So some of the breakthroughs from yesterday, the SEO keywords that really helped. Brooke, pitching for a year consistently can result in being on 52 shows.
Absolutely SEO. Let’s see what else? That it’s not as complicated as I want to think, Katrina says. Lindsay, to get real about giveaways. Absolutely. Grace, juicy titles are a must. Yes ma’am they sure are. So you guys really had a ton of breakthrough yesterday. I think you’re going to have even more breakthrough today and I’m really excited.
So what are you going to learn in today’s class? The first thing you’re going to learn is how to generate trust in your podcast listeners and why trust is everything. Trust is everything I want you guys to get this. Like, trust is more important than subscribers. It’s more important than what you sell.
Trust is what opens the doors for you to explode. And I’m going to share with you why that is in today’s lesson. I’m also going to teach you how did I 20X, my income? 20X my income using podcasting with zero paid traffic in the last two years of podcasting. I have not run paid ads until this very workshop. And guess what? They didn’t convert.
I am not a fan of ads and I am just sticking to it. You guys, I tried. I’m in a mastermind with all these millionaires who are super fancy and they run amazing ads to all their stuff. And it works for them. And what I’ve discovered is like, I just have to do me. What works for other people may not, and probably will not work for you because you have to do marketing and sales in your own way.
So I’m going to teach you what works for me because I’m a huge fan of organic hype. They call me the organic hype queen for good reason. Okay. I’m going to teach you guys what that means today. I’m also going to teach you the art of pitching. Yes. We’re going to pitch, we’re going to pitch some stuff today and I’m going to show you how simple and easy that this can be.
I’m also going to talk to you guys about how I generated $30,000 during a three-day thing called a soft launch and how that resulted in a $75,000 month. Oh my gosh. Now, I got weird about, should I talk about money? Like actual profits in my business? But when I set out to start this show, two years ago, my friends, there was one thing I decided.
It was that I was never going to hide what God was doing because God asked me to do this podcast. I feel like literally everything in my business, I know everything in my business is a gift from God, including money, including provision, including the favor, including the clients, including all 52 of you that are watching this live right now, you guys are all gifts from God. I will never take advantage of that. I will not take that for granted.
Why I share those income numbers with you is because I want you to understand that what happens in your business from an income perspective, it’s bigger than you. It’s bigger than you. Making money in my business is not because of me. It’s because I got out of the way. I finally was like, Lord God opened the doors.
If and when I am ready for it. If If and when I am ready to receive the goodness that you have planned in my life, I’m here. Tell me how to use this money. You know, we tithe. I give, I support. I do good things with the money that God gifts me. And so I decided to be open about it with you guys, because I think that as Christian women and men, we have a couple of you guys in here.
Even if you’re not Christian, as good human beings on this planet, when good people do incredible things and we’re walking in line with the call that God has given us, and we’re showing up to do his work and to create an impact when the money flows in from that we can do more good here for the kingdom.
Like making money for me. Is it like, well, now I can, you know, go get that new thing I want and spend all this money on me. It’s like, no, now I can do bigger and better things for my family. We can get out of debt. We can gift. We can help. I have some family members that have been going through some health stuff and I was able to help them. I was able to donate more to some causes that I’m really passionate about.
I’m able to tithe at a bigger capacity, like money can be used for good. And that’s why we’re talking about money today. All right. Let’s keep digging in. I’m also going to talk to you about what the best strategies are for monetization based on where you guys are.
So how do you make money from a podcast that works for you? Because I want you guys to do something that feels right in your heart. I want you guys to make money your way. All right? Then finally, I’m going to talk to you guys about Podcast to Profit. The program that I run 90 day intensive for my podcasters, Podcast Pro University, if you guys need to start your show.
So we’re going to talk about that at the end. It will be for some of you and it won’t be for some of you, and that’s totally fine. Whether or not you are ready to work with me at a deeper capacity, that’s between you and God. Pray over it. See how you feel. If you feel ready, I’m here for you. I’m with you. I want to walk with you through the rest of this year. I want to help you explode.
I want you to see your own potential because sister, you literally are the daughter of a king, the King, and he has greatness for you. He has so much greatness for your life. I just want you to let go of what the world says. You have to be. And the way that the world says, you have to show up and sell and market. You don’t have to do it that way. You don’t have to do it that way.
You get to do it your way and walk in line with what God has in store for you for 2021. When we get all the things set up this year for you to explode next year, you will not believe how God works through your business. You guys, this is so crazy, like just another word on the money. And we’re going to go into the actual training right now.
I never once in my entire life said, I have a goal to make $75,000 in a month. I never once wrote that down, put that out into the universe. I have air quotes. No that wasn’t on my radar. You guys, that was a dream. That was a God-sized dream. That was God-sized.
Oh, you think that $20,000 last month is going to be impactful for the kingdom? Watch me work. God’s got jokes. He was like, I’m going to adjust what you think was the best that you can do, what you think the best that I have in store for you was that this is what I have in store for you.
Like it brings me to tears because what God has for you, it’s bigger than what you have for you. And we get so fixated on where’s the money coming from. I just want to make money in my business. I need to make money. I’ve got to sell a product. I’ve got to spam people. I’ve got to create something new. I’m I’m freaking out because I’m in control of money.
How many of you are doing that? Be vulnerable with me right now. How many of you think that you are in control of your money and your finances and your provision? Because I have some truth to tell you right now.
When you let go and you stop trying to control every dollar bill and you give it over to the King of dollar bills, because money is simply a resource like air, like food, like clothing, money, doesn’t have any power over you and your life.
Here’s the secret. You can’t control it. No matter how hard I show up, no matter what I do in my business, no matter how much follow up, okay? All I can be is what God says I can be. And then when I show up in that capacity and I trust him and I have full and utter faith, God will provide.
He will provide in a much bigger way than I ever thought possible in my own life. I never thought this type of income was in the cards for me. It didn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter to me because God will give me what I need. The Bible promises us that. Everything you need will be provided. So how many of you need to let go? I want you to just fully, I want you to raise your hand right now.
If you were like, I am ready to surrender to God’s plan over my business. Let me hear that. Claim it, say it, speak it. Open up your heart for what he needs to say to you today. I believe, I truly believe, and I have prayed. So fiercely over each of you that showed up today that you’ll hear something. You’ll hear something today in this training that will transform you.
Whatever that thing is that you hear today, I want you to hold onto it with white knuckle ferocity. What is the thing that transforms your heart or mind today? Write it down because it was for you. It was for you. I don’t know why all of that came out, but whatever. I was like, use my voice this morning. So there you go.
Let’s get back to the training. Shall we? So funny. God is so awesome. All right, guys. So today we’re going to talk about why podcasting is the best income generator. So, along with letting God lead you in your business and praying over your choices, letting him lead you and having trust and faith, we have to show up to do good works. Like we got to show up.
We can’t just sit back and watch Netflix all day and be like, well, God will take care of this. No, you have to show up for your calling. It’s your responsibility to show up and teach and inspire and mentor and whatever your giftings are. You have got to transfer that. That’s why you are here.
Some of you have been called to be incredible mothers, do that. You are raising up world changers. Some of you have been called to be life coaches do it. People need you to transform their life. Some of you are mindset coaches. Some of you sell a product that helped transform your life and you want to change other people’s lives.
Some of you are virtual assistants and you were helping other people run their businesses and have more time and space. All of you matter, all of you matter. And the work you’re doing it matters. So you have to show up at a high capacity to serve and to solve. I believe that podcasting is the number one lead generator period, period.
Why? Like I said, yesterday, there is one podcast to every thousand blogs. You can utilize titles and SEO to drive free traffic. You can show up behind a microphone and inspire and be yourself. So let me introduce you guys to how you actually make money through your podcast. So it’s something called trust tiers.
Trust tiers. I’m not like I’m crying. Cause some of you, maybe you’re crying with me this morning, but trust tiers. What this means is when you start a podcast, you are taking people that don’t really know you. It’s cold market. And those people are showing up to be like, Ooh, is this my person right now? And they’re listening to your show and they’re going, okay.
Angel is teaching about multi-passionate moms right now. She’s teaching us about cycle-syncing. She’s teaching us about personality mapping like, Angel’s really cool. I love what Angel teaches. I think she’s my person. And they subscribe and they start listening and they join Angel’s group. So what’s actually happened here, you guys, is Angel’s podcast, as an example has created trust.
Someone says, I like her. I see like, what is that I know, like, and trust her now. So they’re going to join her groups. They’re going to listen to her stuff. Now they’re in trust tier one. When people like know and trust you, they go into trust tier one, they go from cold traffic to warm traffic.
The next phase is called trust tier two. So if you’re like visualizing this as little buckets, you have like completely cold market. Then you have trust tier one. These are your trust one people. These are your trust tier two people. Now trust tier two is when people make the jump from one to two, they are ready and willing to spend $1 to $500 with you. They are ready to become a super fan.
All 60 of you that are watching live and however many more of you watched the replay, you guys are all my quote, unquote, super fans! Besties. How exciting is that? So when people are your super fan, which means all that means you guys is that they’re following you in all the places. You are front of mind. They trust you. They fully trust you.
If you guys want to calculate and you should calculate your super fan number, all you’re going to do is go listen to episode 199 of my podcast. It’ll talk you through the entire formula for calculating your super fan. Now, when somebody is in the bucket to trust tier two, they’re ready and willing to spend $1 to $500 with you without ever blinking an eye.
Why? Because they trust you. Now it goes another level deeper. And you even have trust tier three. Trust tier three is where people go from, I bought something from Stef. I trust her. I took Podcast Pro University. I had a result. I launched my show. It’s doing so well. I’m so excited and I want more. They want more of you and what you have to offer.
Those people jumped from two to three. Now they’re in bucket number three, those are your uber super fans, uber super fans. How many of you are an uber super fan? All my P2P graduates. You guys are super fans, uber, you’re tier three, right? All of you that have already joined Podcast to Profit that we’re launching in a week or two, you guys are all tier three.
Those people had a transformation from me in some way, which created so much trust and they want to have implementation. They want to hold my hands through a process. That’s tier three. That’s where people will spend $501 up, up to $5,000 plus. Now I believe there’s also a trust tier four bucket, but I haven’t done it yet.
So I’m not going to teach on it. But I do believe that there’s even trust tier four where people could potentially spend 20, 30, 50, a hundred thousand dollars with you for some type of crazy immersion experience, like a full year of immersion coaching with a mastermind retreat, right? Like it’s limitless. You guys. It’s limitless.
What you can take people through when you create an amazing bucket number one, which is what podcasting does. Do you understand this concept? Are you guys getting this? So here’s what doesn’t work that you’ve been fixated on for far too long.
You have been so fixated on the wrong sales methods and you’re frustrated. You’re frustrated with your lack of income. You’re frustrated with your lack of growth. I’m going to tell you why.
Paid ads. They don’t work unless you have a big trust tier one bucket to retarget. So those of you that have under a thousand super fans, stop getting distracted by paid marketing. I’m sorry. I’m not sorry. Okay. Stop. All these coaches that are touting that you need funnels and $200 funnels every month.
You’ve got to run paid traffic to a tiny offer. No, no, you don’t have enough trust tier one people and super fans to convert. That’s the truth. You guys want a coach who will tell you the truth about what it takes to grow a big sustainable business? Hi!
I will not lie to you. I will not lie to you. I will not take your money and tell you, you can be an overnight success. If you just run paid traffic, that is just lies. And the people that are telling you guys this, they have a million super fans already. Of course their paid traffic is converting. Of course it is.
They have a million people to retarget. Hello? Like when I started out, I had a couple of thousand people in my community. I probably had 200 super fans. And that’s where I started. No wonder paid traffic doesn’t work when you’re, when you’re growing. You guys, when you’re growing, put your head down and do your podcast. Okay? That’s it. That’s how you grow. I told my P2P students last time, I was like, you guys put your head down.
Don’t look up. Don’t look up. Don’t look at what this person is telling you. Stop following this person over here. Stop getting side-tracked. Stop trying the new and shiny things. When you guys keep trying new and shiny things, you lose the momentum that you had in your show. Let it work for you. You show up and work for them.
Your people. I don’t care. If it’s one person right now. Show up and work for that one person. They matter. One person can lead you to 20 more people. Just show up, get them a transformation. And that’s how you are going to make money. So let’s talk about that. You guys are like, well, that’s great. But then how do I make money? Like I literally need money. I get it.
Let’s talk about money. So how do you feel about sales? How does that word make you feel? Sales, selling, sell, sell, selling, pitching sales. How do you feel? If that’s not making you feel so excited? There’s something wrong about the way you’re selling. Sales should be so fun. It should be, it should, it should almost refuel you. And so that is something that, um, you can analyze.
If you’re not loving sales, you are probably selling in the wrong way. You’re selling in a way that doesn’t feel right to you. And if you’re selling in a way that doesn’t feel right to you, do you guys think that people are actually going to buy?
No. When I was selling in the DMs back in my network marketing days, Hi, Mary. I noticed you have a large following. You’d kill in marketing my skincare. Interested?
Of course she’s not interested. Of course I got de-friended a bajilliondy times. My family couldn’t stand me gross. I doubt I highly doubt any of you are actually selling like that because it’s really weird. But I was, I was, and now I realized that selling is simply a transfer of energy. So let’s talk about how do we sell any really fun, engaging way now here’s the secret to sales?
The secret that number one secret, you guys write this down. The secret to sales is super fans, super fans. That makes me think of that Saturday night live skit where she’s like superstar, like the armpits. Does any of you guys know what I’m talking about? Oh my gosh. That just popped in my mind. Anyway, the secret to sales are super fans. Why super fans are the secret because those are the people who already trust you.
They’re already ready to spend up to $500 with you right now today without you being weird without you being weird. So super fans are your people. When you calculate your super fan number, what you guys can do is take 2% of that number, 1% to 2% of that number, and you can estimate how many sales you can anticipate every single month without having to be weird without having to be salesy.
I’m going to teach you right now, how do we actually sell to these super fans? So for example, if I had 100 super fans, 100, I could sell one to two things per month. Most of you, most of you, I believe have at least a hundred super fans. Some of you don’t and that’s okay. We all started with zero. Each and every one of us started with zero super fans.
Okay. So if you’re there, just go ham on your podcast, join Podcast to Profit, and I’ll teach you how to explode that super fan number. However, if you have 100, 200 plus it’s time, it’s time to start making some money from your show. So let’s talk about how do we do this? Here we go.
The first thing that you guys need to do is you need to identify what is the problem or the problems that your super fans are facing. And then we’re going to create a product, a service, or a solution that fixes that problem. I recommend creating a passive e-course or a coaching solution. I’ll explain that.
So for example, I run the Mompreneur Mastermind show, right? My avatar is Lola. All of you are Lola. All of you are Lola. Give me some hearts. If you’re one of my Lola’s, Lola is so busy, she has kids. She’s in a relationship. She’s trying to catch up with the laundry.
She’s stepping over boxes and hurdles from her kids. Now she’s distanced learning. Lord have mercy. And she’s trying to grow this business. She’s like, I think I know what I want to do, but do I want to do that? But I don’t have clarity. What’s a tagline again? Should I start a podcast? Cause I don’t know.
Like would anybody actually listen to me? Somebody is already doing that. So I should probably not do it. Maybe I should get a job. I don’t know. What’s email marketing by the way. Oh my gosh. Should I run ads?
Is that any of you? Did I just describe Lola right now? How many of you did? I literally hit who you are on the head now also, I also have a Lola who’s a little bit more advanced. Okay. I’ve started this podcast and doing this, but now I’m stuck. I’m not making any money. I’m not converting. I get really weird and creepy. When I sell, I don’t understand how to pitch. I feel like a mess. I feel stuck.
Help me help myself, help me. I want your business model, Stef. I want 60% passive revenue coming from courses, but what would my course be about? How would I title it? What would I price it at? And you’re there. So, because I know all of your triggers, I know every single thing that you guys are thinking. I create content just for you. I create podcast episodes to solve your problems.
If you never spent a dollar with me and you binged my podcast, you would have everything you need. I give it all away. I give it all away. It’s something that I’m proud of. But what happens is you guys listen and you go, that’s so cool. I want Stef to do that with me and for me. I want Stefanie to retitle my stuff. I want her to map out a course with me.
I want Stefanie to work through me with me for 90 days in a mastermind group. I want to do that. And so you work with me. Why, why do you work with me? Because you trust me. He listened to my podcast. And number two, I have solved problems for you. So you trust me. And number three, I created products that specifically target what you’re dealing with, how to start a podcast.
I have Podcast Pro University. I make a sale a day or every other day of that program. I also have Podcast to Profit mastermind to take those of you that have the podcast and explode it. Let’s scale this thing and do this. Let’s chart. Get top 100 in your category. Let’s make money. Create a course that you can sell in your show. That’s what happens in a Podcast to Profit program. I have that.
So that’s what you guys need to do. So here’s what you need to do. This is actually part of your homework today, but I just want to get your juices flowing right here right now. What do you think? What do you think? And just let it flow. Don’t overanalyze. Don’t get weird kid assist just for fun. What do you think the main problems are that your Lola, your avatar, your person is facing? What do you think those things are? Write them down.
What do you guys think your avatar’s problems are? Now, once you’ve identified the problems, the hot points that your Lola is facing your person, and of course you guys name your person, you want to create an implementation solution. What does that mean? Well, let me give you some examples. So, Megan Whiteside says her avatar is dealing with overwhelm and negative self-talk.
I’m going to assume I’m just going to use this as an example, so I’m going to assume that this is a mom potentially? So what you guys can do as an implementation solution is Megan could create the overwhelmed to empowered toolkit for moms, right?
It could be a passive e-course that takes them through five simple modules of creating a life that is less overwhelming, planning the night before having a morning routine, having an evening routine, communication with her spouse, getting everybody to help her in her life and her home, asking for help, outsourcing in her life, using a planner, time-blocking that’s one thing.
Another thing you could create when it comes to the negative self-talk is you could have something super fun, like, love you some you series, right? And on your podcast, you can speak empowerment into this mom. You can talk to her about how to reframe these negative beliefs about herself once week.
Then what that’s going to do is it’s going to get her a heart transformation. It’s going to get her to believe that you are her person and she’s going to want to take your overwhelmed to empowered program. Let’s do another example. Christy Vossler my avatar is Susanna. She feels like being a mom isn’t enough. So, so, so, so, so yes, so many moms feel that way. So Christy, when you, when you look at that pain point, this mom feels like she’s not enough. Why, why?
Now, my intuition says that she feels like she’s not enough because she’s on Instagram all day. She’s comparing. She feels like she’s drowning as a mom. Maybe motherhood isn’t really natural for her, right? Maybe, also, maybe she had some hard stuff that she walked through as a child herself. So maybe there’s some inner work that needs to happen.
What about mindset? The mindset of being a good mom, right? Being good enough. So you guys, when you identify the trigger, go deeper. Why are they feeling that way? What is happening behind the scenes? That’s how you actually build a program. Okay? Which inside a Podcast to Profit, I do this with you each and every one of you, I literally help you map out your program.
So if any of you need help with that and you have your podcast up and running, get inside of P2P. There aren’t that many spots left. Okay. So anyways, let’s talk about this. So if you feel like being a mom is not enough, what if you had the empowered mama method, the empowered motherhood method, right?
Or the mindset, motherhood, mindset, method, motherhood, mindset, transformation, program, something. And we can play with titles, but basically you take her through a transformation of becoming enough, right? Mindset shifts, getting it all, getting more organized, getting rid of limiting beliefs about comparisonitis about judgment. Getting off of social media every single weekend.
Lord have mercy. If you guys are not getting off of social and deleting the apps, if you learn one thing from me in your entire life, it’s you got to lay it down. You gotta lay it down for the Lord. And a lot of you are idolizing social media. I was too, and I easily do it. I easily get addicted again.
So you have to force yourself to lay down the things that you’re unwilling to lay down. That would be part of that program. The other thing that would really help is having community. So potentially driving everybody that buys your program into a Facebook group, where they can have other moms that they can like just be with.
You can have a therapist come on as a guest speaker, like it’s limitless. What you guys can create. Do you see this? There are 101 different ways to monetize your stuff. All you got to do is figure out the problem, the number one problem back into it. Why? How can you solve this? And then we just simply create a course around it or do coaching. It’s that easy.
How many of you are over-complicating this process? Let me help you simplify that. Inside of my program, you guys are totally invited to apply to, I do this with you. You’re not alone in creating this. You’re going to with it. By the end of the year, you will have a program. You will have a course and I will have you launching it. You will.
So if those of you that are like, I am ready to explode and to have this program, this thing that I can sell every time I show up on my podcast, then Podcast to Profit for you. It’s podcasttoprofit.com. And y’all better hurry. Cause last time it sold out in 48 hours. And this time we are already more, we have more than half of the people that we had last time in the program. So get your apps in ASAP.
Let’s keep going. I hope that those visualizations were really helpful for you now. This is all really exciting. So how many things can I sell? I create a program. I have a podcast. How much am I actually going to sell? I think a really important thing for you guys to get is you have to have realistic expectations. You must, those of you that are new in your business, you’re not going to have an $11,000 launch the first time you launch something.
You’re going to sell a couple. And that is amazing because when you sell a couple that’s when you get transfer of belief, that’s when you get testimonies. That’s when other people start selling your stuff for you. I have so many customers, clients, and referrals from my students. My students bring me students. It’s crazy. But the first time I sold something, I just sold one or two. We all start from there.
So you must have realistic expectations in your business. Here’s what I like to tell people that are getting started as a podcaster. For every 200 super fans, two to four will typically buy every month from you. That’s great news. If you have 200 super fans, which is pretty easy to get, once you have a podcast, and you’re using all of my strategies to grow your show, two to four, people will buy.
What if you had a $500 product? What if we created your signature program at $497, you showed up on your podcast. I taught you how the art of pitching, which we’ll talk about in a second here, and you just showed up and served and went deeper with people. You casually told them about your program. Oh my gosh. You sold two to four. That’s $1,000 to $2,000 every month with only 200 super fans.
How many of you would be so happy to generate one to $2,000 a month casually marketing your thing on your podcast? I think that’s amazing. Now here’s the kicker. I’m gonna kick you in the pants real quick. It typically takes 15 times of saying something before people actually buy.
So if you guys are not selling and you have a course, you have a program, you’re a coach, whatever you sell a product, you have over 200 super fans and you’re not selling it’s because you’re not selling it enough. People have to hear something literally 15 times before they actually hear it. The other day, someone was like, Stef, do you do coaching?
I was like, are you kidding me, Nancy, her name wasn’t Nancy. But you know what I’m saying? I was like, I literally talk about the fact that I am a clarity coach and I’m a business coach every day, every day. If you don’t know, I’m a coach by now, shame on me. You have got to talk about the thing that you do, the way that you solve over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
If you don’t, you’re in the wrong industry. If you guys want to make passive revenue from your podcast and you want to work from home and have a passive business, you gotta get over this fear of talking about what you sell. You have to step up into your worthiness and transfer belief to other people. If you don’t believe what you’re selling is amazing. No one else is going to buy.
That’s why I teach these strategies. That’s why this is what we spend weeks on in Podcast to Profit, because I have to make sure your pitch is on point. You are selling accurately. Your thing is stellar. Your messaging is so crystal clear, how does this solve the problem? And your pricing is on point. There are a lot of little sticky components that go into having a successful program.
But I got you guys covered. I got you covered here for sure. So let’s talk about with a couple more things. Stay with me. Who’s still with me? Who is excited? Who is learning, who is excited? Let’s talk about the art of pitching. The way you sell is critical to conversion. Let me give you some examples of how to pitch, okay? Let me give you some examples of how to pitch.
When we talked about the program earlier about this mom, who’s not enough who doesn’t feel like she’s enough. That’s the number one problem. Now I could get weird and sell it like this. So I just created a program. And if you’re a mom, I think it will help you. I think it’ll help you to love yourself. And it’s only $37. You’re going to love it. Bye.
Does that sound like any of you and how you sell so bad? Okay. Listen. You ready to hear me sell right now? Who is ready to hear me sell?
Are you a mom who’s tired of feeling unfulfilled? Do you struggle with keeping it together on a daily basis? Do you run out of the room so that you can hide the fact that you’re crying from frustration and overwhelm on a daily basis? What if I told you that unlocking your own potential in motherhood, it starts from inside of you, that your mindset is critical to you being enough.
And I want you to have that transformation because motherhood should be so exciting, fulfilling, and a wonderful, and you should be living into the blessings of this season of your life. And that’s why I’ve stepped up to create for you the empowered mama mindset method, where we walk through the five components of becoming an empowered mom.
I teach you how to get it together, mama. How to breakthrough the limiting beliefs you have about yourself, how to time block, how to plan, how to proactively communicate with your spouse and your kids about what you need. And most importantly, how to put yourself first again, because you are enough. It starts right now. It starts with you. If you’re ready for it, sisters, join me.
I want you to come on over to mindset, mama method, breakthrough program, and sign up here. I am here to walk you through this transformation. You all feel that? Who wants to buy the mama mindset method program kit? I do. You’re in the way of the way that you sell. The way that you sell is just speaking truth into the people you serve. It’s not an act. It’s not weird. It’s why they need this.
And P.S., If that program costs $37, do you think anybody’s going to take you seriously? That program needs to be $297. Yeah? How many of you would buy that program for $297? Those of you that want to pitch like that. I teach you how to do that. How to capture the art of belief and transfer it into your people inside a Podcast to Profit. Not only that I make you pitch me. And if that makes you nervous, it should, because I’m going to make you pitch so good,
You’re actually going to make money in your business. The girls will tell you and Jose, those of you that have been in my program, did I not create a pitching magician out of you? Like I made them work with me. We tweaked, we fine tuned. We practiced. And now they have the art of pitching under their belt. I believe that they can sell anything they want to sell because selling is simply the art of transferring belief into your people.
Can they do what you do? Can they have that result that you have for them in a program? That’s all it is. So when you join me, I’m going to make sure I will make sure that you walk away from Podcast or Profit as the best sales version of you that is inside of you. Oh yes, I will. Because it’s so much easier than you think. And you’re just, over-complicating it. I’m so excited to help you help yourselves.
Let’s talk about evergreen launch. Two more things. You guys, this is so good. Stay with me right now. I sell evergreen, which means I just show up and talk to you. Hi, buy this, buy that if you need it, if you don’t, that’s fine. You’re going to need it eventually, right? Like if you guys haven’t started a podcast yet and you keep following me, you will.
You’ll have a podcast by the end of the year because I so fiercely believe that that’s the number one way to grow an audience. I am so serious about it, that I talk about it all the time and you will do it because you will trust me and go, you know what? I want to do this. I want to do this authentically and to do this in a fun, easy, simple.
Oh, I’m so tired of showing up everywhere and you’ll do it. That’s what evergreen means. Okay. Now, in contrast, once you get 250 plus 500 plus super fans, you can use a strategy called soft launch. That’s this. That’s this it’s you showing up serving, doing some fun activities to drive some more eyeballs to you to help people learn something amazing. And then you simply just tell them what you have to offer. It’s so easy.
Now, granted, there is a strategy behind it, like promotion, how to organic hype a program up, how to get 50 plus people on a live, right? How to get 90 people on a live. Like there are strategies that I’m going to teach you about soft launch. However, basically this is how I have created $30,000 days. I had a three day soft launch back in may. How many of you were part of the BBB? The business booster bootcamp?
How many of you were there? 96 people showed up to that thing. A bunch of people watched the replay and I had a 30 people, no 60 people by 60 people bought of those 60 people. 18 more people went into my P2P round one. I had a $75,000 month. Won’t God do it. That’s so much bigger than me. I don’t even know. I don’t even know.
All I know is that soft launch works and I’ve helped other people do it. Brooke Jefferson, we had an $11,000 launch. She was part of Podcast to Profit, listen to her story on my podcast today. I’ve helped other people. I’ve helped. Other people have $5,000, $2,000, $1,000 launches. How you guys, you just show up and transfer belief. You just teach people what you know.
So I helped my P2P students craft a soft launch strategy so that they can then sell their thing. Right? So if you’re joining me in this round, you’re going to learn all of this. Starting in January, you’re going to launch your thing. You’re going to have the outline of how to do it. You’re going to know how to create it. You’re going to know how to fill the room. You’re going to know how to show up really organically and have fun with it.
You’re going to actually have a PR thing to sell. Then you’re just going to sell it in your podcast from then on. That’s all I do. I sell in my show. And once in a while, I run a soft launch. Two a year, easy, easy. How many of you want to make this easier? This is easier. This is it. This is the way that you can create a 60% passive revenue business. Everything I’ve talked to you about right now.
Now the final tip is stop focusing on going wide. Oh, I need to sell this $37 tiny offer to 227 million people, no. The truth about making real money, the real funnel and I ain’t talking email funnels right now is to go deeper with your people, right?
If somebody spends a dollar to $500 in tier two, they will spend 501 to $5,000 in tier three. They will because they’ve already worked with you. They already trust you. How many of you spent $1 with me and then you spent more money with me. Like how many of you bought a program or did a coaching call? And then you bought more?
I want people to see that this is seriously the secret. I take people from a 30 minute strategy call with Podcast Pro University. They then jumped into the mastermind. Like it’s about creating a family and that family, they trust you. They know you and yes, you become friends, but you’re still their person. They still want to spend money with you because you are their solution. You’re the solution to their problem.
You taught them the meal prep that changed their life. So now they’re in your program. Now they want to go on the retreat with you. Now they want to come to your event. It’s that simple. So stop going wide. Start focusing on going deep. This is what the great news is. For those of you that have less super fans, you can still make a ton of profit in your business.
Homework time. If you do this homework, what’s more important is you really need to do this homework because this homework is the secret to unlocking your program, your course, your coaching, your thing. Even if you sell a product. This is still the way you can message and convert that trust into your buyer. Only two things. This is really simple, simple, simple, easy stuff.
Number one in your homework, you’re going to list the number one pain point that your avatar is facing. That means I would love to see you guys just list all of the things you think that your person is dealing with. Then I want you to put them in order of the most serious thing that they’re struggling with. Highlight it.
Part two you’re then going to brain dump some ideas of what or how you could solve this problem. How can you solve this problem? If you have a mama who can’t seem to eat healthy, she doesn’t have time to eat healthy, Great. Come up with meal prep solutions, give her an app that makes it easier.
Mindset shift. Teach her how to ditch and switch clean out her pantry. Talk to her about how to get her family on board with healthy eating, give her food, swap ideas. It’s that simple. Be sure that you guys tag your mentor in your homework. Now let’s talk about this. And even if you guys do not want to work with me, I want you to watch. I want you to watch this part because this is how you sell it.
Okay. Let’s just call it what it, what it is. I’m going to sell something I have to offer right now. So whether or not you want to buy this with me, I don’t, it doesn’t matter. The right people will come to me. I believe that God has sent the exact right people who are going to work with me in the, in the last quarter of this year, they’re God sent.
I’m not worried about it. I’m not worried about conversion. God will convert. He will convert and place something in your heart. If this is for you, I truly believe it. But if it’s not for you watch anyway, you’re going to learn. So first for those of you that are like, I need a podcast, I need a podcast and I need it right now. I want you to come and take Podcast Pro University.
This program I with all of my heart believe is the best podcasting course that you can get. I truly believe as an online marketer, you can plan your podcast, launch it, edit it yourself. How to have stellar guests on, how to organize your content, how to come up with episode titles, all of my swipe files for how I manage all my podcast stuff. I give it to you.
You also learn how to monetize your show, how to get guest spots, do podcast pitching. I have some Pinterest training in there. It’s like the holy grail. There’s all kinds of amazing things in this course. I am raising the price of this course in January.
You believe that you can. Right now, you’re like, I think I should start a show. I think I can. What if I showed up once a week for 15 minutes a week behind the microphone from my PJ’s braless and flawless mom bun on fleek and shared my heart. What if, what if I want you to go? I want you to do, I want you to leap.
Stop telling yourself you are not equipped for this. You’re equipped for everything and anything you want to be equipped for. I believe, and I know because I’ve seen it in over 300 people. Now this works. You will have a podcast. If you’re serious, you’ll have a podcast in less than 30 days and it will transform your audience. You’ll transform. I’ve got Stephanie Asher on here. She took my program and she’s now number 29 in her category.
Jennifer Lee, she took my course she’s number one in her podcasting category. Like this program works. You will have an amazing podcast in the world. So go to podcastprouniversity.com, sign up. Who has signed up or is signing up for Podcast Pro University? You’re going to be in this amazing community of people. We have so much fun. It’s so fun. It’s not like a course where I just sign up and I forget you.
I’m still there to support you. My community will support you. You will not be alone. Now those of you who have a podcast, if you have a show and you want all of this, you’re like, teach me all the SEO stuff, title my shows with me, redo my description, audit my things. Help me pitch, help me create a program. Help me get organized, help me with a podcast workflow. Help me save time. Help me explode.
Keep me accountable, Stefanie. Kick me in the butt. I want this next level of growth as a podcaster. I want to rank in the charts. I wish I was driving passive revenue organically, simply, easily. Then Podcast to Profit is for you. You guys, last time we sold out in 48 hours. Don’t play.
If that’s for you and you literally are feeling it right now, you’re like, oh my gosh, this is for me. Go and get signed up because it will sell out. There is no not one shadow of a doubt in my heart that it will. I will walk this journey with you. I’ll help you scale your show. I will help you create your program, your course, your soft launch strategy.
I will help you grow and scale that super fan number. That’s my job. My eyes will be all over your stuff. This is such a great opportunity for you to work with me one-on-one because we do have these breakout pods where I’m literally working with you one-on-one and get accountability from a group, a group of people that are exactly where you’re at.
I just want to tell you guys some of the crazy success stories and if it’s for, so if it’s for you go to right here. It’s podcasttoprofit.com. PodcasttoProfit.com. You must have a podcast to join. I don’t care if you launched it yesterday. That’s okay. But you must have a show. Why? We are not working on what’s my show called that you need, you can do coaching or do PPU for that.
This is like, I have a show, but I’m going like I’m all the way up. I’m all the way up. I’m ready. I’m doing this. I need money and profit and fun for my show. This is my thing. That’s for you. So look at some of these results, you guys from Podcast to Profit. And if you’re like, I don’t know, I don’t know, go to podcasttoprofit.com and read it, learn about it.
See if it’s for you, pray over it. I know that if this is for you you’ll know in your heart, it’s for you. Okay. So Brooke Jefferson who runs Book More Clients Photography podcast, she didn’t have an existing client base. And now she’s literally booked, booked out with one-on-one coaching clients. We created her first ever product. Her passive course, we had an $11,000 launch.
All because she worked with me one-on-one and partnered it with Podcast to Profit. You guys, that investment is never comfortable. It’s never comfortable to invest in yourself, but when you invest in yourself, you go next level. You blow through the law of the lid.
If you don’t think that you are worth this investment, you’re not going to have the type of success that you think that, that you want. Money is just a resource. You have to invest in your growth. I invest in my growth. I’m part of masterminds. I take courses. I go to events a couple of times a year. It’s never comfortable.
It’s never comfortable to be like, well, should I spend money on this thing? And you know why? Because you’re spending money on yourself. That’s what needs to change. When you invest in your business and you have the community, that’s going to lift you up and light your fire. You’re going to do the work.
When you do the work, your people come, there’s no rocket science here to why Brooke had these numbers. She invested in herself, she worked ridiculously hard. And then she showed up for it. Whether or not it made sense. She implemented every strategy I gave her inside of P2P, Podcast to Profit and she did it.
So can you, okay? Check this one out. Allison Scholes who runs Social Media for Mompreneurs, her downloads increased by 75% because in Podcast to Profit, I walk you guys through every growth strategy that I know of. And I make sure that you do the work. Okay? Look at this one. There’s Ronica. There she is because of P2P, she had 2X, 2X the traction on her website and she hit number 62 in her podcast and category. Number 62.
How many of you want to chart? Why is it important to chart? Because you can get on big shows. You can have more traction. All right. Anyway, there’s so many more come to this page and read them. Just read them. You’ll know if this is for you. If it is you better hurry. Cause it’s going to sell out fast again, podcasttoprofit.com.
Let me just pray over you guys. I’m gonna let you get back to your day. Last words. Last words for you guys. Look, whether or not you work with me right now. That’s not on me. That’s between you and God and your family. If you’re ready, I’m ready. If you’re not ready, I’m still here for you. Listen to my podcast, be part of this community and just lean into it.
When you are ready, I’m here. I am literally here because I’m showing up for you because I know that all of you, every single person that watches this, whether you’re live, whether you’re on the replay, you’re enough. I don’t know who needs to hear this right now, but just receive it.
You’re enough with what you’ve got right here. And now you’re equipped to take this leap. Whatever the leap is, is it to start your show? Is it to just go live for the first time? To create your thing? Is it to sell it at a higher, a higher capacity?
You’re enough. You can. I know it. You wouldn’t be here. If you weren’t supposed to hear this right now, you have everything you need inside of you. Everything you need inside of you, it’s time that you guys truly begin to trust and have faith that God has positioned you right on purpose right on time.
Did you hear me? God has positioned you right on purpose, right on time. It’s time for you to stop hiding shine, sister, shine. This is your opportunity to do something that freaks you out. That terrifies you. That scares you, but you don’t have to do it alone. I’m here for you.
I want you to do this with us, us because we are a family. Everyone that’s worked with me like they’re stuck with me forever. Like they become part of my family. Even those of you that have not worked with me, you’re part of my family too. I just want to keep lifting you up and allowing you to lean on me in whatever capacity.
So you guys, let’s just say a quick prayer and I hope you’ve enjoyed this growth hacks workshop. I had so much fun and I can’t wait to see what your takeaways were, what your breakthroughs were. I’m just here for it. I’m here for all of you. Thank you. So Lord, I just lift up every single human being that is here right now.
I just pray that you give them a deeper sense of worthiness and purpose that you have ever poured into their hearts. Before. I want you to ignite inside of their hearts and inside of their minds, the forever knowledge that they are enough because of you, they’re enough as they are with what they have.
I pray for their confidence, their inspiration, their motivation that you empower them to step up and step out on a walk with you in this journey of whatever it is that’s inside of their hearts. I pray that you give them holy spirit, courage today to leap on the things you are calling them to do because they are equipped because they have you working through them, with them, beside them and holding their hand through the greatest growth that they don’t even know is coming.
We trust you. We love you in Jesus name. Amen. Love you guys. I can’t wait to work with so many of you. Come get your apps in and let me know what you loved about this workshop. And we’ll do the giveaway soon. I love you guys. God bless have a great rest of your week. Bye guys.
Let’s talk about podcasting basics today. I’m doing a power coaching call with my friend, Jeri Bisbee, a Podcast to Profit student.
I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast.
How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
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Discover how to plan, record, publish, and promote your show with this checklist!
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Is podcasting right for you? You’re about to find out. I was going through our weekly market research report that one of my interns pulled together for us and found that you have many podcasting questions.
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